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2020 小升初英语专项复习梳理(十一)书面表达 【目标达成】 1. 能简单描述人物、物品、景物; 2. 能按照时间或事件发展的顺序描述事件; 3. 能根据图片和表格写短文; 4. 能按照正确的格式写书信、日记及请柬。 【知识梳理】 1、描写类 ⑴描写人物:抓住人物的特征,从外貌、衣着、性格、爱好等方面描写,注意人称和时 态的使用。 ⑵描写物品:抓住物品的特征,包括颜色、结构、形状和用途等。注意描写的顺序。 ⑶描写景物:抓住景物的特征,注意描写的顺序。常用 there be 句型。 2、叙事类:按照时间或事件发展的 顺序叙述,注意条理性,选择恰当的时态。 3、看图表类:看懂所给的图画或表格,理清所给的信息,包括时间、地点、人物、事件、 关系等。紧扣要点,从描写和叙述两方面进行拓展。 4、应用文:注意书信、日记及请柬的正确格式,日记一般用一般过去时。 【同步训练】 一、根据所给图片写短文,说明图片中的小女孩打算去哪里?和谁去?怎样去?什么时候去? 要求:语句通顺、语法正确,50 词左右。 ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____________ __________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ____________ _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________二、上个周末你做什么了呢?现在就请你用以下提示词来写一写你周末的活动安排。50 词 左右。提示词:buy books, watch TV, do homework, play football… _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 三、下面是你(Wu Yifan)的好友的信息,你能写信向你的笔友 P eter 介绍一下他们吗?50 词左右。 Name Country Hobby Job Mike Australia swimming teacher Zhang Peng China playing chess writer Dear Peter: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Yours, Wu Yifan 四、根据图片和文字的提示,以 My friend 为题,比较一下 John 和他的朋友 Jim 的年龄、 身高、体重。50 词左右。 _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 五、Sarah 今天去动物园看见了什么?请以 At the zoo 为题根据图片用现在进行时写短文, 50 词左右。 Jim 14 1.55m 45 kg John 13 1.53m 46kg _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 六、请以 Zoom’s room 为题,用 There is/are 的句型介绍房间。50 词左右。 _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________ ________________________________________________ 【参考答案】 一、 Tomorrow is Saturday. There is going to be a new film on tomorrow evening. I’m going to see it with my mom. The cinema is not far from my home. So we are going there on foot. I’m going to buy some French fries and juice. It will be fun. I can’t wait it. 二 、 I was busy last weekend. On Saturday morning I went to the bookstore. I bought some books. I watched TV in the afternoon. On Sunday morning I did my homework. I played football with my friends in the afternoon. I was tired but I was happy. What about you? What did you do last weekend? 三、 Dear Peter: I have two good friends. One is Mike. He is from Australia. He likes swimming. He is going to be a teacher. The other is Zhang Peng. He is from China. He likes playing chess. He is going to a writer. I’m going to be a policeman. We are good friends. We often play football together. Yours, Wu Yifan 四、 My friend I have a good friend. His name is Jim. I’m 13 years old. He is 14 years old. He is one year older than me. I’m 153cm tall. He is 155cm tall. He is taller than me. I’m 46kg. He is 45kg. I’m heavier than him. We like playing chess. We often play chess together. 五、 At the zoo Hello, I’m Sarah. Now I’m at the zoo. What are the animals doing? Let me tell you. The panda is climbing the bamboo. The kangaroo is jumping. The lions are not sleeping. They are fighting. The monkeys are swinging. Where are the tigers? I can’t see them. 六、 Zoom’s room This is Zoom’s room. It’s n ice and clean. There’s a closet, a desk and a bed. There’s an air-conditioner near the closet. There’s a TV under the air-conditioner. There’s a mirror on the wall. Near the mirror there’s a shelf. There are many books on the shelf. There’s a lamp and a doll on the desk. There’s a chair in front of the desk. Near the chair there’s a green trash bin. There are yellow curtains. Where’s Zoom? Oh, he’s on the bed. He’s sleeping.

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