2021届高考·阅读综合 课件13张

2021届高考·阅读综合 课件13张


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高考·阅读综合 2020-2021学年 Pre-reading Task I Task II Pre-reading Task III Pre-reading Exploring the text While-reading 奥运会体育图标是奥运会重要的视觉形象元素之一,它以生动准确的 运动造型表现奥运会的各种体育项目,不仅具有很强的功能性,也是传达 奥运会举办理念和主办国文化的重要载体。因此,历届奥运会的体育图标 都体现了举办国与举办地独具匠心的创意设计、理念与文化背景。 北京冬奥会和冬残奥会体育图标共30个,包括24个北京冬奥会体育图 标和6个北京冬残奥会体育图标。图标设计以中国汉字为灵感来源,以篆 刻艺术为主要呈现形式,将冬季运动元素与中国传统文化巧妙结合,彰显 了北京冬奥会和冬残奥会的理念和愿景。图标的色彩采用了霞光红,寓意 日出东方,代表着热情和希望。 此次的体育图标和北京2008年奥运会会徽“中国印”的设计理念遥相呼 应,是北京这座“双奥之城”留给世界的独特文化印记。 1. The emblem for the city’s first-ever Olympics was a red Chinese seal enclosing a lively dancing figure that resembles the Chinese character “Jing,” which means capital. (para. 4) Exploring the text II. Sentence analysis. ①本句是一个复合句。 ②句子的主干为The emblem was a seal。 ③that引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行 词figure,且在从句中作主语。 ④which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先 行词“Jing”,且在从句中作主语。 ⑤enclosing a lively dancing figure是动 词-ing形式作后置定语,修饰seal,相 当于定语从句which / that enclosed。 While-reading 2. “You cannot catch the sense of the sport without drawing 100 sketches, and some take even a thousand,” recalled Lin, who repeatedly consulted experts in each sport. (the last para.) ①本句是一个复合句。 ②句子的主干为recalled Lin。 ③who引导非限制性定语从句, 修饰先行词Lin,且在从句中 作主语。 ④在直接引语中用到了双重否定 结构:cannot … without … (由“否定词no/not/never 等+without”构成的双重否定, 虽然句子形式上为否定,实则 表示强烈的肯定语气)。 II. Sentence analysis. While-reading Exploring the text Testing yourself I. Match the expressions with their correct translation. While-reading first-ever Olympics 中国书法 millennium-old craft 首届奥运会 Chinese calligraphy 篆刻 seal carving 千年老工艺 Testing yourself II. Complete each sentence with the proper forms of the given verbs. 1. My only hope is ___________ (present) everything I fall in love with at first sight. 2. The rules ___________ (finalize) last weekend and would be set to take effect a few days later. 3. The campaign ___________ (design) to increase public awareness of the issues has received a lot of attention. 4. Munich was hoping to become the first city ___________ (host) both the Summer and Winter Olympics and was seen as the main challenger. While-reading Testing yourself III. Complete each sentence with the proper forms of the words from the box. 1. A list of items is __________ flashed up on the screen. 2. __________ exchanges are a way of building bridges between different countries. 3. The rising sun casts a(n) __________ light over the fields. 4. One’s __________ of poems depends on one’s level of literature knowledge. While-reading Testing yourself IV. Translate the following sentences into English according to the given information. 1. 父亲决定任命那个新来的人负责雕刻火鸡。(in charge of) 2. 这次袭击事件使和平谈判愈加紧迫。(add … to) While-reading Testing yourself 3. 鲍勃在聚会上经介绍认识了一位希腊姑娘。(introduce … to) 4. 这些照片给那些人带来了许多快乐的记忆。(bring back) While-reading What are you most eager to do during Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games? Share your opinion with your partner after class. Post-reading

资料: 1.9万


