M3U2 Sam ate four hamburgers教学设计

M3U2 Sam ate four hamburgers教学设计


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Topic  M3U2 Sam ate four hamburgers. Aims to the teaching 1. Knowledge aim:     Words:   ate  hamburger  gave  tonight                     Sentences:① What did you have last night?  I had…                               ② What are you going to have tonight?                                   I am going to have… 2. Ability aim: how to ask others  ① What did they have last night? ② What are they going to have tonight?” 3. Emotional aim:  ① know something about Chinese and Western food cultures                 ② form good eating habits Important and difficult points 1.key words and sentences 2.how to use the sentence structure correctly Teaching procedures   Ⅰ. Warming up  1. Greetings. 2.Play a game 3. Three questions and pictures to lead in our topic ① Do you like eating Chinese food/English food? ② Do you like hamburgers/ sandwiches/chips? ③ Have you been to Dicos/KFC? (衔接语:our friend Sam likes hamburgers very much.So Sam ate four hamburgers.引出标题)   Ⅱ. Presentation  1. Listen and read out the past form of the verbs loudly( ate, had gave) 2.Watch the video and answer some questions (lead in new words: hamburger,sandwich, tonight) 3. Explain the key Sentences: What did you have last night?  I had… What are you going to have tonight? I am going to have…   Ⅲ. Practice  Pair work 1: make a dialogue by a game(准备一些食物的照片,先跟学生一起练习对话做示范。然后小组比赛:两人上前抢老师手中的图片,谁先抢到谁来练习对话,正确会有奖励) Pair work 2: Make a survey ① What did you have for breakfast/ lunch/dinner? I had ... ② What are you going to have tonight? I am going to have ... Name  breakfast    lunch  dinner Feifei       …         ( you should draw the food your partner ate)  Ⅳ. Summary  Fill in the blank ( students make a summary by themselves)  Today Sam _____ four __________at school. He_____ hamburgers very much.Ling ling had a ________ because she __________ hamburgers. She _____ her hamburgers ___ Sam.         Amy  ______ Chinese food. Tonight Mum  is going to  cook____________ ____ us.   Ⅴ. Homework  1. read and recite this passage 2.Write a letter to your friend, you can send by QQ or email(体现英语教学与信息技术的结合) Blackboard design M3U2 Sam ate four hamburgers.   What did you have last night?  I had…     What are you going to have tonight?                             I am going to have…  

资料: 10.8万


