北京市2021届高考英语全真模拟卷分类汇编:阅读表达专题 解析版

北京市2021届高考英语全真模拟卷分类汇编:阅读表达专题 解析版


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北京市 2021 年高考英语全真模拟卷分类汇编 阅读表达专题 备战 2021 年高考英语全真模拟卷 (北京专用) 4 月卷 1 第一节 阅读表达(共 4 小题;第 1、2 题各 2 分,第 3 题 3 分,第 4 题 5 分, 共 12 分) 阅读下面短文,根据题目要求回答问题。 All through school, I had only one close friend. We spent years together, essentially joined at the hip. But then Greg moved away, and it would take more than 50 years to bring us together again. As children, Greg and I dove into everything with passion. We raced our bikes and illustrated our own comic books. We even became attracted to the same blonde girl from around the corner, a sixth-grader named Joanne who barely knew we existed. The last time I saw Greg was sometime in 1966. I can’t recall saying goodbye before he moved. But then, a few summers ago, I saw a familiar woman. “Excuse me. Would your name happen to be Joanne?” “Uh, yes...” She didn’t recognize me until I explained who I was. We hadn’t exchanged more than a few dozen words in our entire lifetime. “Have you stayed in touch with Greg?” she asked. I was surprised she even knew of our friendship. “No. I haven’t,” I admitted. “I wish I had.” Back at the cabin I checked my messages. I glanced at one email, then read it from start to finish. The email was from Greg. Greg had tracked me down through social media. He was now married, had two children and had become a musician and entrepreneur. We exchanged several emails before connecting by phone. A month later, my wife and I drove to meet Greg and his family. Standing at his front door, I felt unsure of what to say or do. So much time had passed. But after hugs and introductions, the years dissolved as we exchanged stories about our lives. I had brought along the only picture I could find containing the two of us from my sixth birthday. As he gazed at the photo, Greg handed me a small, old card:Greg’s invitation to my sixth birthday party, signed “From Donnie” in faded blue crayon. There were a few other keepsakes shared that evening, but none as meaningful as the invitation and the snapshot, companion pieces stored apart and saved for the reunion of two old friends. 40.What is the meaning of the underlined part in Paragraph 1?(no more than 5 words) ________________ 41.What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?(no more than 10 words) ________________ 42.How did the author get in touch with Greg again? (no more than 10 words) ________________ 43.Why did the author consider the invitation and snapshot meaningful?(no more than 15 words) ________________ 44.Suppose you have a long-lost friend, how do you plan to get back in touch with him? Please explain.(no more than 20 words) ________________ 40.Stayed together. 41.How close the author and Greg were in childhood. 42.By receiving an email from Greg. 43.Because they witnessed two friends’ separation and reunion. 44.Open. 【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者和格雷格从小关系亲密,后来却因为格雷格 搬家失去了联系。后来格雷格又通过社交媒体和作者重新取得了联系。 40.【答案】Stayed together 【解析】考查词义猜测。根据画线词上文“All through school, I had only one close friend. We spent years together, essentially”可知,作者只有一个亲密的朋友,他们在一起待了好几年,基 本上形影不离,故画线词意思是“待在一起”。故答案为 Stayed together. 41.【答案】How close the author and Greg were in childhood. 【解析】考查主旨大意。根据第二段“As children, Greg and I dove into everything with passion. We raced our bikes and illustrated our own comic books. We even became attracted to the same blonde girl from around the corner, a sixth-grader named Joanne who barely knew we existed.(当 我们还是孩子的时候,格雷格和我就满怀激情地投身于每一件事。我们骑自行车比赛,给自 己的漫画书配插图。我们甚至被同一个金发女孩吸引住了,她住在街角,是一个六年级的女 孩,名叫乔安妮,她几乎不知道我们的存在)”可知,第二段主要讲了作者和格雷格童年时的 亲密关系。故答案为 How close the author and Greg were in childhood. 42.【答案】By receiving an email from Greg. 【解析】考查细节理解。根据第四段中“Back at the cabin I checked my messages. I glanced at one email, then read it from start to finish. The email was from Greg. Greg had tracked me down through social media.(回到小木屋,我查看了我的留言。我扫了一眼一封邮件,然后从头到尾 读了一遍。邮件是格雷格发的。格雷格通过社交媒体找到了我)”可知,作者通过收到格雷格 的电子邮件再次与格雷格取得了联系。故答案为 By receiving an email from Greg. 43.【答案】Because they witnessed two friends’ separation and reunion. 【解析】考查推理判断。