外研版英语七年级下册短语及重点句型汇总:Module 10 A holidayjourney

外研版英语七年级下册短语及重点句型汇总:Module 10 A holidayjourney


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外研版英语七年级下册短语及重点句型汇总:Module 10 A holidayjourneyModule 10 A holidayjourney 【重点短语】1. go there 去那里  2. drive us to their home  开车带我们去他们家  3. go swimming  去游泳  4. get there 到那儿  5. movie star 电影明星  6. a special holiday  一个特殊的假期  7. at the airport  在机场  8. Pacific Ocean 太平洋  9. this year 今年  10. have a good time 玩得高兴  11. be with sb. 和某人一起  12. on holiday 度假  13. by plane 坐飞机  14. such as 例如  15. the day before yesterday 前天  16. take a walk 散步  17. begin our tour of the city  开始这个城市的旅行  18. the Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔  19. many world-famous works of art  许多世界著名的艺术品  20. first of all  首先  21. wait in line  排队等候  22. at the station  在车站  23. do different things 做不同的事情  24. spend all day 花整天时间  25. take lots of photos  照许多照片  26. go with sb. 与某人一起去【重点句子】1. —Where are you going on holiday,Tony? 你打算去哪儿度假,托尼?—To Los Angeles. 去洛杉矶。    2. I went there twoyears ago and enjoyed it a lot. 我两年前去过,玩的很开心。3. How long did it take to get there? 你花了多长时间去那里?4. Then our friends met us and drove usto their home. 然后我们的朋友去接我们,开车带我们到他们家。5. Who was with you? 你和谁一起去的?6. So what did you do? 那你们都做了些什么呢?7. Guess what? 你猜怎么着?8. I was so excited! 我太激动了!9. How long did you stay there? 你们在那里呆了多久?10. We stayed there for two days. 我们在那里呆了两天。11. Jenny and I arrived by plane the daybefore yesterday. 珍妮和我前天坐飞机到的。12. We were tired so we relaxed at homeand began our tour of the city yesterday. 我们感觉很累,所以我们在家休息,昨天开始在市里观光。13. It has many world-famous works ofart, such as the Mona Lisa. 它有许多世界闻名的艺术品,比如《蒙娜•丽莎》。14. This morning we took a walk. 今天上午我们去散步了。15. We also did some shopping. I boughta present for you. I hope you’ll like it! 我们也买了些东西,我也给你买了件礼物,希望你会喜欢。16. There were lots of tourists, sofirst of all, we had to wait in line for an hour, and then we went to the top.We waited till all the lights were on. 有很多游客,所以我们得排队等一个小时,后来我们到了塔顶。我们在那儿一直等到所有的灯都亮了起来。17. Tomorrow we’re going to visit afamous palace and take a boat tour on the River Seine. 我们明天要去参观一个著名的宫殿,还要乘船游览塞纳河。18.  I’ll write again. 我会再给你写邮件的。

资料: 3.6万


