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人教版六年级英语上册单元知识梳理全套 Unit 1 单元知识梳理卷 基础知识梳理 一、单词过关。(28 分) 1. 科学__________   2. 博物馆 __________ 3. 邮局__________ 4. 书店__________ 5. 电影院__________ 6. 医院__________ 7. 十字路口__________ 8. 转弯 __________ 9. 左__________ 10. 笔直地__________ 11. 右__________ 12. ask____________ 13. street__________ 14. GPS ____________ 二、重点短语。(8 分) 1. 左转________________ 2. 直走________________ 3. 右转________________ 4. Italian restaurant______________ 三、重点句子。(7 分) 1. 博物馆的商店在哪儿? __________________________________________________________________ 2. 在大门附近。 __________________________________________________________________ 3. 我们怎么到那儿? __________________________________________________________________ 4. 到书店左转。__________________________________________________________________ 5. What an interesting film! __________________________________________________________________ 6. Turn right here? __________________________________________________________________ 7. Follow me, please! __________________________________________________________________ 四、核心语言点。(4 分) 本单元,我们学习了如何问路。请根据首字母填出单词,把信息补充完整。 单元强化检测 五、读一读,选出不同类的一项。(5 分) (  ) 1. A. street B. restaurant C. get (  ) 2. A. left B. right C. tell (  ) 3. A. turn B. near C. far (  ) 4. A. office B. straight C. museum (  ) 5. A. pizza B. ask C. get 六、读一读,哪些地方可以看到这些内容?选出对应的图片。(8 分)(  ) 1. doctor nurse  A. (  )2. robot old animals B. (  )3. books C.   (  )4. letters postcards D. 七、读一读,选择合适的一项。(5 分) 1. We can see a (talk talking) robot there. 2. Our school is(next next to) the big shop. 3. There are many cars and buses (on for) the street. 4. Follow(me I), please. 5. How can we (get get to) the new park? 八、读一读,选一选。(5 分) (  )1. I want ________ a book. A. buy   B. to buy   C. buying (  )2. A ________ robot! A. talking B. talk C. to talk(  )3. It's ________ the park. A. far B. near C. next (  )4. It's ________ the Fifth Street. A. on B. with C. at (  )5. Please turn right ________ the shop. A. in B. at C. on 九、连词成句。(10 分) 1. is where new restaurant the(?) __________________________________________________________________ 2. there can how we get(?) __________________________________________________________________ 3. right at turn cinema the(. ) __________________________________________________________________ 4. desk the the is door to next(. ) __________________________________________________________________ 5. a man great what(!) __________________________________________________________________ 十、读一读,选择正确的句子补全对话。(10 分) A:Where do you want to go on Saturday morning? B:1. ________________ A:2. ________________ B:It's near the Happy Cinema on Yonghua Street. A:3. ________________ B:It's not far. 4. ________ A:5. ________ B:Sure! That's great! A. Can I go with you? B. I want to go to a new bookstore. C. Go straight on this street and then turn left at the crossing. It's next to the park. D. How can you get there? E. Where is it? 十一、阅读短文,选择正确的选项。(10 分) My home is not in a city. It's in a little village. There is no cinema. There is no museum. But there is a big playground. We can run, jump, play basketball on it. Near the playground, there is a bookstore. I like to read and buy new books there. And I like to ride bikes on the streets. There are many farms in the village. We don't have zoos. But you can see many animals on the farms. What an interesting village! (  ) 1. My home is in a ________. A. village   B. city   C. town (  ) 2. There is no ________ in the village. A. bookstore B. zoo C. street (  ) 3. We can play ________. A. on the playground B. in the bookstore C. at the zoo (  ) 4. The playground is near the ______. A. museum      B. farm C. bookstore(  ) 5. I like to ________. A. watch animals at the zoo B. ride a bike on the playground C. read and buy new books at the bookstore 答案 基础知识梳理: 一、1. science  2. museum  3. post office  4. bookstore 5. cinema  6. hospital  7. crossing  8. turn  9. left 10. straight  11. right  12. 