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高一年级英语上册期中考试试题 期中考试英语试题 考试时间:120分钟        命题人:第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1. What is the weather like now? A. Sunny.    B. Cloudy.   C. Rainy.2. What is the woman’s telephone number? A. 8253-1976.   B. 8235-1976.   C. 8523-1796.3. Why would the woman rather stay at the hotel? A. It costs less money. B. It saves much labor. C. If feels more comfortable.4. What are the two speakers talking about? A. A painting.   B. A countryside scene. C. A kind of drink.5. How long did the man’s flight last? A. 7 hours.   B. 70 hours.   C. 17 hours. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. How many ties does the man have? A. Three.    B. Four.    C. Six.7. Where did the man put his blue tie? A. In the cupboard.  B. Under his shirt.  C. In his drawer.请听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What is Robert? A. A new sportsman. B. A team director.  C. A retired manager.9. What job does the man do? A. He is a tennis teacher.   B. He is a college teacher. C. He is a club manager.10. How does the woman think of herself? A. She is good at management.  B. She is skilled at playing tennis. C. She is unalbe to manage a team.请听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What is the relationship between the man and the woman? A. Husband and wife.    B. Sportsman and saleswoman. C. Customer and clerk.12. Where are the sporting goods? A. On the 3rd floor.  B. On the 4th floor.  C. On the 5th floor.13. What does the man ask about first? A. Where the shoe department is.  B. Where the toy department is.C. Where the restroom is.请听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. What are the two speakers doing? A. Looking around the store without purposes. B. Looking for a gift for the woman’s mother. C. Looking for a gift for the man’s mother.15. Why is it difficult for the woman to solve the problem? A. Because her mother has almost everything. B. Because her mother is hard to please. C. Because there are so many things that she can’t make up her mind.16. Which of the following does the man suggest buying at first? A. Some grape wine.  B. A scarf.  C. Wine glasses.17. What have they decided to buy as a gift at last? A. A frying pan.   B. A teapot.  C. A pair of glasses.请听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. Who was the first woman news announcer? A. Anna.     B. Susan.   C. Fold.19. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Newspapers and magazines have shown great interest in Susan and Anna. B. Most news announcers in Britain are woman. C. Anna reads the ten o’clock news on BBC television.20. How did we know that Anna’s first appearance on TV was a big attraction? A. Because people like news announcers. B. Because the number of viewers of the programme increased a lot. C. Because the program was very interesting. 第二部分:词汇知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节:多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. There are a lot you can do to find the most proper way to ______ your study tasks.A. influence  B. approach  C. tolerate  D. deal22. With many twists and turns, the play brings a strong Beijing Hutong cultural ______ onto the stage.A. preference  B. development C. atmosphere  D. introduction23. We are meeting here tonight in the house of Mr. Andrew, along with other American friends of his, to_______Christmas. A. observe  B. debate   C. undertake  D. scan24. Public opinions, as was reported in the newspaper, was deeply ______ on whether a new law should be passed.A. divided  B. supported  C. drawn   D. separated25. Too much concern about the result _______ his failure.A. referred to  B. turned to  C. belonged to  D. contributed to26. The dark shapes of the trees _______ against the evening sky.A. made out  B. stood out  C. turned out  D. looked out27. — Did your school win yesterday's basketball match?   —We were only ______ beaten. The final score was 93-94.A. nearly   B. slightly  C. lightly   D. narrowly28. Those who like to speak ill of others in the ______ of them are not popular in life.A. mood   B. absence  C. presence  D. district29. Here's the survey report given out by the Health Office, which is absolutely _______.A. reliable  B. obvious  C. convenient  D. medical30. ______, her work has been good, but this essay is terrible.A. In common  B. In addition  C. In general  D. In short 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 According to a legend, a young man came across a spring of delicious water while wandering the desert. The water was pretty sweet and he filled his  31  canteen(水壶) with it so he could bring some back to his teacher. After a four-day journey he  32  the water to the old man, who took a deep drink, smiled warmly and  33   his student for the sweet water. The young man returned to his village with a  34  heart. Later, the teacher let another student  35  the water. He spat it out, saying it was  36  . It obviously had become no longer fresh  37  the old leather container. The student asked his teacher, “Master, the water was bad.  38  did you pretend to like it?” The teacher  39  , “You only tasted the water. I tasted the  40  . The water was simply the   41  for an act of loving kindness and   42  could be sweeter.” We   43  this lesson best when we receive gifts of love from young children. Whether it’s a plate or a pencil-box, the natural and   44  response is appreciation and expressed thankfulness because we love the   45  within the gift. Gratitude(感激)doesn’t always come  46  . Unfortunately, most children and many adults  47  only the thing given   48  the feeling in it. We should remind ourselves and   49  our children about the beauty and purity of feelings and expressions of  50  . After all, gifts from the heart are really gifts of the heart. 31. A. steel   B. glass   C. leather   D. plastic32. A. presented  B. passed   C. left   D. threw33. A. forgave   B. thanked  C. asked   D. appreciated34. A. heavy   B. kind   C. broken   D. happy35. A. taste   B. smell   C. pour   D. take36. A. sweet   B. awful   C. good   D. delicious37. A. in addition to B. for lack of  C. because of  D. in spite of38. A. How   B. When   C. Where   D. Why39. A. replied   B. shouted  C. fooled   D. persuaded40. A. water   B. quality   C. gift   D. taste41. A. surface   B.appearance  C.contents  D. container42. A. something  B. nothing  C. anything  D. much43. A. understand  B. give   C. learn   D. realize44. A. political   B. possible  C. proper   D. exact45. A. idea   B. opinion  C. plan   D. belief46. A. suddenly  B. normally  C. surprisingly  D. naturally47. A. matter   B. value   C. receive  D. accept48. A. rather than  B. more than  C. other than  D. or rather49. A. impress   B. stress   C. teach   D. know50. A. water   B. gift   C. heart   D. gratitude 第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AMy father had returned from his business visit to London when I came in, rather late, to supper. I could tell at once that he and my mother had been discussing something. In that half-playful, half-serious way I knew so well, he said, “How would you like to go to Eton?”“You bet,” I cried quickly catching the joke. Everyone knew it was the most expensive, the most famous of schools. You had to be entered at birth, if not before. Besides, even at 12 or 13, I understood my father. He disliked any form of showing off. He always knew his proper station in life, which was in the middle of the middle class, our house was medium-sized; he had avoided joining Royal Liverpool Golf Club and went to a smaller one instead; though once he had got a second-hand Rolls-Royce at a remarkably low price, he felt embarrassed driving it, and quickly changed it for an Austin 1100.This could only be his delightful way of telling me that the whole boarding school idea was to be dropped. Alas! I should also have remembered that he has a liking for being different from everyone else, if it did not conflict with his fear of drawing attention to himself.It seemed that he had happened to be talking to Graham Brown of the London office, a very nice fellow, and Graham had a friend who had just entered his boy at the school, and while he was in that part of the world he thought he might just as well phone them. I remember my eyes stinging(刺痛) and my hands shaking with the puzzlement of my feelings. There was excitement, at the heart of great sadness.“Oh, he doesn't want to go away,” said my mother, “You shouldn't go on like this.” “It’s up to him,” said my father. “He can make up his own mind.”51. The house the writer's family lived in was ________.    A. the best they could afford              B. right for their social position    C. for showing off                      D. rather small52. The writer's father enjoyed being different as long as ________.    A. it drew attention to him      B. it didn't bring him in arguments   C. it was understood as a joke    D. there was no danger of his showing off53. What was the writer's reaction to the idea of going to Eton?    