Unit 2 where’s the cat?教案

Unit 2 where’s the cat?教案


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教学目标: 1、知识目标:通过创设情境让学生积极主动的参与、协作、交流,使学生掌握Where句型及表示方位介词in的用法,在用中学,在学中用,培养运用语言的能力。 2、能力目标:培养学生参与意识,运用语言进行交际的能力。 3、情感目标:培养学生团结合作的意识。 教学重点:掌握表示方位介词in的用法及Where句型。 教学难点:如何在实际中灵活运用本课句型。 教具: 1.单词卡片 (where,in , bag, red, yellow, blue, green, black ) 2. 课件 3. 实物: pen, pencil, ruler, eraser,yellow bag, red bag, green bag, 学具: blue bag, black bag, orange bag, purple bag. 任务设计:让学生通过学习本课知识,学会结合实物运用"Where's the ...?Is it in the ...? Yes, it is. /No, itisn't",进行语言交际。 Teaching procedure: Step 1: Warm up andrevision 1) Greeting withstudents T: Hello, boys andgirls. S: Hello, Miss cai. T: How are you? S:I'm fine. Thank you. T: You are welcome. T: What's your name?S1: My name is ×× T: How old are you?S2: I'm × [适当的问候语,及时巩固所学的知识,提高语言的使用率,并创设融洽的氛围。] 2) Sing a song: 《What's this?》 3) Chant : 《pen and pencil》 [唱歌能使学生感到松弛、愉快、满足,产生兴奋情绪。活跃课堂气氛,调动学生情绪,激发学习兴趣,创造学习英语的轻松环境。Chant让学生在愉悦的氛围中复习了本节课所要用的单词。] 4)Revision: T:(出示一个blue bag书包)What's this? S: It's a bag. T: What colour is it? S: It's blue. It's ablue bag. T: 今天老师给大家带来了许多present,I put them in it.你们知道是什么吗? Do you know? What's in the blue bag? S: I don't know. T: 不知道你们可以猜一猜。现在我们就来猜一猜,比一比,看谁的运气最好,猜得最准。不过在猜的时候我们可要用上这个句子来表示自己的猜测和疑问。(板书:Is it a ...?) S: Is it a pen? (Isit a pencil?) T: No, it isn't.(Yes, it is.) [结合实物复习上节课的Is it a pen? Yes, it is. /No, it isn't句型,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中复习了大量的词汇,有利于学生掌握本课内容,为下一步学习做好铺垫。] Step2: Presentation 1)Teach the new word :bag(袋子) T: (出示一个实物yellow bag) What's this? (板书bag) Bag可以翻译成书包,也可翻译成袋子。 朗读bag, bag袋子 [让学生边朗读边用手打节奏再加上背袋子的动作,学生手、脑、口并用,有利于更好记忆单词,并且不会觉得单调。] 2)Play a game : look and say(课件依次出现yellow bag green bag red bagblue bag) T: What's this? S:It's a yellow bag. (并板书yellow green) [及时对所学的单词进行巩固,扩展,加深,为下面的学习做好铺垫。] 3)Teach the new word : "in" T:(出示一个实物green bag)what's this? S:It's a green bag. T: What's in thegreen bag?(板书:in the) 你们知道in 是什么意思吗?Do you know? S:I don't know. 朗读in, in 在里面(配上节奏和动作) 朗读in the yellow bag in the green bag T: What's in thegreen bag? Please guess! S: Is it a cat? (Isit a dog?) T: No, It isn't. 还有谁要来猜?(Yes, It is.) [用学生喜闻乐见的guessing game引出新单词"in",让学生在真实的情境中理解新单词的意思,并理解它的用法。] 4)Teach the new word:" Where" and the newsentences: "Is it in the yellow bag?" T: Good job! Now Ihave two bags in different colors and a toy cat. Close your eyes. ( put the toy cat inthe green bag.) T: Look , the cat ismissing. Where's the cat?(板书课题) 你们知道Where 是什么意思吗?Do youknow? S: I don't know. 朗读Where, Where 在哪里(边读边配上相应的动作)。 Where's the cat? 又是什么意思呢?(板书:猫在哪里) 齐读:where's the cat? 要猜where's the cat? 要用上这个句子Is it in the yellow bag? (板书Is it) 齐读新句型:Is it in the yellow/green/red/black bag? T: Where's the cat? S: Is it in theyellow bag? T: No, it isn't.\Yes,it is. (It's in the green bag.) [结合实物和具体的情景进行新单词和新句型的呈现,可以让学生更好地记忆,及对句型更好地运用。] 5) Play a guessing game. T: What's this? S:It's a dog. T: Please close youreyes. (师把dog放在其中一个袋子里。) Who can ask? S1: Where's the dog? T: Who can answer? S2: Is it in theyellow bag? No, it isn't.\Yes, it is.(It's in the yellow bag.) [让学生利用实物进行真实的语言交际活动,让学生进一步巩固新学的句型。] Step3: Practice 1)Do pair work. 请同学利用手中的pen pencil book和yellow bag green bag和黑板上的句型同桌两个作对话。 请同学到前面来表演。 [结合实物,让学生同桌两个进行语言的操练。学生在完成成任务的过程中不知不 觉熟练掌握和运用新句型] 2)对口令。 T: Let's do anactivity. listen to my orders. (Stand up, sit down , hands up , hands down, put yourbook in the desk, put your pencil in the desk,put your pen in the yellow bag., put your book in the green bag.) [结合本节课所学的知识,进行有趣的活动,活跃气氛,使课堂进入另一个高潮] 3)听录音,读课文。 [引导学生边听音边指,模仿录音中的语音语调。培养学生的朗读能力。] Step 4: Assignment 1)Listen to the tape of Module8 Unit2three times and repeat. 2) Play the guessinggame with your parents.

资料: 10.8万


