高考题型专项练习 短文改错100篇 有答案

高考题型专项练习 短文改错100篇 有答案


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0 高考题型专项练习之四 短文改错 100 篇 高考英语新题型专项练习之四 短文改错解 100 篇 一、题型解读 短文改错是集语法知识与语言技能于一体的综合性英语试题,着重考查考生的语言基本功和正确使用英 语进行表达的能力。它涉及词汇、语法、句型结构等多方面的知识和行文逻辑的推理和综合辨析能力,是一 种较高层次的考查考生对英语知识的掌握和语言综合运用能力的测试题型。短文改错是专门针对考生平时学 习英语尤其是写作练习中常犯的较为普遍的错误而设计的。 短文改错是一篇 100 词左右的学生习作式短文,短文中有 10 处错误,10 处错误的分布不再是每行一错, 而是每句中最多有两处错误,这在一定程度上增加了该题型的难度。 二、命题分析 通过对近几年各省份的高考英语试题中短文改错的研究可以看出,命题者主要在行文逻辑、一致关系、 连接方式、平行结构、多词少词、母语干扰、冠词使用、名词数格、词语搭配以及词性辨析等方面进行设计 和考查。 1、错误类型相对稳定:错词 7——8 个,多词、缺词各 1 个左右; 2、考点覆盖面广,分布合理:包括词法、句法、语篇结构、行文逻辑等。 3、难度保持平稳:体裁平稳(以记叙文为主),长度平稳。 三、考查类型 1、缺词 1) 可数名词前缺限定词; 2) 动词不定式缺 to; 3) 不及物动词后缺介词或副词; 4) 固定搭配中缺词; 5) 被动语态缺助动词 be; 6) 句子成分残缺(一般缺谓语动词或助动词); 2、多词 1) 表示泛指意义的不可数名词前多冠词,不可数名词或抽象名词前多不当的修饰语; 2) 谓语动词多不当的助动词; 3) 感官动词、使役动词后作宾语补足语的不定式多 to; 4) 不是从句却加了关系词或连接词; 5) 及物动词后多介词或副词; 6) 比较级前多词; 7) 词义重叠; 8) 作时间状语的名词短语前多介词; 1 9) 固定搭配中多词。 3、错词 1) 冠词错误; 2) 物主代词错误; 3) 名词单复数错误; 4) 时态错误; 5) 语态错误; 6) 非谓语动词形式错误; 7) 主谓不一致; 8) 代词与其指代的名词不一致; 9) 词义错误; 10) 词语搭配错误; 11) 连词错误; 12) 词类错误; 13) 关系代词或关系副词错误; 14) 逻辑错误; 15) 习惯用法错误。 四、考点分布 短文改错的错词题一般分为两类:语法错误和逻辑错误。语法错误包括词法错误和句法错误,如冠词、 介词、名词单复数、动词的时态和语态、非谓语动词、主谓一致、代词、连词(并列连词和从属连词)、各种 句式结构等;逻辑错误包括整体理解、语言运用以及推理判断等方面的错误。错误大多出现在语法错误上, 涉及逻辑错误的每年有 1——3 处。多一词主要出现在冠词、介词、助动词、连接词和语义重复等方面。缺一 词主要出现在冠词(名词前)、介词(不及物动词后和固定结构中)、助动词、不定式符号、连接词、语义不 完整等方面。 近几年高考短文改错的考点分布如下: 冠词 名词 代词 形容词 和副词 介词 连词 动词及 时态 非谓语 动词 主谓 一致 2019 全国新课标(I) 1 1 1 3 2 1 2019 全国新课标(II) 1 1 5 1 1 1 2019 全国新课标(III) 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2018 全国新课标(I) 1 1 1 `2 1 2 1 1 2018 全国新课标(II) 1 2 1 2 3 1 2018 全国新课标(III) 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2017 全国新课标(I) 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2017 全国新课标(II) 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2017 全国新课标(III) 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2016 全国新课标(I) 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2016 全国新课标(II) 1 1 1 3 2 1 2016 全国新课标(III) 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 2015 全国新课标(I) 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 0 0 2015 全国新课标(II) 1 1 2 2 1 0 2 1 0 2015 陕西 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 0 2015 浙江 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 0 2015 四川 0 1 3 0 1 1 2 2 0 2 2014 全国新课标(I) 1 1 0 4 1 2 1 0 0 2014 全国新课标(II) 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 0 1 2014 陕西 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2014 辽宁 1 1 1 1 3 0 1 1 1 2014 浙江 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 0 0 2014 四川 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 0 1 2013 全国新课标(I) 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 0 2013 全国新课标(II) 1 2 1 1 2 0 2 1 0 2013 陕西 1 1 1 1 0 3 1 1 1 2013 辽宁 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 2013 浙江 1 1 1 4 0 1 1 0 1 2013 四川 1 1 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 五、应试技巧 1、通读全文,掌握大意。 通读全文,了解短文的中心意思,把握全篇的基本时态、人称及行文逻辑。有时孤立地分析某个句子, 其结构正确,语义通顺,无错可改,但如果联系上下文便会发现该句中有不合逻辑的地方,需要作出改正。 在通读完全文的同时把一些比较容易的或是明显的错误先改好。 2、在读懂整篇文章之后,要逐句进行找错。分析每个句子在词法、句法、行文逻辑等方面是否有错,要 做到逐句分析,不可遗漏,句与句之间要注意连词的用法。具体要注意以下几点: 1) 整篇文章的时态前后是否一致,语态运用是否准确。 2) 名词的数与格、名词前该不该用冠词,用什么冠词。 3) 固定搭配是否完整、正确,有无缺少或多余介词、副词现象。 4) 非谓语动词的形式运用是否正确。 5) 连词的用法是否符合上下文逻辑。 6) 名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句的引导词的使用是否正确。 7) 各种代词是否混用,指代是否正确。 8) 形容词、副词及其比较级是否混用。 六、解题原则 1、错误以改动一词为原则。 一般情况下,每句至多有两处错误,每处错误以改动一词为原则,即在一个词上进行改动,可以是添一 词、删一词或改一词。没有错误的句子无需改动。 2、改正以一个层次为原则。 在对原文中的某个词进行改动时,只能在一个层次上进行改动,要么改变词义,要么改变词性,要么改 变形式,而不能既改变词义又改变词性,或既改变词性又改变形式。 3、添加或删除词以虚词居多。 需要添加或删除的词一般是冠词、介词、连词、助动词、不定式符号等。而动词、名词、形容词、副词 等有实际意义的一般不添加或删除,否则会改变句子的原意。 4、改变形式以实词居多。 对动词、名词、形容词、副词等实词一般只是改变它们的形式,很少会将其改换成另外一个词,更不能 随便添加或删除,以免导致语篇意义发生改变。 5、句子原意要保持不变。 改错题一般应保持句子的原意不变,即不能改变文章所要表达的意思,包括其语气和上下文的逻辑关系, 只能对短文中的用词错误、语法错误、逻辑错误进行改正。 6、小心局部通顺陷阱。 3 有时孤立地分析某个句子,可能结构正确、语义通顺,但如果放到整个语篇中考虑,就会发现该句中存 在不合逻辑的地方。因此一定要警惕局部通顺的陷阱,结合语篇进行全面分析。 Section I 分考点练习 一、多一词 (一)多介词或副词 介词多余主要体现在介词的用法错误,尤其是其固定搭配方面的错误,在不需要用介词的地方用了介词, 造成语言的累赘。常考的介词多为 in, at, on, for, to, about, except, beside 等。 1、在 next/ last/ this/ these/ one/ any/ every/ each/ all…, today, yesterday, tomorrow 等词前,一般不用表示时 间的介词 at, on, in 等。 The secretary told me that the manager was busy and I should come at some other time.(at 去掉) I met my uncle on last Sunday. (on 去掉) 2、表示时间的名词短语,如 the moment, the minute, each time, the first time 直接充当连词,引导状语从句 时,其前无介词。 I liked the oil painting very much at the moment I saw it. (at 多余,去掉) 3、句子成分重复使副词成为累赘。 When we got to his home, we found him in home.(in home 两词都表示“在家”,意义重复,去掉 home) 多一副词主要是因为句子成分重复造成的。常考的多为 in, out, away, off, up, down, far 等表示地点和方位 的副词。 【技巧点拨】除掌握介词、副词的基本意义和用法外,更应注意其固定搭配,尤其是动词短语中的搭配、 介词跟不同名词的搭配。另外还要注意副词的用法特点以及与其他词的意义重复等,避免语言的重复和累赘, 掌握了这些,做短文改错题就有了针对性。 1. Did you see the game on TV on last night? 2. Don’t worry I can make my own way to home. 3. He said he’d phoned you at the moment he got home. 4. If Jo can’t attend the meeting, I could go instead of. 5. Doctors usually explain for the risks of the treatment to the patients. 6. We didn’t enjoy the day because of the weather was so awful. 7. She eventually achieved to her goal of becoming a professor. 8. The children proudly showed to me their presents. 9. Last week I bought for one small second-hand motorcycle. 10. Now more people can afford to travel to abroad. 1. 第二个 on 2. 去掉 to 3. 去掉 at 4. 去掉 of 5. 去掉 for 6. 去掉 of 7. 去掉 to 8. 去掉 to 9. 去掉 for 10. 去掉第二个 to (二)多连词 多一连词的错误主要表现在并列连词和从属连词的使用上。在一些不需要用连词的地方,误用了连词, 造成连词使用上的混乱。这类题型的命题意图在于考查正确运用连词的能力。中国学生因受汉语习惯、英汉 文化差异的影响等极易发生连词使用错误的情况。在汉语中,一个连词仅能引导或连接一个句子,而在英语 中,一个连词能引导或连接多个句子;汉语中,“因为……所以……”,“虽然……但是……”可以同时使用, 4 而在英语中则不可以。 1、并列连词连接两个并列的成分或句子,从属连词则用来连接从句,作主句中的某一成分,二者不能混 用。 表示因果关系时,because 和 so 不能同时使用;表示让步关系时,although/ though 和 but 不能同时使用。 Although he is very young, but he can retell the story very fluently. (but 去掉) 2、两个或多个从属连词不能并列使用。 My parents sent me an e-mail to ask whether how I was getting along with my studies (how 去掉) 3、受汉语表达习惯和思维定势的影响,在不需要用连词的地方使用了连词。 In some parts of the forest that you can find large groups of monkeys, which are jumping up and down(that 去 掉,这不是从句) 【技巧点拨】要正确区分和掌握并列连词、从属连词的用法,尤其是各种从属连词的用法。 1、表让步:although, though, even if, even though, whether, no matter how/ what/ when/ where …, whatever, whoever, while 等。 2、表条件:if, unless, as/ so long as, in case 等。 3、表目的:so that, in order that, in case 等。 4、表原因:as, because, since, now that, in that, seeing that, for 等。 5、表时间:since, until, when(ever), before, after, while, as, as soon as 等。 6、表地点:where, wherever 等。 7、表结果:so…that…, such…that…等。 8、表比较:as, than 等。 9、表方式:as, as if, as though 等。 1. Many exam candidates lose marks simply because that they do not read the questions properly. 2. Though she’s almost 40, but she still plans to compete. 3. The moment when I arrived in New York, I was full of hope for the future. 4. To find out more about university courses, so write to this address. 5. Plastic will melt and if it gets too hot. 6. She didn’t speak to anyone and that nobody spoke to her. 7. I believe that what he told me. 8. As we all can see, when teachers are greatly needed in our country. 9. Following your doctor’s advice, so your cough will get better. 10. While she accepts that he is not perfect, but she does actually like the person. 1. 去掉 that 2. 去掉 but 3. 去掉 when 4. 去掉 so 5. 去掉 and 6. 去掉 that 7. 去掉 that 8. 去掉 when 9. 去掉 so 10. 去掉 but (三)多代词 多一代词的考查主要围绕人称代词、物主代词、不定代词、关系代词等的错误运用,这些错误运用容易 造成句子成分重复、指代不明确、理解困难等。 1、主语和谓语之间多一个关系代词。 Some people don’t like basketball, but many people who do like it. (who 去掉) 2、关系代词和其他代词同时出现在句中。 This is the very person that I am looking for him. (him 去掉) 3、it 的用法广泛,在很多情况下会因指代不明确造成成分重复。 This maths problem is too hard to solve it for the little girl. (it 去掉) 【技巧点拨】代词是用来代替名词的词。在结构复杂的句子中,往往会出现多个代词,每一个代词都必 须有明确的指代对象,并在句子中充当一定的句子成分。代词的错用一般较为隐蔽,不易被发现。因此应注 意分析句子结构,分清这些代词的指代对象,依照句式结构规则进行改错。