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1 / 3 期中复习测试卷 一、根据中文意思写出英文单词。 1. 球员 ___________ 2. 纸张 ___________ 3. 头发 ___________ 4. 眼镜 ___________ 5. 高的 ___________ 6. 熊猫 ___________ 7. 烹调 ___________ 8. 七月 ___________ 二、根据中文提示,将下列句子补充完整。 1. My aunt __________ (居住) Taibei. 2. I’m __________ (聪明) 的机器人. 3. __________ (穿上) your shoes. 4. We’ll watch a __________ (3D 电影). 5. Say “Happy __________ (教师节)” to Miss Gao. 三、判断下列句子描述是(√)否(×)正确。 ( ) 1. Taiwan is a beautiful place. It’s cool in August. So it’s nice to go there in August. ( ) 2. Let’s go to the Science Museum. We can see robots there. Robots can do many things. ( ) 3. Peter is a new pupil. He’s from Australia. He’s in Grade Five now. He’s very good at sports. ( ) 4. Miss Gao is a nice teacher. On Children’s Day, we can make a card for Miss Gao. 四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 National Day is coming. It’s cool in October. I’ll go for a holiday with my parents (父母). We will go to Xiamen by train. We can go swimming there. We can eat many delicious (美味的) food there. (1) Will you go to Xiamen on National Day? _______, I _______. (2) Will your parents go to Xiamen? _______, They _______. (3) How is the weather in October in Xiamen? It’s _______ in _______. 2 / 3 (4) What can you do in Xiamen? We can _______ and _______. 3 / 3 参考答案: 一、 1. player 2. paper 3. hair 4. glasses 5. tall 6. panda 7. cook 8. July 二、 1. lives in 2. clever robot 3. Put on 4. 3D film 5. Teachers’ Day 三、 1-4 ×√√× 四、 (1) Yes; will (2) Yes; will (3) cool; October (4) go swimming; eat many delicious food

资料: 3.6万