问  13. 大街;街道 14. 全球(卫星)定位系统 二、1. turn left 2. go straight  3. turn right 4. 意大利餐馆 三、1. Where is the museum shop?  2. It's near the door. 3. How can we get there?  4. Turn left at the bookstore. 5. 多么有趣的一部电影啊!  6. 在这里右转吗? 7. 请跟我来! 四、Where; How 单元强化检测: 五、1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. A 六、 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 七、1. talking 解析:这里的 talking 用作定语来修饰 robot。 2. next to 3. on 4. me 解析:follow 是个动词,其后面出现的人称代词需要使用宾格形式。 5. get to 八、1. B  解析:表示想做某事,应为 want to +动词原形。 2. A 3. B 解析:far 与 from 组成短语,其后接地点,表示“离……远”,next 与 to 组成短语,表示“紧邻……”。 4. A 解析:在……街上,使用介词 on。 5. B 解析:在某一具体地点,使用介词 at。 九、1. Where is the new restaurant? 2. How can we get there? 3. Turn right at the cinema. 4. The desk is next to the door. 5. What a great man! 十、1. B 2. E 3. D 4. C 5. A 十一、1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C Unit 2 单元知识梳理卷 基础知识梳理 一、单词过关。(12 分) 1. 飞机__________  2. early __________ 3. 出租汽车________ 4. sled__________ 5. (大)船__________ 6. fast__________ 7. 地铁__________ 8. ferry__________ 9. 火车__________ 10. Scotland__________ 11. 停下__________ 12. wear__________ 二、重点短语。(10 分) 1. 步行_______________ 2. 乘公共汽车________________ 3. 慢下来________________ 4. pay attention to________________ 5. traffic lights ________________三、重点句子。(10 分) 1. 你怎么来学校的? __________________________________________________________________ 2. 通常我走路来。 __________________________________________________________________ 3. 在美国骑自行车的人必须戴(头盔)。 __________________________________________________________________ 4. 别闯红灯! __________________________________________________________________ 5. 我必须注意交通信号灯! __________________________________________________________________ 四、核心语言点。(8 分) 本单元我们学习了表达使用何种交通工具以及一些交通标志的含义。请根据字母提示 补全单词。 单元强化检测 五、读一读,选出不同类的一项。(5 分) (  )1. A. ferry   B. take   C. sled (  )2. A. home B. bike C. bus (  )3. A. from B. come C. by(  )4. A. Scotland B. the UK C. English (  )5. A. park B. zoo C. helmet 六、读一读,根据句意和首字母提示补全句子。(5 分) 1. We want to go to Canada by p________. 2. Can you see a big s________ on the sea? 3. Look at the t________. It's fast. 4. I'm late. I want to take a t________ to school. 5. Please s________ down and wait at the yellow light. 七、根据图片和句意圈出句子中错误的部分,并改错。(8 分) 1.   2. 3. 4. 1. Please look right first when you cross the street. __________________________________________________________________ 2. He goes to school by bike. __________________________________________________________________ 3. I live far from my school. I usually walk to school. __________________________________________________________________ 4. Please go at the red light! __________________________________________________________________ 八、读一读,选一选。(10 分) (  ) 1. —How ________ your father go home? — He ________ home by car. A. do; go   B. does; goes C. do; goes (  ) 2. Some children go to school ______ their bike. A. by    B. in    C. on (  ) 3. —How do you ________ the park ________ your school? —By bus. A. get to; from   B. get; from C. get to; of (  ) 4. ________ run fast on the street! A. Must B. Don't C. Can't (  ) 5. Please pay attention ________ the little animals. A. to B. on C. of 九、连词成句。