外研版英语七年级下册短语及重点句型汇总:Module 12 Westernmusic

外研版英语七年级下册短语及重点句型汇总:Module 12 Westernmusic


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外研版英语七年级下册短语及重点句型汇总:Module 12 WesternmusicModule 12 Westernmusic【重点短语】1. Beijing Opera  京剧2. the capital of Austria 奥地利首都3. think about 认为,考虑4. pop music 流行音乐5. Western Music  西方音乐6. dance to  随着…跳舞7. the center of …的中心8. European classical music  欧洲古典音乐9. on the river 在…河畔10. hundreds of wonderful pieces of music 数以百计的美妙的乐曲11. play music  演奏音乐12. traditional music 传统音乐13. take place 发生14. at the same time 同时15. watch it on TV 在电视上观看16. types of music 音乐的类型17. the rest of 其余的...18. in the last ten years 在过去的十年里19. at that time  在那时?????????????????【重点句子】1. This is Western music, isn’t it? 这是西方音乐,是吧?2. —Is this by Strauss or Mozart? 这是斯特劳斯还是莫扎特的作品?      —It’s byStrauss. 它是斯特劳斯的作品。3. Do you know anything about him?你了解他吗?4. What a beautiful city! 多么美丽的城市!5. This is called The Blue Danube. 这首乐曲叫《蓝色多瑙河》。6. It goes through Vienna. 它流经维也纳。7. Listen to this fantastic voice. 你听这绝妙的嗓音。8. I’m a fan of rock music. 我是一个摇滚乐迷。9. Give us a break! 让我们清净一会吧!(饶了我们吧!!)10. It’s so noisy! And much toofast!   太吵了!而且节奏太快了。11. I don’t believe it! 我简直无法相信!12. Vienna is a beautiful old city onthe River Danube in the centre of Europe. 维也纳是位于欧洲中部多瑙河畔的一座古老而美丽的城市。13. The father, Johann Strauss theelder, wrote and played music for traditional dances, called the waltz. 父亲老约翰•斯特劳斯创作并演奏一种叫华尔兹的古典舞曲。14. His dance music made him famous allover Europe. 他的舞曲让他闻名于欧洲。15. He wrote over 150 waltzes. 他谱写了150多首华尔兹舞曲。16. Mozart was another very important composer. 莫扎特是另一位非常重要的艺术家。17. Before he was six, he played notonly the piano but also the violin. 他不到六岁就不仅会弹钢琴,还会拉小提琴。18. His family took him around Europeand he gave concerts in many cities. 他的家人带着他周游欧洲并在许多城市巡回演出。19. He wrote hundreds of wonderfulpieces of music. 他谱写了几百部动人的音乐作品。20. But he became very poor and died in1791 when he was only 35. 但是他后来变得很贫困,于1791年去世年仅35岁。21. Like Johann Strauss, father and son,he was a great European musician, and many people still think his music isperfect. 像约翰•斯特劳斯父子俩一样,它是一位伟大的欧洲音乐家。现在许多人依然认为他的音乐是完美的。

资料: 3.6万


