Do you like bananas单元课件

Do you like bananas单元课件


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Unit6 Do you like bananas Section A (1a-2d) 目 录 C O N T E N T S 1 学习目标 2 新课导入 3 新课讲解 4 当堂小练 5 课堂小结 6 课后作业 7 学习目标 掌握单词:banana, hamburger, tomato, ice-cream, salad, strawberry, pear, milk, bread, birthday, dinner, week, food, sure, vegetable, fruit, right, apple, then。 掌握句型: — Do you like …? —Yes , I do./No, I don’t. I like…,but I don’t like…. 能够听懂并讨论喜欢与不喜欢的食物。 思 考 新课导入 思 考 — What’s that? — It’s _____. saladbread an ice-cream milk 新课讲解 1a Match the words with the things in the picture. 1. hamburgers 2. tomatoes 3. oranges 4. ice-cream 5. salad 6. bananas 7. strawberries 8. pears 9. milk 10. bread d i f h b g c j e a 新课讲解 1b Listen and number the conversations [1-3]. A: Do you like salad? B: No, I don’t. A: Do you like bananas? B: Yes, I do. A: Do you like oranges? B: Yes, I do. 2 3 1 新课讲解 A: Do you like_________? B: Yes, ____. Look and say A: Do you like_________? B: No, ________.I don’t bananas oranges I do 新课讲解 A: ___you ____ ___________ ? B: No, ________.I don’t Do like strawberries A: ___they ____ ______? B: No, __________ .they don’t Do like pears 新课讲解 I like____________. I_______________ . hamburgers don’t like salad 新课讲解 They_____________. They _____________________ .don’t like French fries like broccoli 新课讲解 Practice the conversations above. Then make your own conversations. 1c Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. Do you like salad? Do you like oranges? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. 新课讲解 Do you like …? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 新课讲解 Language point 1 —Do you like bananas? —Yes, I do. like意为“喜欢,喜爱”,用作及物动词,后面可跟三种结构: (1) like somebody or something表示“喜欢某人或某事”。 e.g.I like him very much. 我非常喜欢他。 e.g.He doesn’t like salad. 他不喜欢沙拉。 (2) like to do something or doing something表示“喜欢做某事”. e.g.We like playing basketball.我们喜欢打篮球。 e.g.The boy likes to play computer games.那个男孩喜欢玩电脑游戏。 (3) like somebody to do something 表示“喜欢某人去做某事”。 e.g.Miss Wang likes us to ask her questions in class.王老师喜欢我们在课堂上问她问题。 新课讲解 2a Listen and circle the food you hear hamburgers pears tomatoes strawberries oranges ice-cream salad bananas 新课讲解 Look at the picture and listen, then guess what are they talking about. 新课讲解 Listen again. Fill in the blanks.2b — Let’s have _________. — Oh, no. — No? — I don’t like __________. — I like hamburgers. Do you like hamburgers? —Yes, I do. — Do you like __________? — No, I don’t like ___________. ice-cream tomatoes tomatoes ice-cream 新课讲解 Does the boy like hamburgers? Does the girl like hamburgers? Ask and answer. 新课讲解 Write down the names of food you like and don’t like. Like Don’t like beans  apples  fishcarrots 新课讲解 Practice the conversations above. Give answers that are true for you.2c2c I like hamburgers. Do you like hamburgers? Yes, I do. Let’s have tomatoes. Oh, no. I don’t like tomatoes. What about an ice-cream? Sounds good. I like hamburgers. Do you like hamburgers? Let’s have tomatoes. What about an ice-cream? Sounds good. 新课讲解 Role-play the conversation.2d Jack: Hey, John's birthday dinner is next week. Let's think about the food. Tom: Sure. How about burgers, vegetable salad, and some fruit? Bill: Sounds good. John likes hamburgers. Jack: Oh, I don't like salad. Bill: But John likes salad, and it's his birthday. Jack: Yes, you're right. What about the fruit? Tom: I think John likes strawberries and apples. Bill: OK. Let's have strawberries and apples then. 新课讲解 (1)Whose birthday is it next week? (2)Does Jack like salad? (3)Does John like salad? (4)Does John like hamburgers? (5)What fruit does John like? (6)What do they want to eat for John’s birthday? Read the dialogue in 2d. Then answer the questions. 