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补全对话 ‎1‎ A: Hi, Mum. This is my new friend, Tom.‎ A. Who’s this girl?‎ B. Welcome to our home!‎ C. This is my family photo.‎ D. He’s my brother, Dick.‎ B: _________.‎ C: Thank you.‎ A: Look! ___________‎ C: Who’s this boy?‎ A: _________‎ C: __________‎ A: She is my sister, Sue. ‎ ‎2‎ ‎3.A: Hello, what’s ______ name? ‎ B: My name _____ Lucy.‎ A: Which ______ are you in?‎ B: I’m ____ Class Two, Grade Four.‎ A: What’s your _______?‎ B: I’m number __________.‎ A: Let’s be ________, OK?‎ B: OK. Is four in friend your number class ‎20‎ ‎4. ‎ A: Good morning, Gao Wei.‎ A. What’s your number?‎ B. Good morning, Mary.‎ C. Which class are you in?‎ D. I’m from England.‎ B: _____________‎ A; Where are you from?‎ B: ______________________‎ A: ______________________‎ B: I’m number seventeen.‎ A:__________________________‎ B: I’m in Class 1, Grade 5.‎ ‎5.‎ Wang Ping: Hi, Jim.‎ ‎ Jim: ________, Wang Ping. ‎ A. How B. This C. We’re D. Hi E. Which F. five ‎ ____________ is my new friend, Peter.‎ Wang Ping: Glad to meet you, Peter.‎ ‎ Peter: Glad to meet you, too.‎ Wang Ping: ___________ class are you in?‎ ‎ Peter: I’m in Class Four. _______ about you?‎ Wang Ping: I’m in Class Two.‎ ‎ Peter: What’s your number?‎ Wang Ping: I’m number ___________.‎ Wang Ping:‎ ‎ Jim: _________ good friends!‎ Peter: ‎ ‎21‎ ‎6.‎ A: Good morning, Peter. A.It’s so big.‎ B: __________ How are you? B.Good idea!‎ A: __________ Look! What a big watermelon. C.Good morning, Jim B: Yes. _______ And I like it. D.Me, too.‎ A: _________ Let’s eat it. E.I’m fine. Thank y B: ___________.‎ ‎7.‎ A: What’s this in English?‎ B: __________________‎ A: __________________ ‎ B: It’s a pineapple.‎ A: __________________ ‎ B: Yes, I do.‎ A: _________________‎ B: OK.‎ ‎8‎ Kate: Hello! This is Kate. A. How’s the weather in Tianjin?‎ May: HI, Kate. ______1____ B. What about you?‎ Kate: _____2_______ What about Shanghai? C. It’s cool, too.‎ May: ______3______ D. and your sister?‎ Kate: I like monkeys. _____4________ E. It’s cool today.‎ May: I like elephants, ______5_____‎ Kate: She likes bears. ‎ ‎22‎ ‎9‎ ‎10‎ A.: I have a new friend. B: ___________‎ A: A girl. She is nice. B: Is that her photo? ‎ A: ______ Look! She wears a pink T-shirt and a yellow skirt. B: _______‎ A: Yes. She likes pink very much. B: How many people are there in her family?‎ A: ______ She has a brother. B: ________‎ A: She is a nurse. And her father is a teacher.‎ A. Does she like pink? B. Four. C. What does her mother do?‎ D. A boy or a girl? E. Yes, it is ‎11‎ ‎1.A: Hi,Kate. ______________________________________‎ ‎ B: Great.‎ ‎ A: I like pandas and bears._________________________________‎ ‎ B: I like monkeys,elephants and rabbits.‎ ‎2.A: ________________________ Can I have some juice,please?‎ B: ________________________‎ a. It’s cool today. Shall we go to the zoo?‎ b. It’s hot today,Mum.‎ c. Sure.‎ d. What about you?‎ ‎23‎ 专项训练:补全对话 ‎24‎ 专项训练 ‎( ) 1 Where _____ you from? I _____ from America.‎ A.are, are B. are, am C. am, are ‎( ) 2 Who’s this girl? _______ is my sister.‎ A.She B. He’s C. She’s ‎( ) 3 _______ class are you in? ‎ A.Which B. Where C. What’s ‎( ) 4 I’m in _________‎ A.Grade One, Class Two B.class one, grade two C.Class Two, Grade One ‎( ) 5 Let’s count _______ five _____ ten.‎ A.from, to B. in, and C. from, and ‎( ) 6 What’s the _______? It’s 7:20.‎ A.number B. time C. name ‎( ) 7 What’s this _____ English?‎ A.in B. of C. on ‎( ) 8 Do you like __________?‎ A.potato B. tomatos C. mangoes ‎( ) 9 ________ the weather today? It’s fine.‎ A.How B. What’s C. How’s ‎( ) 10 It’s ______ today. Let’s play with my kite.‎ A.rainy B. windy C. snowy ‎( ) 11 Dad, shall we go to the zoo? ______________‎ A.Here you are. B. Thank you. C. Good idea! Let’s go.‎ ‎( ) 12 Please show me those _________.‎ A.jacket B. shorts C. shirt ‎( ) 13 The elephant ______ big ears.‎ A.have B. has C. are ‎( ) 14 ______ tall we are!‎ A.How B. What C. What a ‎( ) 15 Please show ______ your new hat.‎ A.I B. my C. me ‎25‎

资料: 10.8万