根据最后一段“There were a few other keepsakes shared that evening, but none as meaningful as the invitation and the snapshot, companion pieces stored apart and saved for the reunion of two old friends.(那天晚上,大家还分享了一些其他的纪念品,但没有一个像邀 请函和照片那样有意义,它们被分开存放,是为了迎接两位老朋友的重逢)”可推知,作者认 为邀请函和照片有意义是因为他们见证了两个朋友的分离和团聚。故答案为 Because they witnessed two friends’ separation and reunion. 44.【答案】开放。 【解析】本题为开放性题目,言之有理即可,答案不唯一。 备战 2021 年高考英语全真模拟卷 (北京专用) 4 月卷 2 阅读下面短文,根据题目要求回答问题。 Scientists have designed transparent wood that could replace conventional glass in windows. The innovation was developed using wood from the balsa tree in South and Central America, which claims to be five times more thermally (保温地) efficient than glass. The team treated balsa wood in an oxidizing(氧化) bath that makes it nearly visible and then allows the light to pass through it with a synthetic polymer called polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) - creating a product that is virtually transparent. Unlike traditional glass, the transparent wood can stand much stronger force and will bend when damaged, instead of crashing. The transparent wood was created by teams at the University of Maryland and University of Colorado, which set out to find a greener alternative to conventional glass. Along with contributing to greenhouse gases, glass contributes to a loss of energy. Residential building windows in particular account for 10–25% of the heat loss due to their poor thermal management capability. Exploring energy efficient window materials is thus highly desirable to address heating costs, energy shortages, and the global impact of climate change associated with increased carbon emissions(碳排放). The bonding between PVA and cellulose (纤 维素)in the wood, creates a tightly packed structure that allows for more thermal protection and makes it more lasting and lighter than glass. Switching to transparent wood could prove to be cost efficient as well. It is approximately five times more thermally efficient than glass, cutting energy costs. It is made from a sustainable, renewable resource with low carbon emissions. It’s also harmonious with existing industrial processing equipment, making the transition into manufacturing an easy prospect. 40.What is ‘transparent wood’ made from according to the passage? 41.Please paraphrase the underlined sentence in your own words. 42.Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why. Traditional glass is often used for residential building windows because its thermal management capability is higher than that of transparent wood. 43.Please briefly present the advantages of transparent wood over traditional glass (about 40 words). 【分析】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了已经被设计出的,且可以取代传统玻璃的透明 木材的优点。 40.【答案】The balsa tree. The balsa tree in South and Central America. It is made of the balsa tree in South and Central America. Transparent wood is made from the balsa tree in South and Central America. 【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第二段“The innovation was developed using wood from the balsa tree in South and Central America, which claims to be five times more thermally efficient than glass.(这一创新是用来自中南美洲的巴尔沙树的木材开发的,这种木材声称比玻璃的热效率 高 5 倍。)”可知,透明木是由来自中南美洲的巴尔沙树的木材制成的。故答案为 The balsa tree./The balsa tree in South and Central America./It is made of the balsa tree in South and Central America./Transparent wood is made from the balsa tree in South and Central America.。 41.【答案】Along with contributing to greenhouse gases, glass contributes to a loss of energy. Not only does glass lose energy, but it brings about greenhouse gases. Glass result in both greenhouse gases and a loss of energy. 【解析】句意猜测题。根据文章第五段“Along with contributing to greenhouse gases, glass contributes to a loss of energy.(除了产生温室气体外,玻璃还会造成能量损失。)”可知,划线 句表示玻璃会产生温室气体还会导致能量损失。故答案为 Along with contributing to greenhouse gases, glass contributes to a loss of energy./Not only does glass lose energy, but it brings about greenhouse gases./Glass result in both greenhouse gases and a loss of energy. 42.【答案】Traditional glass is often used for residential building windows because its thermal management capability is higher than that of transparent wood. According to the passage, transparent wood is approximately five times more thermally efficient than glass. 