尤其要重视引导定语从句的关系 5 代词在从句中作宾语的用法;名词性从句的引导词在从句中作主语、宾语、表语等的用法,做到活学活用。 1. He is the boy we talked about him. 2. My father says that engineering is not a suitable subject for a girl to study it. 3. First of all, as it known to us, pets make too much noise troubling residents a lot. 4. Yesterday I met the girl whom that whom the first prize. 5. The population of China is a quarter of that one of the world. 6. What can we do it to help them out? 7. Whatever the result it is, the most important thing is that we are working hard and enjoying ourselves. 8. There are so many countries that I would like to visit them. 9. You can choose some topics we teenagers are interested in them. 10. To the children who they spend too much time watching TV, it can do harm to their sight. 1. 去掉 him 2. 去掉 it 3. 去掉 it 4. 去掉 whom 5. 去掉 one 6. 去掉 it 7. 去掉 it 8. 去掉 them 9. 去 掉 them 10. 去掉 they (四)多助动词 助动词本身没有独立的词义,不能单独作谓语,必须和其他的动词结合使用,主要起否定、疑问、强调 等作用,或表示动词的时态、语态、语气等。在短文改错中,对多一助动词的考查主要出现在时态和语态的 构成上,尤其是在比较复杂的时态和语态中。 1、在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,常用一般现在时代替一般将来时,现在完成时代替将来完成时, 一般过去时代替过去将来时。 If you will study hard, you will succeed. (去掉第一个 will) 2、错用时态容易导致出现多余的助动词,尤其是把过去完成时和一般过去时用混,极易出错。 She had taught us English when I attended training courses two years ago. (had 去掉) 3、有时,句子的主语和谓语之间不存在被动关系或有些不及物动词,如 happen, take place, belong to, last, break out 被误用作及物动词,以被动语态的形式出现,致使出现助动词多余的情况。 This experience has been shown that traveling by train actually is the safest way of making journeys.(been 去 掉) Great changes have been taken place in the past ten years.(been 去掉) 【技巧点拨】各种时态和语态都有其构成特点和意义,如现在完成时的构成为 have/ has +过去分词,常 与表示一段时间的状语(for, since 等)连用,过去完成时就必须有与之相对应的过去时间或动作比较;只有及物 动词才能用被动语态等。只有正确掌握这些时态和语态的构成及其用法特点,才能在改错中明辨是非,正确 纠错。 1. I’m sure I can do the job well if I will get the chance to work. 2. I’m glad to tell you that great changes have been taken place here in recent years. 3. Last week I had found that one of my friends kept a diary, saying that she disliked me. 4. Before they thought of thanking the young man, he had been disappeared. 5. I have been realized that home is my shelter. 6. It is nearly a month since you had left our hospital. 7. When he was nine, his mother was passed away. 8. Would you tell me what do you want? 9. The gas keeping the balloon up was being running away. 10. The coffee is of high quality and has been sold very well. 1. 去掉 will 2. 去掉 been 3. 去掉 had 4. 去掉 been 5. 去掉 been 6. 去掉 had 7. 去掉第二个 was 8. 去 掉 do 9. 去掉 being 10. 去掉 been (四)多冠词 冠词是中学生很容易出错的地方,尤其是在不需要用冠词的时候,很多人因为对冠词的理解和掌握较差 6 误加了冠词。高考短文改错的命题者也正是找准了学生在思维上的误区去设置考题,其目的在于让考生学会 正确使用冠词。 1、表示泛指意义的物质名词、抽象名词前不用冠词。 Music can bring people a pleasure. (a 去掉) 2、表示泛指概念的复数名词前不用冠词。 Young people like to read the books.(the 去掉) 3、表示季节、月份、星期、节假日的名词前一般不用冠词。 School begins in the September. (the 去掉) 4、呼语或作表语、同位语、补足语,表示独一无二的职务、头衔的名词前不用冠词。 The young man is the captain of this ship.(第二个 the 去掉) 5、表示三餐、球类运动、棋类游戏的名词前不用冠词。 Let’s go and watch them play the football. (the 去掉) 6、by 后接名词表示交通方式,名词前不用冠词。 Now many people want to travel by the air. (the 去掉) 7、表示学科、语言的名词前一般不用冠词。 I like the maths though it is a bit difficult. (the 去掉) 8、在某些短语中,有无定冠词的意思大不一样。 at table 在用餐 at the table 坐在餐桌旁 in front of 在……(外部) 的前面 in the front of 在……(内 部)的前面 in hospital(因病)住院 in the hospital 在医院 in class 在上课 in the class 在这个班上 in charge of 负责 in the charge of 由……负 责 by sea 乘船 by the sea 在海边 in place of 代替 in the place of 在……地方 in office 执政 in the office 在办公室里 take place 发生 take the place of 代替 in prison 坐牢 in the prison 在监狱里 go to church 做礼拜 go to the church 去教堂 live on farm 务农 live on the farm 住在农场 two of us 我们中的两个人 the two of us 我们两个人 in possession of 占有 in the possession of 被…… 占有 by day 在白天 by the day 按天计算 in case of 以防 in the case of 就……来说 on fire 着火 on the fire 在火炉上 【技巧点拨】要想正确使用零冠词,应在平时的英语学习和运用中,熟记零冠词的用法特点,形成良好 的运用语言的习惯,仔细、认真、规范地应用零冠词。 1. Farmers spray (祈祷) the fields to get the rid of these insects. 2. For an example, they come from a richer family, or they have more skills. 3. I will see you after the school. 4. I never realized what a good fun fishing could be. 5. All supplies are transported by the air. 6. Why don’t you come over for the supper on Friday? 7. I have just got a good news to tell you. 8. They meet fairly often to play the chess. 9. A. few days ago, one of my good friends told me that he was going to drop out of the school. 10. I try my best to take a good care of them. 1. 去掉第二个 the 2. 去掉 an 3. 去掉 the 4. 去掉 a 5. 去掉 the 6. 去掉 the 7. 去掉 a 8. 去掉 the 9. 去掉 the 10. 去掉 a (六)多不定式符号 to 在英语中,不定式有两种形式:一种为带 to 的不定式,一种是不带 to 的不定式。不定式符号 to 的用法 8 非常灵活,在一些需要省略不定式的地方,极易出现不定式符号多余的现象,造成使用上的混乱。 1、在使役动词 make, let, have 及感官动词 hear, watch, notice, see, listen to, look at 等后用不带 to 的不定式 作宾语补足语。 I will let someone to repair the TV. (去掉 to) 2、在一些固定句式中,常用省略 to 的不定式。如:had better do, would rather do sth than do sth, prefer to do sth rather than do, cannot but do sth, have nothing to do but do, why not do sth, why do sth。 I’d rather stay at home than to go to see a film with her. (去掉第一个 to) 3、在表示请求的 Will/Would you please…句式总使用不带 to 的不定式。 Would you please to give me a hand? (to 去掉) 【技巧点拨】应该熟记一些常见的后面跟不带 to 的不定式的情况,如使役动词和感官动词后用不定式作 宾语补足语时要省略 to;其次,要牢记一些最常用的固定结构,以免出现误用 to 的现象。 1. Lee could not help but to agree with her. 2. Now let me to introduce our school to you. 3. My parents always make me to do my homework before I get out. 4. Would you please to tell me something about him? 5. From then on, I often saw it to fly away as I left for school. 6. Why not to find a part-time job to learn something new? 7. He knew she dared not to open the door. 8. The animals had nothing to do but to lie down and sleep. 9. Rather than to stay at home, he preferred to go to see a film. 10. You’d better to hurry up if you want to get home before dark. 1. 去掉 to 2. 去掉第一个 to 3. 去掉 to 4. 去掉 to 5. 去掉 to 6. 去掉第一个 to 7. 去掉 to 8. 去掉第 二个 to 9. 去掉第一个 to 10. 去掉第一个 to 二、缺一词 (一)缺介词 介词的缺少主要体现为介词的用法错误。因此应该掌握介词的基本含义和用法,注意其固定搭配,如短 语动词中的介词,某些不及物动词后接宾语时需要加介词等。 1、作定语的不定式与被修饰词有逻辑上的动宾关系时,该不定式如果是不及物动词,其后需有与之搭配 的介词。 I want to find a hotel to live.(句尾添加介词 in) 2、too…to…结构中的不定式如果是不及物动词,其后常需有与之搭配的介词。 The ice is too thin for us to skate. (句尾添加介词 on) 3、有些动词后有时需要用介词,有时不需要用介词,常常会因为其具体意义不明确而导致介词缺失。 attend a wedding 参加婚礼 attend to the patient 照顾病人 prepare breakfast 准备早饭 prepare for the exam 备考 join us 加入到我们中间来 join in the game 参加比赛/游戏 The whole class are working hard preparing the exams. (preparing 后添加 for) 4、常见的易漏掉介词的短语动词: arriver at/in 到达 laugh at 嘲笑 lead to 导致 go in for 参加 catch up with 赶上 make use of 利用 stick to 坚持 replay to 回答 object to 反对 look down upon 看不起 put up with 忍受 pay attention to 注意 belong to 属于 stair at 凝视 look after 照顾 look forward to 盼望 break away from 脱离 take part in 参加 We must pay attention to the use our body makes the food. (makes 后添加 of,构成短语 make use of) 9 5、常见的易漏掉一部分的介词短语或短语介词。 According to 按照 owing to 由于 in front of 在……前面 by means of 借助 in spite of 尽管 in case of 以 防 as for 至于 up to 直到 as to 关于 thanks to 幸亏 as a result of 由于 because of 因为 for the purpose of 为……目的 apart from 除……之外 for fear of 唯恐 in addition to 除……之外 instead of 代替 in/with regard to 关于 We have to stay at home because the heavy rain (because 后添加 of) 【技巧点拨】介词是虚词,必须依附于名词、代词、动名词或宾语从句使用。介词种类较多,用法灵活 且复杂。在备考时应熟悉和掌握常用介词的用法和辨析。 表示时间:at, on, in, during, before, after, by, since, until 等。 表示位置关系:in, on, over, above, under, below, in front of, between, among, behind, across, through, beside 等。 同时还应牢记一些固定短语中介词的搭配。 1. We need to deal problems like pollution and climate change. 2. We are going Canada in the summer. 3. This is only one of the thousands problems in our cities. 4. One quiet weekend some men broke into a shop next a bank. 5. You have really got no need to worry your weight. 6. You’d better put your goals down the paper where they are visible (可以看见的) so that they can help to monitor (监控) your progress. 