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2009级半期联考 英  语  试  题 (时间120分钟,满分120分) Ⅰ  听力部分(20分) Ⅰ..请听句子,判断图片与所听内容是否一致(T/F)。(5分) 1、________2、________3、________4________、5、________ Ⅱ. 请听对话,根据问题选择最佳答案。(5分)  请听第一段对话,回答第6小题。 (     )6.How does Vivian plan to go to Hangzhou ? A. By train  B .By plane    C. By car 请听第二段对话,回答第7和第8小题。 (     ) 7.How does Tina often get to school? A On foot      B. By bike   C .By bus (     )8How long does it take Tina from home to school ? A. About 10 minutes. B About 20 minutes  C  About 30 minutes 请听第三段对话,回答第9和第10小题。 (    )9What did Mike buy for Kate? A.A nice watch  B.  A new coat  C. Some beautiful card (    )10How will they get to Kate’s house ? A. By bus  B .By subway   C  By car Ⅲ请听短文,根据问题选择最佳答案。(10分) (     )11.Where does Tony come from? A. Japan  B .France  C .The U.S.A (     )12.How old  is Tony? A. Five     B. Four  C Six (     )13 .Why was Tony’s father going to China ? A Because he has a meeting (会议) B. Because he likes China C. Because he is free. (     )14. How was Tony’s father going to China ? A . By bus  B .By subway   C  By ship (     )15.Can Tony read “ sheep ”or“ship” clearly(清楚地)? A. Yes ,he can   B. No, he can’t  C .I don’t know. Ⅱ  笔试部分(100分) 一、单项选择(20分) (     )1.I’m _______,I want something to eat. A .hungry       B. tired        C. thirsty (     )2.He  ______twice a week . A. exercise           B. takes exercises      C. does exercise (     )3.—____does he watch  TV? —Twice a week. A. How long   B. What time    C. How often.   (     ) 4.—________did you go shopping yesterday? –About 2 hours. A. How long   B. How      C. How far (     )5.-What’s wrong with you? A. I’m feeling well.         B. How about her?     C.I have a cold.   (     )6.Eating  vegetables and fruit ______good ______our heath A. are ,  to       B .is , for   C .was,  for. (     )7.Bill’s parents ________at home . A. are both      B.  both are     C. are all (     )8.We’re  _______busy . we have_________  schoolwork to do. A .too  much , much too. B much too ,too much  C .much , too many (     )9.Everybody ________tired sometimes.        A .get          B. gets        C. getting (     )10.-I can’t find my new pen .-________ A. I think so .        B. Really? Thank you    C I’m sorry to hear that (     )11.She isn’t smarter than her  classmates ,________she’s still studying hard . A. although      B. but         C./ (     )12. —Would you like to come to my party?-__________ A. Yes, I’d love.   B. Sorry, I’d like to     C. Sure, I’d love to (     )13.It’s important _____a honest good friend. A. to have           B. having          C .has (     )14.It’s __________to say than to do. A. easy    B. easiest    C .easier (     )15.-_Hong long does it take __________to home . . A. to walk     B. walking   C. walks (     )16.-Would you like _________to eat? A something delicious      B. anything delicious   C. new something (     )17.There’s____ coffee in the cup.  You can’t  drink it. A. a few    B. little    C. a  little (     )18.- Mr Green is _____________than  Mr White. . A. more healthy     B. more tired  C. more funny (     )19.Are you as ____________as your brother? A. stronger   B. much more outgoing   C. quiet (     )20..-My good friend is ________ fatter  than me.. . A. a little      B. little     C. much too 二、完形填空(1分×10) A small man went to a cinema (电影院), 21  a  ticket(票 )and went in 22 after two or three minutes he came 23 ,bought  a second ticket and went in .24   After 25 minutes he came out again(再) and bought a third ticket . after two 26 three minutes he came out , The girl asked him , “ 27  are you  buying all the tickets? Are you  28 friends in the cinema all the time ?”   “I’m not meeting friends .”answered the man, “But a big woman always stops (阻拦) 29 the door and tears(撕)my tickets . Then the girl  sold(出售)another 30 (     )21.A.buys       B. buying       C. bought (     )22.A.And         B  But        C. Or (     )23.A.in            B .out         C .on (     )24.A.again         B more        C. out (     )25.A.a few       B little          C. few (     )26.A  and       B. for           C. or (     )27.A.Where      B. What          C. Why (     )28.A.meeting     B. meet          C meets (     )29.A.I           B my            C. me (     )30.A. ticket      B man           C. girl 三、阅读理解(2分×20)            A  Old John went to see a doctor. The doctor looked him over and said, “Medicine can’t help you .you must have a good rest, go to a quiet place for a month ,go to bed early, drink some milk ,walk a lot and smoke one cigar(香烟) a day .”After a month John went to see the doctor again ,The doctor said , “I’m glad to see you again .You look much younger.” “Oh ,doctor, I feel quite well, I  had a good rest, I went to bed early, I drank a lot of milk ,and I walked a lot .Your advice helped me .But you asked me to smoke one cigar a day ,and the one cigar a day nearly killed(杀死) me at first. It’s no jokes starting(开始)smoking at my age (年纪). (     )31.The doctor _____________ A asked him to take some medicine. B asked him not  to take some medicine. C didn’t say any words (     )32.Old John ___________after a month . A didn’t feel well.     B. felt well   C. was young (     )33. Which is NOT wrong ? A. Old John  smoked before        B. Old John didn’t smoke before        C. Old John didn’t smoke one cigar a day . (     )34.When old John was ill, he looked ________ . A. young   B. younger  C .older (     )35. The doctor wanted John_______________ A. to  smoke  B .to smoke less than before  C. to smoke more than before B A mother and her young son got in a small city and sat down .The bus conductor came to them and for their money, The mother wanted a ticket to New York.  She gave a shilling(先令)The conductor looked at the small boy for a seconds and said to him “How old are you ?The mother wanted to say, but the conductor stopped her, the boy said, “I’m four years at home , and two and a half in buses and trains. the mother took six pence(便士)to the conductor .The conductor gave her one and a half tickets. (     )36.One day the mother took _______to New York  A. a conductor    B. a son       C. a ticket (     )37.The mother gave the conductor ________pence in all (总共)。 A. 17    B. 18   C.16 (     )38. The mother was __________       A.  honest  B. not honest   C. very smart (     )39. Do you think this is a good mother ? A. Yes, she is  B.  No, she isn’t  C. I don’t care. (     )40.The boy was ______years old A .four     B. two and a half      C. two                                                                                                                     C Sam and Tom are a pair of twins .They are in the same class. Sam works harder and studies better than his brother Tom .One day the teacher asks the class to write a composition(作文)The name was“ my brother ”.Sam wrote a composition and wanted to give it to the teacher, but Tom said he wanted to have a look at it .Then Tom copied(抄写)it. The next day, the teacher asked Tom, “How is your composition the same as  Sam? “You know we are the same brother .”Said Tom.  判断正确(A)错误(B) (     )41.Sam and Tom are twins. (     )42.Tom asked Sam to give his composition to him. (     )43.The two brothers give one composition to the teacher. . (     )44. Tom’s answer is OK. (     )45.Sam and Tom both study well. D            Dave’s calendar Sunday     go to the mall from 9:00 am-11:00pm. Monday    finish the geography project in the evening Tuesday     baseball training with the school team. Wednesday   English lesson from 7:00 pm to 8:00pm Thursday      culture club at 4:00 pm Friday       Play soccer with Sam in the afternoon. Saturday      fishing with grandpa the whole day   根据表格内容,回答问题. .46. Can Dave have time to watch TV with you at 7:30pm on Wednesday?  ____________________________________ 47.What is Dave doing on Friday afternoon?  _____________________________________ 48.How long does Dave shop on Sunday morning?  ______________________________________ 49. What day can you fish with Dave?   ______________________________________ 50.Is Dave busy on Monday morning? ___________________________________________ 四、补全对话,其中两项是多余的。