6B Unit6基础题与拓展题练习

6B Unit6基础题与拓展题练习


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6B Unit6课时练习(分基础题与拓展题)   6B Unit6 Planning for the weekend 基础题 一.语音。 (      ) A. bowl   B. snow   (      ) A. window  B. now (      ) A. brown  B. show   (      ) A. know    B. Halloween (      ) A. blouse  B. cloudy  (      ) A. mouth   B. ground (      ) A. sports  B. shorts   (      ) A. word    B. first 二.英汉词组互译。 明年冬天_______________    一个班级课题 ________________ 他们周末的计划______________  一个阴天______________ 最好的朋友________________参加歌咏比赛 _________________ 在音乐会上_______________  温暖晴朗   __________________ 三.选择。 (    ) 1.She is talking ____her birthday _____her grandparents. A.     to ,to       B. about ,to     C. to ,about (    ) 2.I am going to ______a picnic next weekend.       A .had       B. have        C. has (    ) 3.Shall we meet _____half past four _____front of the zoo?       A. in, at      B .on, in       C .at, in (    ) 4.Would you like to ______to my birthday party?      A. comes      B. coming     C .come (    )5.The children _____going to go on an outing _____their teachers next Friday. A .are, with    B. are, and      C. is, and (    ) 6.____ are you going? I’m going to the zoo.       A .What       B. Where       C. Which (    ) 7. Where ___ you come from? I _____ from China.      A. do, comes    B. are, am    C. do, come (    ) 8. _____ _____ are you going to come home? ____5:30.  A. What is, /    B. What time, At     C. What time, at (    ) 9. This dress is very nice, but it’s ___________. A. much small    B. too smaller      C. too small      (    ) 10. My coat isn’t as good as ________. A. you           B. your          C. yours      拓展题 一.看图完成对话。 1. A: Hello. Is         Liu Tao?                      1. B: Yes. This is Liu Tao         . A: This is Mike.        going to          a play tomorrow. Would you like to go          me? B: Sure. See you tomorrow. 2. A: Mum, what's the weather          tomorrow? B: It's sunny. Why?                                2. A: Because we'll                   an outing. B: Where are you         ? A: We're going to the zoo. 二.翻译句子。 1.你们明天打算做什么? What _______ you _______ _______ _______ tomorrow? 2.孩子们正在谈论他们的周末计划。 The _______ are _______ ________ their_______ for the _______. 3.大卫下周将和我一起去看京剧。 David and I______going to ______a Beijing ______ ______ _______. 4.南希昨天在音乐会上拉小提琴了。 Nancy_______ ________ ________ _______the_________ yesterday. 5.鸟比蝴蝶飞得高. The birds _________ higher than _________. 三.小作文。 Planning for the weekend ________________________________________________________________________________________  

资料: 29.3万


