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Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. (3) This information comes from Yang Xuehui at Shili high school in Xihe,Gansu 尽力按时赶上早读 trying to be on time for morning readings 虽难但坚持 I feel hard but stick to it. 午餐铃响跑向食堂 running to the dining hall when the lunch bell rings 实在太饿 I feel hungry. 校运会训练 training for sports day 虽累但令人兴奋 I’m very tired but excited. 七年级第一天开始 starting the first day in Grade 7 很害羞 I’m really shy. 慢慢结识新朋友 slowly making some new friends 虽有点难但很高兴 I feel a little hard but very enjoyable. 帮助同学完成作业 helping classmates with home-work 益处多很快乐 It’s good and I’m happy. 为艺术节充分准备 preparing for art festivals 真高兴。 I’m really happy. 参加新年聚会 going to New Year’s parties 兴奋又玩得尽兴 I feel excited and have fun. 学习英语 learning English 许多挑战尽力征服 I meet many challenges and try my best to understand. 七年级发生了什么特别的事儿? What happened in Grade 7 that was special? 我们队赢得了校篮球决赛。 Our team won the school basket-ball competition. 自从上初中以来你有何变化? How have you changed since you started junior high school? 我变得更擅长说英语了。 I've become much better at speaking English. 你认为高中的学习生活有何不同? How do you think things will be different in senior high school? 我觉得要更加努力学习考好试。 I think that I’ll have to study much harder for exams.  你明年的计划是什么? What are your plans for next year? 我打算加入校排球队。 I’m going to join the school volleyball team. 你记得起八年级时的事儿吗? What do you remember about Grade 8? 我记得当个志愿者。 I remember being a volunteer. 你过去常做而现在不做的事儿是什么? What did you use to do that you don't do now? 我过去常上舞蹈课, I used to take dance lessons, 可现在不再上了。 but I don’t anymore. 你盼望什么呢? What are you looking forward to? 我盼望着上高中。 I'm looking forward to going to senior high school. 在我上高中时, When I get to senior high, 要加入校游泳队。 I will join the school swim team. 我的初中时光已经很快乐了。 My time in junior high school has been enjoyable. 在八年级我学习更认真但英语成绩很差。 In Grade 8, I studied harder but I still got poor grades in English. 在发音与朗读课文方面有困难, I had problems with pronunciation and reading texts. 因此在第二学年我发奋努力取得更好的成绩。 So the next year, I worked much harder and got better grades. 明年我就要上高中了, Next year, I will be in senior high school. 我难以相信时间过得这么快啊! I can’t believe how fast the time went by! 今年在特伦特老师的帮助下, This year, with Mr. Trent’s help, 我的英语水平一直在提高, my English level has been improving, 并希望在学年末取得好成绩。 and I hope to get good grades at the end of the year. 在第一学年我课上没有好好学习, In the first year, I didn’t work very hard in class, 可是我加入了许多不同的学校兴趣小组过得非常快乐。 but I joined many different school clubs and had a lot of fun. 你记得起七年级的一些事儿吗? What do you remember about Grade 7? 在八年级发生过什么特别的事儿吗? What happened in Grade 8 that was special? 你过去常做而现在不做的事是什么? What did you use to do that you don’t do now? 自从你上初中以来变化如何? How have you changed since you started junior high school? 你认为高中的学习生活有何不同? How do you think things will be different in senior high school? 你来年的计划是什么? What are your plans for next year? 你在盼望什么? What are you looking forward to? 你希望将来做什么? What do you hope to do in the future? 我希望获得商学位并且成为一名经理。 I get a business degree and become a manager. 今天是同学们的最后一堂课。 Today is the students’ last class. 鲍勃感到心里不安, Bob feels sad about it, 认为陈老师的课一直很精彩, and thinks Mrs. Chen’s classes have been great. 同学们谈论将来想干什么, The students talk about what they want to do in the future. 鲍勃希望考试过关进入高中。 Bob hopes to pass the exam to get into senior high school. 舍丽想考入音乐学校。 Shirley wants to get into a music school.  肯擅长科技并获过奖, Ken is good at science and he won a prize for it. 因此他想当一名宇航员。 So he wants to be an astronaut. 陈老师信任大家并鼓励大家“大胆一搏”。 Mrs. Chen believes in all of them and tells them to “go for it”. 为了庆祝初中学习生活的结束, To celebrate the end of junior high, 他们正在举办聚会。 they are having a party. 他们请来陈老师, They ask Mrs. Chen to come, 她很高兴地接受了邀请。 and she is happy to accept the invitation. 自从你上中学以来变化如何? How have you changed since you started junior high school? 谁对你帮助最多? Who has helped you most? 你爸妈给你提过什么建议? What advice have your parents given you? 你毕业后要干什么? What will you do after you graduate? 你盼望什么? What are you looking forward to? Good habits achieve beautiful life. Try to be your best .

资料: 7.8万


