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2019—2020 学年上学期 高二级 期中考试题 英语(选考) (本试卷共 9 页,满分为 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟) 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 11 分) 第一节 三问 (共 3 小题;其中第 1-2 题每题 1.5 分,第 3 题 2 分,满分 5 分) 听一段对话,对话播放一遍,请根据对话后的中文提示提三个问题,并把答案填写在答题卡 上,每题有 20 秒钟的作答时间。 1. 她很擅长体操,不是吗? _______________________________________ 2. 她喜欢跳舞吗? _______________________________________ 3. Jolly 将来想做什么? _______________________________________ 【答案】1. She is very good at gymnastics, isn’t she? 2. Does she like dancing? 3. What does Jolly want to do in the future? 【解析】 【原文】M: Nina, can you tell me a little about what happened to Jolly? W: Sure, Tom. She had only half a left arm at birth. But the doctors gave her a special arm, so now Jolly can live a normal life. M: What can she do with this special arm? W: Everything. Her fingers can move flexibly. She can pick things up. It’s just like a normal arm. There’s only one problem--she can’t swim with it. The water is bad for it. M: So it seems that the special arm doesn’t arm doesn’t bring any side effect to her life. W: Yeah. Q1:She is very good at gymnastics, isn’t she?A1: Yes, she is. My husband and I have a dance and gymnastics school. Jolly always wanted to join the classes there. Once she was admitted to the school, she started to practice gymnastics as hard as she could. And she won an award before long. It was remarkable. Q2: Does she like dancing? A2: Yes, she loves ballet. She passed her ballet exam last July. And she goes to the local school. She wants to live a normal life. Q3: What does Jolly want to do in the future? A3: She wants to help me in the school. She wants to teach dance and gymnastic. 第二节 五答 (共 5 小题;其中第 4-6 题每题 1 分,第 7-8 题每题 1.5 分,满分 6 分) 在每一次按中文提示提问后,你将听到一段答复,每段答复播放两遍。请根据对话内容和答 复内容回答五个问题,并把答案填写在答题卡上,每题有 15 秒钟的作答时间。 4. _______________________________________ 5. _______________________________________ 6. _______________________________________ 7. _______________________________________ 8. _______________________________________ 【答案】4. She had only half a left arm at birth. 5. Swim. 6. Yes, she did. 7. Last July. 8. Dance and gymnastics. 【解析】 【原文】M: Nina, can you tell me a little about what happened to Jolly? W: Sure, Tom. She had only half a left arm at birth. But the doctors gave her a special arm, so now Jolly can live a normal life. M: What can she do with this special arm? W: Everything. Her fingers can move flexibly. She can pick things up. It’s just like a normal arm. There’s only one problem--she can’t swim with it. The water is bad for it.M: So it seems that the special arm doesn’t arm doesn’t bring any side effect to her life. W: Yeah. Q1:What was wrong with Jolly’s left arm? A1: She had only half a left arm at birth. Q2: What can’t Jolly do with her special arm? A2: Swim. Q3: Did Jolly win an award in gymnastics? A3: Yes, she did. Q4:When did Jolly pass the ballet exam? A4: Last July. Q5: What does Jolly want to teach in the future? A5: Dance and gymnastics. 第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 34 分) 第一节 阅读理解(共 12 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 24 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该 项涂黑。 A You have heard the words “that which does not kill you makes you stronger”. I have found it true. But I also believe in the philosophy that we are not defined (定义) by what happens to us, but by what we do when things happen to us. Some friends think we have had far more than our share of bad things occur, but I don’t think bad things are shared. They are events that occur as the result of many aspects, sometimes far past our control or even knowledge of them. I am also a firm believer in the laws of unintended consequences — one event causes things that are quite unexpected, sometimes positive, sometimes not. So as I considered the question of “What motivates me?” and sought an answer, it struck me that I simply refuse to be defeated. I won’t let life or events tear me down to the point at which I am no longer me, or simply stop being. In 2008, I battled three types of cancer, had four cancer operations, the firm I worked for closed without notice, my wife was in a horrible car accident, got laid off from her company, the economy devastated our life savings, … and that was for starters. We also lost two family members and my closest friend. He was the last person I would expect to pass away out of our friends. But a disease took hold of him 9 years earlier. His memorial service was filled with love, and many of us told about his joy of life, humor, his achievements, and the challenges he had overcome in his life — which were many and painful. He would not be defeated in his life either. Today, my wife and I are hand-in-hand, continuing trying to live our lives with dignity, although living it differently from the end of 2007. 