牛津小5B unit4(第一课时)教学设计

牛津小5B unit4(第一课时)教学设计


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一、教材简析本课的教学内容是unit4 A部分短文,通过发电子邮件的情景介绍朋友,并且在介绍朋友的同时,还重点引出了主语是第三人称单数的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句及其应答Does he /she … Yes ,he /she does. No,he /she doesn’t.What does he /she usually do…? He/she usually…本课目的是想让学生在尽可能真实的情境中,灵活运用所学的知识。二、学情分析学生已经有了一定的语言基础,本文的教学量比较大,涉及到英语句型较多,语法点虽不要求学生彻底清楚,但也应尽可能让学生正确使用,达到意会的效果。根据学生的年龄特点,充分利用多媒体课件,使教学内容与学生生活结合,以减少语言障碍,提高学生实际应用能力。三、设计理念整个教学从新课程的理念出发,面向全体学生,重组教材,以旧引新,强化重点,突破难点。通过多媒体教学创设学生乐学,易说的课堂情境。在教师的主导下,引导学生主动获取知识,培养学生用英语思维的能力,激发学生用英语表达的欲望。学以致用,提高课堂教学效率。四、教学目标:    知识目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词及词组:live in,town,London,a small town near London,busy,surf the Internet,write an e-mail。                2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Does he /she … Yes ,he /she does. No,he /she doesn’t.What does he /she usually do…? He/she usually…              3、能读懂Part A.    能力目标:养学生用英语思维的能力,以及语言组织能力。通过直观的情景创设,让学生学会询问他人或介绍他人的日常生活。并能让学生意会主语是第三人称单数的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句及其应答简单的语法规则。    情感目标:学生喜欢英语,树立大胆说英语的信心。五、教学重点    1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词及词组:live in,town,London,a small town near London,surf the Internet,write an e-mail。     2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Does he /she … Yes ,he /shedoes. No,he /she doesn’t.What does he /she usually do…? He/she usually…六、教学难点    1、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Does he /she …? Yes ,he/she does. No,he /she doesn’t.What does he /she usually do…? He/she usually…    2、学生能初步了解主语是第三人称单数的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句及其应答简单的语法规则。七、教学准备:多媒体课件,town,usually等单词的卡片。八、教学过程:Step1 .Free talk 1. T-S:Greating.2、T: I’m from Wuxi.I live in Nanquan. Do you live in Nanquan? S: Yes I do.  /No I don’t.T: Does he /she live in Nanquan? Yes, he/she does. No, he /she doesn’t.(应答分别多媒体呈现)3.Where does he live ? He lives in  …4. Nanquan is a town.5.town  6.What about Beijing ?(引导学生用town 造句)S: Beijing is not a town. … (引导学生说类似的话)同时教师要及时纠正学生可能对地理概念不大清楚的现象,用Is Beijing a town ? Shanghai is not a town .帮助学生理解Town 这个词的定义)7.I have a friend ,Tom. Can you guess Where does he live ?引导学生用Does he live in …?8.通过学生的回答,教师用多媒体适时引出London     9.随即引出 a small town near London 并且在对话中及时巩固He lives in …这一句型。[这一环节设计,循序渐进,结合了学生的生活实际,让学生有话可说,易于理解,便于使用,很好地为学生创设了“用”的语境。]Step 2.presentation and practice 1.T: Tom is a student .you are the  student too . what subject do you have at school?2. Do you study Chinese ? Do you study English ?…3.We go to school from Monday to Friday.We study…So we are busy.4.busy  5.Can you guess What subject does he study at school ? You can ask Miss Wang Does he study …? (引导学生使用句子)6.多媒体出示课程表 T: What subjects does he study at school?S: He studies …. (read the sentence)7.向学生展示一张表格,是三个同学放学后的活动情况。T:Look,Helen cooks on Monday,Tuesday,Thursday after school. So she usually cooks after school.8. Usually     < read >  9.T:What does Helen/Mike/Su Yang usually do after school?  S: He/She usually…10.  