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通州中学 2019-2020 高三第二学期 4 月检测试题 英 语 2020.04 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 20 分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到 答题卡上。 第一节:(共 5 小题;第小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案,并 标 在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段 对话仅读一遍。 1. What can we learn from the conversation? A. John is going to give a speech. B. John won't come to the meeting. C. The woman doubts whether John will come. 2. What are the speakers discussing? A. A book by a new author. B. A book they have both read. C. A book by an author they both know. 3. Which is the woman going to choose next year? A. Extra sport. B. Cooking. C. Art. 4. How is the woman getting along with her piano lessons? A. She is tired of them. B. She is making progress. C. She wants to give them up. 5. Why did Mr. Green knock the girl down? A. He was driving fast. B. He didn't see the girl. C. He was drunk. 第二节(共 15 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 25 分) 请听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给出的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各 小 题给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答 6、7 题。 6. When does the train arrive in Newcastle? A. 13:30, Tuesday. B. 13:30, Monday. C. 11:30, Tuesday. 7. How much does the man have to pay for the ticket? A. £40 B.£25 C.£15 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。 8. What kind of animal has been most commonly drawn in the cave?A. The horse. B. The bull. C. The fish. 9. Why was the cave closed in 1963? A. The tourists had drawn pictures on the walls. B. Some pictures had been destroyed. C. Few people had visited the cave. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。 10. Which sport does the woman choose to do? A. Tennis. B. Basketball. C. Volleyball. 11. On what day will the woman come for the course? A. Mon day. B. Friday. C. Saturday. 12. What is the price for one less on? A. £5 B. £3.75 C. £8.75 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。 13. How long has the man worked at the hospital? A. For three years. B. For two years. C. For five years. 14. What will the man's office pay during the course? A. His course fees. B. His living costs. C. His salary. 15. How long does the part-time course last? A. For a whole year. B. For 18 months. C. For two years. 16. Which course does the man choose? A. The full-time course. B. The part-time course. C. The modular course. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 17. What do we know about Camp Alison? A. It is the oldest day camp in the UK. B. It has been operating for 20 years. C. It is operated by a company based in Australia. 18. How long did it take Camp Alison to acquire ten sites in Lon don? A. About 5 years. B. About 6 years. C. About 16 years. 19. Why is it easy for Camp Alison to find sites? A. There are many schools in the London area. B. Schools aren’t usually open in the summer. C. It has excellent sports equipment. 20. What sometimes changes a day camp programme? A. A camp inspection. B. The weather. C. The director's plans. 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、B 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡 上 将该项涂黑: 21. while digital technology represents a ________for bridging geographic distance , highly skilled workers are increasingly crowding into cities. A. canal B. channel C. course D. communication 22.I_____go to the supermarket to purchase daily necessities, for it is far away from my house. A. eventually B. constantly C. occasionally D. frequently 23.---How could she have let something so important _________her mind? She's fully applied to work recently and gets burnt out. A. occupy B. cross C. slide D. slip 24.They ____jewellery since eight o'clock and had only just finished when two robbers broke in . A. had been arranging B. were arranging C. have been arranging D. had arranged 25.It seems strange that the old man _________have returned to college to finish the degree he left undone four decades ago . A. would B. should C. could D. might 26. Parents should keep their children company as much as possible because children feel, if they don' t see their parents regularly. A. rejected B. offended C. interrupted D. mistaken 27. Bob was trying to ____that he knew the famous sin ger who would perform in our city. A. make out B. let out C. figure out D. lay out 28. The president of Harvard pioneered the elective system _____students were able to choose their own courses of study. A. on which B, about which C. to which D. by which 29」should very much like to have gone to Susan's birthday party, but___________. A. I have to give a lecture B. I had to give a lecture C. I have had to give a lecture D. I had had to give a lecture 30.—Sir, Kevin has promised to complete the project to be arranged. —The question is, can he__________? A. address B. subscribe C. deliver D. salute 31. It seems strange that the old man ________have returned to college to finish the degree he left undone four decades ago . A. would B. might C. could D. should 32.Steve Jobs is a key figure in the computer world ________he has had a great in flue nee on modern life and tech no logy . A. on condition that B. in case C. in that D. as long as33.