7. I am really looking forward our vacation. (假期) 8. When he arrived the station, it was raining heavily. 9. At time, they agree each other, but sometimes they seem different. 10. Can I have your phone number in case I need to get touch with you? 1. deal 后加 with 2. going 后加 to 3. thousand 后加 of 4. next 后加 to 5. worry 后加 about 6. down 后加 on 7. forward 后加 to 8. arrived 后加 at 9. agree 后加 with 10. touch 前加 in (二)缺连词 连词按其性质可分为并列连词和从属连词,其用法十分复杂,因此也是特别容易出错的地方。在短文改 错中,连词漏用是常考点之一。 1、关系密切的句与句之间容易漏掉连词。 It must have rained much, the river is so high. (逗号后添加 for) 2、在结构复杂的各种从句中,如主语从句、表语从句中容易漏掉连词,尤其是连词 that。 The reason why I didn’t go to France was I got a new job. (was 后添加 that) It doesn’t matter he can’t come to help me. (matter 后添加 that) 3、有些固定结构中,如 hardly…when…, no sooner…than…, neither…nor…, either…or…等容易漏掉连词。 We had hardly finished our housework Wang Ping came to our house for a visit (housework 后添加 when) 【技巧点拨】并列连词中: 表示并列关系:and, both…and…, neither…nor…, either…or…等。 表示转折、对比关系:but, still, yet, while 等。 表示因果关系:for。 从属连词中: 表示时间:when, while, as, as soon as, till 等。 表示条件:if, unless, as long as 等。 表示原因:because, as, since, now that 等。 表示让步:though, although, while, even if, even though 等。 应正确掌握和区分这些连词的意义和用法,以便做出准确的判断。另外,还要特别注意名词性从句中起 10 引导作用的一些连接词的用法。 1. I am sorry to occupy your precious (珍贵的) time, I really want to tell you something important. 2. It will be three months we meet again. 3. The weather was so changeable I can’t carry out my plan. 4. No sooner had I got home it began to snow. 5. Try harder, you will have confidence. 6. They said Beijing was quite different from they had heard of. 7. I lose honesty, I won’t be happy forever. 8. How can I persuade them to accept the fact I have grown up? 9. A. doctor told us that the HIV virus won’t infected through daily communication and those suffering from AIDS shouldn’t be looked down upon. 10. Now several months has passed, I haven’t found the job I was interested in. 1. 第二个 I 前加 but 2. we 前加 before 3. changeable 后加 that 4. it 前加 than 5. you 前加 and 6. from 后加 what 7. 第一个 I 前加 if 8. fact 后加 that 9. and 后加 that 10. 第一个 I 前加 but/and (三)缺代词 代词缺少的主要考查点在于有些及物动词后漏掉宾语,尤其是代替前面已出现的名词的代词,即:平时 所说的代词指代用法,如 it, them, one, that 等。定语从句中漏掉不能省略的关系代词也常出现。因此根据上下 文信息分析句子结构,正确把握句子中的动词用法和搭配关系至关重要。 1、有些及物动词后常常会漏掉代词。 He parked the car and went away hurriedly, forgetting to lock. (句尾添加 it) 2、在结构较复杂的句子中,往往会漏掉关系代词 that 或 which。 Birds, for example, have wings enable them to fly into the air at the fight of enemies. ( wings 后 添 加 which/that,充当定语从句的关系代词) 【技巧点拨】it 是主格和宾格皆为中性的第三人称代词单数,在句中可充当主语、宾语或表语,还可以 替代句中的不定式、动词的-ing 形式、从句等作形式主语或形式宾语。它的用法很多,在做涉及代词的短文 改错题时一定要多加注意 it 的用法,避免遗漏。 1. I have learnt something can’t be learnt from textbooks. 2. When I started senior English, I found much more difficult than what we learned in junior school. 3. Her mother thought would be a good idea to stop for the night and go home in the morning. 4. If you live there, you will find easier to share feelings with your friends. 5. There are many people think that wealth is better than health. 6. I really don’t enjoy reading in coffee shops or public places. 7. These shirts are expensive, but we saw the other day were even more expensive. 8. What time is now by your watch? 9. The teacher did not punish for cheating but gave me a second chance. 10. There seems to be nothing seems impossible for him in the world. 1. something 后加 that 2. found 后加 it 3. thought 后加 it 4. find 后加 it 5. think 后加 who 6. public 前 加 other 7. we 前加 those 8. is 后加 it 9. punish 后加 me 10. nothing 后加 that (四)缺助动词 短文改错对缺一助动词的考查主要出现在各种时态和被动语态中,特别是较复杂的时态的构成及其用法 中。 1、被动语态中,容易漏掉助动词 be。 First, the population is increasing, and more gas and other fuels are used. (are 后添加 being) 2、在句式较复杂的结构中,出现多种时态时容易漏掉助动词。 He said that the machine was not so good as he read from our advertisement in the newspaper bought two days 11 before. (read 前添加 had) 【技巧点拨】在句子应用中,注意分析主语和谓语的关系,是主动关系就用主动语态,是被动关系,就 用被动语态。特别是带有较复杂时态的被动语态,如现在进行时、过去进行时的被动语态和现在完成时、过 去完成时的被动语态,其构成复杂,极易漏掉助动词。 1. For years I have interested in engineering. 2. This was the first time that I talked to a foreign friend in English. 3. In the past two months I put on 5 kilos. 4. The baby bird kept in a cage made by myself. 5. They thought the owner must worried about it and might return to look for it. 6. Having told about the history of the Great Wall, he was amazed at this world wonder. 7. Without your help, I have failed in the exam. 8. My classes will be over by then and I pick you up there. 9. I imagine you be on vacation yourself by that time. 10. At the interview there were many people who waited to interviewed for jobs. 1. have 后加 been 2. talked 前加 had 3. put 前加 have 4. kept 前加 was 5. must 后加 be 6. told 前加 been 7. have 前加 would 8. pick 前加 will 9. be 前加 will 10. interviewed 前加 be (五)缺冠词 冠词在英语语言的运用中的使用频率是最高的,几乎每句话都会用到冠词,而在运用中往往会误用冠词。 高考题对冠词缺少的考查主要围绕不定冠词和定冠词的特定用法,其目的在于让考生掌握不定冠词和定冠词 的正确用法,进而提高正确运用语言的能力。 1、缺少不定冠词的常考点。 (1)抽象名词前通常不用冠词,但具体化了的抽象名词已成为可数名词,使用时前面常漏掉不定冠词。 It is pleasure to help others when they are in trouble. (pleasure 前添加 a) (2)物质名词表示“一场、一种、一杯、一个……”时,已转化为可数名词,其前的不定代词常被漏掉。 I would like coffee and two beers (coffee 前添加 a) (3)集体名词侧重整体概念时,也常做单数看,前面的不定冠词有时易漏掉。 This house isn’t big enough for family of seven. (family 前添加 a) (4)常用的含不定冠词的固定搭配和习惯用法: twice a week, a day or two, for a time, once in a while, all of a sudden, once upon a time, as a matter of fact, in a loud voice, in a word, catch/have/get a cold, do a good deed, go out for a walk, have a good time, make a face, take a seat, as a result, have a fever, in a hurry, a great many, in a moment, do sb a favor, have a history of, have a population of, have a knowledge of, come to an end 等等。 He glanced at his watch and left in hurry. (hurry 前添加 a) 2、缺少定冠词的常考点 (1)再次提到上文提到的特定的人或事物时容易漏掉定冠词。 I have been living in the city for five years, and five years makes a deep impression on me.(and 后添加 the) (2)表示天体、方位、演奏的西洋乐器等的名词前以及序数词、形容词最高级前容易漏掉定冠词。 The sky is blue and sun is shining. (sun 前添加 the) His daughter plays piano very well. (piano 前添加 the) What new subjects are you going to have in second grade? (second 前添加 the) (3)表示江河湖海、运河等的专有名词前容易漏掉定冠词。 We all know Yangtze River is the longest in China (Yangtze 前添加 the) (4)常用的含定冠词的固定结构和习惯用法: the+比较级…the+比较级 动词+sb+介词+the+身体某部位 by+the+计量名词 in the 1990’s at the beginning of to tell the truth 12 to the trouble of doing sth at the moment at the age of by the way at the same time take the place of in the distance in the end the other day on the other hand the same … as … with the help of sb。 He moved to America in 1980’s and worked in a big company. (1980’s 前添加 the) 1. After washing my face, I read English for about half hour. 2. I think the trouble in your right knee is just matter of old age. 3. They have probably heard of some horrible stories about other kids and think we may do same. 4. On contrary, influenced by this or that kind of advertisement, many are crazy about junk food. 5. I hope you can follow your own interest and realize your dream in end. 6. I should study harder to be inventor in the future and make contributions to building our great motherland. 7. At the beginning of the summer vacation, I was hired as shopping guide in a big supermarket. 8. I recognized Tim comparing him with photo he had sent to me. 9. You’d better have rest after you have studied an hour or so. 10. Wall Street is a famous street in New York City, which was built in 1600s. 1. hour 前加 an 2. matter 前加 a 3. same 前加 the 4. contrary 前加 the 5. end 前加 the 6. inventor 前加 an 7. as 后加 a 8. with 后加 the 9. rest 前加 a 10. 1600s 前加 the (六)缺不定式符号 to 不定式是非谓语动词,依然带有动词的特征,在句中的用法十分灵活。不定式符号 to 是不定式的表现形 式,缺少 to 容易引起句式结构的混乱。由于汉语中没有不定式的用法,在运用不定式时很容易出现错误,所 以在短文改错题的设计中,缺少不定式符号 to 也是一个重要的考查点。 1、在 don’t/ doesn’t/ didn’t need, don’t/ doesn’t/ didn’t dare 结构中,need, dare 是实义动词,其后须接带 to 的不定式作宾语。 