9. Which of the following does the author most agree with? A. We should take our share of bad things. B. One event may cause many unexpected results. C. Many bad things could have been prevented by us. D. Humans are sometimes defined by their surroundings. 10. Which of the following can best describe the author’s experience in 2008? A. A bad beginning makes a bad ending. B. He who laughs last laughs best. C. Misfortunes never come alone. D. No pains, no gains. 11. What does the underlined word “devastated” in Paragraph 4 mean? A. Destroyed. B. Increased. C. Supported. D. Included. 12. What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text? A. To complain. B. To advertise. C. To encourage. D. To explain. 【答案】9. B 10. C 11. A 12. C 【解析】 本文是一篇关于生活哲理的议论文。生活着磨难会让你更加坚强。作者在这篇文章中以自己 及家人的不幸遭遇为例,阐明了作者的感悟:面对磨难,要勇于去面对。 【9 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第二段 one event causes things that are quite unexpected, sometimes positive, sometimes not.(一个事情会带来非常意外的结果,有时候积极,有时候却不是) 一句可知作者相信一个事会带来不同的结果。故选 B。 【10 题详解】 细 节 理 解 题 。 根 据 第 四 段 I battled three types of cancer, had four cancer operations, the firm I worked for closed without notice, my wife was in a horrible car accident, got laid off from her company 一句可知作者在 2008 年战胜了三种癌症,接受 了四次癌症手术,所在公司倒闭,而且妻子遭遇车祸并被解雇了,因此可以得出在 2008 年作 者遭遇了一连串的不幸,故选 C。 【11 题详解】 词义猜测题。根据前文可知本段主要是关于在 2008 年作者遭遇的一连串的不幸,故可推知 the economy devastated our life savings 一句意为:经济毁坏了我们一生的积蓄。devastate 毁 坏,破坏。故选 A。 12 题详解】 目的意图题。作者在这篇文章中以自己及家人的不幸遭遇为例,阐明了作者的感悟:面对磨 难,要勇于去面对。因此,作者写这篇文章的目的在于鼓励人们用于面对并战胜磨难。故选 C。 B Over the centuries the French have lost a number of famous battles with the British. However, they’ve always felt superior in the kitchen. France has for centuries had a reputation for cooking excellence, and Britain for some of the worst cooking in the world. But according to a recent survey, that reputation may no longer reflect reality. In the survey, 71% of the Britons said they cook at home every day, while only 59% of the French said they cook daily. British home cooks spend more time cooking each week and also produce a greater variety of dishes than French home cooks. The reaction in London was predictably enthusiastic. British food has greatly improved since the 1990s. Once upon a time, the menu for many family meals would have been roast beef, potatoes and over-cooked vegetables, but not now. Home cooks are experimenting with the huge range of ingredients now available in British supermarkets and are preparing all kinds of new dishes, using the cookbooks that sell millions 【of copies every year. As a result, there’s much more diversity in British food now, compared to French food, which tends to be very traditional. Some French people say that the survey did not show the whole picture. They agree that during the week French women don’t cook as much as they used to because most of them work and don’t have much time. They tend to buy ready-made or frozen dishes, but many of them make up for it on the weekend. There’s also a difference between Paris and the countryside. It’s true that people in Paris don’t cook much, but elsewhere, cooking is still at the heart of daily life. For many French people, opinions about British food have not changed. When Bernard Blier, the food editor at a magazine, was asked about British food, he replied: “I don’t go out of my way to try it. It is not very refined. You can say that I’m not a fan at all.” 13. According to the passage, nowadays British people ______. A. cook less at home than the French every day. B. no longer eat roast beef and over-cooked vegetables. C. are more willing to try cooking all kinds of new foods. D. buy more cookbooks than French people do. 14. What can we infer from the fourth paragraph? A. French women cook less often now. B. The French prefer ready-made dishes. C. French women seldom cook on the weekend. D. Cooking is at the heart of people’s life in Paris. 15. What is Bernard’s attitude towards British food? A. He would love to try it. B. He shows no interest in it. C. He considers it worse than before. D. He considers it better than before. 16. What does the passage mainly talk about? A. The history of British food. B. The history of French food. C. The change in British food. D. The change in French food. 【答案】13. C 14. A 15. B 16. C【解析】 这是一篇说明文。几个世纪以来,法国在烹饪方面有着卓越的声誉,英国的烹饪方式则是世 界上最糟糕的。但根据最近的一项调查显示,这种声誉可能不再反映现实。在调查中,71%的 英国人说他们每天在家做饭,而只有 59%的法国人说他们每天都做饭。英国的家庭厨师每周花 更多的时间做饭,也比法国的家庭厨师制作更多种类的菜肴。现在英国食物的多样性要比传 统的法国食物多得多。 【13 题详解】 细节理解题。根据文章第二段 British home cooks spend more time cooking each week and also produce a greater variety of dishes than French home cooks.可知,英国家庭厨 师每周花更多的时间做饭,并且比法国家庭厨师生产更多种类的菜肴,故现如今,英国人更 愿意烹饪更多类型的菜肴了。故选 C 项。 【14 题详解】 细节理解题。根据文章第四段 They agree that during the week French women don't cook as much as they used to because most of them work and don't have much time.人们认为,在 一周里,法国妇女的烹饪世间不如以前,因为她们中的大多数人工作,空闲时间也不多。故 选 A 项。 【15 题详解】 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段 he replied: “I don’t go out of my way to try it. It is not very refined. You can say that I’m not a fan at all.” Bernard 说:“我不会想方设 法去尝试的。它不是很精致。