依次呈现多媒体  (刘翔等图片 )T:Can you guess ,what does he usually do … ? S: (引导) He usually runs , I think. (目的让学生正确使用这一句型)  11.通过谈论有关图片,使学生灵活使用He/she  usually …的句型,同时教师反复渗透what does he/she usually do… ?的句型。12.pair work 再出示一组人物图片,(名人)要求学生选一幅最了解的图片进行谈论(由于图片信息都来源于学生)[本环节借助多媒体,为学生提供语言材料,通过猜测的方式无意地运用了语言,这远比单调的在老师的指令下生硬的操练来得有趣,何况出示的图片都是同学们喜爱的体育明星。为学生的“用”铺设了无形的大道。]Step 3 presentation and practice 1.T:Can you guess,What does Miss Wang usually do on Sundays?S:Miss Wang usually goes shopping on Sundays .(启发)2.同时引出 I usually surf the Internet on Sundays.(多媒体演示上网的页面,使学生有直观感知) 3.T: I like surfing the Internet .Do you like surfing the Internet? S:I like surfing the Internet.  T: Who likes surfing the Internet?S: He /she /** likes surfing the Internet.(引导学生有意识的对比,为接着的一般现在时教学作准备)T: What am I doing ?Am I surfing the Internet now?( 切换多媒体到电子邮件图面)S:No .T: Yes ,I’m not surfing the Internet. I’m writing an e-mail.引出词组write an e-mail. T: Can you write an e-mail?S: I can write an e-mail./My father can write an e- mail.(目的是灵活使用这一短语)14.T: I usually write an e-mail to Yao Ming , I like him .Do you like Yao ming ? Because he can play basketball.And he plays well T: Who plays well ,too? (训练句型He plays well.)引导:** plays basketball/swims/… well.灵活应用句型。(由多媒体呈现图片引导说话)[通过多媒体感知surf the Internet和write an e-mail,并且利用已学句型一方面在用中学习新语言,另一方面引导学生表达与新知识相关的日常用语。教师为学生的“用”开辟了多方渠道。]Step 4:consolidation1.lets listen to the tape and complete the sentences .(听课文录音引言部分,解决部分长句,并且随机提出问题让学生作出回答)2.Read after the tape 3.Read the passage by themselves 4.Read it which way them like . 5.Complete the exercises.(附)Exercises (练习)   Name           你能完成下列题目吗?(以下题目做对一小题可得一颗星☆)     (一).判断下列句子的含义是否与课文内容相符,对的打 “T”,错的打 “F”        你能摘下几颗星☆☆☆☆☆☆       (    ) 1. Wang Bing is surfing the Internet .       (    ) 2. Tom is Wang Bing’s English friend.       (    ) 3. Tom lives in London.       (    ) 4. Tom studies Chinese and English .       (    ) 5. Tom can play football well,but he can’t swim.    (二) 你能回答下面问题吗?你能摘下几颗星☆☆☆        1. What subjects does Tom study at school ?         He                                    .        2. What does Tom usually do on Sundays ?        He                                      .    (三) 请你做回小医生,将句子中的一处毛病找出来,并且改正。你能摘下几颗星☆☆☆☆☆        1.Tom  swim  well .  (   )                      2. What  do  he  study  at  school ? (  )                   3. Do  he  study  English ?(  )                     4. Wang Bing  is  writeing  an  e-mail.  (  )                  5. He  studys  Chinese . (   )           本课时重点:四会新单词/词组:an e-mail ;busy; a town ;usually ; well             三会新单词/词组:surf the Internet (网上冲浪);live in London (住在伦敦) ; study Chinese (学习汉语)            四会新句型:What does he usually do on Sundays? He usually plays football.    Does he/she study Chinese? Yes ,he/she does. No,he/she doesn’t.[通过语言应用的同时加强了学生的书面使用,同时也达到检测学习效果的目的]Step5.课后感言本节课利用多媒体组织教学,有效突出了重点,分解了难点;多媒体介入了学生感兴趣的人物,打破了原本枯燥的语言训练,为学生提供了说的素材,激起了学生说的欲望。课堂效果显示学生能较灵活地运用所学句型进行对话和描述。课后反馈反映出学生通过语言项目的学习,对A部分短文已经基本理解,包括短文中的一些细节大多数学生掌握良好,由练习反馈也可知。由此,我深切感到教材只是语言项目的载体,理解短文只是教学的目的之一,更重要的是学生能运用所学语言。而教师的作用就在于引导学生如何更有效地学习新语言项目,尽可能将学生的学习效率最优化;同时教师还需创设有利于学生运用语言的情景或场景,为迷茫和无从下口的学生点亮一盏灯,从而引导他们在用中学,提示他们学了就用。