(16 分) 1. I, come, sometimes, to, on, school, foot (. ) __________________________________________________________________ 2. how, to, come, does, sister, your, school (?) __________________________________________________________________ 3. people, in, the U. S. , on, must, wear, a, helmet, bikes (. ) __________________________________________________________________ 4. let, to, nature, go, us, the, park (. ) __________________________________________________________________ 十、阅读短文,选择正确的选项。(16 分) China is a very big country. The weather is very different in different cities. In Heilongjiang, it's very cold in winter. It often snows. Many children have to go to school by sled. The dogs run fast. The children must sit down on the sled. In Jiangxi, it often rains. Some children in some villages have to go to school by boat or ferry. In China, most of the children's home is near their school. So many students go to school on foot. And some students in Grade Six often go to school by bike. And some students go to school on their mother's or father's bike. (  ) 1. In Heilongjiang,________. A. it's very hot B. it often rains C. it's snowy in winter (  ) 2. Some children in ________ go to school by ________. A. Heilongjiang; ferry B. Jiangxi; boat C. Jiangxi; bike (  ) 3. Many children in China go to school ________. A. on foot   B. by bike C. on their father's or mother's bike (  ) 4. Some children in Grade Six often________. A. walk to school B. ride a bike to school C. take a bus to school 答案 基础知识梳理: 一、1. plane  2. 早到的  3. taxi  4. 雪橇  5. ship 6. 快的  7. subway  8. 轮渡  9. train  10. 苏格兰 11. stop 12. 戴 二、1. on foot 2. by bus 3. slow down 4. 注意 5. 交通信号灯 三、1. How do you come to school? 2. Usually, I come on foot. 3. In the USA people on bikes must wear one. 4. Don't go at the red light! 5. I must pay attention to the traffic lights! 四、1. How 2. lights 3. by 4. by 5. on 6. often 7. sometimes 8. slow 单元强化检测: 五、1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C 六、1. plane 2. ship 3. train 4. taxi 5. slow 七、1. Please look left first when you cross the street. 2. He goes to school by bus. 3. I live near my school. I usually walk to school. 4. Please don't go at the red light! 八、1. B  解析:此题问句、答句的主语都为第三人称单数形式,所以助动词和实义动词 都需要使用第三人称单数形式,所以选择 does, goes。 2. C 解析:by bike 为短语,指使用自行车作为交通工具。此题中的 bike 前有一个物 主代词 their,所以此处不能使用 by,只能使用 on。 3. A 解析:到达某地应为 get to . . . ,from your school 指从你的学校出发。 4. B 解析:这是一个表示禁止的祈使句,应使用 Don't。 5. A 解析:pay attention to 固定搭配。 九、1. I sometimes come to school on foot. 2. How does your sister come to school? 3. In the U. S. people on bikes must wear a helmet. 4. Let us go to the nature park. 十、1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B Unit 3 单元知识梳理卷 基础知识梳理 一、单词过关。(16 分) 1. 拜访__________  2. together__________ 3. 电影__________ 4. lesson__________ 5. 旅行__________ 6. space__________ 7. 超市__________ 8. half __________ 9. 晚上;傍晚______ 10. price__________ 11. 在今晚________ 12. mooncake__________ 13. 明天__________ 14. moon__________ 15. 词典__________ 16. 明信片__________ 二、重点短语。(18 分) 1. 看电影________________________ 2. 去旅行________________________ 3. 看望我的祖父母________________________ 4. 去超市________________________ 5. 下周________________ 6. (儿童的)连环画册________________ 7. 单词书 ________________________ 8. Mid­Autumn Festival________________ 9. get together________________ 三、重点句子。(12 分)1. 你明天打算做什么? __________________________________________________________________ 2. 我要上美术课。 __________________________________________________________________ 3. 我们要到人民公园去画画。 __________________________________________________________________ 4. 你们打算去哪儿? __________________________________________________________________ 5. 我们打算去电影院。 __________________________________________________________________ 6. I am going to buy some word books. __________________________________________________________________ 四、核心语言点。