可以说我一点都不喜欢。”可知,Bernard 对英国食物并不感兴 趣。故选 B 项。 【16 题详解】 主旨大意题。纵观全文,几个世纪以来,法国在烹饪方面有着卓越的声誉,英国的烹饪方式 则是世界上最糟糕的。但根据最近的一项调查显示,这种声誉可能不再反映现实。在调查中, 71%的英国人说他们每天在家做饭,而只有 59%的法国人说他们每天都做饭。英国的家庭厨师 每周花更多的时间做饭,也比法国的家庭厨师制作更多种类的菜肴。现在英国食物的多样性 要比传统的法国食物多得多。可知本文介绍了英国食物的变化。故选 C 项。 C War can be deadly for wildlife, too. A new study reports that war is the biggest threat to Africa’s elephants, rhinoceroses, and other animals. Researchers examined how years of conflict in Africa have affected populations of large animals. More than 70 percent of Africa’s protected wildlife areas have been within a war zone at some point in the last 70 years. The more frequent the fighting, the greater the drop in animal populations, said Josh Daskin, an ecologist at Yale University. He was the lead author of the study, which was published Wednesday in the journal Nature. It takes very little conflict, as much as one conflict in about 20 years, for the average wildlife population to be declining, Daskin said. “Areas with frequent fighting — but not necessarily the bloodiest fighting—lose 35 percent of their large animal populations during each year of war,” he said. Some animals get killed by weapons of war. Yet, many also die because of changes in social and economic conditions in an area as a result of war, said Rob Pringle. He is an ecologist at Princeton University and the study’s co-author. “People in and around war zones are poor and hungrier. So they may begin to illegally hunt animals for valuable tusks or hunt protected animals to eat,” Pringle said. “And during wartime, animal conservation programs do not have as much money or power to protect wildlife.” The new study examined the entire African continent over 65 years. The researchers looked at 10 different factors that could change population numbers. They included war, drought, animal size, protected areas and human population density. The number of wars had the biggest effect on wildlife population. The intensity of the wars — measured in the number of human deaths — had the least effect on animals. 17. Which is the most dangerous to Africa’s animals? A. Hunting. B. Wars. C. Drought D. Economy 18. What can we know about the animals in Africa? A. More than 70 percent of animals live in a war zone. B. Little conflict has no effect to animals’ population. C. The more frequent the fighting is, the fewer animals are. D. 35 percent of animals in the world died each year because of war. 19. Which one is NOT the reason why animals die in the war? A. Being killed by the weapons.B. Being killed by poor and hungry people. C. The loss of their habitat. D. Lack of money or power to protect them. 20. Which one has the least influence on wildlife population? A. The intensity of the wars. B. Protected areas. C. The number of wars. D. Animal size. 【答案】17. B 18. C 19. D 20. A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。本文讲述了战争对于野生动物的致命影响。 【17 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第一段第一、第二句 War can be deadly for wildlife, too. A new study reports that war is the biggest threat to Africa’s elephants, rhinoceroses, and other animals.可知,战争对于非洲的野生动物来说是致命的。故选 B 项。 【18 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第三段 The more frequent the fighting, the greater the drop in animal populations 可知,战斗越频繁,动物数量的减少就越大。故选 C 项。 【19 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句 Some animals get killed by weapons of war.可知,一些动物 是被战争的武器杀死。故排除 A。根据第三段第四句“People in and around war zones are poor and hungrier. So they may begin to illegally hunt animals for valuable tusks or hunt protected animals to eat,” Pringle said.可知,动物的死于战争的另一原因是 贫困而又饥饿的人们杀死动物作为食物。故排除 B。根据第四段 The researchers looked at 10 different factors that could change population numbers. They included war, drought, animal size, protected areas and human population density.可知,引发动物死亡另一原因 是动物栖息地的丧失。故排除 C。故选 D 项。 【20 题详解】 细节理解题。根据最后一段 The intensity of the wars — measured in the number of human deaths — had the least effect on animals.可知,战争的密度对于野生动植物的数量有着最 小的影响。故选 A 项。 第二节 七选五填空 (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余项。 请将答案按题号涂到相应的答卷题号上。 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中的两项为多余选项。 Four Steps to Begin Your Path to GreatnessFeeling stuck is quite common. Many times, we have thoughts and dreams of what we want in life.___21___Our thinking pattern holds us back from going forward. The good news is, at any moment in time, we have the ability to start taking action toward creating the life we want. Here are four steps to get started:1. Celebrate Your Success.Write down all the successes you’ve already achieved and all the awesomeness that you are today.___22___And once you’re in that positive routine with your thoughts, it will lead you to make better choices and take better actions toward your greatness.2. Create Your True Vision.Many times we live based on others’ expectations or we stay stuck in a particular place because it’s our safety zone. Own your path. It can be hard to do, but allow yourself to get out of your head(or stop listening to what others want for you) and focus on your heart and what it's telling you.