M5 Unit1 Pleased to meet you!教学设计

M5 Unit1 Pleased to meet you!教学设计


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一、教学目标:1. 技能与知识目标:①基本能听懂,会说词汇:pleased、meet、speak ②掌握情态动词“can”的用法。 ③掌握主要语言结构: Can you speak English ? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 2. 学习策略目标:培养学生交友习惯,发展广泛兴趣,并培 养学生自主、合作的学习方式。 3.情感态度目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣,了解西方文化。 二、重点难点:1. 识别单词:pleased、meet、speak.2. 运用“Can you ...”句型,询问能力和“Can I ...”句型,询问可能以及他们的回答。 三、教学流程:㈠ Warming-up 1.Review some words about sport : swim、jump、dance … 2.Play a game : 《 say and do 》. Use the sentences : I can … / Can you … ? ㈡ Presentation Teacher say:“I like to make friends. And I have most friends. When I make a new friend. I will ask him about his hobbies. What do you do when you make a new friend ?”Let some students answer. Then teacher ask:“What does Daming do when he make new friends ? Do you want to know? Let’s go to see. ” ㈢ Teaching the new text 1. Listen and answer: ①Who’s Laura? ②Where is she from? ③Can she write Chinese? ④Can Daming write English? ⑤Can they be pen friends? 2. Listen and find “can”. 3. Teacher explain the new words and the key sentences, then let students use them to make new sentences. 4. Listen and repeat. 5. Read after teacher. ㈣ Exercises 1.Listen and circle. 2.Listen and tick. ① Daming can speak English.    (  ) ②Laura will be Sam,Daming and Amy’s pen friends.  (  ) ③ Laura can write Chinese.  (   ) 3.Use the sentences:“I can …”“Can you …”to make dialogues with your partner. ㈤ Production    Make a survey : Introduce your families and friends about their ability. Use the sentences: She/He can… ㈥ Homework 1.Read the text, write the words. 2.Complete the exercises in class. 3.Make a pen friend and write to her/him. 四、板书:Module 5  Pleased to meet you !   Can you speak English?                              .   Can you write Chinese? Can you …?  Yes, I can. / No, I can’t

资料: 10.8万