Tomorrow is Sunday, so we don’t need get up early. (need 后添加 to) 2、主动句中,在使役动词和感官动词后作宾语补足语的不定式要省略 to;当句子变成被动语态时,不定 式须再加上 to(let 除外)。 We were made work day and night in the factory. (made 后添加 to) 3、为避免重复,常用不定式代替上文提到的动词或动词短语,但一般只保留 to 而省略其他相同的部分。 I asked him to see the film, but he didn’t want.(want 后添加 to) 【技巧点拨】分析历年短文改错题,对缺少不定式符号 to 的考查主要集中在不定式作主语、宾语、宾语 补足语、主语补足语,need 和 dare 作实义动词跟不定式作宾语,省略不定式中的动词时需保留 to 的问题等方 面。 1. Tina has decided go to Rome for her holidays. 2. You can drive today if you want. 3. With their help, many people managed escape from the building. 4. I want you find out what they are planning. 5. What is the best way learn a language? 6. I was made wait four hours before I was examined by a doctor. 7. The little boy put his heart into practicing the piano day after day and seemed enjoy every minute of it. 8. I tried my best listen to their words carefully and translate the sentences. 9. I need get along well with my classmates and teachers at college. 10. I won’t be able meet you at the airport because I have classes in the afternoon. 1. go 前加 to 2. want 后加 to 3. managed 后加 to 4. find 前加 to 5. learn 前加 to 6. wait 前加 to 7. seemed 后加 to 8. listen 前加 to 9. get 前加 to 10. meet 前加 to 三、错一词 13 (一)时态和语态 时态和语态的使用错误导致词汇错用在高考短文改错中主要表现在: 1、时态的不一致性:全篇用的都是现在时态,而在短文某一个地方却出现了不合逻辑的过去时,或全篇 使用的是过去时,而在短文的某一个地方却出现了现在时,或主句用的是过去时,后面跟的从句却用了现在 时等。 2、语态的使用混乱:有些地方,该用主动语态却是用了被动语态,该用被动语态却用了主动语态或本没 有被动语态的词误用了被动语态。这些都会导致词汇错用。 1、根据全文的时态或行文逻辑进行改错。 Some think smoking was a pleasure (was 改成 is) 2、根据句中的时间状语进行改错。 Last Sunday, police cars hurry to the tallest building in New York (hurry 改成 hurried) 3、在主从复合句中,主句用一般现在时,从句可以根据需要用各种时态;主句用一般过去时,从句通常 要用相应的过去时态,即:“时态呼应”。 I thought I have sent the letter a week before. (have 改成 had) 4、根据连词连接的成分的对称原则进行改错。 He not only came to see me but also tell me the news. (tell 改成 told) 5、根据固定句式里面的时态要求进行改错。 (1)This is/was the first time I have/ had done something. (2)Where have you been since I last saw you? (3)I was about to go out when the telephone rang. (4)Hardly had I got home when the telephone rang. (5)No sooner had I left my house than it began to snow. (6)I didn’t manage to understand it until he had explained it again. (7)在 It be+时间段+since…句式中,主句通常用一般现在时或现在完成时,从句用一般过去时;主句通 常用一般过去时或一般将来时,从句用一般过去时或一般现在时。 It is ten years since he moves to Australia. (moves 改为 moved) 6、仔细判断主语和谓语是主动关系还是被动关系,看动词是及物动词还是不及物动词。如果是及物动词 要看其后有无宾语,是否是跟双宾语的动词等。 Tom didn’t see me wave to him He was looked in other direction. (looked 改为 looking) Their children were taking care of by the teacher last night. (taking 改为 taken) 【技巧点拨】做与时态和语态有关的改错题时,一定要联系动作发生的时间、动作的特点(是及物动词 还是不及物动词,是短暂性动词还是延续性动词)、上下文及全文语境等。有时仅看一句话,常常会做出错误 的判断。 1. Her father dies suddenly in an accident when she was only ten. 2. I have loved movies since I first go to the cinema. 3. You will be fat if you ate too much. 4. The message was passing on from one person to another. 5. Recently hazy weather had occurred in many areas of China, which has great harm to our daily life. 6. We spend two weeks in London last year. 7. The winter holiday is coming, which made me excited. 8. When he was young, he usually goes climbing. 9. You do say that you would lend me some money yesterday. 10. Hardly had the doctor gone to bed when there is a knock on the door. 1. dies  died 2. go  went 3. ate  eat 4. passing  passed 5. had  has 6. spend  spent 7. made  makes 8. goeswent 9. dodid 10. iswas 14 (二)非谓语动词 非谓语动词是较难掌握也极易混淆的语法项目,因此是短文改错题的一个热点。非谓语动词内容较多, 因此命题的点也比较复杂,除了考查非谓语动词的基本用法外,还考查非谓语动词的形式变化以及动词与不 同的非谓语动词的搭配问题等。 1、下列短语中的 to 是介词,后面只能跟名词或动名词作宾语。 devote…to… get down to lead to objet to pay attention to look forward to be used to(习惯于) stick to contribute to see to… admit to His whole family objected to his give up the job. (give 改为 giving) 2、下列动词后只能跟不定式,不能跟动名词作宾语。 afford, agree, ask, attempt, choose, decide, hope, expect, intend, long, manage, offer, plan, pretend, promise, want, wish 等。 He offered carrying my bag. (carrying 改为 to carry0 3、下列动词后只能跟动名词,不能跟不定式作宾语。 admit, appreciate, avoid, stand (忍受), consider (考虑), enjoy, escape, allow, advise, finish, imagine, mind, miss (错过), practice, risk, suggest 等。 I’m considering to buy a new car. (to buy 改为 buying) 4、下列动词后既可以跟不定式,又可以跟动名词,但意义不同。 Remember, forget, regret, mean, try, go on, stop 等。 He regretted to hurt his best friend. (to hurt 改为 hurting) 5、下列动词后用带 to 的不定式作宾语补足语。 advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, encourage, expect, forbid, force, get, intend, invite, order, persuade, prefer, require, teach, tell, want 等。 My father had expected me go to college. (go 前添加 to) 6、easy, difficult, hard, interesting, pleasant 等形容词说明其后的不定式的特性时,不定式用主动形式表示 被动意义。 I find the article difficult to be understood. (be understood 改为 understand) 7、be worth 后和作“需要”讲的 need, want, require 后用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。 The plant needs being watered (being watered 改为 watering) 【技巧点拨】在判断使用各种非谓语动词形式时,可遵循以下规律; 1、熟悉及物动词的宾语应该采用何种形式。 是不定式、动名词,还是二者皆可。对有特殊用法的动词要牢记,如:只能接动名词作宾语的动词,只 能接不定式作宾语的动词等。 2、主被动关系。 3、时间先后关系。 4、主动形式表示被动意义。 5、两方面结合,判断时态和语态的混合形式。 1. When I got there, I noticed a foreign lady talk to a salesman. 2. I am looking forward to meet you soon. 3. To my surprise, you say you will give up learn English. 4. It also makes relative business and industries developing faster. 5. Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock check twice a day. 6. Never shall I forget the first English lesson giving by Miss Liu. 7. Have had supper, I watch TV for a while, and then I do my homework. 8. Encouraging by what she said, I regained confidence, and made up my mind to study hard. 15 9. In the evening, after supper, my mother told me that read Twenty-first Century would be good for my writing. 10. I was having trouble get along with my parents. 1. talktalking 2. meetmeeting 3. learnlearning 4. developingdevelop 5. checkchecked 6. givinggiven 7. HaveHaving 8. EncouragingEncouraged 9. readreading 10. getting (三)主谓一致 英语中,谓语动词必须在人称和数方面同主语保持一致。如何协调主谓一致关系,是一个比较繁杂的问 题,尤其是结构比较复杂、特殊的情况。由于主谓一致所涉及的面非常广,而且也具有很强的隐蔽性,由此 导致的词汇错用也是高考短文改错题中失分较高的考点之一。 【技巧点拨】英语中的主谓一致主要遵循三个原则:语法一致、意义一致和就近一致。这三个原则有时 会发生矛盾。当发生冲突时,优先考虑意义一致原则。 1. Besides, parking cars are another big problem. 2. With such stories, the play make people think about life and therefore attracts the audience. 3. We all know that many an insect are harmful. 4. Some insects eat other insects that kills fruit trees. 5. What impressed me most was the diligent students who listened attentively with eager eyes in classes. 6. More and more scientists has begun to wonder: Is the Internet good or bad for kids? 7. Just as you have found, Chinese differ from English greatly. 8. The Internet is so convenient that it help me keep contact with my friends all the time. 9. Parents should try to help their children make the best possible decisions, instead of forcing them to do something that are against their will. 10. If you notice that your child are becoming nervous, he may have problems at school. 1. are  is 2. make  makes 3. are  is 4. kills  kill 5. was  were 6. has have 7. differ  differs 8. help helps 9. are is 10. are is (四)形容词和副词 高考短文改错中关于形容词和副词的错误主要是这两类词的混用,即该用形容词的地方使用了副词或该 用副词的地方使用了形容词或词性辨析不明确。其次,表现在形容词和副词比较等级的误用以及比较级或最 高级前面修饰语的使用。 1、形容词与副词的误用 要解决形容词与副词的混用问题应该首先明确二者最基本的用法。 形容词一般修饰名词、代词作定语,或在系动词后作表语,副词一般修饰形容词、副词、动词或句子, 在句中多做状语。 He looked strange at us and said, “Didn’t you know?” (strange 改为 strangely) I used to be poorly in chemistry and Mr Wang often helped me. (poorly 改为 poor) I wish you a pleasantly journey to Hainan. (pleasantly 改为 pleasant) 2、同根副词的误用。 close v 关闭 adj 亲近的 adv 接近地 hard adv 努力地 adj 坚硬的,困难的 late 晚,迟到 closely 严密地,密切地 hardly 几乎不 lately =recently wide 宽 high 高(具体) near (时间、距离)近,接近 widely 广泛地 highly 高度地(抽象) nearly 几乎,差不多 They watched him close in case he should escape. (close 改为 closely) 3、most, mostly, almost 误用 most 作副词,意为:“最,最多,很”,作代词,意为“大多数”; mostly 作副词,意为“大部分,主要地,多数地”; 16 almost 也只作副词,意为“几乎”。 