【解析】推理判断题。题目陈述“Traditional glass is often used for residential building windows because its thermal management capability is higher than that of transparent wood.(传统的玻璃 由于其热管理能力高于透明木材,所以常被用于住宅建筑窗户。)”说明传统玻璃热效率高。 根据文章最后一段“It is approximately five times more thermally efficient than glass, cutting energy costs.(它的热效率大约是玻璃的五倍,降低了能源成本。)”说明透明木材的热效率高。 陈述与文章不符。故答案为 Traditional glass is often used for residential building windows because its thermal management capability is higher than that of transparent wood. According to the passage, transparent wood is approximately five times more thermally efficient than glass. 43.【答案】Transparent wood is more durable, energy-efficient, and environment-friendly than traditional glass. Firstly, it can stand much stronger force and will bend when damaged, rather than breaking into pieces. Next, it is about five times more thermally efficient than glass, cutting energy costs. Finally, its resource reduces carbon emissions. 【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Unlike traditional glass, the transparent wood can stand much stronger force and will bend when damaged, instead of crashing.(与传统玻璃不同的是,透 明的木材可以承受更强的力,当损坏时,它会弯曲,而不是破碎。)”,文章第六段“The bonding between PVA and cellulose in the wood, creates a tightly packed structure that allows for more thermal protection and makes it more lasting and lighter than glass.(聚乙烯醇(PVA)和木材中的 纤维素之间的结合,创造了一个紧凑的结构,允许更多的热保护,使其比玻璃更持久,更轻。)” 以及文章最后一段“It is approximately five times more thermally efficient than glass, cutting energy costs. It is made from a sustainable, renewable resource with low carbon emissions.(它的 热效率大约是玻璃的五倍,降低了能源成本。它是由可持续的,可再生的,低碳排放的资源 制作的)”可知,透明木相对于传统玻璃的优点。故答案为 Transparent wood is more durable, energy-efficient, and environment-friendly than traditional glass. Firstly, it can stand much stronger force and will bend when damaged, rather than breaking into pieces. Next, it is about five times more thermally efficient than glass, cutting energy costs. Finally, its resource reduces carbon emissions. 备战 2021 年高考英语全真模拟卷 (北京专用) 4 月卷 3 第三部分书面表达(共两节,32 分) 阅读下面短文,根据题目要求回答问题。 Balancing Trees and CO2 Tree planting used to be regarded as an effective means of reducing climate change. Perhaps it’s time for us to rethink this practice. Trees pull CO2 from the air. This effectively removes CO2 from the atmosphere. But trees only hold onto CO2 as long as they’re alive. Once they die, trees decay (腐烂) and release that CO2 back into the atmosphere. Recent studies have found that trees around the world are growing faster than ever. The rise of CO2, mainly due to burning fossil fuels, is probably driving that rapid growth, said Roel Brienen, a forest ecologist at the University of Leeds, UK. High levels of CO2 are increasing temperatures, which in turn speeds tree growth in those areas, he added. The faster trees grow, the faster they store carbon. It seems like good news. However, it is known that fast-growing tree species, in general, live shorter lives than their slow-growing relatives. In order to see whether the growth-lifespan trade-off (生长与寿命之间的权衡) is a universal phenomenon, Brienen and his colleagues analyzed over 210,000 individual tree ring records of 110 tree species from more than 79,000 sites worldwide. They found that, in almost all habitats and all sites, faster-growing tree species died younger than slow-growing species, and even within a species, the trade-off between growth and lifespan held strong. The team also created a computer program that modeled a forest and tweaked (微量调整) the growth of the trees in this model. Early on, it showed that “the forest could hold more carbon as the trees grew faster”, Brienen reported. But after 20 years, these trees started dying and losing this extra carbon again. “We must understand that the only solution to bringing down CO2 levels is to stop emitting (排放) it into the atmosphere,” said Brienen. 40.What does “this practice” in Para.1 refer to? 41.Why are trees around the world growing faster than ever? 42.Read the following statement, underline the false part of it and explain the reason.  