(8 分) 本单元我们学习了使用一般将来时描述自己的活动计划。请根据首字母补全单词,完善知 识点。 单元强化检测 五、读一读,圈出与画线部分单词不是同一类的一个。(8 分) 1. I am going to have an art lesson.     2. We will be together this evening. 六、读一读,用所给单词的正确形式填空。(5 分) 1. Tom________________(walk)to school every day. He________________(walk) to the park tomorrow. 2. I like ________________(draw) pictures. 3. Don't ________ (be) sad. 4. Look, the children ______________ (play) on the playground. 七、读一读,选一选。(5 分) (  ) 1. We will go ________ tomorrow afternoon. A. ice skate    B. ice­skate C. ice­skating (  ) 2. What ________ your parents going to do this weekend? A. is     B. are    C. am (  ) 3. What are you going to do ______? A. now B. yesterday C. tomorrow (  ) 4. ________ go to the park next Sunday? A. Why not B. Where C. When (  ) 5. I have lots of ________. A. book B. books C. story is do are draw music science you they my tonight morning afternoon八、连词成句。(8 分) 1. for, going, to, look, I'm, some, leaves, yellow _________________________________________________________________. 2. are, what, you, do, going, this, to, weekend _________________________________________________________________? 3. the, going, when, you, are, to, cinema _________________________________________________________________? 4. my, be, will, family, together, tonight _________________________________________________________________ 九、读一读,选择正确的句子补全对话。(10 分) A: Next week I am going to take a trip to Shanghai. 1. ________ B: I'm going to take a trip, too. A: 2. ________ B: I'm going to Hong Kong. A: It's great! 3. ________ B: Yes. I will have a good time with them. A: 4. ________ B: We're going by train. How about you? A: We're going by plane. B: 5. ________ But we can see lots of things on the train. A: Yes. That's great! A. A plane is fast. B. What about you? C. How are you going there? D. Where are you going?E. Are you going there with your family? 十、根据短文内容判断正误,正确写“T”,错误写“F”。(10 分) Tomorrow is Sunday. My family will get together to have a big dinner. We will be very busy today. My father is going to clean the rooms this morning. My mother and I are going to the supermarket to buy food for the big dinner. She is going to cook for us tomorrow. This afternoon, I am going to the bookstore to buy some books. I need some books about plants. And I am going to buy some comic books for my cousin. She likes comic books very much. She will come tomorrow. This evening, my family are going to talk together to get ready for the big dinner. I must do my homework after that. What a busy day! 1. My family are going to have a big dinner at the restaurant. ________ 2. My cousin is a girl. ________ 3. I like comic books very much. ________ 4. I need some books about plants. ________ 5. My family are going to talk for the dinner this evening. ________ 答案 基础知识梳理: 一、1. visit  2. 一起  3. film  4. 课  5. trip  6. 太空 7. supermarket 8. 一半  9. evening  10. 价格 11. tonight 12. 月饼  13. tomorrow 14. 月亮 15. dictionary  16. postcard 二、1. see a film 2. take a trip 3. visit my grandparents 4. go to the supermarket 5. next week 6. comic book 7. word book 8. 中秋节 9. 聚会 三、1. What are you going to do tomorrow? 2. I'm going to have an art lesson. 3. We're going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park. 4. Where are you going? 5. We're going to the cinema. 6. 我打算去买些单词书。 四、1. going 2. What 3. Where 4. When 单元强化检测: 五、1. 圈:do draw 2. 圈:my tonight 六、1. walks; is going to walk  解析:第一个句中的 every day 提示我们这是一个常态的规 律性的活动,使用一般现在时,Tom 为第三人称单数,所以使用 walks。而第二个 句子中的 tomorrow 告诉我们这是一般将来时,所以使用 is going to walk。 