—Having been on a diet for a week, I have lost five pounds. It's worth a try, — I definitely need to get into shape for my new clothes. A. You have my word B. You've sold it to me C. You can never tell D. You really have me there 35. This newspaper has a daily _______of more than one million in this city and if s common to see passengers read a copy in the subway. A. circulation B. association C. contribution D. accumulation 35.Charles Darwin explained the ______of species on earth in his book that came out in 1859 . A. ancestor B. origin C. belief D. custom 第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个迭项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题 卡上涂黑。 I was flying on an airplane the other day when my new pen splattered(溅)black ink all over the front of my new dress. The pen was my favorite kind of pea I loved my new dress even more, 36 I paid full price for it, which I had never done. But the dress was 37 ______________________ After the explosion on the plane, I 38__________ the big wet spots of ink with water ana a handkerchief. As soon as we 39 I ran to an airport store and bought cloths soaked in stain remover and 40 rubbing the spots again. I knew this would be 41 , and it was. I went to the hotel, 42 my clothes, and put the 43 dress away. I couldn't 44 to throw it away ;maybe some one would invent a magical ink-stain remover tomorrow. Sometimes, when something bad happens, I ask myself whether the bad thing has any silver lining. It's corny(老套的)but 45 ; if you try it, you'll be surprised. There's some good thing, 46 _ its tiny, in almost every 47 .But I have thought about my ruined dress and what the 48 of it could be, and I just couldn't think of one thing-1 put this 49 to a friend, and she said the ruined dress was one of those lessons about the 50______________________ of things, about non- attachment. About how everything changes and how life is about letting go. I considered this. And then I thought I already knew that. In fact, not to sound too 51 , but doesn't it sometimes seem as if life is just one big 52 after another-from your children, from people we love who move far away or pass away? So much 53 ____! A new dress isn't a show of attachment to 54_________ objects. I knew the dress would start looking shabby one day. But my new dress was a symbol of 55___It had been a trying year, and the dress worked as a show of spirit in the face of difficulties. And now the dress had these big black spots all over it. My dress and I—we were great while we lasted. Never mind. That's the way some love affairs go. 36. A. anyhow B. though C. therefore D. in stead 37 A worthwhile B. expensive C. original D. casual38. A. bothered B. destroyed C. attacked D. researched 39. A. landed B. flew C. entered D. waited 40, A. risked B. fancied C. tried D. missed 41. A. impolite B. helpless C. improper D. useless 42. A. changed B. repaired C. improved D. selected 43. A. weakened B. ruined C. elegant D. shabby 44. A. deserve B. predict C. bear D. offer 45. A. comforting B. influencing C. upsetting D. reminding 46. A. as if B. in case C. now that D. even if 47. A. misfortune B. accident C. mistake D. decision 48. A. upside B. challenge C. value D. profit 49, A. trouble B. advice C. question D. opinion 50. A. impossibility B. independence C impermanence D. flexibility 51. A. depressing B. interesting C. con fusing D. surprising 52. A. task B. departure C. affair D. adventure 53. A. pressure B. failure C. loss D. regret 54. A. available B. abundant C. admirable D. material 55. A, sadness B. hope C. hardship D. luck 第三部分阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题 纸上将该项涂黑。 A In agreement with the Agenda of the First Global Employment of Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic, the applicants from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas who have passed the first qualification review will take written examination. Below lists the relevant in formation: 1.Date & Time April 15th. 2017 (Saturday), 9 : 00-12 : 30 . The applicants are required to enter the examination room before 8 : 30 am . 2 . Location No.23 Baiduizijia Haidian district, Beijing (Capital Normal University Dongyi Zone) Exam Site No.6 ; Exam Room : C206 3 . Notice (1)All applicants who have passed the first qualification review please log on Personal application center of the recruitment page (http://recruit .beijing2022 .on) to download and print the admission ticket from April 7th-15th 2017 . (2) All candidates shall bring the admission tickets and valid IDs (Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents, Mainland travel permit for Taiwan residents, Foreign passport and etc.) (3) Please prepare one's own writing materials in eluding 2B pencil, eraser and black/blue pen . (4) The can didates will not be allowed to enter the examination room if late for 30 mins, and will be also prohibited to leave within 60 mins since the entering into the room or 15 mins earlier than the deadline. Kind reminder: Due to the heavy traffic near the exam location, parking space will be so limited that all can didates should take public transport. 