八年级下册Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?教案

八年级下册Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?教案


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人教版英语八年级下册Unit 3 Could  you please clean your room?教案Section A 第一课时 I. Teaching contentSection A 1a-1c, 2a-2bII. Teaching aims1. Make polite requests. 学会有礼貌地提出请求。2. Ask for permission. 对别人的请求做出回答。III. Important points1. 掌握以下句式: Could you please sweep the floor?                         Yes, sure. Can you do the dishes?2.掌握以下词汇:  do the dishes, take out the rubbish, fold your clothes, sweep the floor, make your bed, clean the living room, go out for dinner, stay out late, get a ride, work onIV. Difficult points:1.学会有礼貌地提出请求。2. 对别人的请求做出回答。V. Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)复习第一与第二单元的内容T: _______ isn’t here. What’s the matter with her?S: She has a bad cold/headache…T: Can you help her take down some notes?S: …(老师可以鼓励学生给出尽可能多的答案)T: Oh, I’m glad that you are very helpful. You are an example to other students.2. Presentation(呈现新知识)T: What do you usually do on weekends except playing computer games? Do you often help your parents do some chores?S1: …T: Oh, you often do chores on weekends. What chores do you do on weekends?(教师在重复时应用夸张的语调来强调chores这一单词,并把chores写到黑板上,然后用图片帮助同学回答出 )S2: … do the dishes   … take out the rubbish   … fold the clothes   … sweep the floor   … make the bed   … clean the living room3. Work on 1a1)T: Do you do these chores at home? Discuss them with your partner.1. do the dishes   2. take out the rubbish   3. fold your clothes 4. sweep the floor   5. make your bed   6. clean the living room(让学生讲他们在家做的家务情况,听他们讲英语的情况)2)T: Look at the picture in 1a. Peter and his mother are talking at home. Peter’s mother wants his son to take out the rubbish. Please look at the dialogue. And read it out with your partner. S1: Peter, could you please take out the rubbish?S2: Sure, Mom. (教师可以四处走动,以帮助学生改正错误,特别是take out the rubbish 这一词组)3)T: What will your mother say if she wants you to do the chores?(用图片进行教学)T: Could you please make the bed?S1: Yes, sure.(Continue with the rest of the pictures.)4. Work on 1b1)T: Now you’ll hear a conversation. Who will do these chores? Check Peter’s mother or Peter.(教师放录音,因为对话简单教师可以在放完一遍录音以后就订正答案)T: Listen again and try to remember the dialogue. And fill in the blanks.(教师投影这页幻灯片。)2)对听力材料进行处理,让学生理清:What is Peter’s mother going to do?What is Peter going to do?3)然后总结如何有礼貌地提出请求以及回答。(可以让学生讨论之后给出答案,然后教师再给出准确的讲解)T: How to make polite requests?Could you please do …?Would you do…, please?Would you like to do …?Please do…Can you do…?Would you mind doing…?T: How to give a polite answer?Yes, sure. / Sure. / Of course. /Certainly. / No problem. /My pleasure.Sorry, I can’t. I have to …5. Work on 1cHave Ss make conversations using the information in 1a and 1b.T: Now, It’s time to act out the dialogue. Work in pairs. One of you is Peter. The other is Peter’s mom.(给学生练习的时间)6. Work on 2aT: Listen. After doing so many chores, Peter asks his father if he can do some other things. What does his father say? Check “yes” or “no”.(让学生先默读表格内容,然后听并完成相应学习任务。)7. Work on 2b学生完成听力任务后,让学生读听力材料。并归纳与拓展:T: Listen again. Why does Peter’s father say “no”? Draw lines to the reasons in the chart.(让学生先默读表格内容,然后听并完成相应学习任务。)8. Work on 2cHave Ss role-play the three short dialogues in pairs.9. Work on 2d1.给出问题帮学生理解对话内容。Question: What does Tony’s sister want Tony to do?2. 跟读后,挡住一些词汇,让学生读。最后表演对话。10. Act it out (情景表演) !T: You are going to a New Year Party, you may ask your parents for permission to do the following things11. HomeworkOral: Read aloud the new words learned in this lesson.Written: Complete an email about doing chores at home.

资料: 10.8万