We have mostly finished the work. (mostly 改为 almost) The members of the group are most young people. (most 改为 mostly) 4、比较等级的误用 (1)原级常用于“as+形容词/副词原级+as”结构;比较级用于“形容词/副词比较级+than”;最高级常用 于“the+形容词/副词最高级(+名词)+表示范围的短语或从句”结构。 I spend little time with my family than I used to. (little 改为 less) (2)表示“越来越……”的“比较级+and+比较级”,“越……,越……”的“the+比较级……,the+比较 级……”也是常考查的点。 The more difficult the problem is, the much careful we should be. (much 改为 more) (3)比较级、最高级的修饰语也是常考点。 常用来修饰比较级的有:much, even, still, a lot, 倍数,分数,a little, a bit 等。 常用来修饰最高级的有:much, (by) far, almost, the very 等。 同时,还要注意这些修饰比较级、最高级的词汇本身所具有的特殊之处。如:much 在修饰比较级、最高 级时,只能用在肯定句中,否定句中要替换为 any。 An elephant is very stranger than a horse. (very 改为 much) —Are you any better now? —Yes, much better. 【技巧点拨】判断短文改错中的形容词和副词是否有错误,应从以下几个方面去考虑: 1、判断句子成分。如果是作定语、表语等,一般用形容词;如果是作状语修饰动词、形容词或副词,一 般用副词。但也要注意特殊情况如形容词(短语)有时可作状语,某些副词也可以作表语或定语等。 2、分清句子意义,看该句应该用原级、比较级还是最高级。注意特殊情况,尤其是含有比较级的句型。 1. I felt happy that I expressed myself free in English. 2. He immediate stopped the bus and telephoned the police. 3. It’s obviously that hazy weather has many negative effects. 4. In my view, people should think careful before they buy a car. 5. From the course, I have learned to use various types of common tools safe. 6. After school, we often play basketball or do some other sports on the playground happy. 7. I am sure we will have greatly fun together. 8. I still remember going there early and feeling anxiously about the new world. 9. Instead of studying all the time, you should take physical exercise as regular as possible. 10. I still remember how nervously I was on my first day in the new school three years ago, when I found it difficult to follow my teacher in the first English class. 1. free freely 2. immediate  immediately 3. obviously  obvious 4. careful carefully 5. safe safely 6. happy happily 7. greatly great 8anxiously anxious 9. regular regularly 10. nervously nervous (五)名词 名词是短文改错考查的重点之一,每年高考都有涉及。在改错中名词还往往与主谓一致、名词的修饰语 以及冠词等放在一起考查。名词错用主要集中在: (1)可数名词数的使用错误; (2)可数名词和不可数名词的混用; (3)名词作定语; (4)抽象名词具体化; (5)名词所有格的错用。 要在短文改错中准确辨别名词方面的错误,首先应该对名词中容易产生错误的项目掌握清楚。 1、常考的不可数名词有:advice, furniture, clothing, fun, homework, housework, information, paper, sugar, work, fruit, harm, news, progress, traffic, trouble, weather 等。这些名词前不能直接用不定代词和数词修饰。而应 该与某些特定的单位名词连用,来表示“量”的概念。例如:a piece of news/ advice, an article of clothing/furniture。 It is a great fun to go skating on cold winter days. (a 去掉) 17 2、单复数同形的名词要根据具体情况正确判断出其单复数形式。常见的这类名词有 means“方式”,work “工厂”,sheep“绵羊”,deer“鹿”,series“系列”,species“种类”,crossroads“十字路口”等。 Every means have been tried, but he won’t lose heart for ever. (have 改为 has) 3、可转化为可数名词的抽象名词有:surprise, success, failure, pleasure, interest, joy, help, honour 等。这类 名词如果表示抽象概念,是不可数名词,如果表示具体的人或物,特别是前面出现冠词、形容词修饰时,就 变成了可数名词。 He suddenly appeared on a rainy night, which was great surprise to us. (great 前加 a) 4、有些名词具有双重性,既可以是可数名词又可以是不可数名词,很有迷惑性。这类名词可数与否往往 取决于不同的意思。 名词 不可数 可数 work 工作 作品,著作 paper 纸 报纸;文件;试卷 time 时间 倍数;次数;一段时光;时代 light 光 光源;灯 glass 玻璃 玻璃杯;(复数形式可以表示眼镜) chicken 肌肉 小鸡 character 性格 (喜剧、小说中的)人物;符号;字符 5、表示共有某事物时只在最后一个名词词尾加-’s 或-’;表示各自拥有某事物时则在每个名词的词尾加-’s 或-’。 The nice room is Lily’s and Lucy’s. (改为 Lily and Lucy’s) 6、双重所有格表示部分概念,of 后需用-’s 所有格或名词性物主代词。 Some friends of my sister will join us in the game. (改为 sister’s) 【技巧点拨】在有关名词的改错中,命题者往往会从汉语思维的角度设置陷阱,因此应摆脱汉语思维的 干扰,从分析语境入手,辨清名词的特点。如果一个名词是可数名词,它一般只存在单数或复数两种形式。 单数前加冠词或其他限定词,复数则变复数形式。如可以说 a/the book, books,但不能单独使用 book。另外对 有些名词的数绝不能含糊,如 information 只作不可数名词,不可能有其他形式的变化,不能说 an information 或 many information。 1. It is traditional for most peoples in China to entertain their guests with too much food. 2. This morning I went to a shoes shop to buy a pair of new shoes. 3. Only when we take effective measure will our environment can be improved. 4. There are many meaningful things that are worth thinking of, such as the relationship between parents and children in a lot of American family. 5. I’d like to go skating, climb mountains and see several movie. 6. I often do my homeworks after supper. 7. My first job was to clean the table in a small restaurant. 8. When we heard it was John birthday this Friday, we decided to hold a surprise party for him. 9. He told me that I had made some progresses in Chinese and maths, but my English had fallen behind especially my English composition. 10. I had about fifty dollar in my pocket, and I though about leaving home. 1. peoples  people 2. 都一个 shoes shoe 3. measure  measures 4. family  families 5. movie  movies 6. homeworks  homework 7. table  tables 8. John  John’s 9. progresses  progress 10. dollar  (六)代词 由于代词分类多,有人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、相互代词、指示代词、疑问代词、连接代词、不 定代词、关系代词等,并且有些代词又有人称、数、格的变化。因此,在使用代词时极易出错。这些错误恰 恰又是高考命题的重点。 18 1、some, any 的混用 some 表示“一些”,常用于肯定句;有时也可用于疑问句,表示希望自己的邀请、请求能得到肯定的答 复。 any 表示“一些”,常用于否定句和疑问句;用于肯定句时,表示“任何,任何一个”。 Would you like any tea? (any 改为 some) The problem is not difficult. Some student can work it out. (Some 改为 Any) 2、none, no one, nothing 的混用 none 既可指人,也可指物,表示特指概念,常用来回答 how many/ how much 的提问; no one 只能指人,表示泛指概念,常用来回答 who 的提问; nothing“什么也没有”,只能指物,常用来回答 what 的提问。 There were 20 people around but nobody helped the old man. (nobody 改为 no one) —What is in the box?— None. (none 改为 nothing) 3、other, the other, others, the others, another 的混用 other 既可指人,又可指物,但不能单独使用,一般修饰名词,泛指“另外的人或物”; the other 可指代或修饰可数名词单数,表示两者中的“另一个”或多者中的“最后一个”;也可修饰可数 名词复数,相当于 the others,表示特定范围中“剩余的……”; others 相当于“other+复数名词”,常与 some 一起用; another 指代或修饰可数名词单数,表示三者或三者以上中的“另一个”另外,another 后可跟“大于一的 基数词/few+可数名词复数”形式,表示“另外的……(个)……。” On one side of the river grow willows (柳树), and on another side grow poplars (白杨树). (another 改为 the other) 4、one/ones, it/they(them), that/those 的混用 one 代替同名异物的可数名词单数,即:“同一类但不同一个”,ones 是其复数;it 代替前面出现的同一个 事物,表示特指,they(them)是其复数;that 用于比较结构后,用来代替同名异物的可数名词单数或不可数名 词,表示特指,只指物,相当于 the one;those 代替同名异物的可数名词复数,是特指概念,可以指人也可以 指物,相当于 the ones。 A bridge made of stone is stronger than that made of wood. (that 改为 one,表示泛指意义) The weather in Hangzhou is hotter than it in Beijing in summer. (it 改为 that) My pen is lost, and I’ll buy it. (it 改为 one) 5、both, either, neither, all, none 的混用 both, either, neither 都修饰或指代可数名词,both 表示“两者都”,either 表示“(两者中)某一个”,neither 表示“两者都不”。all 和 none 可指代可数名词复数或不可数名词,指代可数名词时,all 表示“(三者或三者 以上)都”;none 表示“(三者或三者以上)全无,没有一个。 If you keep still, you can sit at both end of the boat. (both 改为 either) 5、作形式主语或宾语的 it 与 that,this 的混用 代替不定式、动名词、从句作形式主语或形式宾语时只能用 it。 My teacher told us that that was necessary to arrive at school before 8 o’clock every day. (第二个 that 改为 it) 【技巧点拨】代词错误在短文改错中往往较为隐蔽,在解答代词题目时,我们应首先分析前后文,明确 代词所指代的对象,以避免错误判断。具体来说应从以下几方面考虑: (1)代词指代的是人还是物; (2)代词指代的是可数名词还是不可数名词; (3)代词表示特指概念还是泛指概念; (4)代词指代的概念适用于两者之间还是三者或三者以上; (5)代词所表示的是肯定概念还是否定概念。 1. More teachers think middle school students are not old enough to control them. 19 2. I had learned a few about first aid at school. 3. I’d like to say anything about the service in our school dining hall. 4. We will gradually learn how to express us in English. 5. The man looked about and found none around. 6. I enjoyed me watching TV. 7. I think that necessary for young people to master one or two languages. 8. I enjoy working together with other. 9. I want to see the manager myself, not his secretary. 10. I found a very beautiful sweater in a shop this morning, and I’m going to buy one this afternoon. 1. them  themselves 2. few  little 3. anything  something 4. us  ourselves 5. none  nobody 6. me myself 7. that  it 8. other  others 9. myself  himself10. one  it (七)介词 介词是虚词,是用来表明名词或代词与句中其他词的关系的词。高考短文改错中的介词误用主要是介词 的固定用法或搭配方面的错误,大家应该牢固掌握介词的基本含义和用法,更应注意其固定搭配。 1、at 表示“在某一时间点、时刻,通常指较短暂的一段时间或节日期间”;in 表示“在某个较长的时间 (年、月)及泛指的上午、下午或晚上,还可在将来时中用于表示一段时间的名词之前”;on 表示“在具体的 日期或特定的上午、下午或晚上”。 