4 . Transport Route (1) Subway: No.9 subway to Baiduizi station exit A, 50 meters to North. (2) Bus: No.61/92 bus to Shouti South Road South Gate station, and 3 minutes' walk to the destination. Kind reminder: Capital Normal University Dongyi Zone is not located in the main campus of Capital Normal University, please plan your route properly. Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games April 7, 2017 56 . Which of the following statements is TRUE ? ____________ A . Applicants who arrive after 8 : 30 cannot enter the examination room . B . The admission tickets and valid IDs are required for the examination. C . The Exam Site lies in the main campus of Capital Normal University. D . There is nothing to worry about for applicants who drive to the location. 57 . The purpose of this passage is to _________ A . employ organizers for the Committee B . promote Beijing Organizing Committee C . give candidates information about the written exam D . encourage more applicants to take the written exam. B In the time of weak job and housing markers. Consumers are saving less than they have in decades and industry professionals expect that trend to continue. Consumers saved 6.4 percent of their after —tax in come in June. Before the recession, the rate was 1 to 2 percent for many years. In June, consumer spending and personal incomes were essentially flat compared with May, suggesting that the American economy, as dependent as it is on shoppers opening their wallets and purses, isn't likely to rebound anytime soon. On the bright side, the practices that consumers have adopted in response to the economic crisis ultimately could make them happier. New studies of consumption and happiness show, for instance, that people are happier when they spend money on experiences instead of material objects, when they relish what they plan to buy long before they buy it, and when they stop trying to outdo the Joneses. If consumers end up sticking with their newfound spending habits, some tactics (策略)that retailers and marketers began using during the recession could become lasting business strategies. Among those strategies are offering goods that makes being at home more entertaining and trying to make consumers feel special by giving them access to exclusive events and more personal customer service. While the current round of stinginess may simply be a response to the economic downturn, some analysts say consumers may also be permanently adjusting their spending based on what they've discovered about what truly makes them happy or fulfilled. —This actually is a topic that hasn't been researched very much until recently, || says Elizabeth W. Dunn, an associate professor in the psychology department at the University of British Columbia, who is at the forefront of research on consumption and happiness. —There's massive literature on in come and happiness. It's amazing how little there is on how to spend your money. Studies over the last few decades have shown that money, up to a certain point, makes people happier because it lets them meet basic needs. The latest round of research is. for lack of a better term, all about emotional efficiency: how to reap the most happiness for your dollar. So just where does happiness reside for consumers? Scholars and researchers haven't determined whether Armani will put a bigger smile on your face than Dolce & Gabbana. But they have found that our types of purchases, their size and frequency, and even the timing of the spending all affect long-term happiness. One major finding is that spending money for an experience — concert tickets, French less orris, sushi- rolling classes, a hotel room in Monaco — produces Ionger-lasting satisfaction than spending money on plain old stuff. —_ It’s better to go on a vacation than buy a new couch ' is basically the idea, || says Professor Dunn. Thomas DeLeire, an associate professor at the University of Wisconsin discovered that the only category to be positively related to happiness was leisure: vacations, entertainment, sports and equipment like golf clubs and fishing poles. 58. What's the dark side of American consumers ‘ saving more and spending less? __________ A) The job and housing markets will become even weaker. B) There is little hope that the American economy will recover soon. C) More and more retailers and marketers will have to go bankrupt. D) It ls possible that the American economy will rebound sooner. 59. What will happen if customers keep their spending habits formed in the economic downturn? ____ A) They will get goods and services much cheaper. B) It's likely that they spend more time indoors. C) Retailers will change their business strategies. D) They will enjoy better services and experiences. 