___23___3.___24___If you want to start going to the gym, going 5 days a week right away is extreme, and setting yourself up by biting more than you can chew typically doesn’t result in success, but failure. Instead, start slow and go once or twice a week. After you do that for a while and get into a nice routine, up it to more days. Over time, you will build toward your goal by taking realistic, smaller steps to get there.4.Have the Right Support.___25___Find the right support to cheer you on in the process. It could be a friend, a family member, or significant other who you trust. Whoever it may be, having someone on your journey will be just what you need to keep you on track and celebrate with you as you work toward the life you dream of. A. Don’t do it alone. B. Be realistic about your goals. C. Be kind to yourself and accept the moment. D. Your failure can lead you to another success.E. This practice will direct your thinking to a positive place. F. Sadly, they only stay as thoughts and dreams inside of us. G. Look within yourself deeply and decide what you want and what’s true for you. 【答案】21. F 22. E 23. G 24. B 25. A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。我们有自己的想法及梦想,但有时候我们的思维模式会阻碍我们前进,本 文介绍了四个步骤来让我们能创造自己想要的生活。 【21 题详解】 考 查 上 下 文 联 系 。 根 据 空 格 后 面 Our thinking pattern holds us back from going forward.可知,我们的思维模式阻碍着我们前进,因为我们每天都只有思想和梦想,没有行 动,而选项 F 意为“悲哀的是,这些想法和梦想只待在我们脑里”串联上下文,故选 F。 【22 题详解】 考查上下文联系。根据后文 And once you’re in that positive routine with your thoughts 以及本小段的小标题,可知这里告诉我们要看到自己的成功来使得我们的思维能够变得积极 乐观,而选项 E 意为“这样的尝试会直接使我们的思维变得积极乐观起来”,符合语境,故选 E。 【23 题详解】 考查上下文联系。根据空格前文 Own your path. It can be hard to do, but allow yourself to get out of your head(or stop listening to what others want for you)and focus on your heart and what it's telling you.可知,我们要走自己的道路,听从自己的内心知道 自己需要什么,而选项 G 意为“让自己深深的思考自己需要什么以及什么对于自己而言是正 确的”,符合语境,故选 G。 【24 题详解】 考查上下文联系。根据本小段的最后一句 Over time, you will build toward your goal by taking realistic, smaller steps to get there.可知,我们要有一个比较现实的目标,而选项 B 意为“制定一个现实的目标”符合语境,故选 B。 【25 题详解】 考 查 上 下 文 联 系 。 根 据 空 格 后 文 Find the right support to cheer you on in the process.及本段的小标题 Have the Right Support.可知,在这个过程中我们要找合适的支持 者,不能一个人奋斗,而选项 A 意为“不要一个人独自奋斗”,符合语境,故选 A。 第三部分 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节 完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳 选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 On September 11, 2001, I was in my fifth grade at Hutchinson Elementary School in New York. During the day, I ___26___ that something had happened at the Twin Towers. But nobody seemed to really ___27___ what was going on. It wasn’t until school let out that I realized something might be ___28___. My dad usually ___29___ me up, but he wasn’t there. My dad was a firefighter. His ___30___ was less than a mile from the Twin Towers. When I got home, my mom told me that the Twin Towers had been attacked, and my dad had gone there to ___31___. Most of the rest of that day is unclear. I ___32___only bits and pieces, like my mom calling hospitals all over New York City, ___33___ to find my dad. Two days later, she told me that he was probably ___34___. We didn’t learn exactly what had happened to my father until much later. We ___35___ that he had sent a radio message at 9:56 am, when he and hundreds of other ___36___firefighters were in the burning South Tower, trying to ___37___ as many people as possible. Just three minutes later, the tower ___38___. The other tower came crashing down about a half hour later. 17 years later, I still ___39___ my dad every day. He instilled(灌输) in me a ___40___ for my community, and his ___41___ encouraged me to volunteer with the 9/11 Legacy Advocates, a group made up of people who ___42___ family members on 9/11 like me. When I look back. I don’t think only of the sad ___43___. I also remember the great acts of so many people, ___44___ my dad. I’m really ___45___ to call him my hero. 26. A. saw B. heard C. reported D. imagined 27. A. wonder B. care C. know D. doubt 28. A. wrong B. true C. different D. strange 29. A. took B. picked C. got D. put 30. A. hospital B. home C. school D. station 31. A. help B. talk C. stay D. beat 32. A. want B. give C. get D. remember 33. A. hoping B. promising C. requiring D. refusing 34. A. tired B. gone C. chosen D. mistaken 35. A. made sense B. made sure C. picked out D. found out 36. A. serious B. courageous C. excited D. surprised 37. A. save B. control C. meet D. tell 38. A. showed up B. shut up C. fell down D. broke down 39. A. read B. miss C. worry D. learn 40. A. pity B. fear C. love D. need 41. A. carefulness B. patience C. wisdom D. bravery 42. A. discovered B. forgot C. lost D. left 43. A. event B. lesson C. example D. change 44. A. actually B. occasionally C. probably D. especially 45. A. sorry B. thankful C. proud D. sad 【答案】26. B 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. D 31. A 32. D 33. A 34. B 35. D 36. B 37. A 38. C 39. B 40. C 41. D 42. C 43. A 44. D 45. C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者的爸爸是一名消防人员,不幸在 9.11 恐怖袭击救援中牺牲了。