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单元综合测试卷四(Unit 4) 时间:120 分钟   满分:120 分 姓名:     分数:     听 力 部 分 (25 分) 一、听力。 第一节 听小对话,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。对话读两遍。 (5 分) 1.M:Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon? W:Sorry,I have to look after my baby at home. 2.W:Hey,Jack!You got up so early!Are you going to shop? M:No,I'm going to practice football.There will be a match tomorrow. 3.M:You look sad,Lily.What's wrong? W:My parents argued with each other yesterday.I really don't know what to do. 4.W: My mother doesn't allow me to hang out with friends on weekends.What should I do? M:I think you should communicate with her. 5.M:I have a lot of homework to do after school. W:So do I.I hardly ever have any free time to do the things I like.We are both under so much pressure.                                    (B)1.What would the man like to do this afternoon? A.To play basketball.      B.To swim. C.To go to a movie. (C)2.Why did Jack get up so early? A.To go shopping.      B.To watch a match. C.To practice football. (A)3.Why isn't Lily happy?A.Because her parents argued with each other yesterday. B.Because she argued with her parents yesterday. C.Because she doesn't know how to do her homework. (B)4.When doesn't the girl's mother allow her to hang out with friends? A.On Wednesdays and Fridays.      B.On Saturdays and Sundays. C.On Fridays and Sundays. (B)5.What are they talking about? A.After-school activities.      B.Pressure of study. C.Some holidays. 第二节 听长对话,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。对话读两遍。 (10 分) 听下面一段长对话,回答 6、7 两个问题。 M:Hey Lisa,you look terrible.What's wrong? W:Oh,I feel very tired.I slept very late last night. M:Why did you stay up late? W:Because I had lots of homework to do. M:Then you'd better do your homework earlier. W:You're right.Thanks. (B)6.What's the matter with Lisa? A.She feels hungry. B.She feels tired. C.She is unhappy. (A)7.What did she do yesterday? A.Did her homework. B.Did the chores. C.Watched TV. 听下面一段较长对话,回答 8~10 三个问题。 M : Betty , I can't find my ping-pong bat.But I will have a P.E. class tomorrow. W:Tony,you lent your ping-pong bat to me two weeks ago.That's why you couldn't find it. M : Oh , by the way , did you see my math notebook ? I couldn't find it , either. W:I'm not sure.Maybe it's in the living room. M:Why? W:Because you did your math homework there yesterday. M:Oh,you're right.Thanks. W:You're welcome. (B)8.What class will Tony have tomorrow? A.A math class.      B.A P.E. class. C.An English class. (A)9.What did Betty borrow from Tony two weeks ago? A.A ping-pong bat.      B.A baseball bat. C.A ping-pong ball. (C)10.Where is Tony's math notebook? A.In his classroom.      B.In Betty's room. C.In the living room. 第三节 听下面一段独白,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。独白 读两遍。(10 分) Last week I went to an art show.A painting caught my eyes.To my surprise, Steven,one of my students,drew it. Steven liked painting and he was talented in painting.He could easily understand what I taught in class.But he was from a poor family.He didn't have money to buy paper for painting.So sometimes I gave him some.He practiced painting hard.And I often showed his paintings to the class. Every summer vacation,he came to borrow some art books from me.When the new term began ,he showed some of his paintings to me.I felt surprised that they were so good.Later he went to a famous art university.After finishing school,he still tried his best to improve himself.His hard work and strong mind made him successful. (A)11.What did the speaker do last week? A.He went to an art show.      B.He watched a talk show. C.He visited a famous art university. (A)12.What's the relationship between the speaker and Steven? A.Teacher and student.      B.Mother and son. C.Guide and visitor. (B)13.What was Steven good at? A.Writing. B.Painting. C.Paper cutting. (C)14.What was Steven's trouble? A.He had difficulty understanding artworks. B.He couldn't improve himself anymore. C.He had no money to buy paper. (C)15.What does Steven's story show? A.Communication is important. B.Children must develop their independence. C.Hard work and strong mind will bring success. 笔 试 部 分 (95 分) 二、完形填空。(15 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Bao Ying,15,Jiangxi,didn't pass three subjects in the mid-term exams.He has been  16  the coming teacher-parent meeting. “I haven't told my parents about the report yet. 17  my teacher will do it at the meeting.How I wish there were no such  18 !” Bao said. In middle schools,some students who are good at their studies  19  the meetings.It's a time for them to  20  praise(表扬) from teachers and parents.But some students,like Bao,really are afraid of the meetings.They  21  always be late for school,perform(表现)  22  in class.They don't want their  23  to know these things. However,the teacher-parent meeting is not that  24 . Li Ting didn't like the meetings because she  25  got poor grades.But now,the 14-year-old Sichuan girl has realized that the meetings are very  26 . “My teachers tell me  27  I haven't done well in and give me advice,” Li said.