He was at home in the night of May 1. (in 改成 on) 2、over 表示“从上方越过”;across 表示“从平面上横穿”;through 表示“从中间穿过”;past 表示“从 旁边经过”。 He helped the old man over the street. (over 改成 across) The guide led us across the forest. (across 改成 through) 3、except 表示“除……之外”,一般表示同类之间的关系,其宾语是被排除在整体之外的;besides 表示 “除……之外还……”,其宾语是被包括在整体之间的;except for 表示“除……之外”,其后的宾语与句子中 的整体不是同类的,侧重从整体中出去一个细节。 Except football, I also like playing basketball and table tennis. (Except 改成 Besides) 【技巧点拨】介词的误用多是搭配方面的错误。应牢记一些介词的固定搭配,如短语动词中介词的搭配 以及介词与不同名词的搭配;其次,介词的用法辨析也是短文改错的重要考查点之一。 1. What’s more, riding bicycles is good at our health. 2. At that moment I realized I misunderstood him, so I said sorry for him at once. 3. Weather permitting, we’ll ride bikes to do some farming this Saturday in a farm. 4. I got a job at a KFC fast food restaurant and worked there like a cleaner. 5. In that case, I believe we’ll turn our school in a better place to study and live in. 6. I also asked my teachers and classmates for better ways for learning English. 7. Then we came to another fall, where many old Chinese inventions were in show. 8. I imagine you’ll be at vacation yourself by that time. 9. Don’t read under the sun or in a poor light and don’t read in bed or in a moving bus. 10. I was frightened at my first day of classes at an American university. 1. at  for 2. for  to 3. in  on 4. like  as 5. 第一个 in  into 6. 第二个 for  of 7. in  on 8. at  on 9. under in 10. 第一个 at on (八)冠词 冠词是名词之“冠”。由于汉语中没有冠词的概念,因此冠词的使用也是中学生容易出错的地方。高考短 文改错也正是抓住这个特点来设题。短文改错对冠词混用的考查集中在: (1)该使用定冠词的地方使用了不定冠词; (2)该使用不定冠词的地方使用了定冠词; 20 (3)不定冠词 a 与 an 的误用。 所以在学习时一定要牢固掌握定冠词和不定冠词的区别及名词前需用不同冠词的情况。 1、不定冠词表示泛指意义,定冠词表示特指意义;用不定冠词时,以元音音素开头的词前用 an,以辅音 音素开头的词前用 a。 Suddenly the fire broke out in that workshop, but some of the workers managed to put it out. (第一个 the 改为 a) 2、表示顺序的序数词或表示比较意义的最高级前用定冠词,但序数词前也可用不定冠词,表示“又(一), 再(一)”;most 也可表示“很,非常”之意,根据其修饰的词灵活使用冠词。 Though it is the most interesting book in these books, it is not the most interesting one. (第一个 the 改为 a) 3、表示弹奏的西洋乐器的名词前一般用定冠词,但前面如果出现定语修饰,则可以用不定冠词。 He is playing the borrowed violin. (the 改为 a) 4、表示世界上独一无二的事物的名词前一般用定冠词;但如果名词前有修饰语,则可以用不定冠词。 In spring, people often go out and enjoy the warm and bright sun (the 改为 a) 【技巧点拨】冠词的使用比较灵活,应从分析语境入手,首先搞清楚名词在句中表示特指还是泛指。注 意一个名词前有无修饰语,如果有修饰语,且姿势与为介词短语或定语从句,这个名词很可能就是特指,前 面需加定冠词。例如:the secret of nature|。另外注意,一些名词使用定冠词与不定冠词意义会有变化,例如: the moon(月亮),an enormous moon(一轮圆月)。 1. As the result, the pain in my foot became worse. 2. In the word, money is something but not everything. 3. My uncle was the biology professor in this university. 4. One day, Mr White made the very nice model plane, and all his children liked it very much. 5. Li Hua and I were neighbors and we went to a same school. 6. This is a third year that I have been in this school. 7. I think I am a person who can get on well with an old. 8. Some people think it is actually the waste of time. 9. We hope you’ll have the good time. 10. During the summer, there will be the number of visitors coming true. 1. 第一个 the a 2. the  a 3. the  a 4. the  a 5. a  the 6. a  the 7. an  the 8. the  a 9. the  a 10. 第二 个 the  a (九)连接词 连接词的用法繁杂,其引导的从句种类非常多。其中连词主要分为并列连词(连接并列句)和从属连词 (引导从句),从属连词引导的从句又可分为名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句等。另外还有连接代词、连接 副词等。在改错中,尤其注意的是有些连接词不止引导一种从句,而是具有多重功能,这往往是学习的难点, 也是易错点。 1、as 的用法 as 可引导多种从句,如:时间状语从句、原因状语从句、让步状语从句、方式状语从句、比较状语从句、 定语从句。 Which you can see, he is always ready to help others. (Which 改为 As) Young although he is, he knows a lot. (although 改为 as) 2、that 的用法 that 可作连词,主要引导名词性从句和定语从句。 What he failed the exam again made his parents every disappointed. (What 改为 That) 3、where 的用法 where 可引导多种从句,如定语从句、名词性从句、状语从句等。 He left his hometown that he was born 20 years ago. (that 改为 where) 21 Go to find your watch. It’s there you left it. (there 改为 where) While reading the book, you’d better make a mark which you have any question. (which 改为 where) 4、what 的用法 what 可引导感叹句、特殊疑问句、名词性从句等。 How an interesting story he told us! (How 改成 What) You must remember that he told you. (that 改为 what) 5、no matter what/ who…与 whatever/ whoever… No matter what/ who…只能引导让步状语从句,而 whatever/ whoever…既可引导让步状语从句,也可引导 名词性从句。 I will make friends with no matter who shares my interest. (no matter who 改为 whoever) No matter who wants the book may have it. (No matter who 改为 Whoever) 6、whether 和 if 的区别 二者引导名词性从句时都是从属连词,作“是否”讲,本身在句子中不作成分,此时连词前往往出现一 些表示“不肯定”概念的词语,如 be not sure/ certain, be not known/ decided,… be still a question, depend on 等。 whether 和 if 引导动词后的宾语从句时可互换,但引导介词后的宾语从句、位于句首的主语从句、表语从句和 同位语从句或与 or not 直接连用时只能用 whether。 If you can pass the exam depends on how hard you work. (If 改为 Whether) I’m not interested in if he agrees with me. (if 改为 whether) 7、while, when, as 引导时间状语从句的区别 while 引导的从句中谓语只能用延续性动词;when 引导的从句中谓语可以是延续性动词,也可以是短暂 性动词;as 引导时间状语从句时,侧重两个动作同时进行,表示“随着,一边……一边……”。 I picked up some French words as I was having a holiday in Paris. (as 改成 while,强调“在……过程中”) It was snowing while I got to Changchun. (while 改为 when,while 从句中谓语只能用延续性动词) 8、because, as, since, now that, for 的区别 because, as, since 和 now that 是从属连词,because 表示直接的原因,可以回答 why 的提问;as 只能是一 种附加的理由,不能回答 why 的提问;since 或 now that 多表示双方都已很清楚的事实,作“既然“讲;而 for 则是并列连词,它连接的分句不能位于句首,只说明一种补充原因。 For we’ve finished most of the work, let’s have a rest. (For 改为 Now that/ Since) 9、as 和(al)though 引导让步状语从句时的区别 as 引导让步状语从句时,须把作状语的副词、谓语部分的实义动词或作表语的形容词、名词等提前。而 且作表语的若是可数名词单数,名词前面不加冠词;although 引导的让步状语从句则不可以提前;though 引 导的让步状语从句提前不提前均可。 Hard although he works, he can’t catch up with his classmates. (although 改为 as 或 though) 【技巧点拨】连接词的错用主要表现在从属连词上,这是因为英语中从句的出现都离不开从属连词。在 句子运用中,有些连词可以省略,如引导宾语从句的连词,但有些连词是不能省略的。即使在省略的情况下, 也有一些特殊情况需注意。所有这些对于学生都是难以把握的。另外,根据句子相互之间的关系正确判断出 合适的连接词的情况也考查得较多。因此,在备考时,要注意连接词的正确使用。 1. I won the first prize, that again reminded me of your great help. 2. I am not a person whom is very rich, but I do have something very precious in my room. 3. Because he is 54, he looks very young for his age. 4. It’s true what honesty is more important than money. 5. I agree with those which have active attitudes. 6. One day, news came as Angel had got blood cancer. 7. I wanted to take a bus or taxi to school, and I didn’t have any money with me. 8. Holiday and birthday postcards from relatives but letters from friends can all provide people with stamps from 22 all over the world. 9. If you have millions of dollars but your health is poor, you will not be able to do that you want to do. 10. What is the traffic like, after I travel between cities in the US? 1. that  which 2. whom  who/ that 3. Becuase  Though/ Although 4. what  that 5. which  who 6. as  that 7. and  but/ yet 8. but  and 9. that  what 10. after  when/ if Section II 综合练习 【1】 The first time I decide to leave home was when I was upon graduation from high school. I was having trouble get along with my parents. I had about fifty dollar in my pockets, and I thought about leaving home. It was two weeks after I started to feel homesick. Living on my own is a total different experience for three main reasons: being more responsible, more decisive and more creative. Because of I’m on my own, I’d got to deal of my duties without being told to. I have to be more careful because my parents is not here to give me their advice. On other hand, I can make my own future plan. I have made rules for me to follow. 1. 第一句 decide 改为 decided。 2. 第二句 get 改为 getting。3. 第三句 dollar 改为 dollars。4. 第四句 after 改 为 before。 5. 第五句 total 改为 totally。 6. 第六句去掉第一个 of。7. 第六句第二个 of 改为 with。 8. 第七 句 is 改为 are。 9. 第八句 other 前加 the。 10. 第九句 me 改为 myself。 