dialy life 教学设计新版

dialy life 教学设计新版


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1 学校 江西省上饶市一小 姓名 夏 静 Daily Life I’m Wang Peng .I’m a student. I’m in Class 2, Grade 6. Every morning, I get up at 6:00 and do morning exercises at 6:30.I go to school at 7:00. I have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. I study hard at school. After school, I often help my mother do housework. My father is a policeman. He goes to work at 9:00 in the evening. He goes home at 5:00 in the morning, then he eats breakfast at 6:00. He goes to bed at 7:00 every morning. His work is hard, but he likes it. My aunt is a sportswoman of table tennis. She starts training at 8:00 every morning. In the afternoon, she continues training from 2:00 to 5:00. She doesn’t think it’s boring, because she wants to win a gold medal and make herself healthy.2 Daily Life 教学设计 一、 教学内容 阅读三个不同类型人的日常生活片段,并运用文中所学句型 来谈论自己或他人的日常生活。 二、 设计理念 围绕“日常生活”的话题,进行阅读教学。通过观看视频等形式, 创设较真实的语境,增强学生在语境中的理解能力。同时运用小组竞 赛和游戏等方式来帮助完成本课的语言知识,并在教学中注意阅读教 学的层次性。 三、 教学目标 1、知识目标: ⑴完成本课英语素材的阅读,从而了解不同人的日常生活及发现不同 的规律,并掌握阅读的方法和技巧。 ⑵能掌握并运用表达日常生活活动的句子: “I get up at 6:00.” “I do morning exercises at 6:30.” “He goes to work at 9:00 in the evening.”等。 2、能力目标 ⑴ 能用英语表达和交流自己或他人的日常生活。 ⑵ 用多种方式培养和增强学生的阅读能力。 3、情感目标 通过阅读三个不同类型人的日常生活,增强学生爱学习、爱劳动、 爱运动、珍惜时间等精神意识。 四、 教学重点难点 1、重点:掌握表达日常生活活动的句子:“I get up at 6:00.” “I do morning exercises at 6:30.” “He goes to work at 9:00 in the evening.”等。 2、难点:理解阅读内容中的一些生词,如 continue、training、gold medal 等。 五、 教具准备 CAI、教学卡片。 六、 教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1、T: Boys and girls! It’s time for English. Are you ready? 3 Good morning, Class! How are you today? 2、Sing the song “This is the way”. [ 设计意图 ]教师通过与学生的简单英语问候,使学生快速进入学习 状态。并用一首相关的歌曲,激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生以饱满的 热情投入学习。 Step 2 Presentation 1、T: Today we will meet 3 people and know something about their daily life. They are Wang Peng, his father and his aunt. Show the passage in the screen first, then give the students two minutes to read. 2、T: First let’s watch Wang Peng’s daily life. Please look carefully and tell me when he gets up. 2、T: Let’s watch again and make notes. 3、T: Let’s play a game. The name is Brainstorm. Use the phrases and make more sentences. For example: “I get up at 7.”or “ She goes to school at 7:20.”Let’s see which group can make more sentences. 4、T: Look at the screen.Can you do housework? What can you do? S1: I can sweep the floor. S2: I can …. T: You’re helpful. So after school, please help your mother do some housework, OK? [ 设计意图 ] 先让学生通读全文,然后播放王鹏的日常生活视频, 来引出本课的中心内容。激发了学生阅读的兴趣,并通过创设较真实 的语境降低学习的难度。 5 、 That’s Wang Peng’s daily life. Do you want to know something about his father’s daily life? OK. Let’s go. Please read carefully and make notes by yourselves. 6、 T:Now who can show me your note? 7、 I have a question: His father’s work is hard, but he likes it .Why? Why dose he like his job? S1:Because he wants to help the people.4 S2: … [ 设计意图 ] 通过录音呈现王鹏爸爸的日常生活后,让学生进行阅 读并自己做笔记。通过此环节,了解学生对本段阅读短文的理解和掌 握程度。 8、 T: And the last one is Wang Peng’s aunt. I know,she likes her job, too. Let’s look at her daily life.First,let’s look at some new words.Then please read the passage and number it. 9 、 T: Now, let ’ s check. After that, ask some questions: What’s her job? When does she start training? Dose she think her job is boring? Why? S1: She is a sportswoman. S2: At 8:00 every morning. S3: She wants to win a gold medal and make herself healthy. … 10、T: How can we make ourselves healthy? How? S1: Do sports. S2: … [ 设计意图 ]让学生阅读有关王鹏的阿姨的日常生活的短文, 并将顺序乱了的短文重新排序,增强学生的理解和分析能力。 Step 3 Practice and consolidation 1、 T: Now we know 3 people’s daily life. Let’s finish the chart and find the differences. 5 2、 T: Boys and girls, it’s your turn to talk about daily life .Please take out your materials and talk in groups. 3、 Then ask some students to say . [ 设计意图 ]此环节 ,让学生总结不同人的日常生活,发现 不同的规律,并简要谈看法。之后,让学生在小组中谈论各种职 业的人的日常生活并作记录,加强英语的表达和总结能力。 Step4 Extension and sum-up 1、T: From this lesson, what have you learned? Let’s say something. 2、 At last, watch a cartoon: Shrek’s daily life. [ 设计意图 ] 此环节,让学生总结从本课所学知识中,学到了 什么,并学会用英语表达。最后观看一部卡通片段,再次激起 学生对英语学习的兴趣,感受学英语的快乐。 Step 5 Homework 1 、Write a passage about Shrek’s daily life 、your family’s or friend’s daily life. 2 、 After school, please help your parents do some housework. [ 设计意图 ] 这份作业意在让学生巩固并扩展本课所学知识,并通 过布置学生做家务的作业,让学生回去帮助家人做力所能及的事情, 从而建立起爱劳动的意识。 Step 6 Blackboard

资料: 3.6万