2. drawing  3. be  4. are playing 七、1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 八、1. I'm going to look for some yellow leaves 2. What are you going to do this weekend 3. When are you going to the cinema 4. My family will be together tonight 九、1. B 2. D 3. E 4. C 5. A 十、1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T Unit 4 单元知识梳理卷 基础知识梳理 一、单词过关。(9 分) 1. 学习(三单)________  2. hobby__________ 3. 谜________________ 4. idea__________5. 远足______________ 6. amazing________ 7. goal ______________ 8. join____________ 9. club______________ 二、重点短语。(8 分) 1. 做中餐 ________________________ 2. 学汉语 ________________________ 3. 猜字谜 ________________________ 4. 去远足 ________________________ 三、重点句子。(12 分) 1. 彼得有什么爱好? __________________________________________________________________ 2. 他喜欢读故事。 __________________________________________________________________ 3. 他住在悉尼吗? __________________________________________________________________ 4. 他喜欢猜字谜和远足吗? __________________________________________________________________ 5. 是的,他喜欢。/不,他不喜欢。 __________________________________________________________________ 6. I am writing an email to my new pen pal in Australia. __________________________________________________________________ 四、核心语言点。(22 分) 本单元我们学习了询问和表达自己或他人的爱好。请根据提示补全单词,完善知识点。 单元强化检测 五、读一读,选出与画线单词同类的一项。(5 分) (  ) 1. Do you like the jasmine? A. club   B. grass   C. street (  ) 2. We want to go to Canberra. A. China B. Canada C. Beijing (  ) 3. What an amazing story! A. interesting    B. together C. early (  ) 4. Can you join us? A. idea B. poem C. share (  ) 5. We shall go there before 9:00. A. flower B. will C. goal 六、读一读,圈出正确的一项。(5 分) 1. My new pen pal(live lives)in a big city. 2. My grandfather likes(fly flying) kites. 3. What are your (hobbys hobbies)? 4. My cat(has have) big eyes and a little mouth. 5. Do you like (doing does) word puzzles?七、读一读,选一选。(10 分) (  ) 1. I'm writing ________ email to my aunt. A. a     B. an    C. / (  ) 2. Please read a story ________ the little baby. A. to B. on C. of (  ) 3. ________ your uncle work at a big factory? A. Do B. Is C. Does (  ) 4. My friend Jack ________ like singing. A. doesn't B. isn't C. do (  ) 5. Can I also ________ her good friend? A. am B. is C. be 八、为下列句子选择正确的答语。(6 分) (  ) 1. What is the film talking about? A. They are talking about animals. B. It is going to talk about vegetables. C. It's talking about friends. (  ) 2. What are your brother's hobbies? A. He likes playing football. B. She likes singing songs. C. He goes hiking every week. (  ) 3. Does Peter like singing songs? A. Yes, he is.   B. No, he does. C. No, he doesn't. 九、按要求完成句子。(10 分)1. She likes drawing pictures and reading books. (对画线部分提问) _________________________________________________________________? 2. I'm writing a letter to my friend, Jim. (对画线部分提问) _________________________________________________________________? 3. I live in Beijing, China. (将 I 变为 She,改写句子) _________________________________________________________________. 4. Does Tom study English at our school?(给出否定回答) _________________________________________________________________ 5. Does his brother like doing word puzzles?(给出肯定回答) _________________________________________________________________ 十、阅读短文,完成表格。(13 分) Dear Susan, How are you? I'm Lily, your new pen pal. I live in London. I'm eleven. There are four people in my family. My father is a doctor. He likes playing football and watching football games on TV. My mother doesn't work. She cooks delicious food for us. And she likes cleaning our rooms. She also likes going shopping. She often goes shopping on Saturday afternoon. I like singing and dancing. I often listen to music or read books after dinner. I like reading books about flowers. I like flowers very much. My brother is nine. He likes riding bikes and going hiking. He often goes hiking with his classmates on the weekend. We are a happy family. What about you? Write soon, Lily Name Job Hobbies Lily studentfather答案 基础知识梳理: 一、1. studies  2. 