(1分×5) A: What do  you do  on vacations ? :        A .That’s great. B:I__________51                         B.I often go to the movies A: To the movies?                         C: How often do you surf the Internet B: Yes,. How about you?                   D.I see. A: 52____________________               E. Do you have a QQ number? B:53______________                      F:I often surf in the Internet. A: twice a week .It’s pretty nice..              G: What’s your QQ number? B: What do you do on the Internet? A:I  usually talk with my friends .54_________ B: Yes. It’s 12456892. A:_55_______________We can talk on the Internet. 五、根据句意及首字母补全对话.(0.5分×10) A: What’s the m_______ 56  w___________57 you  ,Tony? B: I’m s________58 out. A: You should  l________59   t________60some music. B: That s__________61 great. A: And you should relax. You  s________  62study late. B:OK. _T_______63 for your good advice. A: I’m happy to h______64 you .I hope you’ll feel b________65 soon. 六、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(0.5分×10) 66.This book is __________(good) than that one. 67. Tom is good at ____________(run). 68 We both enjoy ___________(tell) jokes. 69. The boy always makes the girl __________(laugh).. 70. Do you  have two tennis               (match)? 71.Thank you for __________(invite ). 72. The weather today is much ________(hot). 73. It’s time for class. Let’s stop __________(play). 74. should mothers try _______  ( love) children?  75.Who is ___________(funny),Tom or Jim? 七. 翻译句子(5分) 76.你妹妹如何到校?  ________does your sister _______to school?   77. 我比两年前开朗了。   I’m ___________  _____________than 2 years ago. 78.健康食品有利于你的健康。  ________food is good for your ____________. 79.你能来参加我的聚会吗?是的,我很乐意来。  Will you please _______to my party? Yes, I ’d _______to . 80.他打算星期二去香港。 She’s __________  ___________ Hong Kong on Tuesday. 八.请以 What’s important in a friendship?为题写一篇短文,词数60—70词.(10分)                                                                                                                      答题卡 Name _____________ Score____________ 听力:1—5___ ___ ____ ___ ___ 6—10___ ___ ____ ____ ____                                                                    11—15___ ___ ____ ___ ___16—20___ ___ ____ ____ ___                                                                                                                            21—25___ ___ ____ ___ ___2 6—30___ ___ ____ ____ ___                                                                                                                             31—35___ ___ ____ ___ ___36—40___ ___ ____ ____ ___ 41—45___ ___ ____ ___ ______ 47_____________________________________________ 48__________________________________________                              49________________________________________ 50_____________________________________________ 51—55____ _____ ____ _____ ______ 57_________58_________59_________60_________61_________                          62________63_________64_________65_________66_________ 67_________68_________69_________70_________71________ 72_________73_________74_________75________76_________ _________ 77________ ________   78_________  _________ 79_________ _________ 80________ _________ 注意:31 题—50题每题2 分,听力11 —15 每题2 分。       联谊学校初09级半期联考(2007.10) 英  语  试  题(答案) 一、听力部分:(1-10小题共10分;11-15小题共10分)   1-5 TFFTF   6-10 BBBAC   11-15 CAACB 二、笔试部分:   1-5 ACCAC  6-10 AABBC   11—15  BCACA   16—20 ABBCA  21—25 CBBAA  26—30 CCACA   31—35 BBBCB  36—40 BBBBA  41—45 AAABB   46. No. = No, he can’t.         47. He is playing soccer.   48. Dave shops for 2 hours = For 2 hours   49. On Saturday     50. No, she isn’t.     51—55 BFCEA   56. matter  57. with   58. stressed  59. listen  60. to   61. sounds  62. shouldn’t  63. Thanks  64. help  65. better   66. better  67. running  68. telling  69. laugh  70. matches   71. inviting  72. hotter  73. playing  74. to love  75. funnier   76. how, get  77. more outgoing  78. healthy, health   79. come, love/ like   80. leaving for                                    

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