Starter U2 What is this in English教案

Starter U2 What is this in English教案


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英语 备 课 组 集 体 备 课 教 案 年级: 七 主讲人: 备课人员:七年级英语教研组 总 课 题 Starter U2 总 序 课 时 3 课 时 1 授课时间 第 1 周 课 题 What is this in English? 课 型 Listening&speaking 知识与技能 Grasp letters:Ii ~ Rr and to identify things. 过程与方法 To identify the things 教 学 目 标 情感态度 To learn to talk about what things are in English. 重 点 1.Vocabulary: what, is, what's, this, in, English, in English, that, map, cup, ruler, pen, orange, jacket, key, quilt, it, a(n) 2.Sentence: What is this in English? It’s an orange. What is that in English? It’s a jacket.. 教 学 重 难 点 难 点 Grasp letters:Ii ~ Rr and to identify things. 教法学法 Listening&Speaking 教学准备 multimedia 教 学 过 程教学环节及 时间 预设 师 生 活 动 个案补充 Ⅰ. Warming-up and revision 1. Greet the Ss. — Good morning/afternoon/evening, class! — Good morning/afternoon/evening, Mr./ Ms. … T: How are you? Ss: I'm fine. How are you? T: I'm OK. (Let Ss greet each other in pairs.) 2. Greet each other. 3. Let Ss sing the letter song. Ⅱ. Game (a guessing game) Teachers show a letter and ask, “What’s this?” Get the students to answer the questions like this: T: What’s this? Ss: It’s A/B/C … Ⅲ. Presentation 1. Tell Ss to look at the picture in 1a. Read the words and sentences carefully. 1a Look for the small letters in the picture for these big letters. Check (√) the ones you found. Ss read the words and sentences and look for the small letters. Then check the answers. 2. Let Ss learn new words. Show some real things to the class, such as ruler, pen, key, orange, map… T: What's this in English? Ss: (Help Ss answer) It's a ruler. (The same with the words, pen, key, orange and map) Put the things in a desk a little far way. T: (Point to the things) What's that in English? Ss: It's a ruler. (The same with the words, pen, key, orange and map) 提示:让学生说一下 this 与 that 的区别。 Ⅳ. Listening 1b 1. Now let's listen to the recording first. Then repeat after the recording. 2. Ss listen and repeat after the recording. Ⅴ. Pair work 1.(让学生们看 1a 图画中的人物的对话,告诉学生图画 中男孩与女孩就周围的事物进行问答对话。同学们应注意 问较近的事物应用 this,而指较远的事物则应用 that。) 1c Practice the conversation in the picture with your partner. T: You are the boy, your partner is the girl and practice the conversations in pairs. (Ss practice the conversations in pairs.) T: Exchange the roles. And practice the conversations again. (Ss exchange the roles and practice the conversations again.) 2. 运用刚学的句型,对图画中男孩和女孩周围的事物进 行问答 S1: What's this in English? S2: It's a pen. What's that in English? S1: It's a map. What's this in English? S4: It's a ruler. … 3. Write the names of the things on the Bb. Ss read again and try to remember them. (orange, ruler, pen, key, jacket, map, cup, quilt) Ⅵ. Listening 2a, 2b 1. Let Ss recite Aa ~ Hh twice. 2. (告诉学生们下面接着学习字母 Ii ~ Rr。其中 I、J、K、 L、M、N、O、P、Q、R 是大写字母;i、j、k、l、m、 n、o、p、q、r 是小写字母。) T: First, let's listen to the letters. I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r (教师播放录音三次,第一次学生们仅听,第二次和第 三次学生们跟读。注意可运用暂停键来让学生们有足够 的时间读完。) 3. Let some Ss read out the letters Ii ~ Rr. (注意纠正学生们 不准确的读音) 4. Let Ss try to remember the letters Ii ~ Rr. 5. Now let's work on 2b. Listen and number the letters you hear [1-10]. (教师播放录音三次,第一次学生们仅听,第二次听录音 填编号、第三次听录音校对答案。) 6. Show the words "orange, ruler, pen, key, jacket, map, cup, quilt" to the Ss. Ask Ss to number the words in alphabetical order. Ss work with his or her partner and number the words in alphabetical order. 7. Let some Ss read their words to check the answers. Ⅶ. Writing1. T: Now let's learn how to write these letters. First look at the picture carefully in 2c. Then tell us how to write these English letters. I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r 2. Ss read and find out the writing rules of the letters Ii ~ Rr. S1: 大字字母都是占上两格。 S2: 字母 m、n、o、r 占中间的一格。 S3:字母 k、l 占上两格。 S4: 字母 p、q 占下两格。 S5: 字母 j 占三格。 