Unit 3 A Healthy Life warming up and reading教案(新人教版选修6)

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Unit ‎3 A healthy life The First Period Warming up and ‎Reading Teaching material: NSEFC Book 6 —— Unit 3‎ Teaching Aims:‎ Enable the students to grasp and remember the detailed information of the reading material.‎ Teaching Important & Difficult Points How to help the students to grasp and remember the detailed information of the reading material.‎ Teaching aids: ‎ a tape recorder, a projector, slides and pictures Teaching Procedure Step1 Warming up ‎1. What’s a healthy person?‎ A truly healthy person is someone who is healthy in both body and mind.‎ ‎2. What’s a healthy life?‎ To be true healthy a person must be well in mind, body and spirit.‎ Step 2 Brainstorming What health issues do you think concern young people the most?‎ cigarette smoking drinking alcohol drug taking diet ‎ physical fitness sexual health stress AIDS and infections cancer anxiety ‎ Step 3 Lead in T: Look at the following pictures. ‎ What are they doing?‎ Can you tell which activity is healthy and which is unhealthy?‎ Slide show ‎ shadow boxing 5‎ Drinking alcohol ‎ physical exercise ‎ Singing 5‎ dancing overeating cigarette smoking Step 4 Pre-reading Have you ever smoked? If you have, have you ever tried to stop?‎ Why do you think some adolescents start smoking?‎ In what ways is smoking harmful?‎ What advice would you give to someone who wanted to stop smoking?‎ Where could you get good advice on stopping smoking?‎ Step 5 Fast reading T: Skim the letter and answer the following questions.‎ Slide show How many parts does the reading text consist of?‎ Two parts. The first part is a letter and the second part is an internet page.‎ ‎2. Who wrote the letter to whom?‎ 5‎ A grandfather wrote the letter to his grandson James.‎ ‎3. What is the purpose of the letter?‎ This letter aims to explain how a smoker becomes addicted to cigarettes and why he should give up.‎ Step 6 Detail reading T: Read the letter carefully, and try to fill in the chart with information from the reading passage.‎ ‎ ‎ Information from the reading passage Different ways people can become addicted to cigarettes ‎ 1. physically addicted to nicotine ‎2. addicted through habits ‎3. mentally addicted Harmful physical ‎ effects for smokers ‎ 1. do terrible damage to heart and lungs ‎2. have difficulty in becoming pregnant ‎3. can not run fast Effects that a person’s smoking can have ‎ on other people ‎1. other people dislike the smell ‎2. The cigarette smoke may do harm to ‎ ‎ other people near the smoker. ‎ Effects that smoking can have on sporting performance be unable to enjoy sports ‎ Step 7 summary Read the article about the advice on stopping smoking on Page 19, then finish the following summary of the passage.‎ Slide show Choose a day that is not __________ to quit smoking. ‎ Make a list of all the __________ you will get from stopping smoking. ‎ ‎___________ all your cigarettes at the end of the day before you plan to quit.‎ ‎________ the list of benefits you wrote when you feel like smoking. ‎ Develop some other habits like walking, drinking some water, cleaning the ‎ house and so on to keep yourself busy. ‎ If you feel nervous or stressed, try to do some __________ exercises like ‎ deep breathing. ‎ You can stop smoking with a friend or join a group.‎ If you feel really bad, ask a doctor or _________ for help. ‎ The most important thing is to keep trying. ‎ Don't feel ________ if you _________ because some people have to try many times before they finally quit smoking. ‎ Never give up and you will succeed.‎ Keys: ‎ Stressful benefits Throw away Reread relaxation chemist ashamed weaken 5‎ Step 8 Discussion ‎1. What kind of person do you think James’ grandfather is?‎ He is fit and healthy and leads an active life. He takes an interest in his ‎ daughter’s and his grandson’s well-being. He is knowledgeable. He reads the ‎ internet. He appears to love his grandson.‎ ‎2. Do you think the information and advice on the Internet page that James?’ ‎ grandfather sent is useful for someone who is trying to give up smoking?‎ It is a good summary but a person wanting to give up should probably look ‎ for more information than what is presented here.‎ ‎3.Can you give some other helpful suggestions?‎ Step 9 Discussion A: Someone who gets addicted to smoking.‎ B: tries to gives A some helpful advice and persuade him/her to give up ‎ smoking.‎ Suppose you(B) are a teacher, how will you persuade your students(A) ‎ to quit smoking.‎ Suppose your father(A) is a smoker, how will you(B) persuade him to ‎ quit smoking.‎ Suppose your teacher(A) is a smoker, how will you(B) persuade him to ‎ quit smoking. ‎ Slide show Useful expressions How to ask for advice What should I do?‎ Could you tell me what to do?‎ Can you give me some advice?‎ How to give advice You’d better…‎ I think you ought to...‎ Perhaps you should…‎ I suggest that you…‎ Step 10 Homework ‎1. Find out the key points of the text.‎ ‎2.Search some more information about the harmful effects of smoking and ‎ advice on stopping smoking.‎ 5‎

资料: 29.3万