爸爸的 勇敢一直鼓励着作者。回想过去,作者不再只想到那个不幸的事件,还会想到许多像爸爸一样的英雄。 【26 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我听到一些不好的事情发生了。A.saw 看见;B.heard 听说; C.reported 报道;D.imagined 想象。由下文中的 It wasn' t until school let out that I realized 以及 mymomtoldmethattheTwinTowershadbeenattacked 可知,那天,我听说(heard) 世贸中心的双子塔出事了。故选 B 项。 【27 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:但似乎没有人真正知道发生了什么。A.wonder 想知道; 在 乎,关心;C.know 知道;D.doubt 怀疑。那天我听说世贸中心的双子塔出事了。但没有人真 正知道(know)发生了什么事。故选 C 项。 【28 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:直到学校发布了消息,我才意识到可能出了问题。A.wrong 错误 的;B.true 真实的;C.different 不同的;D.strange 奇怪的。由下文中的 My dad usually ________ me uphe wasn' t there 可知,我意识到出事了,故填 wrong,wrong 在此意为“有 问题(或麻烦)的;不正常的”。故选 A 项。 【29 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的爸爸通常会来接我,但是那天他不在。A. took 拿,取;B. picked 接送,挑选;C. got 得到,明白;D. put 放,表达,移动。此处指我爸爸经常来接我,但那 天他没有来。固定搭配 pick sb.up“接送某人”。故选 B 项。 【30 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我爸爸是个消防员。他的消防站离双子塔不到一英里。 医院;B.home 家; 学校;D.station 站,消防站。由上文中的 My dad was a firefighter 以及下文中的 the Twin Towers had been attacked, and my dad had gone there 可知,作 者的爸爸是一名消防员,他的消防站( station)距离双子塔不到一英里。故选 D 项。 【31 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我回到家的时候,我妈妈告诉我双子塔被袭击了,我爸爸去那 里帮忙了。 救援; 谈话;C.stay 停留;D.beat 打败,战胜。由上文中的 My dad was a firefighter 及下文中的 he and hundreds of were in the burning South Tower 可知,作 者的爸爸去南塔进行援助(help)。故选 A 项。 【32 题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我只记得零零碎碎的事情。我能记起来的也就一点点。A.want 想 要;B.give 给;C.get 得到;D.remember 记得。由上文中的 Most of the rest of that day is unclear 以及下文中的 like my mom calling hospitals all over New York City 可知, 我所能想起( remember)的只是些零碎的片段。故选 D 项。 【33 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:比如我妈妈打电话给纽约市各地的医院,希望能找到我爸爸。 A.hoping 希望;B.promising 承诺;C.requiring 要求;D.refusing 拒绝。此处表示我妈妈 给纽约市的所有医院都打了电话,希望( hoping)找到我爸爸。故选 A 项。 【34 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:两天后,我的妈妈告诉我爸爸可能不在了。A.tired 累的;B.gone 死亡的;C.chosen 选定的;D.mistaken 被误解的。由下文中的 he and hundreds of in the burning South Tower.. Just three minutes later,the tower.. The other tower came crashing down about a half hour later 可知,此处表示作者的爸爸可能牺牲了(gone)。故选 B 项。 【35 题详解】 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我们发现他在早上 9 点 56 分发送了一条无线电信息。A.made sense 理解;B.made sure 确保;C.picked out 挑选;D.found out 发现。由上文中的 We didn't learn exactly what had happened to my father until much later 以及下文的描述可知, 我们发现(found out)我爸爸在上午 9 点 56 分发了一条消息。故选 D 项。 【36 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他和其他很多勇敢的消防战士在着火的塔中尝试尽可能多地救 人。A.serious 严肃的;B.courageous 英勇的,勇敢的;C.excited 激动的;D.surprised 惊 讶的。由下文中的 great acts 以及 hero 可知,当时,作者的父亲和其他数百名勇敢的消防队 员在燃烧的南塔试图拯救尽可能多的人。故选 B 项。 【37 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:试图拯救尽可能多的人。 救;B.control 控制; 遇 见;D.tell 告诉。此处表示作者的爸爸和其他许多勇敢的消防员正在南塔中救(save)人。故 选 A 项。 【38 题详解】 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:三分钟后,这座塔倒塌了。A.showed up 出现;B.shut up 闭嘴,安静;C.fell down 倒塌;D.broke down 失败,抛锚。由上文中的 the Twin Towers had been attacked 以及下文中的 the other tower came crashing down about a half hour later 可知,此处表示三分钟后,南塔倒塌了(fell down)。故选 C 项。 【39 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:17 年过去了,我依然每天会想起我的父亲。A. read 阅读;B. miss 想念;C. worry 担忧; D. learn 学习,了解。由上文可知,作者的爸爸在 9.11 恐怖袭击 救援中牺牲了,故此处表示十七年后,我每天依然很想(miss)爸爸。故选 B 项。 【40 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他向我灌输了对社会的爱。A.pity 同情;B.fear 害怕; 爱; D.need 需要。由下文中的 volunteer with the 9/11 Legacy Advocates 以及 I also remember the great acts of so many people 可知,爸爸教给我要热爱(love)社会。故选 C 项。 【41 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的勇敢鼓励我成为 9/11 的志愿者。A.carefulness 小心,谨慎; B.patience 耐心;C.wisdom 智慧;D.bravery 勇敢。根据下文 encouraged me to volunteer with the 9/11 Legacy Advocates 可知,他的勇敢鼓励了作者去做自愿者。故选 D 项。 【42 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些人和我一样在 9/11 事件中失去了家人。A.discovered 发现; B.forgot 忘记;C.lost 丢失;D.left 离开。结合上文以及本句中的 like me 可知,9/11 Legacy Advocates 这个组织的成员都和作者一样,在 9.11 击事件中失去了(lost)家人。故选 C 项。 【43 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我回首往事,我不只是想到那件伤心的事。A.event 事件,事情; B.lesson 功课;C.example 例子;D.change 改变。由下文中的 I also remember the great acts of so many people 可知,此处表示当我回顾过去,我不再只想到那个不幸的事件( event)。 故选 A 项。 【44 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我还记得许多人的伟大行为,特别是我的爸爸。A. actually 事实 地;B. occasionally 偶然地;C. probably 可能地;D. especially 尤其地。结合全文可知, 作者的爸爸是一名消防人员,不幸在 9.11 恐怖袭击救援中牺牲了,故此处表示我也会想到许 多人的英勇行为,尤其(especially)是我的爸爸。故选 D 项。 【45 题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我能很自豪地称他为我的英雄。A. sorry 抱歉的;B. thankful 感谢的;C. proud 自豪的;D. sad 悲伤的。由上文中的 encouraged me to volunteer 以及 I also remember the great acts of so many people 可知,我可以非常自豪( proud)地说爸爸就 是我的英雄。故选 C 项。 