The team has found that the faster trees grow, the faster they store CO2, and the longer lives they live. 43.Please briefly present what you can do in daily life to reduce the emission of CO2 . (about 40 words) 【分析】这是一篇说明文。本文讲述了针对全球气候变暖,树已经不能作为可靠的解决方法。 目前最有效的方法是节能减排,降低二氧化碳的排放。 40.【答案】Planting trees to reduce climate change. /Tree planting is used to reduce climate change. /Using tree planting to reduce climate change. 【解析】考查词义猜测。由第一段中的“Tree planting used to be regarded as an effective means of reducing climate change. Perhaps it’s time for us to rethink this practice.”(植树曾被认为是减少 气候变化的有效手段。也许是时候让我们重新思考这种做法了。),可知以前可以通过植树来 减少气候变化,this practice 在此处意为“植树来减少气候变化”。故答案为“Planting trees to reduce climate change. /Tree planting is used to reduce climate change. /Using tree planting to reduce climate change.”。 41.【答案】.Because of the rise of CO2 from burning fossil fuels. /Because of the rise of CO2. /Because burning fossil fuels leads to the rise of CO2. 【解析】考查细节理解。由第二段中的“The rise of CO2 , mainly due to burning fossil fuels, is probably driving that rapid growth, said Roel Brienen, a forest ecologist at the University of Leeds, UK. High levels of CO2 are increasing temperatures, which in turn speeds tree growth in those areas, he added.”(英国利兹大学的森林生态学家 Roel Brienen 说,二氧化碳的增加,主要是 由于化石燃料的燃烧,可能推动了这种快速增长。他补充说,高浓度的二氧化碳导致气温升 高,进而加速了这些地区树木的生长。),可知是因为燃烧化石燃料产生的二氧化碳的增加, 才使世界各地的树木生长得比以往任何时候都快。故答案为“Because of the rise of CO2 from burning fossil fuels. /Because of the rise of CO2. /Because burning fossil fuels leads to the rise of CO2.”。 42.【答案】The team has found that the faster trees grow, the faster they store CO2, and the longer lives they live. Because Berienen and his team found that faster-growing tree species died younger than slow-growing species. /According to Berienen and his team’s research, faster-growing tree species died younger than slow-growing species. /Because fast-growing tree species died younger than slow-growing species. 【解析】考查细节理解。“The team has found that the faster trees grow, the faster they store CO2 , and the longer lives they live.”(研究小组发现,树木生长越快,储存二氧化碳的速度就越快, 寿命也就越长。)。由第四段中的“They found that, in almost all habitats and all sites, faster-growing tree species died younger than slow-growing species, and even within a species, the trade-off between growth and lifespan held strong.”(他们发现,在几乎所有的栖息地和所有的 地点,生长较快的树种比生长较慢的树种死得早,甚至在一个物种内,生长和寿命之间的权 衡也很重要。),可知 Berienen 和他的团队发现生长较快的树种比生长较慢的树种死得早,说 明生长较快的树种寿命短,因此“the longer lives they live”(寿命也就越长)错了。故答案为 “The team has found that the faster trees grow, the faster they store CO2, and the longer lives they live. Because Berienen and his team found that faster-growing tree species died younger than slow-growing species. /According to Berienen and his team’s research, faster-growing tree species died younger than slow-growing species. /Because fast-growing tree species died younger than slow-growing species.”。 43.【答案】Firstly, I’ll take a reusable cloth bag and say no to plastic bags while shopping, for it can save energy and reduce pollution. Secondly, when I go somewhere, I’ll choose public transportation instead of private cars to reduce the emission of CO2. 【解析】考查开放答题。考生可根据文章大意和自身经历,思考在日常生活中可以做些什么 来减少二氧化碳的排放,例如用布袋购物或乘坐公共交通工具来节约能源,减少二氧化碳的 排放,在规定字数内言之有理即可。故答案为“Firstly, I’ll take a reusable cloth bag and say no to plastic bags while shopping, for it can save energy and reduce pollution. Secondly, when I go somewhere, I’ll choose public transportation instead of private cars to reduce the emission of CO2.”。 备战 2021 年高考英语全真模拟卷 (北京专用) 4 月卷 6 第一节 阅读表达(共 4 小题;第 1、2 题各 2 分,第 3 题 3 分,第 4 题 5 分, 共 12 分) (北京市海淀区 2021 届高三下学期一模)阅读下面短文,根据题目要求回答问题。 