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新标准小学五年级英语期末试题 一.听音补充单词。1.You shouldn’t ________ in the road.2.You should look, then__________ the road.3.You should take the _________ child.4.Are you feeling__________?5.I feel __________.二.听音选择合适的答案。(   )1.I can                  A.be a good friend to you.(   )2.We can                B. stand on his head.(   )3.He can’t               C.speak a word.(   )4.This little boy can’t      D. ride a bike (   )5.The llittle girl can’t      E.row a boat.二找出每组单词中与其他两个不同的一项。(  ) 1. A. milk          B. juice        C. cheese(  ) 2. A. took          B.ate          C. run(  ) 3. A. mine         B. your         C. his (  ) 4. A. coffee        B. juice         C. sandwich(  ) 5. A. rice          B. cake         C. watermelon三.找出划线部分发音不同的单词。(  ) 1. A. rice          B. careful       C. class(  ) 2. A. thank        B. north         C. their(  ) 3. A. hers          B. hour         C. hand (  ) 4. A. hurry         B. juice         C.bus (  ) 5. A. kilo          B. drop         C. bottle四.英汉互译。在绳上                       做早操_________________分发                         Sam的书包              等待                         half a kilo of rice          take a photo of                 在周末                 What’s the matter?               快点                   五.根据要求做题。this(复)___________           bought(原形)                skip(过)_________            how much(同义词组)         he(名词性物主代词) __________六.选择题。(   ) 1. We’re going home now, John.  Come      us.           A. on    B. at    C. with (   ) 2. How much        do you want?A. milk   B. apples   C. eggs   (   ) 3.We need one kilo        noodles. A. on    B. of  C. for(   ) 4.They took photos      the mountains. A. of  B. in  C. for (   ) 5. ---     did you go?       ---We went there by bus.          A. When   B. How   C. Where(   ) 6. You’re good        table tennis in China.         A. on   B. in   C. at(   ) 7. ---Whose pencil is this?  --- It’s     .        A. he    B. hers   C. your(   ) 8. What time _____he go to bed?A. do B. is C. does (   ) 9. A young girl _____him. A. help B. helps C. helping (   ) 10. Would you like to______ to school with us?A. come    B. coming    C. came七.根据问句找答语,连线。1. Can he play football well?           By bike.2. Where did Lingling go yesterday?     Yes, he can.3. How do you go to school?           No, I don’t.4. Who went to the Great Wall?         Daming and his father.5. Do you like coffee?                She visited Big Ben.八.阅读理解,正确的( T),错误的(F)。A.This is our class. There are fifty pupils in our class. There are 25 boys and 25 girls. There is an American pupil in our class. Her name is Mary. Her English is very good. We all like her. She likes eating bread and cakes. She likes drinking milk and orange juice. We like eating rice and drinking tea. We are very happy together.(   ) 1.There is an American boy in our class.(   ) 2.Mary likes rice, tea and bread.(   ) 3.Mary is an English girl.(   ) 4.We are good friends.(   ) 5.Mary’s English is very good.B.Jack is an English teacher. He is young. He has a round face and black hair. There are fifty students in his class. They all like him. Now it’s in the morning. Students are working in the classroom. Jack is there. He is helping them to study English. He is a good teacher.(   ) 1. Jack is very old.(   ) 2. There are 40 students in his class.(   ) 3.Jack likes helping his students to study English.(   ) 4. His students don’t like him.(   ) 5. Jack is a good English teacher.九.写作。   你是Lingling,给Jack 写一封信介绍一下自己的日常生活。要求:1.按照信的格式写,要注意大小写和标点符号。      2.内容可以自由发挥,至少写6句话,40个单词左右。提示词:get up, half past six, play, breakfast, go to school

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