第二节 语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面材料,在空格处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Felicity Miller, a 32-year-old British woman, ___46___ has a Chinese husband, still remembers the ___47___ (excite) when she first learned to use the “red packet” function on WeChat in 2015. She sent and grabbed some red packets in her Chinese family’s group. The rule in her family was that the person who grabbed the ___48___ (high) amount sent the next. Attracted by the unique way of communicating, many foreigners ___49___ (join) in sending and grabbing red packets so far. Usually, the money in each packet is random. Thus the amount of money one can grab ___50___ (large) depends on his or her luck, from 0.01 yuan to less than 200 yuan. Many foreigners get more familiar ___51___ Chinese culture through “red packets”. Two years ago, when Felicity Miller was sent 5.20 or 8.88 yuan red packets, she had no clue about the ___52___ (hide) meanings. Now, she has not only known about ___53___, but also has sent a few. However, the popularity of virtual red packets doesn’t stop people sending paper red packets ___54___ (contain) real cash during the Spring Festival. It is called lucky money. In Chinese tradition, people take giving children lucky money as ___55___ blessing. 【答案】46. who 47. excitement 48. highest 49. have joined 50. largely 51. with 52. hidden 53. them 54. containing 55. a【解析】 【分析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了 FelicityMiller 对在微信上使用“红包”功能感到很兴奋的故 事。 【46 题详解】 考查定语从句关系词。句意:费利西蒂·米勒,一位 32 岁的英国女性,有一个中国丈夫。分 析句子结构可知此处为非限制性定语从句,从句中缺少主语,先行词指人,所以要用 who 引 导,修饰前面的人。故填 who。 【47 题详解】 考查名词。句意:还记得她 2015 年第一次学会在微信使用“红包”功能时的兴奋。the 后加 名词,故要用 excite 的名词形式 excitement。故填 excitement。 【48 题详解】 考查形容词。句意:她的家庭中的规则是,谁抓住了最高金额谁就发送下一个。此处前面有 the,故后面要用形容词 high 的最高级。故填 highest。 【49 题详解】 考查时态。句意:许多外国人这种独特的沟通方式所吸引,目前他们也加入发送和抢红包的 行列。根据 so far 可知此句为现在完成时,且主语为 many foreigners。故填 have joined。 【50 题详解】 考查副词。句意:因此可以抢到的钱的数量在很大程度上取决于他或她的运气。此处的“很 大程度上”用于修饰动词 depend,要用副词。故填 largely。 【51 题详解】 考查固定短语。句意:许多外国人通过红包能更多熟悉中国的文化。sb be /get familiar with sth“某人熟悉某物”,是固定搭配。故填 with。 【52 题详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:两年前,当 FelicityMiller 收到 5.20 或 8.88 元的红包时,她并不 知道隐藏的含义。此处的“隐藏”与“含义”之间为被动关系,所以要用动词的过去分词形 式作定语。故填 hidden。 【53 题详解】 考查代词。句意:现在,她不仅了解它们的意思,也发送了很多红包。这里用代词指代上句 的 meanings,故用宾格复数。故填 them。【54 题详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:虚拟红包的普及并不会使人们停止送春节期间真正的现金红包。分 析句子结构可知,此处应为动词的分词形式作后置定语,修饰 red packets;又因为该动词与 被修饰词之间是主动关系,所以应用现在分词形式。故填 containing。 【55 题详解】 考查冠词。句意:在中国的传统中,人们把压岁钱作为对孩子的一种祝福。根据句意可知此 处表示“一种祝福”,是泛指,所以要用不定冠词,且 blessing 首字母的发音为辅音音素。故 填 a。 【点睛】第 9 小题考查了非谓语动词中用 doing 表示主动的用法。非谓语动词有三种形式: doing(表示主动、进行),done(表示被动、完成),to do(表示目的、将来)。简单来说, 非谓语动词是放在特定的主谓结构中分析,因此要根据句子结构和逻辑主语判断用非谓语哪 种形式。如: Hearing the news, they jumped with joy.(hear 与逻辑主语 they 之间是主动的关系) Given enough time, we could do it much better.(give 与逻辑主语 we 之间是被动关系) We brought a flat to live in. (此处用 to live in 表示目的,用来居住) 第四部分 词汇与句子结构(共两节, 满分 25 分) 第一节 单词拼写 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,用单词的恰当形式填空,并把完整单词 填写在答题卷相应的位置上。 56. Forty of the course ____ (参加者) are offered employment with the company. 57. She got great ____ (满足) from helping people to learn. 58. The wife said angrily, “I can’t believe you sold the car without ____ (商量) with me.” 59. You need to be more ____ (灵活) and imaginative in your approach. 60. Police have already ____ (确认) 10 murder suspects. 61. I think he is the best journalist in our newspaper office because he has a ____ (敏锐的) mind than any other one. 62. I would have no ____ (犹豫) in recommending Philip for the position. 63. Tom and his wife have been ____ (争吵) with each other over where to spend the holiday for a long time.64. After she o____ her shyness, she became very outgoing. 65. “On the other hand” is an i____ showing contrast. 66. They s____ from the rain under a tree last night. 67. A l____ is a person who is in charge of or works in a library. 68. Whatever we do must be l____ means we must do everything according to the law. 69. This store often c____ only 65 US cents a dozen for large eggs. 70. Under the g____ of his father, David learned how to swim very quickly. 【答案】56. participants 57. satisfaction 58. consulting 59. flexible 60. identified 61. sharper 62. hesitation 63. quarreling/ quarrelling 64. overcame 65. idiom 66. sheltered 67. librarian 68. legal 69. charges 70. guidance 【解析】 【分析】 考查各种词类在句中的运用。 【56 题详解】 考查名词复数。句意:该公司为 40 名课程参与者提供了工作机会。分析句子成分可知此处是 主 语 的 一 部 分 , 用 名 词 形 式 , 再 根 据 谓 语 动 词 are 可 知 此 处 要 用 名 词 复 数 。 故 填 participants。 【57 题详解】 考查名词。句意:她从帮助别人学习中得到很大的满足。根据形容词 great 修饰名词,此处 用名词形式。故填 satisfaction。【58 题详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:妻子生气地说:“真不敢相信你没跟我商量就把车卖了。” without 后接 doing 形式,固定短语 consult…with…“与某人商量某事”。故填 consulting。 【59 题详解】 考查形容词。句意:你需要在你的方法上更加灵活和富有想象力。be 后接形容词作表语,所 以此处用形容词。故填 flexible。 【60 题详解】 考查时态。句意:警方已经确认了 10 名谋杀嫌疑犯。根据 already 可知此处用完成时,再根 据句中 have,故此处要用动词的过去分词。故填 identified。 【61 题详解】 考查形容词比较级。句意:我认为他是我们报社最好的记者,因为他的头脑比任何人都敏锐。 根据名词 mind 可知此处用形容词,再根据 than 可知此处要用形容词比较级,sharp 意为“敏 锐的”。故填 sharper。 【62 题详解】 考查名词。句意:我会毫不犹豫地推荐菲利普担任这个职位。no 后接名词形式,hesitation 意为“犹豫”。