A. He was very unhappy.               B. He didn't believe it.    C. He was delighted.                   D. He had mixed feelings.54. We can know from the passage that ________.    A. Children who can go to Eton are very famous    B. Children can go to Eton if they will    C. It is very difficult for a child to get admitted by Eton    D. Children don't have the right to decide whether they will go to Eton BHi, everybody!Welcome to our newly-opened Richards Cinema Bookstore!Are you Chinese film fans? Ok, here comes the latest 25 New Takes about Chinese films. It is a collection of 25 fresh readings of different Chinese films from the 1930s to the present. In recent years, Chinese films are very popular in the States, such as Hero, and Flowers of Shanghai.Do you like French films? Well, here is The French Cinema Book. It covers French films from the 1890s to the beginning of the 21st century. It is written for all lovers of French cinema: students and teachers, specialists and fans, and so on.Maybe you are Indian film fans and star-chasers. Then here is Encyclopedia (百科全书) of Indian Cinema. The book is a complete introduction to all the best Indian films. It also offers a full list of names of the famous and successful film stars in the past ten years. You know, the Indian film industry is the largest in the world after our Hollywood.If you like British films, we have The British Cinema Book. It is a good review of British cinema. This book contains a good many nice pictures.In our bookstore, you can also find books about Mexican, Japanese, Australian, German and Italian films.Well, please help yourselves to some coffee or tea, and have a good time here!55. The speaker of the passage is most probably _____.A. the author of 25 New Takes   B. a tourist in the cinema bookstoreC. the manager of the cinema bookstore D. a reader of Encyclopedia of Indian Cinema56. How many Asian countries does the speaker refer to when he talks about the film books?A. Two.   B. Three.   C. Four.   D. Nine.57. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Indian cinema is second only to Hollywood.B. The British Cinema Book includes a complete list of names of stars.C. Flowers of Shanghai is well received in the States.D. The French Cinema Book covers over a century’s French films.58. The purpose of the speaker is ¬¬¬¬¬_____.A. to satisfy the customers’ various tastesB. to keep the authors in the cinema bookstoreC. to offer the tourists chances to meet the film starsD. to turn the readers into film producers C Galloping (飞奔)on horse back across a rocky plain, a man rides with a golden eagle on his hand. As a rabbit runs out from behind a large stone, the eagle runs after the rabbit. Golden eagles can spot prey a mile away. But this eagle is not hunting for herself; she’s claiming it for her master. The bird’s owner, named Baitolda, is a member of a group of Kazakh people who have trained eagles for hundreds of years. For these Kazakhs, who live in Mongolia, a country in Asia, these birds are both hunting companions and honored family members. Eagle hunters, called burkitshi in the Kazakh language, are some of the most respected memebers of their community. And Baitolda is one of the best. “The eagle must depend on the hunter for food,” says Baitolda. “If she learns how to feed herself, she might go wild and not come back.” One of Baitolda’s techniques is to set the bird on a high stone, hold up a rabbit leg and call, “Kaa, Kaa,” to get the eagle to speed toward him. The eagle quickly learns the lesson: returning to her owner means lunch! Baitolda is one of about 150,000 Kazakhs who still live a traditional nomadic (游牧的) lifestyle. When the seasons change, families load up camels, and sometimes trucks, with their belogings and walk through the mountains on horseback to find fresh grass for their sheep. Only in winter do families return to permanent houses. During the journey, Baitolda’s eagle rides on his hand and has a place inside the family’s tent. But the eagle also earns her keep. The foxes and hares she catches provide fur for the family’s winter clothing. When an eagle turns eight, Kazakhs traditionally let the bird go back into wild to forget her training. As a burkitshi named Khopei says, “They have to live free to make more eagles.”59. What can we learn about the burkitshi from the passage? A. They have taught eagles special skills for centuries. B. They are not good at hunting across a rocky plain. C. They depend on the horses for food.  