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第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 人教版教材梳理 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 ●重难点梳理 一、默写检测 ( 一 ) 考纲单词默写 1. 更喜欢 __________________ 2. 澳大利亚人 __________________ 3. 电子的 __________________ 4. 推断 __________________ prefer Australian electronic suppose 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 5. 平滑的 __________________ 6. 空闲的 __________________ 7. 实情 __________________ 8. 战争 __________________ 9. 导演 __________________ 10. 对话 __________________ smooth spare case war director dialogue 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 11. 大量 __________________ 12. 关闭 __________________ 13. 意识到 ; 意识 __________________ 14. 痛苦 __________________ 15. 反映 __________________ 16. 执行 __________________ plenty shut sense pain reflect perform 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 17. 遗憾 __________________ 18. 总数 ; 总的 __________________ 19. 主人 ; 掌握 __________________ 20. 表扬 __________________ 21. 国家的 __________________ 22. 伤;伤口 __________________ pity total master praise national wound 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 23. 亲吻 __________________ 24. 和 …… 打招呼 __________________ 25. 重视 ; 价值 __________________ 26. 每天的 __________________ 27. 首都 __________________ 28. 正午 __________________ kiss greet value everyday captial noon 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 29. 很生气 __________________ 30. 交通 __________________ 31. 在某处 __________________ 32. 护照 __________________ 33. 粉笔 __________________ 34. 黑板 __________________ mad traffic somewhere passport chalk blackboard 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 35. 北方的 __________________ 36. 海岸 __________________ 37. 季节 __________________ 38. 敲;击 __________________ 39. 东方的 __________________ 40. 值得 __________________ 41. 礼仪 __________________ northern coast season knock eastern worth manner 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 42. 空的 __________________ 43. 基础的 __________________ 44. 交换 __________________ 45.( 外 ) 孙女 __________________ 46. 表现;举止 __________________ 47. 除 …… 之外 __________________ 48. 建议 __________________ empty basic exchange granddaughter behave except suggestion 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 ( 二 ) 重点短语默写 1. 既然那样 __________________ 2. 大量;充足 __________________ 3. 总共;合计 __________________ 4. 想要 …… __________________ 5. 使 …… 振作起来 __________________ in that case plenty of in total feel like cheer up 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 6. 随着音乐跳舞 __________________ 7. 随着音乐唱歌 __________________ 8. 不同种类的 __________________ 9. 坚持 __________________ 10. 装满 __________________ 11. 尽力 __________________ dance to music sing along with music different kinds of stick to be filled with try one’ s best 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 12. 偶尔 __________________ 13. 到 …… 为止 __________________ 14. 上交 __________________ 15. 对 …… 友好 __________________ 16. 关闭 __________________ 17. 作出努力 __________________ once in a while be friendly to hand in by the end of shut off make an effort 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 18. 特地;格外努力 __________________ 19. 顺便访问;随便进入 ________________ 20. 应该做什么 __________________ 21. 握手 __________________ 22. 与 …… 不同 __________________ 23. 在 …… 两边 __________________ go out of one’ s way drop by be supposed to do sth. shake hands be different from on both sides of... 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 24. 对 …… 放松 __________________ 25. 毕竟 __________________ 26. 准时 __________________ 27. 值得做某事 __________________ 28. 插入 __________________ 29. 指着 __________________ 30. 出现 __________________ be relaxed about after all on time be worth doing stick into point at show up 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 二、语法考点聚焦 1. 定语从句 【 教材典句 】 (1)I prefer music that has great lyrics. 我更喜欢歌词优美的音乐。 (2)Carmen likes musicians who play different kinds of music. 卡门喜欢演奏不同类型乐曲的音乐家。 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 (3) Today, Abing’ s Erquan Yingyue is a piece which all the great erhu masters play and praise. 如今,阿炳的 《 二泉映月 》 是一首被所有的二胡大师演奏并高度评价的乐曲。 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 【 练习 1】 ① ( ) The man is talking to our teacher is Betty’ s father. A. which B. whom C. who D. what ② ( ) Most of my classmates prefer loud music they can dance to. A. that B. who C. whose D. where C A 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 2. be supposed to do sth. 与 be excepted to do sth. 句型 【 教材典句 】 (1)You ’ re supposed to shake hands. 你应该握手。 (2)You’ re not supposed to kiss. 你不应该亲吻 ( 对方 ) 。 (3)In the United States, they 're expected to shake hands. 在美国,他们应该握手。 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 【 练习 2】 ① ( ) Animals are our close friends. We are supposed them. A. to protect B. protecting C. protect D. protected ② ( ) According to their predictions, more than 20,000 tourists are expected by the hotel this year. A. to be received B. to receive C. receiving D. received A A 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 3. It+be+ adj. + to do sth. 句型 【 教材典句 】 (1) When we see each other, It’s polite for boys to shake hands and for girls to kiss each other on the side of the face. 当我们见到对方时,男孩们握手,女孩们互相吻脸的一侧是有礼貌的。 (2) In Switzerland, It’s very important to be on time. 在瑞士,守时是非常重要的。 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 (3) I always leave the house early to avoid heavy traffic because I think It’s impolite to keep others waiting. 我总是早早离开家以避免交通拥挤,因为我认为让别人等待是不礼貌的。 