故填 hesitation。 63 题详解】 考查现在完成进行时。句意:汤姆和他的妻子为去哪里度假而争吵了很长时间。根据谓语动 词 have been 可知时态为现在完成进行时,此处要用动词 doing 形式,quarrel 意为“争吵”。 故填 quarreling/ quarrelling。 【64 题详解】 考查动词和时态。句意:她克服了害羞之后,变得很外向。分析句子可知,此处需要谓语动 词,动词 overcome 意为“克服”,再根据 became 可知此处用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故 填 overcame。 【65 题详解】 考查名词。句意:“另一方面”是表示对比的习语。根据 an 可知此处填名词,idiom 意为“习 语”,首字母是元音因素开头,符合题意。故填 idiom。 【66 题详解】 考查动词和时态。句意:昨晚他们在树下避雨。分析句子可知,此处需要谓语动词,动词 shelter 意为“遮蔽”,再根据时间 last night 可知此处要用动词过去式。故填 sheltered。 【【67 题详解】 考查名词。句意:图书管理员是在图书馆负责或工作的人。分析句子可知,此处需要主语, 根据 a 可知此处用名词,librarian 意为“图书管理员”,符合题意。故填 librarian。 【68 题详解】 考查形容词。句意:我们所做的一切都必须是合法的,也就是说我们所做的一切都必须依法 的。must be 后接形容词表示状态,形容词 legal 意为“合法的”,符合题意。故填 legal。 【69 题详解】 考查动词和时态。句意:这家商店大鸡蛋通常只卖 65 美分一打。根据主语为 store 可知此处 谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,动词 charge 意为“要价”,符合题意。故填 charges。 70 题详解】 考查名词。句意:在他父亲的指导下,大卫很快学会了游泳。根据 the 可知此处用名词形式, guidance 意为“指导”,符合题意。故填 guidance。 【点睛】第 8 小题中使用了现在完成进行时的用法,表示汤姆和他的妻子的争吵有可能继续 争吵下去。现在完成时的构成:have/has +been +doing,表示动作从某一时间开始,一直持 续到现在,或者刚刚终止,或者可能仍然要继续下去。如: 1.Ann is tired. She has been working hard. (表示努力工作这个动作在过去开始而刚刚 结束) 2.It has been raining for two hours. (现在还在下雨) 3.She has been playing tennis since she was eight.(表示打兵乓球这个动作从过去延续到 现在,在这个阶段内重复发生) 第二节 句型结构(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) (A) 请根据课文内容填空,并将正确答案写在答题卡的相应位置,与课文原文不一致不得分。 I ___71___ and agreed to meet her at the convenience store down the road. Of course you’ve guessed who Jenny was. She was the girl I had shouted at for singing. When I recognised her in the convenience store, I ___72___ and apologized for my rude behaviour. I felt so guilty, but Jenny just laughed and told me she was glad to see that I’d also left my glare in the library! I ___73___ at this and I invited her back to my apartment for a quick cup of tea. 【答案】71. sighed with relief 【72. was filled with shame 73. couldn’t help laughing 【解析】 【分析】 这是一篇记叙文。本文叙述了作者和珍妮在路上遇到并打招呼交谈的故事。 【71 题详解】 考查固定短语。句意:我如释重负地叹了口气,同意在路那头的便利店和她见面。固定短语 sigh with relief“松了一口气”,时态是一般过去时。故填 sighed with relief。 【72 题详解】 考查动词短语。句意:当我在便利店认出她时,我感到很羞愧,并为我的粗鲁行为道歉。根 据 apologized 可知此处要用“充满羞愧”之意,且句子为一般过去时。be filled with“充 满…”,故填 was filled with shame。 【73 题详解】 考查固定搭配。句意:我忍不住笑了并且邀请她回我的公寓喝杯茶。固定搭配 couldn’t help doing sth.“情不自禁做某事”。故填 couldn’t help laughing。 【点睛】第 3 小题考查了 couldn’t help doing sth.“情不自禁做某事”的用法,这是高频 考点之一,要牢记。如: I can’t help laughing every time I think of that. 每次一想起那件事,我就会忍不住 笑起来。 I can’t help crying. 我忍不住哭了。 (B) 请根据课文内容填空,并将正确答案写在答题卡的相应位置,与课文原文不一致不得分。 “Writing that report wasn’t easy, but I realised that people needed to know and so I didn’t give up,” Junyan told me. This ___74___ because she won an award for the report. “I discovered then that ___75___ I am committed and never give up I will be able to produce ___76___ reports.” That’s exactly what Wang Junyan has been doing as the face of Universe TV. 【答案】74. paid off 75. as long as 76. high quality【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。短文叙述了王君燕作为环球电视的代言人对写报告的感言。 【74 题详解】 考查动词短语。句意:她的努力得到了回报,因为她的报告获奖了。根据 because she won an award for the report 可知此处要用“得到回报”,且句子为一般现在时。故填 paid off。 【75 题详解】 考查连词。句意:“我发现,只要我坚持不懈,永不放弃,我就能写出高质量的报告。”分 析句子成分可知,宾语从句为条件状语从句,主句是 I will be able to produce ___3___ reports,从句是 I am committed and never give up;从句和主句之间是条件关系,表示“只 要”。故填 as long as。 【76 题详解】 考查名词。句意:“我发现,只要我坚持不懈,永不放弃,我就能写出高质量的报告。”根 据 produce 可知此处用名词做宾语。故填 high quality。 (C) 请根据课文内容填空,并将正确答案写在答题卡的相应位置,与课文原文不一致不得分。 Now people are beginning to pay attention to Toffler’s ideas because the speed of change is becoming increasingly fast. It is sometimes difficult to ___77___ the patterns of change. What should you do? ___78___, don’t panic. ___79___ and try to get a sense of the good things the future has to offer. 【答案】77. work out 78. First of all 79. Take a deep breath 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。现在人们开始关注托夫勒的思想,因为变化的速度越来越快。有时很难弄 清楚变化的规律。你应该怎么做?首先,不要惊慌。深吸一口气,试着感受一下未来的美好。 【77 题详解】 考查动词短语。句意:有时很难弄清楚变化的规律。根据 to 可知后接动词原形,再根据 the patterns of change,结合句意,可知此处用 work out 表示 “弄清楚”符合题意。故填 work out。 【78 题详解】考查固定短语。句意:首先,不要惊慌。根据 What should you do?可知此处表示要点的陈述, 结合句意。故填 First of all。 【79 题详解】 考查动词短语。句意:深吸一口气,试着感受一下未来的美好。根据 and try to get a sense of…可知此处用动词短语,再结合句意。故填 Take a deep breath。 (D) 请根据课文内容填空,并将正确答案写在答题卡的相应位置,与课文原文不一致不得分。 Have you heard anything about the two missing students? I think my French tutor might know one of them. I saw she had tears running down her cheeks at lunch today and one of the other teachers ___80___. 【答案】gave her a hug 【解析】 【分析】 这是一篇记叙文。你听说那两个失踪学生的事了吗?我想我的法语老师可能认识其中一个。今 天吃午饭的时候,我看到她泪流满面,一位老师给了她一个拥抱。 【详解】考查一般过去时。句意:今天吃午饭的时候,我看到她泪流满面,另外一位老师给 了她一个拥抱。根据 and 连接并列句,可知此处主语为 one of the other teachers,缺少谓 语,要用动词词性,且时态为一般过去时,再结合句意。故填 gave her a hug。 第五部分 写作(共两节, 满分 35 分) 第一节 单句改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 81.每句仅有一处错误。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 每句只允许修改 1 处,多者(从第 2 处起)不计分。 1. The government has committed itself to improve health education. 