业余爱好  3. puzzle  4. 想法;主意 5. hiking  6. 令人惊奇的  7. 射门  8. 加入 9. 俱乐部 二、1. cook Chinese food 2. study Chinese 3. do word puzzles 4. go hiking 三、1. What are Peter's hobbies? 2. He likes reading stories. 3. Does he live in Sydney? 4. Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking? 5. Yes, he does. /No, he doesn't. 6. 我正在给我在澳大利亚的新笔友写邮件。 四、1. What 2. hobbies 3. dancing 4. singing 5. reading 6. playing  7. doing  8. cooks 9. studies  10. does  11. goes 单元强化检测: 五、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 六、1. 圈 lives  2. 圈 flying 3. 圈 hobbies 4. 圈 has 5. 圈 doing 七、1. B  解析:email 为以元音音素开头的可数名词,使用不定冠词时要用 an 而不是 a。 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C 解析:can 后使用动词原形。 八、1. C 2. A 3. C 九、1. What are her hobbies  2. What are you doing 3. She lives in Beijing, China 4. No, he doesn't 5. Yes, he does 十、Name Job Hobbies Lily student singing and dancing; reading books brother student riding bikes and going hiking father doctor playing football and watching football games on TV mother doesn't work cleaning rooms and going shopping Unit 5 单元知识梳理卷 基础知识梳理 一、单词过关。(13 分) 1. 工厂____________  2. country__________ 3. 工人____________ 4. sea____________ 5. 邮递员__________ 6. stay____________ 7. 商人;企业家______ 8. gym____________ 9. 渔民__________ 10. university______ 11. 科学家__________ 12. type____________ 13. 飞行员__________ 二、重点短语。(8 分) 1. 警察________________________ 2. head teacher________________________ 3. type quickly________________________ 4. healthy life________________________ 三、重点句子。(16 分) 1. 他是做什么的? __________________________________________________________________2. 他是商人。 __________________________________________________________________ 3. 他在哪儿工作? __________________________________________________________________ 4. 他在海上工作。 __________________________________________________________________ 5. 他怎么上班? __________________________________________________________________ 6. 他骑自行车上班。 __________________________________________________________________ 7. Do you want to be a head teacher, too? __________________________________________________________________ 8. We should study hard and stay healthy. __________________________________________________________________ 四、核心语言点。(13 分) 本单元我们学习了有关职业的内容,包括职业名称、工具、地点、上班的交通方式等。 请根据提示补全单词,完善知识点。 单元强化检测五、读一读,猜出职业,根据图片提示写出单词。(注:图片顺序与题目顺序不同)(10 分)          1. He works in a plane. He drives the plane to fly in the sky. He is a ________________. 2. He works at sea. He catches fish. He is a ________________. 3. He works at the office. He catches bad men. He protect(保护)us. He is a ________________. 4. He works in a factory. He works hard. He makes things for us to use. He is a ________________. 5. He is often in green. He sends the letters and postcards to us. He is a ________________. 六、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(12 分) 1. She likes ________ (sing) very much. She ________ (sing) very well. She wants to be a good ________(sing). 2. He________ (work) at a big factory. He is a great ________ (work). 3. Li Mei likes ________ (use) computers. She can type very ____________ (quick) . 七、按要求完成句子。(8 分) 1. My grandfather is a farmer. (对画线部分提问) _________________________________________________________________? 2. Li Ling works at a big gym. (对画线部分提问) _________________________________________________________________? 