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 【 练习 3】 ① ( ) —Let me help you carry the box,Granny. —Thank you, Li Lei. It’s very nice you me. of;to help B. for;to help C. of;helping D. for;helping A 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 ② ( ) generous the little girl to share her toys with the other kids. A. It’s; of B. That’ s; of C. It’s; for D. That’ s; for A 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 ●巩固练习 一、基础巩固 A) 单项选择 ( )1. I still remember the college and the teachers I visited in London years ago. A. what B. who C. that D. which C 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 ( )2. —What are you looking for ? —I’ m looking for the watch I bought yesterday. A. which B. who C. whose D. where ( )3. Everyone is supposed to the old politely. A. speaking B. to speak C. to speaking D. speak A B 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 ( )4. The Palace Museum is the best place I’ ve ever visited. A. that B. which C. where D. what ( )5. It’s kind of you to , I am really tired. A. let me down B. pick me up C. think me of D. remind me of A B 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 ( )6. Most students like the teachers understand them well. A. whose B. who C. where D. when ( )7. I like cartoons that me laugh. A. make B. makes C. making D. to make B A 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 ( )8. Everyone is supposed_____ a seat belt in the car. A. wearing B. to wear C. to be worn D. worn ( )9. It’s not polite to point anyone your chopsticks. A. to; on B. in; at C. at; with D. with; of B C 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 ( )10. I like singers can write the songs. A. which B. who C. when D. whom ( )11. The kite her mother had just bought was broken. A. whom B. what C. / D. when B C 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 ( )12. People are expected in Korea when they meet for the first time. A. to bow B. bow C. to bowing D. bowing ( )13. It’s important a balanced diet. A. to eating B. eating C. eat D. to eat A D 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 ( )14. It’s difficult me the work in two hours. A. of;to finish B. of;finishing C. for;to finish D. for;finishing ( )15. The meeting is supposed to on Tuesday, but we have to put it off. A. taking place B. take place C. be taken place D. being taken place C B 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 ( )16. The young lady is interviewing Lin Zhixuan about the program I am a singer is from 21st CenturyTanlent Net . A. who B. whom C. which D. whose ( )17. —What kind of music do you like? —I like music I can dance to. A. because B. when C. who D. that A D 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 ( )18. Doctors think it is important enough water every day. to drink B. drink C. drinking D. to drinking ( )19. —What do you think of the man? —I find difficult to work with him. A. he B. him C. that D. it A D 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 ( )20. It was foolish him to go alone. A. for B. to C. of D. on C 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 二、能力提升 B) 完形填空 In our country we think being modest( 谦虚的 ) is a virtue( 美德 ) and being proud is a bad thing. One day, I heard an American boy say to a Chinese student, “ You speak very good English. ” But the girl answered, “ No, no. My English is very poor. ” The foreigner was quite 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 21 at the answer. Thinking he had not made himself understood or the girl had not heard him clearly. He said, “ Yes, indeed, you speak very well. ” 22 the girl still kept saying, “ No. ” In the end the American boy could not understand and didn’ t know what to say. What’s wrong with the girl's 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 answer? She didn’ t 23 a compliment( 恭维 ) in the same way as the American people do. She should answer “ Thank you ” instead of “ No ” . She 24 understood what the American boy had said, but she thought she should be modest. In the 25 , people will feel proud and confident when they are praised. So if someone says the 26 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 you have cooked are very delicious, you should say, “ Thank you ” . If you are modest and say, “ No, I’ m 27 I can’ t do it well, ” while working in a western country, people may think that you really cannot do it. Saying “ No ” , you’ ll certainly be looked down upon by 28 . When asking 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 for a job, if one says something like, “ Yes, I can certainly do it ” instead of “ Let me have a try ” , he or she will 29 get it. So in the west, you should be brave to show your self-confidence. In my opinion, being confident does not 30 being proud, so sometimes you should be confident instead of being modest. 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 ( )21.A. excited B.surprised C.frightened D.interested ( )22.A. Though B.And C.But D. Unless ( )23.A. accept B.refuse C.disagree D. argue ( )24.A. hardly B.really C.badly D. quickly ( )25.A. east B.south C.west D.north ( )26.A. dishes B.cups C.glasses D. bottles ( )27.A. afraid B.active C.angry D.sad ( )28.A. the other B.other C.others D.another ( )29.A. fail to B.expect to C.succeed in D. agree with ( )30.A. think B.say C.mean D. talk B C A B C A A C B C 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 C) 短文填空 Most people want to be happy, 31. ___________ few know how to find happiness.Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness.Happiness 32. ___________ on ourselves.In 33. _________ words, we make our own happiness by ourselves.Here are a few ways to help you be happier. but depends other 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 The 34. ___________ secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life.Too often, if we spend too 35. _____________ time thinking about the future, for example, getting into college or getting a good job, we will fail to enjoy the present( 现在 ) .You should enjoy life’s simple pleasure, 36. ____________ as reading a good first much such 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time 37. ______________ close friends.People 38. _______________ have several close friends may live a happier and healthier life. Another secret of a happy life is to be active and have hobbies.They can help you forget your problems. with who/that 第十九节 九年级 Unit 9~Unit 10 Finally, many people find happiness in 39. ___________ others.According to studies, people feel good when they volunteer their time to help those in need.If you want to feel 40. ______________ , do something nice for someone. helping happy/happier 谢 谢 观 看 !

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