60. What surprises Elizabeth W. Dunn according to the passage? ______ A) There is little about how to spend money to make people happy. B) Consumers unconsciously adjust their spending habits to be happy. C) People started researches on con sumption-happiness relation ship so early. D) Happiness is proved to have nothing to do with consumption.61. Scholars such as Prof. Dunn and Prof. DeLeire agree that_______ A) richer people feel happier and more satisfied B) most consumers prefer leading brands like Armani C) spending on vacations brings Iong — term happiness D) people should curb their spending on material thing C Remittance (汇款)increase living standards in the country of origin. Remittances m a large share of the GDP of many developing countries. A study on remittances to Mexico found that remittances lead to a considerable increase in the availability of public services in Mexico, surpassing government spending in some localities. Research finds that emigration and low migration barriers have net positive effects on human capital formation in the sending countries. This means that there is a "brain gain" instead of a" brain drain to emigration. One study finds that sending Countries benefit indirectly in the long run from the emigration of skilled workers because those skilled workers are able to innovate more in developed countries, which the sending countries are able to benefit as a positive externality. Greater emigration of skilled workers consequently leads to greater economic growth and welfare improvements in the long run. Research also suggests that emigration, remittances and return migration can have a positive impact on political institutions and democratization in the country of origin. Research also shows that remittances can lower the risk of civil war in the country of origin. Return migration from countries with liberal gender norms has been associated with the transfer of liberal gender norms to the home country. Research suggests that emigration causes an increase in the wages of those who remain in the country of origin. A 2014 survey of the existing literature on migration finds that a 10 percent emigrant supply shock would increase wages in the sending country by 2 % — 5.5 %. A study of emigration from Poland shows that it led to a slight increase in wages for high—and medium-skilled workers for remaining Poles. A 2013 study finds that emigration from Eastern Europe after the 2004 EU enlargement increased the wages of remaining young workers in the country of origin by 6%, while it had no effect on the wages of old workers. The wages of Lithuanian men increased as a result of post-EU enlargement emigration. Return migration is associated with greater household firm revenues (收入). Some research shows that the remittance effect is not strong enough to make the remaining natives in countries with high emigration flows better off. It has been argued that high-skill emigration causes labor shortages in the country of origin. This remains unsupported in the academic literature though. According to economist Michael Clemens, it has not been shown that restrictions on high-skill emigration reduce shortages in the countries of origin. 62. This passage mainly tells us that ________A. people's living standards in the receiving countries have been greatly improved B. emigration has both advantages and disadvantages to the sending countries C. the reasons behind economic growth in the sending countries D. the effect of migration on the sending countries 63. From the first three paragraphs, we know that__________ A. the emigration of skilled workers brings economic growth to developed countries B. emigration means a kind of" brain gain" rather than "brain drain" C. the government in Mexico should spend more on public services D. highly qualified workers are bound to return to their home country 64. The examples in Paragraph 5 show that _______ A. return migration makes the natives better off B. a wage increase is associated with economic growth C. enlargement brings welfare to all Europeans D. emigration leads to a salary increase for remaining natives 65. According to the passage, what can we know about the country of origin? A. The negative effects of high-skill emigration have shown up. B. Remittances have 狂 good effect on maintaining social stability, C. High migration barriers can reduce shortages of skilled workers. D. High-skill emigration may cause economic fall within a short time. D This year arrives amid a few interesting trends. More America ns are interested in local and sustainable foods: urban farming, chicken-raising. And more Americans are hunting, spending increasing time and money on that pursuit, Viewed from the right angle, though, both these trends could have a place at the holiday table. What would happen if more Americans made Thursday's (Thanksgiving Day) meal out of wild turkeys? What if more people enjoyed a wild Christmas goose, or wild pig ham? If more did, the results might be better for the environment, for our health—and perhaps for our souls as well. Americans' growing interest in local food is evident everywhere. According to the US Department of Agriculture, the number of farmers markets rose from 1,755 in 1994 to 8,144 this year. Cities from Ann Arbor, Michigan, to