3. My sister goes to work by car. (对画线部分提问)_________________________________________________________________? 4. He is a sports reporter. (改写为他想成为 a sports reporter) __________________________________________________________________. 八、读一读,选择正确的句子补全对话。(12 分) A: What's this? B: It's my family photo. A: 1. ________ B: He is my father. 2. ________ A: So he can fly to many countries. B: Yes. And this is my mother. 3. ________ A: I think she can type quickly. B: Yes, she is. A:4. ________ B: She is my little sister. 5. ________ A: So she is good at sports, right? B: Yes, she is. A:6. ________ B: Yes, I want to be a scientist. 九、阅读短文,选择正确的一项。(8 分) My father is a great man. He often makes things for me. He makes a desk and a chair for me. They can go up and down according to my height (根据我的身高). They are amazing! My friends like them very much. And my father makes a big table with the wheels of old bikes. We often have dinner at the great table. My father likes taking photos for us. There are many photos in our house. So we can remember all the happy time. I love my father. What does he do? He is a A. Is that you? B. Who's that man? C. Who's the girl in a pink dress? D. She is a secretary. E. He is a pilot. F. She wants to be a basketball player. worker! (  )1. I think my father ________. A. is a worker  B. is very great C. isn't a good father (  ) 2. My father makes a big table with ________. A. wood  B. wheels  C. photos (  ) 3. My father likes ________. A. cooking food B. going to work C. taking photos (  ) 4. There are many ________ in our house. A. tables  B. chairs  C. photos 答案 基础知识梳理: 一、1. factory  2. 国家  3. worker  4. 大海 5. postman  6. 保持  7. businessman 8. 体育馆 9. fisherman 10. 大学  11. scientist  12. 打字 13. pilot 二、1. police officer 2. 校长 3. 打字快 4. 健康的生活 三、1. What does he do?  2. He's a businessman. 3. Where does he work?  4. He works at sea. 5. How does he go to work?  6. He goes to work by bike. 7. 你也想当校长吗? 8. 我们应该努力学习,保持健康。 四、1. What 2. Where 3. How 4. worker 5. postman 6. businessman  7. policeman 8. fisherman 9. scientist 10. pilot 11. cook 12. factory 13. sea 单元强化检测:五、1. pilot 2. fisherman 3. police officer 4. worker 5. postman 六、1. singing; sings; singer  解析:like+ doing 表示喜欢做。She 为第三人称单数,一般 现在时态下,动词需要加­s;a good ________,此处需要填写名词,所以为 singer。 2. works; worker 3. using; quickly 解析:第一空考查 like+doing;第二空用来修饰动词 type,即“打得 快”,此处应使用副词,在 quick 后加上­ly。 七、1. What does your grandfather do 2. Where does Li Ling work 3. How does your sister go to work 4. He wants to be a sports reporter 八、1. B 2. E 3. D 4. C 5. F 6. A 九、1. B 2. B 3. C 4. C Unit 6 单元知识梳理卷 基础知识梳理 一、单词过关。(17 分) 1. 生气的__________  2. chase__________ 3. 害怕__________ 4. mice__________ 5. 难过的__________ 6. bad__________ 7. 担心的__________ 8. ill__________ 9. 高兴的__________ 10. wrong__________ 11. 穿__________ 12. feel__________ 13. 更多的__________ 14. well__________ 15. 数数__________ 16. grass__________17. hear __________ 二、重点短语。(12 分) 1. 深吸一口气 ________________________ 2. 看病 ________________________ 3. 数到十 ________________________ 4. wear warm clothes____________________ 5. pull. . . out of________________________ 6. stuck in ________________________ 三、重点句子。(12 分) 1. 它们害怕它。 __________________________________________________________________ 2. 这只猫很生它们的气。 __________________________________________________________________ 3. 怎么了? __________________________________________________________________ 4. 你爸爸生病了。 __________________________________________________________________ 5. 他今天早上应该去看病。 __________________________________________________________________ 6. 别伤心。 __________________________________________________________________ 四、核心语言点。(14 分)本单元我们学习了如何表达感受以及对不同感受的人提出建议。请根据提示补全单词, 完善知识点。 单元强化检测 五、判断以下各项单词是(T)否(F)为同一类。(5 分) (  ) 1. A. grass   B. tree   C. stuck (  ) 2. A. pull B. worry C. feel (  ) 3. A. bad B. wrong C. great (  ) 4. A. hurt B. mice C. chase (  ) 5. A. ill B. well C. ant 六、读一读,选一选。(10 分) (  ) 1. It's cold outside. You should ________ warm clothes. A. wear   B. put   C. in (  )2. That dog is too big. I'm ________ of it. A. happy B. sad C. afraid (  ) 3. I think the ________ are bad. I don't like them. A. mouse  B. mice   C. mouses (  )4. Our dog is ________ a little cat. A. chasing B. running C. chase(  ) 5. The film is ______ a big monkey. A. of B. from C. about 七、看图,连一连,并写出句子。(10 分) 1.     A. do more exercise 2. B. eat some ice cream 3. C. put on warm clothes 1. You are ________, so you should __________________________________. 2. ________________________________________________________________. 3. ________________________________________________________________.八、选择正确 的句子补全对话。(10 分) Tom:1. ________ Jack: I'm so excited. Tom:2. ________ Jack:Today is my birthday. I get many gifts from my family. Tom: Sounds great! 3. ________ Jack: Thanks. Look at Sam. He looks sad. 4. ________Tom: He lost his new bike. 5. ________ Jack:Oh, no. Let's help him find the bike. Tom: OK! A. What's wrong with him? B. Hello! How are you? C. His mother is angry with him. D. Why do you feel so excited? E. Happy birthday to you! 九、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10 分) Dingding is a little boy. He is five. His grandfather and grandmother live on a big farm. There are many animals on the farm. Dingding likes the animals. This weekend, he visits his grandparents with his mum and dad. He is so excited. He goes to see the chicken. They are so loud. He goes to see the horses. He wants to ride a horse. But the horse is too tall. He sees a big pig. It isn't tall. He runs to the pig and rides on it. The pig is afraid. It runs fast! Dingding is afraid now. He shouts: Help! Help! His grandfather is worried. He runs after them. There is a little pool near the farm. The beach of the pool is wet. The pig falls down on the beach, and it is stuck in the mud. Dingding falls down from the pig. He is stuck in the mud, too. His grandfather pulls him out of the mud. He feels sad. But his parents and grandparents are happy! (  )1. Dingding's grandfather is a worker. (  )2. Dingding likes the animals on the farm. (  )3. He wants to ride a pig but it's too tall. (  )4. When he rides the pig,the pig is afraid. (  )5. Dingding's family are happy because Dingding is funny. 答案 基础知识梳理: 一、1. angry  2. 追赶 3. afraid 4. 老鼠 5. sad 6. 邪恶的;坏的  7. worried  8. 有病;不舒服 9. happy 10. 有毛病 11. wear12. 觉得;感到  13. more  14. 健康;身体好 15. count  16. 草坪  17. 听见 二、1. take a deep breath 2. see a doctor 3. count to ten 4. 穿暖和的衣服 5. 把……拉出来 6. 陷入 三、1. They're afraid of him. 2. The cat is angry with them. 3. What's wrong? 4. Your father is ill. 5. He should see a doctor this morning. 6. Don't be sad. 四、1. angry 2. How 3. Should 4. deep 5. more 6. doctor 7. wear 单元强化检测: 五、1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F 六、1. A  解析:should 后应接动词原形,put on 为穿上。 2. C 3. B 解析:根据 are 可判定此处应为复数,mouse 的复数为 mice。 4. A 解析:is +动词­ing 构成现在进行时,running 后不能直接接宾语,所以选择 chasing。 5. C 解析:about. . . 指“关于……”。 七、1—B You are hot, so you should eat some ice cream 2—C You are cold, so you should put on warm clothes 3—A You are tired, so you should do more exercise 八、1. B 2. D 3. E 4. A 5. C九、1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T

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