“And they  28  my parents to supervise(监督) me at home.” After each meeting,Li studies harder and improves  29 .“Although I'm not the top student in my class , I'm sure I can catch up—thanks   30   the teacher-parent meeting,” Li said.                           (B)16.A.waiting for B.worrying about C.getting ready for D.fighting for (A)17.A.But B.And C.Although D.Because (B)18.A.subject B.meeting C.exam D.teacher (C)19.A.protect B.dislike C.welcome D.hate (B)20.A.find B.enjoy C.like D.look for (C)21.A.must B.need C.may D.have to (A)22.A.badly B.well C.impolitely D.loudly (C)23.A.classmates B.teachers C.parents D.friends (D)24.A.popular B.good C.serious D.bad (A)25.A.always B.never C.hardly D.seldom (B)26.A.clear B.helpful C.wrong D.typical(C)27.A.where B.which C.what D.why (B)28.A.want B.ask C.tell D.teach (C)29.A.little B.a bit C.a lot D.a few (D)30.A.with B.as C.for D.to 三、阅读理解。(30 分) 阅读下列材料,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A When people have different opinions or needs , conflicts( 冲 突 ) may happen.Naomi Drew,the writer of The Kid's Guide to Working Out Conflicts:How to Keep Cool,Stay Safe,and Get Along,gives kids some useful advice on getting on with friends. Q1:A friend of mine often hangs out with our friends,but he has never invited me.What should I do? A1 : If a friend does something you don't like , don't be afraid to talk to him.Don't be angry with him.Try to make him understand your feelings so that you can work through it together. Q2:My friend is rude(无礼的) to other people.She said if I didn't act like her,she would stop being my friend. A2:Never “sell out” just to follow one friend.Do what you believe is right, and you can even find some new friends. Q3:My friend and I argue a lot.Although we'll be friends again soon,I don't like it.What should I do? A3:“Winning an argument” isn't always worth(值得) it.Next time when you argue,let your friend “win” if the thing is not important to you.If you give in(让步) a little, so may your friend.And remember,probably your friend isn't wrong.He or she just sees things differently. (D)31.What do the underlined words “sell out” in A2 mean in Chinese? A.大动肝火 B.有始无终 C.自以为是 D.背弃原则(D)32.Which of the following is Naomi Drew's opinion? A.See things differently from others. B.It's impossible to win every argument. C.Winning isn't everything,but it is surely nice. D.It's OK to give in when two argue on something small. (A)33.All of the questions are about conflicts between    . A.friends B.neighbors C.children and parents D.students and teachers B It was already half past eight in the morning.Wang Feng , a 14-year-old schoolboy,didn't show up at school.He was often late for school!The teacher called his father and got to know he played online games late the night before and couldn't get up on time that morning.In fact,he started to play online games three years ago.He nearly dropped out of school last year. Wang Feng is not alone.China Internet Information Center shows that there are thousands of teenage Internet users in each city.Many of them,like Wang Feng, spend too much time playing online games every day. This problem is getting more and more serious.To solve it,our country has made some special rules.The rules say that players need to use their own ID cards to play online games.This may stop teenagers who aren't old enough to get ID cards going to the Internet cafes.They also ask game companies(公司) to control teenagers' online time in some special ways. “Many people think that the rules can help Chinese young game players.More and more people come to know that playing online games not only brings teenagers health and study problems,but also makes them upset and lonely,” Tong Xiaojun,a teacher from a university,said.“We need the whole society to help solve the problem.”