Gainesville Florida, have eased restrictions on backyard chickens, Some "locavores” are content to get community-supported agricultural produce delivered, and buy grass-fed beef. But for a growing number, hunting is the next step. The meat is local and avoids the ethical complications of factory farms. Hun ting has definitely enjoyed a resurge nee. Census statistics show that the percentage of America ns who hunt —which had been falling for decades-is back up at a 20-year high. Hank Shaw, author of the new wild bird cookbook Duck, Duck, Goose, and owner of the James Beard Award-winning website Hunter Angler Gardener Cook, calls it The Omnivore's Dilemma effect. After reading Michael Pollan's best-selling book on where food comes frori ∧ many people join a community-supported agriculture group, but some get a hunting license, too. "l can't tell you how many people I talk to who view hunting as a part of a larger, personal goal of sustainable eating,” Shaw says. Of course, characterizing hunting this way blurs many lines. To some, shooting animals cannot possibly be an environmentally friendly activity. The existence of "hipster hunters" is also limited by cultural attitudes toward guns. It's almost impossible to legally own a hunting weapon in Brooklyn. But hunting wild animals requires the preservation of wild land —certainly an environ mental plus —— and if you're going to eat meat, hunting has a lot going for it that industrial farms do not The animal lived a free and natural life, up to its last day. Add to this the fact that some game populations have grown unnaturally large due to the lack of predators(食肉动物).The East Coast is filled with white-tailed deer. Geese take up residence on golf courses, and wild pigs wander through the woods. In his 2012 book Nature Wars journalist Jim Sterba argued that more humans live in closer contact with wild animals than at my point in history. Hunting can keep a check on that. Hunting can keep a check on our appetites too, Susan Cameron Devitt, a biologist who recently moved from Florida to Texas, notes that one of the things you learn quickly from hunting is how much labor goes into producing a meal." If you buy meat at the grocery store, you can eat three servings a day, but if you imagine trying to keep that up with hunting, it just wouldn't be possible;” she says. Which brings us back to holiday tables? In the original version of Thanksgiving and Christmas, these were special meals, based around dishes you wouldn't eat frequently. These days, you can buy turkey whenever. A wild turkey, caught and then cooked, is a different matter. A speckle-belly goose elevates the Christmas dinner in a way a regular supermarket ham does not. When you know where your food comes from, when you've labored to bring it to your table, you more naturally feel grateful for the amazing abundance of this planet.” There's no better way to engage with nature than to seek dinner within it” says Shaw. 66. What can we learn about the trends? A. Few people regard hunting as a part of a personal goal of sustainable eating. B. Hunting in the USA is con sistent with the cultural attitude to guns. C. The media play a part in promoting the popularity of hunting. D. Hunting is likely to replace industrial farms 67. The underlined phrase "game populations” in paragraph 8 refers to ______________ A. the number of hunters B. the number of wild animals and birds C. animals and birds caught through hunting D. campaigns to ban the hunting of wild animals and birds 68. The underlined part in Paragraph 9 implies ________A. some hunters do not have the desire to eat meat from in dustrial farms B. hunting provides hunters with three servings a day C. some hunters do not have a healthy appetite D. hunting helps hunters control their appetite 69. What can we infer from the last but one paragraph? A. In the past, people ate turkeys only on Thanksgiving Day. B. Supermarket turkeys will not be accepted by people any more. C. Wild turkeys are more delicious then those bought from grocery stores. D. Wild turkeys help bring back the festive atmosphere of Thanksgiving Day. 70. According to the last paragraph, hunting is beneficial for ______ A. our mental health B. our physical fitness C. the environment D. farmers* markets 第四部分:任务型阅读(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 请认真下面的短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格处填入一个最恰当的单词,注意: 请 将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上,每个空格只填一个单词。 