新课讲解 Language points 2 Let’s have strawberries and apples. 动词have意为“吃,喝”,是实义动词。如: e.g.We have breakfast at seven.我们七点钟吃早饭。 e.g.I don’t have coffee in the evening.晚上我不喝咖啡。 注意:have 作此义解时,变成疑问句和否定句时必须用助 动词do。 你每天在家吃午饭吗? 误:Have you lunch at home every day? 正:Do you have lunch at home every day? 当堂小练 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Do you like ___ (rice)? 2.My father ____ (like) bananas. 3.My sister likes ____________ (strawberry) best. 4. Does your sister ______ (like) ice-cream? 5.Let’s ______ (have) some chicken. rice likes strawberries like have 当堂小练 二、根据图片提示完成句子。 1. — _____ you like ____________? — Yes, I do. I like ________, too. 2. — _____ your father like ______? — No. He _______ like ______. 3. — Let’s _____ salad. — Oh, no. I ______ ______ salad. 4. — Let’s _____ _________ and ___________. — That _______ good. I ____ them. Do strawberries Does pears doesn’t pears have bananas don’t like have ice-cream hamburgers sounds like 归 纳 课堂小结 词汇:banana, hamburger, tomato, ice cream, salad, strawberry, pear, milk, bread, birthday, dinner, week, think about, food, sure, vegetable, fruit, right, apple, then 句型:1.了解询问和回答是否喜欢某物的句型: —Do you like bananas? —Yes, I do./No, I don’t. 2.了解表示喜欢或不喜欢某物的句型: I like hamburgers./I don’t like ice cream. 3.学会表示提建议的句型: How/What about the fruit? Unit6 Do you like bananas SA Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 目 录 C O N T E N T S 1 学习目标 2 新课导入 3 新课讲解 4 当堂小练 5 课堂小结 6 课后作业 7 学习目标 能够正确运用下列句型: Do you like salad? Yes, I do. /No, don’t. Do they like pears? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t. Does he /she like tomatoes? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn’t. 能够正确区分可数名词和不可数名词。 掌握第三人称单数的用法。 新课导入 复 习 — What’s that? — It’s _____. saladbread ice-cream milk 新课导入 思 考 — What are those? — They are _________. bananas orangestomatoes strawberries hamburgerspears 新课讲解 Grammar Focus —Do you like bananas? —Yes, I do. Do you like bananas, too? —No, I don’t. I like pears. —Do they like pears, too? —No, they don’t. They like strawberries. —Does she like strawberries very much? —Yes, she does. Does he like them? —No, he doesn’t like them at all. He likes apples best. 新课讲解 Language point 可数名词和不可数名词 可数名词 (1) (2) (3) (4) 定义:是可以计数的名词。 可数名词前可以用 a , an 限定,表一个。 可数名词前可以用 one, two, three …等 限定。 可数名词有复数形式。 新课讲解 Language point 1 名词特点 词尾加法 词尾读音方法 例词 一般情况下 加-s 1. -s在清辅音后读[s] 2. -s在浊辅音后读[z] 3. -s在元音后读[z] 4. 以音素[ s , z , ʒ] ]结尾 的,读[iz] desks apples trees oranges 以-s, -x, -sh, - ch 结尾的 加-es -es读[iz] boxes watches 以f 或 fe 结 尾的 改f或fe为v 再加-es -ves读[vz] knives wives 新课讲解 Language points 2 名词特点 词尾加法 词尾读音方法 例词 改y为i 再 加-es -ies读[iz] families dictionaries 以元音字母加 y结尾的 加-s -s读[z] boys keys 以o 结尾的 有生命的事 物加-es -es读[z] tomatoes potatoes 以辅音字母加 y结尾的 无生命的事 物加-s -s读[z] photos radios 新课讲解 Language points 3 可数名词和不可数名词 不可数名词 (1) (2) (3) (4) 定义:是指表示不能计数的事物的名词。 不可数名词前不可以用 a , an 限定。 不可数名词前不可以用 one, two , three …等 限定。 不可数名词没有复数形式。 新课讲解 Language points 4 可数名词和不可数名词 既可数又不可数的名词 定义:在某些情况下能计数,在某些情况下不能计数的名词。 e.g. (1)a chicken 一只鸡 chicken 鸡肉 (2)an ice cream 一个冰淇淋 ice cream 冰淇淋(指成份) (3)a salad 一碟沙拉 salad 沙拉(指成份) 新课讲解 Countable nouns: hamburgers, eggs, oranges, bananas, apples, pears, carrots, vegetables, tomatoes, strawberries Uncountable nouns: milk, bread, rice Countable and uncountable nouns: food, fruit, ice-cream, salad, chicken 新课讲解 banana, hamburger, tomato, ice-cream, salad, strawberry, pear, milk, bread, birthday, dinner, week,food, burger, vegetable, fruit,apple Please tell countable from uncountable nouns. 说一说 新课讲解 做一做 a pear, an apple/egg/orange, two tomatoes, three apples, many oranges, many eggs; much milk, much salad; some rice, some apples; a lot of ice-cream, a lot of chicken; Let’s make some phrases using numbers and adjectives. 