The increase in online education has allowed a new type of teacher to emerge—an artificial one. But just how accepting students are of an artificial instructor remains to be seen. That’s why researchers at the University of Central Florida’s Nicholson School of Communication and Media are working to examine student perceptions of AI-based teachers. Some of their findings, published recently in the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, indicate that for students to accept an AI teaching assistant, it needs to be effective and easy to talk to. According to Jihyun Kim, the lead author of the study, the hope is that by understanding how students relate to Al-teachers, engineers and computer scientists can design them to easily integrate into the education experience. “To use machine teachers effectively, we need to understand students’ views on machine teachers, their learning experiences with them and more,” Kim says. “This line of research is needed to design effective machine teachers that can actually facilitate positive learning experiences.” AI teaching assistants can help ease a teacher's workload, such as by responding to commonly asked questions by students. These questions, which often appear each semester and become numerous in online classes with hundreds of students, can become a large task for a teacher. The quick delivery of answers also helps students. An example of an AI teaching assistant is one named Jill Watson that was created by a researcher at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Jill was fed the thousands of questions and answers commonly asked in the researcher’s online class that he’d taught over the years. With some additional learning and adjustments, Jill was eventually able to answer the students’ commonly asked questions accurately without any human assistance as if she was one of the researcher’s human teaching assistants. “I hope our research findings help us find an effective way to incorporate AI agents into education,” Kim says. “By adopting an AI agent as an assistant for a simple and repetitive task, teachers would be able to have more things scheduled such as meeting with students and developing teaching strategies.” 41.What kind of AI teaching assistants can students easily accept? 42.What do researchers need to do to design effective AI teaching assistants? 43.Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why. With the help of Al-based teaching assistants, human teachers can not only be relieved from heavy work but also have more time to answer commonly asked questions by students. 44.Explain how AI technology can be used in a different field in our life. (about 40 words) 【分析】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了研究人员通过调查设计出有效的机器教师,将人工 智能融入教育。 41.【答案】Ones that are effective and easy to talk to. 【解析】考查细节理解。根据第一段“Some of their findings, published recently in the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, indicate that for students to accept an AI teaching assistant, it needs to be effective and easy to talk to.(最近发表在《国际人机交互杂志》 上的一些研究结果表明,要让学生接受人工智能教学助手,它必须是有效且容易交谈的。)” 可知,那些有效且容易沟通的人工智能助教能让学生轻松接受。故答案为 Ones that are effective and easy to talk to. 42.【答案】They need to understand students' views on machine teachers, their learning experiences with them and more. 【解析】考查细节理解。根据第三段该研究的主要作者 Kim 说的话“To use machine teachers effectively, we need to understand students’ views on machine teachers, their learning experiences with them and more(为了有效地使用机器教师,我们需要了解学生对机器教师的看法,他们 与机器教师的学习经验,以及更多)”可知,研究人员需要了解学生对机器教师的看法,他 们的学习经验和更多才能设计出有效的人工智能教学助手。故答案为:They need to understand students' views on machine teachers, their learning experiences with them and more. 43.【答案】According to the passage, it is the AI-based teaching assistants rather than teachers that can answer commonly asked questions by students. 【解析】考查细节理解。根据第五段“AI teaching assistants can help ease a teacher's workload, such as by responding to commonly asked questions by students.(人工智能助教可以帮助减轻老 师的工作量,比如回答学生常见的问题。)”可知,可以回答学生常见问题的是基于人工智能 的教学助手,而不是教师。故答案为: According to the passage, it is the AI-based teaching assistants rather than teachers that can answer commonly asked questions by students. 44.【答案】AI is widely used in the field of transportation. Using AI, the navigation systems in cars and on cellphones are able to recommend the best routes based on real time traffic data. Also, AI can be used to make self-driving vehicles more convenient and much safer. 【解析】开放题。考生可自由发挥。本文讲述了人工智能在教育方面的渗入,这题要求考生 描述人工智能技术是如何应用于我们生活的不同领域的,可从我们衣食住行各方面着手,言 之有理即可。样例为 AI is widely used in the field of transportation. Using AI, the navigation systems in cars and on cellphones are able to recommend the best routes based on real time traffic data. Also, AI can be used to make self-driving vehicles more convenient and much safer. 