Whose jacket is this 同步测试

Whose jacket is this 同步测试


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Unit 2 Looking Different Topic 3 Whose jacket is this? 同步测试 笔试部分(80分) I. 词汇。(每小题1分,共15分) A) 根据句意及所给图片提示写单词,补全句子。 21.            — Is Miss Song a doctor? — No. She’s a good _______. 22.     — Does Jane have a new _________? — Yes, she does. 23.     —  This is my new _________. — Oh, it’s very nice. I like it. 24.     — Is this your black __________? — Yes, it is.   25.        __________ are my favorite.   B) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,补全句子。 26. This isn’t ________ (she) telephone number. It’s Tom’s. 27. I have five different ___________ (photo). 28. — ______ (who) book is this? — It’s Susan’s. 29. Please help _________ (we) find that cat. 30. — Are those ________ (bus) or cars? — They are cars. C) 用划线单词的反义词或同音词填空,补全句子。 31. Jack is _______, but his father is very tall. 32. The old man has white hair, and that _________ man has red hair. 33. Maria has big eyes, but her ears are _______. 34. — I have two sisters. — Me, ______. 35. The girls over there are my friends, and ______ mothers are all (全部) doctors. II. 单项选择。(每小题1 分,共10分) (  ) 36. — Is this pen his or hers? — ________. A. Yes, it’s hers      B. No, it’s his C. It’s his              (  ) 37. — ______ is this pencil? — It’s brown. A. What          B. What color C. Whose        (  ) 38. The woman _______ white hair is very old. A. has                   B. have        C. with (  ) 39. — Are those your pants? — No, _______. A. it is hers             B. they are mine C. they are his     (  ) 40. — This is a very big room (房间). — Yes. It’s _______ room. A. Jim and Tom     B. Jim and Tom’s C. Jim’s and Tom’s      (  ) 41. — What does his father look like? — He’s ______ old ______ long hair. A. an; with            B. /; has    C. /; with (  ) 42. — Can you help Kate ______ her toy? — Sure (当然). A. find                   B. finds   C. see (  ) 43. — _______ pants are those? — They are Bob’s. A. Who                   B. Which   C. Whose (  ) 44. — You look very nice in the red skirt. — _________. A. No, I’m not nice B. Thank you C. That’s OK (  ) 45. — _____ coat do you like? — I like the green _______. A. What; ones       B. Which; ones C. Which; one III. 从方框中选择正确的答案填入文中空白处,补全对话。有一项多余。(每小题1分,共5分)          A. My schoolbag is black        B. Yes, it’s mine        C. It is over there                             D. Thank you        E. Oh, no, it’s not mine        F. But whose schoolbag is it Joe: Look, Mary! What is that? Mary: Where? Joe: (46) __________. Mary: Oh, it’s a schoolbag. It looks very nice. Joe: Yes, that’s right. (47) ___________? Mary: I think it is Lily’s. Joe: Lily, is this your schoolbag? Lily: Let me have a look. (48) ___________. My schoolbag is old, but this one is new. Joe: Ann, is this schoolbag yours? Ann: No, it’s not mine. (49) _________, but this one is blue. I think it is Jim’s. Joe: Jim, is this your schoolbag? Jim: Yes, it’s mine. Joe: Here you are (给你). Jim: (50) ________. Joe: That’s all right (不用谢). IV. 按要求完成下列各题。(每小题2分,共10分) 51. The woman looks young. (用old改为选择疑问句) ____________________________________ 52. These are Ann’s shoes. (对划线部分提问) ____________________________________ 53. The girl in green T-shirt is my sister. (对划线部分提问) ____________________________________ 54. Rose is tall. She has two long legs. (改为同义句) ____________________________________ 55. These yellow pencils are mine. (改为同义句) ____________________________________ V. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分) It’s fine today (今天). Maria and her mother are in a  56  shop now. They can see  57  clothes in the shop. Maria  58  yellow dresses, green T-shirts and blue pants there. Maria’s skirt is too  59 . Her mother wants (想) to  60  her a long one. Maria likes blue,  61  her mother thinks she looks very nice  62  a pink skirt. So (因此) she gets the  63  skirt for Maria. Maria’s shoes  64  very old. Her mother wants to get  65  a pair of (一双) new shoes, too. Maria is very happy (高兴).   (  ) 56. A. book    B. food          C. clothes      (  ) 57. A. different      B. the same     C. same        (  ) 58. A. gives             B. has            C. sees         (  ) 59. A. new              B. nice          C. short       (  ) 60. A. has              B. help                 C. get         (  ) 61. A. but               B. and                  C. or           (  ) 62. A. to                B. in                   C. at            (  ) 63. A. blue              B. pink                 C. green       (  ) 64. A. is                B. are            C. have         (  ) 65. A. her              B. hers                C. she        VI. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分) A     My name is Jack. I come from England. I’m eleven. I’m in Grade Seven. I’m tall with two big eyes and a small nose.            I’m Jane. I’m from the USA. I have a round face and two big eyes. I’m short with blond hair. I’m twelve. I’m in Grade Seven in Beijing Aoyun Middle School.       The tall girl is me, an English girl. My name is Amy. I’m twelve. I have a round face and long blond hair. I like Chinese very much.        Do you know me? I’m from Japan. My name is Yukio. I’m thirteen. Now I’m in Beijing. I’m short and I have a wide mouth.             根据图示内容,选择最佳答案。 (  ) 66. _______ are from England. A. Jack and Amy           B. Jane and Amy C. Yukio and Jack         (  ) 67. Jane and Amy have _______ hair. A. red       B. black    C. blond (  ) 68. ________ are short. A. Amy and Jack         B. Jane and Yukio C. Amy and Jane         (  ) 69. Jack has ________. A. two big eyes            B. a small nose C. both A and B (  ) 70. Yukio is _______. A. tall with a round face       B. short with a small mouth C. short with a wide mouth  B Jim Green is an American boy. He is eleven years old. He is in China now. His father, his mother and his sister are in China, too. His father is a doctor, his mother is a teacher, and his sister is a nurse. They have a dog (狗). Its name is Heibei. It is black with two big eyes, two long ears, a small nose and a wide mouth. Jim and I are in the same grade, but in different classes. He is in Class Five, Grade Seven, and I’m in Class Six, Grade Seven.         根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。 (  ) 71. Jim and his father are in China, but his mother and his sister are in America now. (  ) 72. Jim’s father is a teacher. (  ) 73. Jim’s sister is a nurse. (  ) 74. Jim has a white dog. (  ) 75. Jim and I are in different classes. VII. 书面表达。(共10分)         刘翔是一名著名的运动员(player),相信同学们对他都有一定的了解。请你根据下面所提供的刘翔的个人档案,用英语写一份关于他的简介。不少于40词。 年龄:24岁 籍贯:中国上海 外貌:高个子,长腿长臂,黑头发               爱好:唱歌 (sing songs)、看电影 (film) 最喜欢的颜色:红色     最喜欢的食物:苹果   __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________                 笔试部分 I. One possible version: 21. nurse   22. bike     23. bag       24. jacket  25. Bananas 26. her      27. photos  28. Whose  29. us       30. buses 31. short   32. young   33. small    34. too      35. their II. 36-40 CBCCB       41-45 CACBC III. 46-50 CFEAD IV. One possible version: 51. Does the woman look young or old? 52. Whose shoes are these? 53. Which girl is your sister? 54. Rose is tall with two long legs. 55. These are my yellow pencils. V. 56-60 CACCC         61-65 ABBBA VI. 66-70 ACBCC       71-75 FFTFT VII. One possible version: Liu Xiang is my favorite player. He is twenty-four years old. He is tall with black hair and long arms and legs. He is from Shanghai, China. He likes singing songs and seeing films. His favorite color is red, and apples are his favorite food. 重点解析 36. C。本题的问句是一选择疑问句,故不能用Yes或No来回答,而要有具体的内容。故答案为C。 37. B。由答句“它是棕色的。”可知,问句应问的是“这只铅笔是什么颜色?”。故答案为B。 43. C。由答句“它们是鲍勃的。”可知,问句问的应是“那些裤子是谁的?”。故答案为C。 44. B。在英语中,对于别人的夸奖和赞美,要用“谢谢”来回答。故答案为B。      

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