新课讲解 做一做 1.Don’t take the fruit to Alice. I need ______ (it). 2._____ (That) are my ________ (friend). ______ (It) are nice. 3.There are some ______ (photo) on the wall. They are very beautiful. 4.I have much _________(homework) to do. it Those friends They photos homework 新课讲解 3a Underline the correct words in the brackets. 1. I like fruit, but I (don’t / doesn’t) like vegetables. 2. She (like / likes) bread, but she (doesn’t / don’t) like salad. 3. He (like / likes) bananas, but he (don’t / doesn’t) like oranges. 4. We (likes / like) hamburgers, but we (don’t / doesn’t) like chicken. 5. They (likes / like) pears, but they (don’t / doesn’t) like strawberries. 新课讲解 Number these sentences [1-4] to make a conversation. 3b So, let’s get salad. Yes, I do. Do you like salad? OK. 1 3 2 4 A: Do you like salad? B: Yes, I do. C: So, let’s get salad. D: OK. 新课讲解 Ask your classmates about the food in the chart. Find out what they like and don’t like. 3c Food Likes Doesn’t like ice-cream Liu Li Zhang Jun rice oranges milk salad strawberries tomatoes bananas 新课讲解 Write a short passage about the result of the discussion. A sample version: Liu Li likes tomatoes. He doesn’t like hamburgers. Zhao Jun doesn’t like tomatoes. He likes bananas. Zhao Li likes French fries and pears. But she doesn’t like salad. 做一做 当堂小练 一、单项选择 1. —Does he like apples? —Yes, ____. A. he does B. he do C. he don’t D. he doesn’t 2. I don’t like volleyball, but my sister ____. A. like B. do C. doesn’t D. does A D 当堂小练 3. Jack ____ some strawberries. A. like B. likes C. have D. eat 4. The boy likes eggs, but he ____ rice. A. doesn’t likes B. don’t like C. likes D. doesn’t like B D 当堂小练 二、按要求完成句子 1. This is a tomato.(改为复数形式) These ______ _________. 2. My sister likes salad.(改为否定句) My sister ________ ______ salad. 3. Ann likes apples.(改为一般疑问句) ______ Ann ______ apples? 4. Tony doesn’t like French fries.(改为肯定句) Tony ______ French fries. 5. Do you like strawberries?(作肯定回答) ______, I ______. are tomatoes doesn’t like Does like likes Yes do 归 纳 课堂小结 句型:1.掌握含有实义动词like的句型: We like rice./We don’t like hamburgers. —Does she like tomatoes? —Yes, she does./No. she doesn’t. 2.学会运用连词but表达喜欢和不喜欢: I like fruit, but I don’t like vegetables. 语法1.能够辨别可数名词和不可数名词 2.掌握可数名词单数变复数的变化规则 Unit6 Do you like bananas Section B (1a-1e) 目 录 C O N T E N T S 1 学习目标 2 新课导入 3 新课讲解 4 当堂小练 5 课堂小结 6 课后作业 7 学习目标 学习本课时新单词及短语: interesting, boring, fun, difficult, relaxing, watch TV; 学习正确使用形容词对事物发表看法; 进一步学习运用句型: Let’s… 和That sounds… 思 考 新课导入 复 习 Group 1: girls Do you have …? Yes, we… No, we… Group 2: boys Ask and answer in return. 新课导入 合 作 A: I like pears./… B:I don’t like pears./… C:She/He likes pears./… D:She/He doesn’t like pears. 新课讲解 1a Write the number of each word next to the correct food. 1. orange 2. salad 3. eggs 4. apple 5. ice-cream 6. hamburger 7. banana 8. chicken 9. rice 10. carrots 3 4 7 10 6 1 89 52 新课讲解 1b How many other words can you add to the lists? fruit: pears, ___________________________ _________________________________ vegetables: ____________________________ _______________________________ strawberriesapples bananas oranges watermelon grapes carrot tomatoes potatoes onion broccoli 新课讲解 Listen and circle the food you hear in 1a.1c 1. orange 2. salad 3. eggs 4. apple 5. ice-cream 6. hamburger 7. banana 8. chicken 9. rice 10. carrots 新课讲解 1d Listen again. Fill in the chart. Likes Doesn’t like Tom carrots Sally salad apples salad bananas oranges vegetables ice-cream 新课讲解 Ask and answer questions about what Sally and Tom like and don’t like. 1e Does Tom like carrots? Yes, he does. Does Tom like …? … 新课讲解 Does Sally like salad? Yes, she does. Does Sally like …? … 当堂小练 一、根据句意和首字母提示完成单词 1. I can’t play basketball. I think it’s d _________. 