2. She arrived at the office earlier to set example to others. 3. If the weather has been nice yesterday, we would have gone for the picnic.4. Students should aim to become more independence of their teachers. 5. She desired that you saw her at once. 6. Seeing from the top of the hill, the city was extremely beautiful. 7. Every one of you are encouraged to visit it. 8. Our timely help was great appreciated. 9. It was at ten o’clock in the morning which we got to the top of the mountain. 10. Firstly, you can share with efficient learning experience to promote your English study. 【答案】improve→improving set 后面加上 an has→had independence→independent saw→see Seeing→Seen are→is great→greatly which→that 去掉 with 【解析】 【分析】 1.考查固定搭配。句意:政府致力于改善健康教育。固定搭配 commit oneself to doing sth. 致力于;使自己承担…。故将 improve 改为 improving。 2.考查冠词。句意:她很早就到了办公室,给别人树立了榜样。example 是可数名词,且 example 首字母的发音为元音音素。set an example 意为树立榜样。故在 set 后面加上 an。 3.考查虚拟语气的时态。句意:如果昨天天气好,我们就去野餐了。分析句子可知,本句为 if 条件句的虚拟语气,由 yesterday 可知,此处表示与过去情况的虚拟,因此 if 从句时态应用 过去完成时。故将 has 改为 had。 4.考查形容词。句意:学生应该以更加独立于老师为目标。根据 becomemore 可知此处用形容 词原形。故将 independence 改为 independent。 5.考查虚拟语气。句意:她希望你立刻见到她。此处是 that 从句作 desire 的宾语,宾语从句时态应用 should+do 形式,其 should 可省略。故将 saw 为 see。 6.考查非谓语动词。句意:从山顶上看,这座城市非常美丽。see 的逻辑主语为 thecity,它 们之间是动宾关系,应该是城市被看,用过去分词表示被动。故将 Seeing 改为 Seen。 7.考查主谓一致。句意:我们鼓励你们每个人都去参观。主语为 Every one of you,谓语动词 应用单数形式。故将 are 改为 is。 8.考查副词。句意:我们及时的帮助受到了极大的感谢。此处应用副词修饰谓语动词 was appreciated。故将 great 改为 greatly。 9.考查强调句。句意:我们是在上午十点钟到达山顶的。分析句子可知,本句为强调句式, 此处被强调部分为时间 at ten o’clock in the morning。故将 which 改为 that。 10.考查及物动词。句意:首先,你可以分享有效的学习经验,以促进你的英语学习。share 是及物动词,后接宾语,不用介词。故去掉 with。 【详解】第 3 小题考查了 if 虚拟条件句对过去事实虚拟的用法。if 在条件状语从句中的虚拟 语气有三种情况: 1.表示与现在事实相反的情况。其句子结构为:if+主语+动词的过去式+…+主句:主语+would (should,could,might)+动词原形+… If I were you, I would read it again. (事实上我不是你) If he hurried, he could catch the last bus. (可他不急) 2.表示与过去事实相反的情况。其句子结构为:if+主语+had+动词过去式+…+主句:主语 +would(should,could,might)+have+动词过去式+… If it had rained yesterday, we would have stayed at home. (事实上下雨了) If I hadn’t been ill yesterday, I might have come to school. (事实上我病了) 3.表示与将来事实相反的情况。其句子结构为:if+主语+should(或 were)+动词原形+…+主 句:主语+would(should,could,might)+动词原形+… If it should rain tomorrow, I would stay at home. (根据天气情况,明天不可能下雨) If he came tomorrow, I would do it with him. (事实上他来的可能性很小) 第二节 书面表达 (满分 25 分) 82.假设你是李华,将于明年从中山大学毕业。你从报纸上得知 B&B 公司要招聘一名英文秘书, 你很感兴趣。请给该公司写一封求职信,包括以下要点: 1. 自我介绍(年龄、毕业院校) 2. 学习情况和英语水平3. 性格特点及兴趣特长 注意: 1. 词数 100 左右(信件的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数); 2. 可以适当增加细节,使表意清晰、行文连贯; 3. 文中不得出现真实的姓名与学校名称。 Dear Sir/ Madam, I learned from the newspaper that your company needs an English secretary. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ I’m looking forward to your reply! Sincerely Yours, Li Hua 【答案】Dear Sir/ Madam, I learned from the newspaper that your company needs an English secretary. The advertisement is very appealing to me, so I’m now writing to you in the hope of filling in the job vacancy. I have just turned 22 this year, and I will graduate from Sun Yat-sen University next year. Besides, I’ve been doing pretty well in my lessons, and always turn out to be the first in exams. As a major in English, I’m particularly good at spoken English, and I can type very fast. With an optimistic and outgoing personality, I can always get along well with others in a team. In my spare time, I like to engage myself in some outdoor activities. I do hope that I can meet your requirements. I would be grateful if I could be given the job. I’m looking forward to your reply! Sincerely Yours, Li Hua【解析】 【分析】 这是一篇应用文。要求写一封求职信。 【详解】第一步:审题 体裁:应用文,提纲类作文 时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时 结构:总分总法 要求:1.表达求职意愿 2.自我介绍(年龄、毕业院校) 3.学习情况和英语水平 4.性格特点及兴趣特长 第二步:列提纲 (重点词组) fill in;appeal to;vacancy;graduate from;do well in;turn out to be;be good at;spoken English;optimistic;get along well with others;spare time;engage oneself in;outdoor activities;meet one’s requirements;look forward to 等 第三步:连词成句: 1. The advertisement is very appealing to me. 2. I’m now writing to you in the hope of filling in the job vacancy. 3. I’ve been doing pretty well in my lessons, and always turn out to be the first in exams. 4. With an optimistic and outgoing personality, I can always get along well with others in a team. 5. In my spare time, I like to engage myself in some outdoor activities.等 根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词) so;and;besides 等 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰。 第五步:润色修改 【点睛】范文内容完整,要点全面,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当,上下文意思连贯,符 。合逻辑关系。作者在范文中使用了较多高分句型,如:Besides, I’ve been doing pretty well in my lessons, and always turn out to be the first in exams.使用了高分短语;With an optimistic and outgoing personality, I can always get along well with others in a team.使用了 with 作伴随状语;I do hope that I can meet your requirements. 使用了 that 引导 宾语从句;I would be grateful if I could be given the job.使用了 if 引导的条 件句等。全文思路清晰、层次分明,上下句转换自然,为文章增色添彩。 的

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