三年级英语下册Book2 Unit16 DIalogue 检测题

三年级英语下册Book2 Unit16 DIalogue 检测题


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Book 2 Unit 16 Dialogue 课后练习 一、请阅读72页课文,找出下面的物品被放到了课室的什么地方,并用直线把正确的句子进行配对。 Put the chairs   on the shelf. Put the tape recorder   between the dictionary andthe tape recorder. Put the exercise book   under the desks.  二、请根据72页课文内容,把下列句子补充完整。 1. Let’s clean the _____________ (classroom / bedroom). 2. Put the chairs ___________ (under / behind) the desks. 3. The board rubber is beside the _________________ (exercise books / tape recorder). 4. The tape recorder is in that ____________ (shelf / corner). 5. Please put the tape recorder on the ___________ (shelf / desk). 6. Please put the ___________________ (exercise books / board rubber) on the shelf. 7. Put the exercise books _______ (beside / between) the dictionary and the tape recorder.  三、请根据课文内容,将正确的句子进行配对,并用直线连接起来。 1. Let’s __________ (清洁) the classroom. 2. Put the chairs __________ (在…下面) the desks. 3. Where’s the ________ _________ (黑板檫)? 4. There it is, beside the ___________ _________ (练习本). 5. Where’s the ________ ____________ (录音机)? There it is, in _______ ________ (那个角落). 6. Please put the tape recorder _______ ________ _________ (在架子上). 7. Please ________ (放…) the exercise book ______ _______ ________ (在架子上). 8. __________ (在…之间) the dictionary ________ the tape recorder.  四、请把课文补充完整。 Xiaoling: Jiamin, Let’s c________ the classroom. Jiamin: OK. Xiaoling: Put the chairs u_______ the desks, p________. Janet: Where’s the board r_________? Ben: Is it in Miss White’s d________? Janet: There it is, b________ the e_________ books. Ben: Thanks. Janet: Where’s the t_______ r___________. Xiaoling: T______ is it, in that c_______. Xiaoling: Jiamin, please p______ the tape recorder on the s_______. Jiamin: O_____. Xiaoling: Jiamin, please p_____ the exercise books o_____ the shelf. Jiamin: W________? Xiaoling: B________ the dictionary a______ the tape recorder.  

资料: 29.3万