2. It is f________ to watch a cartoon(动画) on TV. 3. It’s an i_________ book. I like it very much. 4. Playing ping-pong is r___________ sport. 5. You can’t w_______ volleyball matches(排球赛) now. ifficult un nteresting elaxing atch 归 纳 课堂小结 词汇:egg, carrot, rice, chicken, breakfast, lunch 听力:听他人谈论食物喜好的对话 短语: watch TV... 句型: Let’s… 和That sounds… Unit6 Do you like bananas Section B (2a-2c) 目 录 C O N T E N T S 1 学习目标 2 新课导入 3 新课讲解 4 当堂小练 5 课堂小结 6 课后作业 7 学习目标 掌握单词:star,eat,well,habit,healthy,really, question,want,be,fat; 学会写介绍自己或他人一日三餐饮食喜好的短文。 掌握句型:What do you like for breakfast? What fruit do you like? Do you like hamburgers for dinner? I don’t want to be fat.; 思 考 新课导入 思 考 —What do you like for your breakfast/lunch /dinner? —I like …for breakfast/lunch/dinner. 新课导入 the Simple Present Tense 一般现在时态 动词一般现在时的否定句式 新课导入 (1)be 动词 (2)have 动词 (3)行为动词 主语+ am is are + not +表语 主语+ don’t doesn’ t (三单)+ have + 宾语 don’t doesn’ t 主语+ (三单)+ 动原 + 状语 新课导入 the Simple Present Tense 一般现在时态 动词一般现在时的疑问句式 新课讲解 (1)be 动词 (2)have 动词 (3)行为动词 主语+ Am Is Are 表语 主语+Do Does (三单) have+宾语+? Do Does 主语+(三单) 动原+状语+? 新课讲解 2a Which food do you think is healthy? Check (√) Yes, Maybe or No. Food Yes Maybe No fruit vegetables eggs chicken hamburgers ice-cream √ √ √ √ √ √ 新课讲解 (1)What does Cindy like for breakfast? (2)What fruit does she like? (3)Does she like bananas? (4)Does she like salad? (5)Does she like hamburgers? (6)What does Cindy like for dinner? Read the dialogue, and answer the following questions. 新课讲解 2b Read the magazine article and circle the food words. 新课讲解 Make conversations about how you study for a test. Write five sentences about Cindy’s eating habits. 2c Cindy likes healthy food. 1. Cindy ________________________________ 2. She __________________________________ 3. She __________________________________ 4. Cindy doesn’t _________________________ 5. She doesn’t ___________________________ likes salad for lunch. likes chicken for dinner. like hamburgers for dinner. eat ice-cream after dinner. loves fruit but she doesn’t like bananas. 新课讲解 Language point 1 1.Sports Star Eats Well! ◆eat的意思是“吃”,为及物动词。英语中习惯用have 来表示吃早、午、晚餐,而不是用eat来表示。 e.g. I like eating ice-cream.我喜欢吃冰激凌。 e.g.Let’s have lunch!我们吃午饭吧! ◆well表示“很好地”,用作副词,修饰实义动词。 e.g.I can do it well.我可以把它做好。 【拓展】well也可表示“健康的”,用作形容词。 e.g.She is very well.她很健康。 新课讲解 Language points 2 2.David asks the volleyball star, Cindy Smith, about her eating habits. ask sb. about sth.表示“询问某人某事”, ask sb. for sth.表示“向某人要某物” 。 e.g.The teacher asks Sally about her study. 老师向萨莉询问了她的学习情况。 e.g.He asks his friends for an apple. 他向他的朋友要了一个苹果。 新课讲解 Language points 3 3.What do you like for breakfast? 介词for与三餐饭搭配,根据其出现的具体语境,有两个含义: (1)for 表示目的。 e.g.Let’s go to a restaurant for lunch. 我们去餐馆吃午饭吧。 (2)for表示 “作为”, “for+表示一日三餐的名词”表示各餐所 吃的食物。 e.g.I’d like to have chicken for lunch.午饭我想吃鸡肉。 当堂小练 一、根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。 1. Ben always _________ (eat) oranges in the evening. 2. Ms. Jackson plays tennis very _______ (good). 3. Ms. White and Ms. Hand are TV _______ (star). 4. I don’t think these _________ (question) are interesting. 5. Grandpa, Anna _________ (want) apples. eats well star squestions wants 归 纳 课堂小结 词汇:star, eat, well, habit, healthy, really, question, want, be, fat 句型:1.What do you like for breakfast? 2.What fruit do you like? 3.I don’t want to be fat. 语篇:能读懂杂志上采访型的文章 Unit6 Do you like bananas Section B (3a-Self Check) 目 录 C O N T E N T S 1 学习目标 2 新课导入 3 新课讲解 4 当堂小练 5 课堂小结 6 课后作业 7 学习目标 掌握单词:star,eat,well,habit,healthy,really, question,want,be,fat; 学会写介绍自己或他人一日三餐饮食喜好的短文。 