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五年级期中测试卷 一、译成汉语。 1 I  have  aunts  and  uncls. 2 This  is  east . 3  I  am  taller  than  Jing 4  What  coulour  is  China ? 5  China  is  red . 6  The  U.K.  is  blue . 7  The  U.S.  is  purple. 8 This  is  west. 9 This  is  north . 1o Beijing is the capital of China. 二、组成句子并译成汉语。 1 a  map  ,It’s. 2 east of China, The U.S. is 3 China,  is  red. 4 China,  It’s 5 taller than,I am ,Jing. 6 Australia,Where is ? 7 English ,They speak. 8 purple,The U.S. is. 9 is north,This. 10 yellow ,Australia ,is. 三、A,B栏搭配。 A栏                              B栏 ( )1 How old are you?                A. It’s a map. ()2 Is your mother a waitrass?         B. Jenny is twelve. ( )3 Is your father a police?         C.No,she is’nt ( )4 What coulour is  China?         D.China is red. ( )5 What colour is the U.S.?        E. No,he isn’t ( )6 Where is Australi?           F The U.S.is east of China. ( )7 What’s  this ?           G .They are glasses. ( )8 What  are  these?         H .The U.K. is blue. ( )9 What country is east of China     I The U.S. is purpl. ( )10 What colour is the U.S.? J. It’s south and east of China A栏              B栏                       A             B ( )1 Australia        A 首都        1( )east    a,younger ( ) 2 country         B澳大利亚    2( )south      b, west ( )3 colour           C国家        3( )older    c,north ( )4 waitress         D颜色        4 ( )taller   d shorter ( )5capital           E女招待      5 ( )tall        e short  四、译成英语。 姨姨              眼镜           灰色 加拿大            中国           美国 地图               汉语           英语 讲        北         南       东        西
