阅读素材 :世卫组织将中国科兴疫苗列入“紧急使用清单”

阅读素材 :世卫组织将中国科兴疫苗列入“紧急使用清单”


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阅读素材 :世卫组织将中国科兴疫苗列入“紧急使用清单” 当地时间 6 月 1 日,世卫组织宣布将中国科兴新冠疫苗列入“紧急使用清单”。科兴疫苗也是继 国药疫苗之后,被纳入世卫组织“紧急使用清单”的第二款中国新冠疫苗。 世卫组织在声明中指出,科兴疫苗符合安全性和有效性的国际标准。 世卫组织助理总干事玛丽安热拉·西芒表示,世界迫切需要多种新冠疫苗来解决全球疫苗分配不 平等的问题,世卫组织敦促新冠疫苗厂商加入“新冠疫苗实施计划”,分享其专业知识和数据,为控 制新冠肺炎大流行做出贡献。 WHO grants emergency approval to 2nd Chinese COVID vaccine GENEVA (AP) — The World Health Organization has issued an emergency use listing for the COVID-19 vaccine made by Sinovac for adults 18 and over, the second such authorization it has granted to a Chinese company. In a statement Tuesday, the U.N. health agency said data submitted to its experts showed that two doses of the vaccine prevented people from getting symptoms of COVID-19 in about half of those who got the vaccine. WHO said there were few older adults enrolled in the research, so it could not estimate how effective the vaccine was in people over 60. “Nevertheless, WHO is not recommending an upper age limit for the vaccine,” the agency said, adding that data collected from Sinovac’ s use in other countries “suggest the vaccine is likely to have a protective effect in older persons.”In April, a study published by a team of scientists in Brazil confirmed a previously reported efficacy rate of over 50% for Sinovac. A real-world study in Chile in April found an efficacy rate of 67%.Last month, WHO gave the green light to the COVID-19 vaccine made by Sinopharm. It has also licensed vaccines developed by Pfizer-BioNTech, AstraZeneca, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson.WHO ’ s authorization means the vaccine can be bought by donors and other U.N. agencies for use in poorer countries, including in the U.N.-backed initiative to distribute COVID-19 vaccines globally known as COVAX. The effort has been slowed considerably after its biggest supplier in India said it would not be able to provide any more vaccines until the end of the year due to the latest surge of new infections now ravaging India.To date, there is no confirmed deal for Sinovac doses with COVAX.In May, Europe's drug regulator began an expedited review process for the Sinovac vaccine, but it's unclear when a decision might be made about its possible authorization for the 27-nation bloc.Hundreds of millions of Chinese vaccines have already been delivered to dozens of countries around the world through bilateral deals, as many nations scrambled to secure supplies after rich countries reserved the vast majority of supplies from Western pharmaceutical makers.While China has five vaccine shots in use, the majority of its exports abroad come from two companies: Sinopharm and Sinovac. The Chinese vaccines are “ inactivated ” vaccines, made with killed coronavirus.Most other COVID-19 vaccines being used around the world, particularly in the West, are made with newer technologies that instead target the “spike” protein that coats the surface of the coronavirus.

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