(D)34.The teacher gave Wang Feng's     a call to find him. A.friend B.mother C.grandfather D.father (B)35.How old was Wang Feng when he started to play online games? A.10 years old. B.11 years old. C.12 years old. D.13 years old. (A)36.How does our country solve the problem of teenagers' playing online games? A.By making some rules. B.By stopping them getting ID cards. C.By not allowing them to use the Internet. D.By controlling their study time. (C)37.What can we know from the passage? A.Wang Feng is not at school now because of his illness. B.Thousands of students in Wang Feng's school play online games every day. C.Tong Xiaojun thinks playing online games is very bad for teenagers. D.Now only schools are trying to stop teenagers from playing online games. C Alice was a popular girl at school.She got on well with everyone.She was so busy that she hardly spent time with individual(单独的) friend.However,she felt very lucky because no other girls had so many friends at school as she did. But everything changed one day.That day everyone had to make three gifts and give them to three good friends.To everyone's surprise,Alice was the only one who didn't receive any gift.How could it be possible?She felt very sad.Many students came and tried to comfort her,but each one only stayed for a short time and left.This was what she often did to others. At that time,Alice understood that she was a friend to many students,but she was not a true friend to anyone.That night ,she asked her mother how she could find true friends.“Alice,my dear,”said her mother,“you can't get true friends with only a smile or a few good words.To be a true friend you should always be helpful.You can't be a close friend to everybody,but it's possible to have a few true friends.” Hearing this,Alice decided to change her ways of getting on with others.She hoped that she could finally have some true friends. (D)38.What does the underlined word“comfort” mean in Chinese? A.依靠 B.承诺 C.忍受 D.安慰 (C)39.How can we make a true friend according to Alice's mother? A.By spending more time. B.By being close to everyone. C.By being helpful all the time. D.By saying hello to everyone with a smile. (C)40.Which of the following is TRUE about Alice? A.She had a few true friends at school. B.She received something nice that day. C.She planned to change herself in the future. D.She was a true friend to everyone in her class. (A)41.What does the text mainly talk about? A.A friend to all is a friend to none. B.A friend is easier lost than found. C.A friend in need is a friend indeed. D.Life without a friend is meaningless.D Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents, however,it is not true.Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages.If it's hard for you to communicate with your parents , don't worry about it.Here are some suggestions for you to bridge the generation gap(代沟). Don't argue with your parents.Don't get to your parents when you are angry.Your parents probably won't consider your ideas if you are shouting at them.You can't express(表达) yourself well if you are angry.Go to some place to cool off.Make sure you understand why you are unhappy.Then think about what you want to say to your parents.If you don't think you can speak to them at the moment,try writing a letter. Try to reach a compromise(和解).Perhaps you and your parents disagree on something.You can keep your disagreement and try your best to accept each other.Michael's mother didn't agree with him about buying a car.They argued over it,but finally they came to a compromise.Michael bought the car,but only drove it on certain days. Of course your parents might refuse to compromise on something.In these situations,it is especially important to show love and respect to them.Showing respect will keep your relationship strong. Talk about your values.The values of your parents are probably different from those of your own.Tell your parents what you care about,and why.Understanding your values might help them see your purposes in life. A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person.It is worth having a try. (A)42.Who will have a communication problem? A.Parents and children of all ages. B.Children and other people. C.Parents and their school children.D.Teachers and their students. (B)43.How many pieces of advice does the writer give us to bridge the generation gap? A.Five. B.Four. C.Three. D.Two. (B)44.The underlined phrase “cool off” in the passage means    . A.make yourself happy B.get yourself quiet and relaxed C.become angry D.go away quickly (D)45.If there is a generation gap between you and your parents , you'd better    . A.know about their values B.keep away from them C.agree with them all the time D.have a talk with them often 四、词汇运用。(15 分) A)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。(5 分) guess,develop,member,push,clear 46.Allen guessed from the T-shirts that his brothers were at home. 47.Kate is quite clear about her reasons for leaving the factory. 48.Mr. Green is always pushing his son hard to take up science. 49.Jane likes sports,and she is one of the members of the sports club. 50.The scientists are studying the development of the animal life. B)阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容和所给中文提示写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一 词。