D. They are still living a miserable life.60. The underlined word “prey” in Para. 2 refers to _______. A. a large stone      B. a person who hunts wild animalsC. a rabbit leg       D. an animal caught by another animal61. If Baitolda calls “Kaa, Kaa”, the golden eagle will ________. A. fly back to him to get some food.  B. fly back to him to drop the preyC. fly away to catch a rabbit    D. fly away to find grass62. What is the passage mainly about? A. The Kazakhs’ extremely simple lifestyle. B. Hunting with golden eagles is a tradition among the burkitshi. C. Golden eagles are hoping to be back into the wild. D. Golden eagles provide people with winter clothing. D“We started as a group of friends with the same problem; difficulty in our personal life to manage our time, being always in a hurry.” This thought was recently offered by Bruno to explain the origin of The Art of Living Slowly, an organization that he founded two years ago, with his wife, Ella.Bruno and Ella said they decided to draw more people’s attention to the overlooked idea that “time is wealth.” On February 19th last year, they created a new holiday, the first Global Day of Slow Living. Despite its ambitions name, the event was limited almost entirely to Italy, where the couple arranged a number of events: a reverse bicycle race the last rider was declared the winner; an afternoon of grandfathers reading poetry to children etc.     One Monday in late February, 2008, the couple staged a New York version of the Day ofSlow Living. “It has to be a Monday, the worst day to try to slow down.” Bruno explained. Bruno was wearing a police cap, mirrored sunglasses, and a sandwich board stating, “Caution! Speed – walking camera is in action!” He flagged down passers-by and handed them postcards printed with fourteen “slowmandments.” For example, No. 4: Write your text message on your cell phone with no symbols and get in the habit of starting with “Dear …” No 7: Avoid being so busy that you don’t have time for yourself. Bruno told the passers- by to read them once a day and keep the doctor away. Many said, “I can’t do this. New York is too fast.” Bruno admitted. But many stopped, they read and said. “This one is good for me, because trying to slow down is like trying to stop smoking.”When asked about their plans for the future. Bruno and Ella looked at each other and chanted the name of the city they have chosen for next year’s Global Day of Slow Living, “Tokyo!”63. The Art of Living Slowly was founded to help people         . A.understand the truth of life. B.know the difficulty in managing time C.avoid being in a hurry all the time D.make friends with the same problem64. What did Bruno do in New York? A.He advertised his idea on a sandwich board. B.He stopped passers – by and delivered postcards. C.He served as a policeman to prevent accidents. D.He took photos for the people who walked fast.65. Which statement may be included in the fourteen “slowmandments” in paragraph 3?  A.Wake up five minutes earlier. B.Do two things at the same time.  C.Make a habit of writing letters. D.Don’t work on weekends and relax.66. What can be inferred from the passage? A.The new holiday is usually celebrated on a fixed day. B.Italian grandfathers enjoy reading poetry to children. C.The couple tend to choose busy cities to promote the idea. D.New Yorkers have a negative attitude towards slow living. EConversation begins almost the moment we come into contact with another and continues throughout the day with the aid of cell phones and computers. However, we are so often absorbed in conversation that we lose sight of its true purpose and value.One important aspect of a good conversation is the words used to express thoughts and feelings. We are full of deep thoughts and strong emotions, yet our vocabularies are not enough for this expression, and many make little effort to expand that. Perhaps you see a movie that touches you deeply, yet you have the following conversation: “So, what did you think of the film?” “Oh, my God, it was so sad. I swear, I went through using up a box of tissues. I was in tears. ” This dialogue is hardly an effective way of expressing feelings. It gives no sign of how or why the movie truly affected you. Such commonly - used phrases are certainly not enough to describe a deeply moving experience. However, not only must you try to avoid overused words, you must also be careful in your selection. The