Empathy is our in here nt ability to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within the other person' s frame of reference. It allows us to connect with others who seem different, making us more aware of the things we have in comm on. When we tune in to empathize with others, we are more likely to act with sympathy to help reduce their suffering. And, when we increase our caring for the environment, we are more likely to make choices that help preserve it for future gen erations. Although empathy is a vital element of our nature, research suggests that empathy can be taught, and that con tact with people who are different from us in a safe, empathic way is the first step toward reducing prejudice. This is where museums have a role to play. Museums are safe and informal learning platforms, uniquely equipped to encourage visitors to imagine, explore, and experience rich human heritage and the natural world firsthand. They have the capability to bring together arts, techno logy, sciences, and literature to show how all living things are linked to each other. Museums inspire empathy in us in a number of ways. Through their social and educational mission (使 命 ) , museums can provide a safe space for experiencing our collective behavior, knowledge, complex histories, and values. By putting people in closeness to other people1 s experiences, their cultures and stories, museums can help us awaken to different realities and multiple perspectives ( 视 角 )that exist around us. Personal and diverse encounters (意外的相遇) with people from other cultures —and their ideas, stories, and artifacts —create opportunities for authentic dialogue with "the other" : someone who is different from us, but shares our world. Also museums often present the stories of people and places far away. Telling stories from the point of view of the people and cultures featured can also increase our sense of shared humanity, as we see how others face fears, biases, and challenges similar to our own. More importantly, museums encourage contemplation (沉思)of our world by providing a space where we can slow down and be with what is before us. Unlike many everyday settings where the goal is clear, people explore in museums on their own schedule, moving from exhibit to exhibit as they see fit, following their own internal guidelines. This naturally allows for a more reflective experience. Through this reflection, visitors can acquire a deeper understanding of the viewpoints of others and recognize their own connection to all of humanity and the planet. Museums and empathy Concept of empathy and (71) it brings Empathy refers to the ability to place oneself in another's (72) . It can make one (73) _____with other's suffering and behave in a way (74) to the environment. (75) of Museums Museums (76) visitors to the rich human heritage and the matural world which can in spire their (77) and arouse their curiosity unknown Museums show how all living things are(78) by combining arts, technology, sciences, and literature. How museums increase empathy Museums hold a mirror to society, through which visitors get(79) to Others' experiences. cultures and stories and then accept the differences around them As a place of storytelling museums can help people breakdown prejudice and increase their sense of shared humanity. Museums provide a safe space where visitors can take time to (80) on everything shown and understand others' viewpoints better. 第五节:书面表达(满分 25 分) 1. Currently, there's no country in the entire world where women cams s much es men for doing the same job .And it's going to take another 81 years to close the gender gap , according to a new report by the World Economic Forum .The US for instance, ranked the 65th in wage equality among 142 counties in the report. 2. Both men and women in the Us see in equalities in workplace 77% of women and 63% of men said. America needs to continue making changes to give men and women equality in the workplace,” according to a Pew Research Center survey. Besides, according to the White House full-time working women earn 77%of what their male counterpart seam. 3.Roughly four—in—ten mothers in the US say they have taken a significant amount of time off from work or reduced their working hours to care for a child or other family members. Roughly a quarter say they have quit work altogether to take care of these familial responsibilities 【写作内容】1.用约 30 个单词概述上述信息的主要内容; 2 结合上述信息,简要分析导致性别收入差距的原因; 3.根据你的分析,从女性自身要求,企业规范及政府三方面谈谈如何缩小性别收入差距, 【写作要求】 1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句: 2. 不必写标题, 英语参考答案 01-20 ACBBC AAABA ABAAC CBABB 21-35 BCDAB AADBC DCBAB 36-55 BACAC DABCA DAACC ABCDB 56-70BCBDA CDBAB CBDDA 71.benefits 72. position 73. sympathize 74.friendly 75.Functions 76,expose /introduce 77. imagination 78. Linked / interconnected 79.close 80. reflect There's clear evidence of a pay gap between male and female employees. And it's a common phenomenon that a woman earns much less than a man for doing the same job. There're many factors that con tribute to the existence of the gender pay gap. One is that women have to reduce their working hours or even quit their jobs to carry out their family duty of looking after children or the elderly and thus are paid less than men. In addition, due to gender discrimination, a male employee can get higher-wage jobs more easily in a company than a female one. what can be done about the gender pay gap? For women, they should value and improve their competence first. The employers have the responsibility to ensure they don't treat men and women differently. And the government also has the responsibility to make equal-pay laws and get them enforced strongly.

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