【2】 Dear David, I’m happy to hear of you. You ask me in your letter whether you could smoke. To be honestly, I don’t think you should try to start to smoke. The reason are as follows. Firstly, smoking is not only bad for ourselves, but also does harm to the people around us. Secondly, smoking can cause a lot of diseases, such as coughing and lung cancer, that is deadly. Once you will get addicted to smoking, you will find it difficult to get rid of it. Beside, it will cost you a lot of money. So I hope you will never start it. You can live positive life through taking exercise, reading, listening to music and so on. I hope my advice is of help to him. I am looking forward to get your reply soon. Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua 1. 第一句 offrom。2. 第二句 askasked。3. 第三句 honestlyhonest。4. 第四句 reasonreasons。5. 第六 句 thatwhich。6. 第七句去掉第一个 will。7. 第八句 BesideBesides。8. 第十句 positive 前加 a。9. 第十一 句 himyou。10. 第十二句 getgetting。 【3】 There is one period of out-of-class activities in our school, that is held among 4:10. to 5:00 pm every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. We have all kinds of activities, included sports, reading, drawing, playing musical instruments, playing English games or so on. Of all the activity, computer, drawing and guitar is the most popular. However, we students hope that we can have more time of their out-of-class activities with little homework. What’s the more, our 23 school may organize us go out of our school so that we can know more about our society. 1. 第一句 thatwhich。2. 第一句 amongfrom。3. 第二句 includedincluding。4. 第二句 orand。5. 第三 句 activityactivities。6. 第三句 isare。7. 第四句 theirour。8. 第四句 littleless。9. 第五句去掉 the。10. 第五句 go 前加 to。 【4】 April 23rd is World Reading Day, that reminds us of the importance of reading. We are supposed to read more in that special day. But the situation for us to read nowadays is not satisfied. For example, when we are at home, we would rather to watch TV or go on the Internet than read books. As a result, we spend such little time on books. However, reading books have many advantages. Not only can our abilities and skills be improving, but also we can get some information from reading. Beside, reading can bring us happiness. I think it good habit that in our spare times we read more books of great use. 1. 第一句 thatwhich。2. 第二句 inon。3. 第三句 satisfiedsatisfying。4. 第四句去掉 to。5. 第五句 suchso。 6. 第六句 havehas。7. 第七句 improvingimproved。8. 第八句 BesideBesides。9. 第九句 it 后加 a。10. 第 九句 timestime。 【5】 There is many different signs in public. They tell you what to do or what not to do in a place. Do you know how they exactly mean? For an example, if you go to see a film, you should enter the cinema at the ENTRANCE or leave through the EXIT. You will also find NO SMOKING signs in much cinemas. If you visited a museum, don’t take any photos inside the halls. You are not allowed do so. You will find NO PHOTOS signs in many museum. When you drive a car, don’t park in a street without a NO PARKING sign. Making sure you understand the signs and you won’t get into any trouble. 1. 第一句 isare。2. 第三句 howwhat。3. 第四句去掉 an。4. 第四句 orand。5. 第五句 muchmany。6. 第六句 visitedvisit。7. 第七句 allowed 后加 to。8. 第八句 museummuseums。9. 第九句 withoutwith。10. 第十句 MakingMake。 【6】 One day, we were eating an early dinner after it rained heavily outside. And then we received a special delivery. We found poor dog sitting in front of our gate. My husband brought it into the house. It stayed calmly as we dried it with a towel. I named it was Pumpkin. We liked it very much and let it sleeping with us. For the first time in my life, I have a dog of my own. Pumpkin’s appearance helped me in some way. It taught me what this meant to be responsible of another life. It also made me overcome its fear of animals. 1. 第一句 afterwhen。2. 第三句 poor 前加 a。3. 第五句 calmlycalm。4. 第六句去掉 was。5. 第七句 sleepingsleep。6. 第八句 havehad。7. 第九句 wayways。8. 第十句 thisit。9. 第十句 offor。10. 第 十一句 itsmy。 【7】 Dear Katie, I am glad to receive your letter. In the letter you asked the company give your father just one day off to celebrate 24 your birthday. I am deep moved by your thoughtful request. Your father is an excellently man. He always worked very hard, designing many wonderful thing for the company and millions of people around the world. Considered your father’s birthday or his contribution to the company, we will give him the whole first week of September as vacation time. I hope you will have a great time. Please send my the best wishes for you father. 1. 第二句 give 前加 to。2. 第二句第二个 yourhis。3. 第三句 deepdeeply。5. 第四句 excellentlyexcellent。 6. 第五句 thingthings。7. 第六句 ConsideredConsidering。8. 第六句 orand。9. 第八句去掉 the。10. 第 八句 forto。 【8】 Many young boys and girls had the habit of smoking, though they are middle school student. As we all know, smoking do harm to human beings. More and more people have realized how seriously this problem is. And they are never bored with it. Some people think smoking is a kind of fashion, and other think smoking can refresh themselves. In the fact, smoking causes many illnesses. The most serious illness causing by smoking is lung cancer. Meanwhile, smoking is a waste money. What’s more, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires. 1. 第一句 hadhave。2. 第一句 studentstudents。3. 第二句 dodoes。4. 第三句 serioulslyserious。5. 第 四句 AndBut。6. 第五句 otherothers。7. 第六句去掉 the。8. 第七句 causingcaused。9. 第八句 money 前加 of。10. 第九句 moreworse。 【9】 Patience is of great importance in our daily life. Once I waited a bus at a stop. Thirty minutes past, but no bus came. Both upset and annoyed, I decided to walk on feet. But no sooner had I left when the bus arrived. I thought if I had waited for one more minute, I would have caught it. If I chose to take a next bus, I would have to wait for other 30 minutes. Only then do I realize my problem. Being impatient will possible waste all the efforts that we have put them in. Now whenever I am close to lose my patience, I’ll think of this experience. 1. 第二句 waited 后加 for。2. 第三句 pastpassed。3. 第四句 feetfoot。4. 第五句 whenthan。5. 第七句 athe。6. 第七句 otheranother。7. 第八句 dodid。8. 第九句 possiblepossibly。9. 第九句去掉 them。10. 第十句 loselosing。 【10】 It was last year when Joshua got a bike for Christmas, but he rode it every day. One morning, he suddenly found the bike gone. Run to his front yard, he saw a man loading it into his car. He shouted, but the man drive off. As a devoted Christian, he told his dad he real forgave the thief. What’s more, he wanted the thief know he was forgiven. So the next day, he posted the message on a poster-hoard and put it in the front yard. “To the person who stole my bike: You hurt my feeling. But I am a Christian and I forgive him!” When he left for home the next morning, at the end of the driveway, the bike was back with new brakes. 1. 第一句 whenthat。2. 第一句 butand。3. 第三句 RunRunning。4. 第四句 drivedrove。5. 第五句 realreally。6. 第六句 know 前加 to。7. 第七句第二个 thea。8. 第八句 feelingfeelings。9. 第九句 himyou。 25 10. 第十句去掉 for。 【11】 Dear Sir, I’m writing to answer your ad publishing in “Panorama”. I devote myself environmental protection and I am considering joining your club. I would appreciate it when you could give me some information. First, I would like to know how often meetings is held and where they take the place. I would also like to know whether the talks are given by experts in the field and by member of your organization. In addition, I would be grateful if you tell me whether there is any extra charge for the materials. Beside, please tell me if there is a reduced membership fee for we students. Finally, I hope you can organize activities which are suitably for senior high students. I am looking forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Yours faithfully, Li Lei 1. 第一句 publishingpublished。2. 第二句 myself 后加 to。3. 第三句 whenif。4. 第四句 isare。5. 第四 句去掉 the。5. 第四句去掉 the。6. 第五句 andor。7. 第五句 membermembers。8. 第七句 BesidesBesides。 9. 第七句 weus。10. 第八句 suitablysuitable。 