3. Ss try to copy the letters by themselves. T goes around the classroom to give any help. 4. Let some Ss come to the Bb, and write down the letters on the Bb. Check with the whole class. Ⅷ. Practice 1. Tell Ss to look at the picture in 2d. First, read the letters aloud. Then let some Ss read the letters to the class aloud. 2. Let Ss try to write down the missing letters. Check the answers with your partner. 3. Let some Ss come the Bb and write missing letters on the Bb. (注意看学生们的字母笔顺是否正确,纠正不正确的笔顺, 并让其他学生引起注意。) Ⅸ. Read and Talk 1. Let Ss look at the pictures in 2e. Let some Ss read the letters below each picture. 2. Let some Ss talk about the meaning of each picture. S1: P 停车场;停车位 S2: NBA (美国)全国篮球协会 S3: kg 千克;公斤 XI. Exercises 1. 将单词与图片连线。 2. 在四线三格中写出左邻右舍。 I I _____ K k L l ____ N n O o ___ Q q P p _____ R r E e ____ G g 3. 选择填空。 1) This is ______ orange. A. a B. an C. / 2) That is ______ map. A. a B. an C. / 3) — What’s this? — _______ “I”. A. It’s B. This is C. Its 4) “千克”的英文缩写是 _______。 A. UN B. cm C. kg 5) “(美国)全国篮球协会 ”的英文缩写是 _____。 A. NBA B. BBC C. UN 4. 看图填空。 — Hello, Helen! — Oh, ______, Eric. — What’s ______ in English?— _______ ______ pen. — And _______ ______ in English? — It’s ______ ________. XII. Game Let the students do some letters games to enjoy your lesson, the following is the instruction. 1. 第一轮:抢读字母游戏:教师将全班分成若干小组, 然后逐个出示字母卡片,学生们举手抢答。教师让最先举 手的学生读出该字母,读对的给该组记 2 分。 2. 第二轮:写字母游戏:限定五分钟的时间,各小组成 员默写字母 Ii ~ Rr。然后,各小组交换,校对答案。 3. 评价:得分最多的组为优胜组。 作业设计 Copy the new words 5 times. Write down the conversation 板书设计 Starter U2 What is this in English? 1.Vocabulary: what, is, what's, this, in, English, in English, that, map, cup, ruler, pen, orange, jacket, key, quilt, it, a(n) 2.Sentence: What is this in English? It’s an orange. What is that in English? It’s a jacket.. 优点 不足 教学 反思 改 进 措施 英语 备 课 组 集 体 备 课 教 案 年级: 七 主讲人: 备课人员:七年级英语教研组 总 课 题 Starter U2 总 序 课 时 4 课 时 2 授课时间 第 2 周 课 题 What is this in English? 课 型 Listening&speaking 知识与技能 1) 能掌握以下单词:orange, ruler, pen, key, jacket, map, cup, quilt , spell, please 2) 能掌握以下句型: ① — What's this in English? — It's an orange. ② — What's that in English? — It's a map? ③ — Spell it, please. — M-A-P. 过程与方法 在认识事物的学习活动中培养学生的想象力和创造力;激发学生学习英语的 兴趣. 教 学 目 标 情感态度 发挥学生学习英语的主动性;通过小组活动、组间竞赛,培养学生的合 作意识和团队精神。 重 点 1) 运用 — What's this/that? — It's… 句型对周围的事物进行问答练习。 2) 运用 Spell it, please 句型,练习拼写所学的有关事物的单词,并强化 记忆这些单词。 3)总结归纳元音字母 Aa、Ee、Ii 与 Oo 在单词中的常见发音规律,并能 利用所学的规律来尝试拼读新的单词。 教 学 重 难 点 难 点 总结归纳元音字母 Aa、Ee、Ii 与 Oo 在单词中的常见发音规律,并能利 用所学的规律来尝试拼读新的单词。 教法学法 Speaking&listening 教学准备 multimedia 教 学 过 程教学环节及 时间 预设 师 生 活 动 个案补充 Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision 1. Greet the Ss. Check the homework. 2. Recite the words. Let Ss read these words loundly. 3. Review the letters Ii ~ Rr. Let some Ss recite the letters. Then let some Ss come to the Bb and write them on the Bb. (注意和同学们一起纠正个别同学不正确的笔顺。) 3. Put some real objects on the teacher's desk. (orange, ruler, pen, key, jacket, cup) Ask Ss to answer the questions: T: What's this in English? Ss: It's an orange. T: What's this in English? Ss: It's a ruler. (Ask about more Ss about other things.) 4. Point to a map on the wall. Ask Ss: What's that in English? Ss: It's a map. Point to a picture of quilt. Ask Ss: What's that in English? Ss: It's a quilt. (Put the real objects on a desk which is a little far away.) Then ask questions about them. 5. Let Ss ask and answer about the objects in pairs. Ⅱ. Listening 1. 让学生们看 3a 中的八幅图画,读出每幅图画的英语名 称。 2. 告诉学生们下面将听到的录音中是图画中的事物。听 录音,按录音中所读的顺序将这八幅图画排序。 3. 3a. Listen to the recording and number the pictures. (For the first time, only listen. For the second time, listen and number the pictures. For the third time, let's check the answers.) 4. 3b. Now let's listen to the recording again. And complete the words under the pictures in 3a. (Play the tapes three times. For the first and the second time, Ss listen and write letters to complete the words. For the third time, check the answers with the whole class. ) Ⅲ. Pair work 1. 3c.