(10 分)   When you're teenagers,it seems that every time you say,“I want to...”, your parents answer,“No,you can't.” About this,you often 51.argue(争论) with your parents. 52.Perhaps/Maybe(可能) you get angry with them about it.If your parents don't 53.offer(主动提出) to talk with you,you may not want to talk with them for a long time. Children often complain(抱怨) that their parents do not 54.understand(理解) them.When something goes 55.wrong(错误的),most parents think their kids are to blame(应负责任) without asking for any explanation.Many parents don't 56.allow(允许) their kids to make decisions or do anything by themselves.57.Relations(关系) between children and their parents are becoming worse and worse.I think if you want to get more freedom(自由),you should often 58.communicate(交流) with your parents and try a friendlier way to get what you want.If you want them to allow you to stay out late,don't just say,“All the other kids can stay out late.” 59.Instead(代替) you try telling them what you want to do , where you'll be and why it is 60.important(重要的) for you to stay out late.Then they just might say,“Yes.” 五、语法填空。(10 分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 Parents can be very important teachers in our lives.However,they are not always the 61.best(good) teachers.Parents may be too close to their children in their feelings.Sometimes they can only see their children 62.through the eyes of a protector.For example,a teacher might see a trip to a big city as a valuable experience,but it might seem too 63.dangerous(danger) to a parent. Another problem is that parents may expect their children's interests to be similar to their own.If they love science , they may try to make their child 64.love(love) science , too.But what if their child's true love is art , or 65.writing(write),or car repair?How can their interests be similar to their parents' ? Parents usually want to pass on their values( 价 值 ) 66.to their children.But should children always believe what their parents do?When children are young,they believe that their parents are always right.But when they get 67.older(old),they will have different ways of thinking. 68.The most important thing to realize is that we all have many teachers in our lives.Our parents teach us , our teachers teach us , 69.and our friends teach us.Books,newspapers and televisions also teach us.All of them are valuable.So children shouldn't get the stress from their parents' interests and 70.hobbies (hobby). 六、任务型阅读。(5 分) 请阅读下面短文,在下面的横线上填入与文章意思最相符的内容,并将答案写在相应的 位置上。每空一词。 Knowing how to communicate well needs very personal(个人的) attention between you and another person,but we should face it.Is there a better way to learn how to communicate well?Yes,there is.Please follow the steps below. Relax and breathe. Whether it's a business meeting or a date,the first thing you must do in order to communicate well is to relax.When you relax,you are in control.You control your reactions(反应).Breathing is also important to relaxation.Take a few deep breaths and your body will begin to be more relaxed.This will help you use what you have already known about how to communicate well. Think before you speak. Have you heard the old saying “think before you speak” ? Well , it is true.By thinking ahead about how the conversation might go on,you will be more relaxed and more confident. Follow the flow of the conversation. If you are uncomfortable(不舒服的),being silent will only make it worse and make the other person uncomfortable as well.So when all else fails,you should follow through with small talks until you find a common topic. A good way to keep a conversation going is to ask the other person questions. People love to talk about themselves and if you do this,they will keep the conversation going , thinking very highly of you.Learning good communication skills is not something out of reach.If you try,you will make it.七、书面表达。(20 分) 假如你是朱海,你的朋友李源给你发电子邮件说他最近家庭作业太多,几乎没有时间休 息。请你根据下面的提示,给李源回一封电子邮件,给他提一些建议。80 词左右,可适当 发挥,邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 提示:1.制定合理的学习计划,找到适合自己的学习方法; 2.学会放松; 3.多与父母、老师或朋友交谈。 Dear Li Yuan, I'm sorry to hear that you are unhappy these days.You say you have too much homework every day and have little time to rest.Now let me give you some advice.  First,you need to make a proper plan for your study and try to find your own ways of studying.Second,make the best use of your time and try to find some time to relax.For example,you can listen to some music,go out for a walk or do some sports when you feel tired.Third , talk with your parents , teachers or friends when you feel nervous.They may solve your problems and help you feel better.  Hope things work out. Yours, Zhu Hai

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