备战 2021 年高考英语全真模拟卷 (北京专用) 4 月卷 7 第一节 阅读表达(共 4 小题:第 40、41 小题各 2 分,第 42 小题 3 分,第 43 小题 5 分,共 12 分) (北京市海淀区 2021 届高三一模英语试题)阅读下面短文,根据题目要求回答问题。 The increase in online education has allowed a new type of teacher to emerge-an artificial one. But just how accepting students are of an artificial instructor remains to be seen. That’s why researchers at the University of Central Florida's Nicholson School of Communication and Media are working to examine student perceptions of A-based teachers, Some of their findings. published recently in the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction indicate that for students to accept an AI teaching assistant it needs to be effective and easy to talk to. According to Jihyun Kim. the lead author of the study, the hope is that by understanding how students relate to AI-teachers, engineers and computer scientists can design them to easily integrate into the education experience. “To use machine teachers effectively we need to understand students’ views on machine teachers their leaning experiences with them and more,” Kim says. “This line of research is needed to design effective machine teachers that can actually facilitate positive learning experiences. AI teaching assistants can help ease a teacher’s workload, such as by responding to commonly asked questions by students. These questions. which often pear each semester and become numerous in online classes with hundreds of students, can become a large task for a teacher. The quick delivery of answers also helps students. An example of an AI teaching assistant is one named Jill Watson that was created by a researcher at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Jill was fed the thousands of questions and answers commonly asked in the researcher's online class that he'd taught over the years. With some additional learning and adjustments, Jill was eventually able to answer the students' commonly asked questions accurately without any human assistance as if she was one of the researcher s human teaching assistants. “I hope our research findings help us find an effective way to incorporate AI agents into education, Kim says. “By adopting an AI agent as an assistant for a simple and repetitive task, teachers would be able to have more things scheduled such as meeting with students and developing teaching strategies.” 40. What kind of AI teaching assistants can students easily accept? 41. What do researchers need to do to design effective AI teaching assistants? 42. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why. With the help of AI-based teaching assistants, human teachers can not only be relieved from heavy work but also have more time to answer commonly asked questions by students. 43. Explain how AI technology can be used in a different field in our life. (about 40 words) 40. Ones that are effective and easy to talk to.【答案】 【解析】 41. They need to understand students’ views on machine teachers, their learning experiences with them and more. 42. With the help of AI-based teaching assistants, human teachers can not only be relieved from heavy work but also have more time to answer commonly asked questions by students. (1) According to the passage, it is the AI-based teaching assistants rather than teachers that can answer commonly asked questions by students. (2) According to the passage, human teachers can not only be relieved from heavy work but also have more things scheduled such as meeting with students and developing teaching strategies. 43. (1) AI is widely used in the field of transportation. It can help promote the development of self-driving vehicles. Also, using AI, the navigation systems in cars and on cellphones are able to recommend the best routes based on real time traffic data. (2) AI is widely used in the field of transportation. Using AI, the navigation systems in cars and on cellphones are able to recommend the best routes based on real time traffic data. In this way, our time spent on the road will be significantly reduced.

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