(让学生们看 3c 图画中的人物的对话,告诉学生们 艾里克与海伦在问答地图的说法及拼写。) T: Now listen the recording. For the first time only listen and for the second time, listen and repeat after the recording. (Ss listen to the recording and repeat after the recording.) T: You are Eric, your partner is Helen. Practice the conversations with your partner. (Ss practice the conversations in pairs.) A: What’s this in English? B: It’s a map. A: Spell it, please. B: M-A-P T: Exchange the roles. And practice the conversations again. (Ss exchange the roles and practice the conversations again.) 2. Let some Ss act out the conversation. Ⅳ. Listening1. Tell Ss to look at the box in 3d. Then let some Ss read the words aloud. Make sure they know the meaning of every word. 1 key ____ pen ____ cup ____ ruler 2. Tell Ss that they will hear four conversations. They are about different objects. Listen to the conversations and number the words you hear. 3. Play the recording for the Ss listen and number. (Play the recording three times. For the first time, only listen. For the second time, listen and number the words. For the third time, check the answers.) Ⅴ. Pair work 1. T: Look at the picture in 3e. This is Helen's room. Eric and Helen are talking about the objects in her room. What can you see in the room? Ss: A map, a ruler, a pen, an orange, a quilt and a jacket. A: What’s that in English? B: It’s an orange. A: Spell it, please. B: O-R-A-N-G-E. 2. Who can act out the conversation in the picture? S1: What's this in English? S2: It's an orange. S1: Spell it, please. S2: O-R-A-N-G-E. 3. Very good! Now work with your partner and ask and answer about the objects in Helen's room. (Ss ask and answer about the objects in Helen's room.)Ⅵ. Writing 1. Now let's recite all the letters we learned from Aa to Rr. (Ss try to recite it by themselves first. Then let some Ss recite the words in front of the class.) 2. T: Now let's work on 4a. Look at the chart. Read the chart first then fill in the blanks. 3. Ss write the missing letters. Then check the answers with his/her partner. 4. Let's work on 4b now. First let's read the words in the box. Then, let some Ss read the words in the box aloud. 5. Now let's number all the words in alphabetical order. ( 让 学生们解释一下什么是“字母表顺序”) 6. Ss number all the words in alphabetical order then let some Ss read their numbers to check the answers. Ⅶ. Listen and repeat 1. Let's work on 4c. (告诉学生们这是有关元音字母 a、e、i 和 o 在单词中读 音规则的总结,同学们认真听,看能否听清左右两个方 框中发音的不同。) Play the tape twice for the Ss to listen. 2. 让学生们说出字母 a、e、i 和 o 在单词中的两种发音, 看学生们是否听清。然后教给学生们字母 a、e、i 和 o 在单词中的两种发音。 3. Play the tape again for the Ss to listen and repeat. Ⅷ. Practice 1. Now let's work on 4d. First, let's read the words and letters in column 1. (Ss read the he words and letters in column 1 aloud.) 2. Look at the words in column 2. Can you read them out? (提醒学生右栏中的单词中黑体字母的发音与左栏中的读 音一样。) 3. Let some Ss try to read the words. Correct their pronunciation. Ⅸ. Explanation 1. Spell it, please. 请拼写一下吧。 1) 这是一个用来考查别人拼写(读)能力的句式。用于 别人提到的单词,自己不知如何拼写。让对方指出这个单 词由哪几个字母组成。例如: — It’s a jacket. 它是一个夹克衫。 — Spell it, please. 请拼写它。 — J-A-C-K-E-T. 2. please 意为“请”,常用于一些客套的场合,可放在句首, 也可以放在句末。放在句末时,常用逗号与前面部分隔开。 例如: Please stand up. = Stand up, please. 请起立。 字母 Ii ~ Rr 的书写及发音。 1. 在书写英语字母时,每个字母都应向 右倾斜,约为 5°。且大写字母都占上中格,可顶第一线。 具体书写及笔顺如下: 2. 字母 Ii ~ Rr 的读音依次为: 其中 Ii 和 Oo 是元音字母,其余均为辅音字母。 (1) 元音字母 Ii, 在“I + 辅音字母(r 除外) + 不发音的 e”这 X. Exercises 一、找出与所给字母含有相同音素的选项。 1. e A. g B. m C. n ____ 2. f A. r B. q C. pen ____3. o A. orange B. OK C. dog ____ 4. a A. thanks B. Dale C. map ____ 5. i A. hi B. in C. quilt ____ 二、按字母表顺序默写字母 I 到 R 的大小写形式。 A ________________________________ a _________________________________ 三、写出下列字母中的元音字母,并在横线上写出它们的 小写字母。 C F A D E N B K I J M R O D Q P 作业设计 Have a dictation of the new words in Starter U2. 板书设计 Starter U2 What’s this in English? New words:orange, ruler, pen, key, jacket, map, cup, quilt , spell, please Sentences: ① — What's this in English? — It's an orange. ② — What's that in English? — It's a map? ③ — Spell it, please. — M-A-P. 优点 不足 教学 反思 改 进 措施

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