牛津5B Unit6公开课教案

牛津5B Unit6公开课教案


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第六单元 第一教时 (Part B C)   一、教学内容:《九年义务教育六年制小学教科书·牛津小学英语5B》 二、教学目标: (1)能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词 time, touch ,an arm ,a hand,a leg,a foot。 (2)能听懂、会说、会读单词neck,shoulder,finger,knee,toe。 (3)能听懂、会说、会读、和会写句型Touch…with…All right;能正确使用祈使句来发布命令。 三、教学重点: (1)能正确掌握和运用四会单词。        (2)能正确使用祈使句Tough…with…three times等发布命令。 四、教学难点: (1)掌握用来发布命令的祈使句Touch…with…All right。 (2)熟练掌握本单元关于身体部位的单词。  五、教学准备:   单词卡,拼图,图片 六、教学过程: Step1: Warm up 1.      Greeting: Nice to meet you, boys and girls. 2.      引出教学:three times T: Boys and girls, do you know me? S: No. T: I have an English name. Guess, what’s my English name? Such as: Helen? Lily? Nancy? Mary? S: Guess. T: Yes, I’m Lily. Please call me three times. 板书:three times 教读--- Chinese meaning 中译英: 一次/ 两次 T: Boys, please call me five times. 3.      Free talk: (1)   What day is it today? (2)   What lessons do you have in the morning? (3)   What subject do you like? (4)   Do you like English/ PE? (5)   Who likes PE? Please put up your hand and let me know. 引出教学:hand (and---hand) hand, hand, put up your hand. T: Oh, I know, many students like PE. So, today I’m not your English teacher. I’ll as a PE teacher. Let’s have an English PE lesson. OK? 揭示课题:Unit 6 A PE lesson. ( Boys, read two times, please./       Girls, read three times, please.) Step2 Presentation and practice 1. 教学touch. First, let’s play a game. I say, you do. Hand, hand, put your hand on your face. ( Look, I’m touching my face.) Hand, hand, put your hand on your eyes. ( Look, I’m touching my eyes.) Hand, hand, put your hand on your back. ( Look, I’m touching my back.) 引出教学touch. ou ---says /A/, ch---says /  /, ch, ch, --- Practice: touch your desk/ pencil box/ English book…… 2. 教学身体部位单词 T: This time, let’s play another game. Do you like puzzles? S: Yes, I do. T: Let’s do the puzzle. OK? T: ( Show the part of one’s body)Look, what’s this? You can speak in Chinese. S: Guess---脖子 T: (show --- neck)n---says /n/  e---says /e/ ck---says /k/ 指名读,小组读. (Group 1, read two times. Group 2, read three times.) T: Follow me. Neck, neck, this is my neck. I say: Neck, neck, touch your neck.You say: Neck, neck, touch my neck. 引出:Touch your neck two times/ four times. 同上教学shoulder, arm, hand, leg, knee, foot, toe, finger 注:(1)渗透读音教学。    (2)单、复数教学。    (3)句型教学:Touch--- three times                   Touch--- with your hand/ fingers ---times 3.review the sentence. (1)     read the sentence (2)     Make a sentence and say the Chinese meaning. 4.T: Let’s do the puzzle. Who will try? Look, who is he? S: He is Yao Ming. T: Yao Ming is a basketball player. He plays basketball very well. 5.      Review the words (1)   听号, 读单词 T: Just now, we have learned some new words. Let’s count. How many new words do we Learn?  ( 师边数,边标号。) Now, I say the numbers, you read the words two times. ( such as:      I say No.1, you say : neck , neck.) (2)Match the words T: Take out your pictures, they are all the pictures of the stars. Like Yao Ming, Liu Xiang… Do you like them? Beside the man, there are some words. Let’s match the words and the pictures.OK? (Ask one student to come to the blackboard and do it.) 6.      Listen and do. (1)     T--- say the orders. S--- touch Eg: touch his shoulders ./ Touch his arms two times. / Touch his legs with your fingers/ hand three times./ Touch your …… (2)     Work in groups. (3)     Ask one student to come the blackboard and as a teacher. The others listen and do. (小组操练, 整班学生操练。) Step3 Consolidation Do the exercise at P47 (1)     Work in pairs. (2)     Write it down.