purpose of expanding vocabulary is not to use the largest or most impressive words, but to find those best suited.What is lacking in many conversations is the ability to talk to another rather than just talking with that person. A thoughtful person will find that even in the most ordinary of conversations, there are a thousand questions waiting to be asked if you have courage and a desire for change, in order to seek out the person behind the mask. Good conversations should not be made up of nonsense, but of a meeting of two sharing the human condition. It should bring a purer understanding of others and offer a release of emotions more than drive away unpleasant thoughts or kill time. If we want, we can reach beyond the superficiality (肤浅) of talking into the vast kingdom of wisdom,67. The author used a movie as an example to show that ______.A. overused words can't fully express feelings of a speakerB. how and why a moving movie can deeply affect a speakerC. only expanding vocabulary can describe moving experiencesD. the largest or most impressive words should be used by speakers68. The underlined “Seek out the person behind the mask” in the last paragraph means _____.A. remove the mask of others                 B. distrust the others' appearance C. feel doubtful about the others               D. get the hidden truth beyond words69. According to the author, a good conversation is ______.A. a way to free the unpleasant or pass time     B. a desire to raise more questions C. an exchange of emotions and experience     D. a route to the kingdom of wisdom70. The best title of the passage could be _____.A. Vocabulary in Conversations                 B. Art of Conversations , C. Ability in Conversations                     D. Importance of Conversations 第四部分:书面表达(共两节,满分40分)第一节:完成句子(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡上的相应题号后。71. Without a degree, he found ______________ (他很难) to find a suitable job. (difficult)72.He didn't go out with his friends last night, because he ________________(忙于准备) for  his mid-term examination. (engage)73.With _____________(时间的流逝),he had to accept the fact that there was no possibility that he would become a film star. (go)74.I would be very satisfied to get noticed and help them ____________________(改变态度) soccer. (attitude)75.__________________ (尽管他六十岁了),he took up the piano. (despite)76.We hurried to the railway station, _________________(结果却发现) the train had already left. (only)77.The suggestion _____________(他们正在考虑的) is that students should learn something practical. (consider)78.Once _____________________(被翻译成) Chinese, the book became very popular among Chinese teenagers. (translate)79.I don't have the patience to wait. I want it ___________________(尽快完成). (do)80.If ___________________(你方便的话),come to see me at the office. (convenient) 第二节:短文写作(共1题;满分25分)最近某高中拟开展以“校园拒绝零食”为主题的活动。假如你是该校学生会主席,请你以学生会的名义,参考下面的内容提示,给全校学生写一封倡议书。内容提示:1.描述吃零食的现象;      2.阐述吃零食的影响;      3.提出合理化的建议。注意:1.词数100左右,开头已为你写好(不计入总词数)。  2.参考词汇:snacks零食;Dear fellow students,There is a serious phenomenon in our school.                                                                                                                       期中考试英语试题答案1-5 ACBAC  6-10 BCBAC  11-15 CBABA  16-20 CBBAB21-25 BCAAD 26-30 BDBAC31-35 CABDA 36-40 BCDAC 41-45 DBACA 46-50 DBACD51-54 BDDC      55-58 CBBA     59-62 ADAB      63-66 CBDC    67 -70 ADCB71. it (was) very difficult for him 72. was engaged in preparing73. time going by74. change their attitude towards / to75. Despite the fact that he was sixty (years old)76. only to find77. (that) they are considering78. (it was ) translated into 79. (to be) done as quickly as possible80. it is convenient to / for you Dear fellow students.There is a serious phenomenon in our school. We find many students will crowd in the school store to buy snacks after each class. Some students even eat snacks in class.Eating snacks is a bad habit and is also a waste of money. In addition,most snacks are unhealthy food,for they contain too much fat and sugar. Eating snacks improperly may lead to fatness and illness. What is worse,some students throw the wrappers everywhere,which pollutes our campus.Dear fellow students,we shouldn’t act like kids any more. We high school students should develop good habits. Remember that three regular meals a day as well as a balanced diet are essential for us. Let’s form good eating habits and say no to snacks!  

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