掌握句型:What do you like for breakfast? What fruit do you like? Do you like hamburgers for dinner? I don’t want to be fat.; 思 考 新课导入 思 考 新课导入 思 考Group the food. Food: Fruit: Vegetables: Countable nouns: Uncountable nouns: chicken, hamburgers, French fries, ice-cream apples, bananas, oranges carrots, tomatoes hamburgers, eggs, oranges, bananas, apples, pears, carrots, vegetables, tomatoes, strawberries milk, bread, salad, 新课讲解 3a Complete the survey for you and your partner. Breakfast Lunch Dinner I like I don't like My partner likes My partner doesn't like --Do you like eggs for breakfast? --No, I don't. I like oranges. 新课讲解 For breakfast, I like bread, eggs and bananas.For lunch, I like hamburgers and oranges.And for dinner, I like carrots, chicken and rice. My mother likes rice for breakfast.For lunch she likes ice-cream.She doesn’t like vegetables.My father likes oranges for breakfast.He doesn’t like eggs.For dinner, he likes fish and vegetables. Report your survey result. 新课讲解 3b Write about what you and your partner like and don’t like for breakfast, lunch and dinner. For breakfast, I like ________, but I don’t like ______. For lunch, _______________________. And for dinner, __________________________. For breakfast, ______ likes ________________ .For lunch, ______________________________. And for dinner, __________________________. 新课讲解 My eating habits are healthy. For breakfast, I like noodles and eggs, but I don’t like bread. For lunch, I like rice, fish and vegetables. And for dinner, I like rice and chicken. I have a friend. He likes rice and vegetables for breakfast. For lunch, he likes milk and noodles. And for dinner, he likes fish and meat. One possible version: 新课讲解 Self Check hamburger tomato carrot photo banana strawberry hat table dictionary egg apple pear radio vegetable family pencil key volleyball 1 Do you know the plurals of these words? Put them in the correct columns. 新课讲解 +s +es y→i+es hamburgers tomatoes carrots photos bananas strawberries hats tables dictionaries eggs apples pears radios vegetables families pencils keys volleyballs 新课讲解 2 What food, sports and colors do you like and dislike? I like English best at school.I don’t like math, because it’s so difficult.I like basketball very much.It can make me healthy and strong.But I don’t like soccer.I like red.But I don’t like black… Sample passage: 新课讲解 Food: My father likes _____, but he doesn’t like _______. My mother likes ______, but she doesn’t like ____. eggs apples carrots rice 3 What food, sports and colors do your parents like and dislike? Write at least five sentences. 新课讲解 Sports: My father likes ____________________. My mother likes _________. They don’t like __________. My father likes ____, but he doesn’t like ___. My mother likes _____, but she doesn’t like _______. colors: basketball and soccer tennis blue red black ping-pong yellow 当堂小练 一、 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。 1. 晚餐怀特女士不喜欢鸡肉。 Ms. White doesn’t ___ _______ ___ ______. 2. 戴夫向露西打听米莉的情况。 Dave ____ Lucy _____ Millie. 3. 我们真的喜欢健康食品。 We _____ ___ ______ ____. like chicken for dinner asks about really like healthy food 当堂小练 4. 罗丝是一位体育明星而且她吃得很好。 Rose is a(n) _____ ____ and she ____ ____. 5. 你妈妈午餐吃什么呢? _____ ____ your mother ___ for lunch? sports star eats well What does eat 当堂小练 二、根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。 1. Burgers are not _______ food. I don’t like them. 2. Tony _________ likes his cousin Joe. 3. Hey, Simon! I’m David! Let’s ___ good friends. 4. Mrs. Brown’s eating ______ are not good. 5. Robot, you’re ____, so you can’t eat hamburgers. healthy be habit, healthy, be, fat, really really habits fat 归 纳 课堂小结 单词:star,eat,well,habit,healthy,really, question,want,be,fat... 句型:复习含有实义动词like的句型 语法:复习可数名词单数变复数的基本规则 写作:写关于自己及他人一日三餐的短文

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