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人大附中 2021 新高考高考英语外刊素材积累(阅读写作提升 34) 疫情下的博士后有多惨?近半数受访者考虑退出原领域 导读 Nature(《自然》)发表了首次针对全球 7670 名博士后的调查结 果。该调查覆盖 93 个国家和地区,涉及 19 个学科,旨在评估疫情 给博士后群体带来的影响。 双语阅读 Eight out of ten postdoctoral researchers say that the global coronavirus pandemic has hampered their ability to conduct experiments or collect data. More than half are finding it harder to discuss their research ideas or share their work with their laboratory head or colleagues, and nearly two-thirds believe that the pandemic has negatively affected their career prospects, according to Nature’s first- ever survey of postdocs worldwide. 《自然》杂志首次对全球博士后进行的调查显示,80%的博士 后研究员表示,全球新冠疫情阻碍了他们做实验或收集数据的能 力。超过半数的人发现与实验室负责人或同事讨论自己的研究想法 或分享自己的工作成果变得更难了,近三分之二的人认为疫情对他 们的职业前景产生了负面影响。 The pandemic has shuttered or reduced the output of academic labs globally, slashed institutional budgets and threatened the availability of grants, fellowships and other postdoctoral funding sources. The fallout adds up to a major challenge for a group of junior researchers who were already grappling with limited funds, intense job competition and career uncertainties. 这场疫情导致全球学术实验室彻底关闭或产出减少,机构预算 被削减,并威胁到捐款、奖学金和其他博士后资金来源的可用性。 这一后果对一些初级研究人员来说是一个重大挑战,他们已经在艰 难地应对有限的资金、激烈的工作竞争和职业的不确定性。 Nature’s self-selected survey, which ran from mid-June to the end of July and drew responses from 7,670 postdocs working in academia, included detailed questions on the impact of COVID-19 on the global postdoctoral community. 《自然》杂志自选的调查从 6 月中旬持续到 7 月底,征集了 7670 名在学术界工作的博士后的回答,包括关于新冠疫情对全球博 士后群体影响的详细问题。 Follow-up interviews with selected respondents and hundreds of free-text comments filled in an unsettled, precarious picture of postdoctoral research in the era of coronavirus. “The [pandemic] has compounded the pressures that postdocs were already under,” says Hannah Wardill, a cancer researcher at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute in Adelaide, in an interview. 对特定受访者的后续采访和数百条自由评论,描绘出在新冠病 毒时代博士后研究不确定、不稳定的画面。阿德莱德南澳健康与医 学研究所的癌症研究员汉娜·沃迪在接受采访时说,“疫情加重了博 士后本就承受的压力。” For those hoping to secure faculty jobs in 2020, the pandemic — and the widespread hiring freezes that have followed — could hardly have come at a worse time. A bioengineer in Germany used the comment section to explain his situation. “I had verbal faculty offers from multiple universities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, they practically froze the hiring but they did not even update me about it.” 对于那些想在 2020 年找到稳定工作的教职工来说,这场疫情以 及随之而来大范围的失业,简直就是“屋漏偏逢连夜雨”。德国的 一位生物工程师利用评论功能解释了他的处境。“我收到了多所大 学的教职工作的口头邀请。在新冠疫情期间,他们基本上中止了招 聘,但他们甚至没有向我更新相关信息。” 本文节选自:Nature(自然) 作者:Chris Woolston 原文标题:Pandemic darkens postdocs’ work and career hopes 词汇积累 1.hamper • 英 /ˈhæmpə(r)/ 美 /ˈhæmpə(r)/ • vt.妨碍;束缚;使困累 n.食盒,食篮;阻碍物 2.slash • 英 /slæʃ/ 美 /slæʃ/ • vt.猛砍;鞭打;严厉批评;大幅度裁减或削减 vi.猛砍;严厉批评 n.削减;斜线;猛砍;砍痕;沼泽低地 3.compound • 英 /kəmˈpaʊnd/ 美 /kəmˈpaʊnd/• n.[化学] 化合物;混合物;复合词;有围栏(或围墙)的场 地(内有工厂或其他建筑群) adj.复合的;混合的 v.合成;混合;恶化,加重;和解,妥协 词组搭配 1.grapple with 扭打;努力克服 2.hiring freeze 停止招聘 写作句总结 Eight out of ten postdoctoral researchers say that the global coronavirus pandemic has hampered their ability to conduct experiments or collect data. 结构:sth. has hampered sth. XX 阻碍了 XX 例句:Trade protectionism hampered the development of global economy.

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