【12】 Recently we have had a discussion about whether middle school students should go abroad for short-term overseas study tours. Opinions are divided like follows. About 60% of us think it wisely to go on short-term overseas study tours, through which we can get closer to some famous school and know more about them. Meanwhile, we can also experience life of studying abroad ahead of schedule. The rest of us holds different views. In their opinion, the fees are too high for most parents to afford to. Beside, some middle school students just wanted to follow the trend and show off. Personal, short-term overseas study tours may be a motivation for us to study harder. It can also serve as a test shown whether a student is able to live an independent life abroad or not. 1. 第二句 likeas。2. 第三句 wiselywise。3. 第三句 schoolschools。4. 第四句 life 前加 the。5. 第五句 holdshold。6. 第六句去掉第二个 to。7. 第七句 BesideBesides。8. 第七句 wantedwant。9. 第八句 PersonalPersonally。10. 第九句 shownshowing。 【13】 Dear Sir or Madam, I’m writing to tell you that I’m interesting in the summer camp in Australia and I hope I can be become a member. My name is Li Nan, a 18-year-old girl from Shanxi, China, but I’m a senior student. As a student, I learned English for eight year. And I can communicate with foreigners in English free. What you know, I am a senior student now, and I know China well. I can introduce Chinese culture to foreign friends. I hope I can be accepting. 26 I’m looking forward to receive your reply as soon as possible. Yours, Li Nan 1. 第一句 interesting 改为 interested。 2. 第一句去掉 be 或 become。 3. 第二句第一个 a 改为 an。 4. 第二句 but 改为 and。 5. 第三句 learned 前加 have。 6. 第三句 year 改为 years。 7. 第四句 free 改为 freely。 8. 第 五句 What 改为 As。 9. 第七句 accepting 改为 accepted。 10. 第八句 receive 改为 receiving。 【14】 Dear Jack, I’ve received your e-mail and know that you are in the bad mood now. I don’t think it’s necessary for you to be so disappointing for failing twice. You see, we will face many more exam in the future even if we leave school. I can give you some suggestions. First, collect the mistakes you make in the exams or in the exercises you did before, and analyze them careful. Second, try to avoid making them again at the next exam. Then, make good preparations and confident. It is known to all, failure is the mother of success. Let every failure to be your stepping stone. If you try your best and never give up, you are sure to succeeding one day. 1. 第一句 the 改为 a。 2. 第二句 disappionting 改为 disappionted。 3. 第三句 exam 改为 exams。 4. 第五句 make 改为 made。 5. 第五句 careful 改为 carefully。 6. 第六句 at 改为 in。 7. 第七句 confident 前加 be。 8. 第 八句 It 改为 As。 9. 第九句去掉 to。 10. 第十句 succeeding 改为 succeed。 【15】 Yesterday afternoon our school holds a fire drill. We were listening the teacher attentively in the math class while we heard the fire alarm from the speaker on the wall. The teacher stopped teach immediately and organized us to exit the classroom quick. When we got into the passageway, we found ourselves surround by smoke. It was suffocating and our tears ran down. We students bent down, covered our mouth with handkerchiefs, or ran downstairs rapidly into the open on the playground, just as we had been taught before. Fire disasters are often seen on the TV and read about in the newspaper. We should know the skills to escape from the fire at case of emergency. 1. 第一句 holds 改为 held。 2. 第二句 listening 后加 to。 3. 第二句 while 改为 when。 4. 第三句 teach 改为 teaching。 5. 第三句 quick 改为 quickly。 6. 第四句 surround 改为 surrounded。 7. 第六句 mouth 改为 mouths。 8. 第六句 or 改为 and。 9. 第七句去掉第一个 the。 10. 第八句 at 改为 in。 【16】 Dear Tom, I’m glad to hear of you. As for living at home and living in your school dormitory, I think you’d better to choose the latter. First of all, living in a dormitory will develop your ability of living independently and solve problems by yourself. Secondly, if you lived there, you will find easier to share feelings with your friends. After all, you are of a same age and have common feelings towards many thing. Most importantly, living with your friends will improve your team spirit, that will be beneficial to your future career. I hope you can consider my advice serious and then make your final decision. 27 Yours, Li Hua 1. 第一句 of 改为 from。 2. 第二句 and 改为 or。 3. 第二句去掉 to。 4. 第三句 solve 改为 solving。 5. 第四 句 lived 改为 live。 6. 第四句 find 后加 it。 7. 第五句 a 改为 the。 8. 第五句 thing 改为 things。 9. 第六句 that 改为 which。 10. 第七句 serious 改为 seriously。 【17】 Dear Tom, I am glad to hear that you are considering making up with Peter. If I were you, I would consider buying the bike as a birthday present for him. As far as I know, Peter is always in poor health so he can take many exercises by riding a bike to build up his body. In the meanwhile, you can often go on an outing by cycling together, that is helpful in rebuilding your friendship. Beside, taking a bike is an environmental friendly means of transport. It is convenient for him get around as well. Apart from give him a gift, you can also adopt other mean, such as traveling, seeing a movie, having dinner or going shopping together. No matter what you do, being sincere are the most important. I really hoped that you can be good friends forever. Best wishes. Yours, Li Yue 1. 第二句 the 改为 a。2. 第三句 many 改为 more。3. 第四句 that 改为 which。4. 第五句 Beside 改为 Besides。 5. 第五句 environmental 改为 environmentally。 6. 第六句 get 前加 to。 7. 第七句 give 改为 giving。 8. 第七 句 mean 改为 means。 9. 第八句 are 改为 is。 10. 第九句 hoped 改为 hope。 【18】 Dear Li Hua, It’s time to say goodbye. It’s time to recall those beautiful days that we spend together. You are the very person that give me a hand when necessary. You are a most considerate person who knows exact what I need. Still remember that night two years before? When I suddenly fell ill, it was you who carried me on your back to a nearby hospital. You took good care of myself while I was having an injection. Later, you managed help me with my lessons. With your help, I would have failed in the examination. I still have hundred of stories to share with you. I still have plenty of blessings for you. May all your dreams will come true. Yours, Wang Ping 1. 第二句 spend 改为 spent。 2. 第三句 give 改为 gives。 3. 第四句 a 改为 the。 4. 第四句 exact 改为 exactly。 5. 第五句 before 改为 ago。6. 第七句 myself 改为 me。7. 第八句 help 前加 to。8. 第九句 With 改为 Without。 9. 第十句 hundred 改为 hundreds。 10. 第十二句去掉 will。 【19】 I’ve really got to do nothing to lose weight because of I’m getting much too fat. I wasn’t worried about it until I go to see the doctor. He told me I’d probable have a heart attack unless I started eating less. Now I realize although I 28 am always hungry, I have to stop eat too much when I’m on a diet. It may be very hard and I certainly need many strength to succeed. But I will stay on the farm where I won’t be able to eat much and I’ll have to stick my regular diet for a month. I’ll also do plenty of exercises, which will be useful to me. Both the diet and the exercise will help me lose weight or feel much better. 1. 第一句 nothing 改为 something。 2. 第一句去掉 of。 3. 第二句 go 改为 went。 4. 第三句 probable 改为 probably。 5. 第四句 eat 改为 eating。 6. 第五句 many 改为 much。 7. 第六句 the 改为 a。 8. 第六句 stick 后加 to。 9. 第七句 exercises 改为 exercise。 10. 第八句 or 改为 and。 【20】 Conflicts among us students is quite common because we are impulsive and don’t know how control ourselves when they happen. The other day, while waiting with my turn in the canteen, I stepped on another boy’s foot quite by accident. Immediately, I apologized. The boy, however, glared at me, say that I did that deliberately. His rude remark annoyed me. I turned my back to him and tried to ignore him. And to my great surprise, he pushes me hard from behind. It was more than I could bear and eventual the quarrel changed into an act of violence. Despite the fact that conflicts are unavoidable, we, when involved, ought to keep calm, put us into other’s shoes and find a proper way out rather than let the situation become worse. In this case, we are sure to live in the peace with those around us. 1. 第一句 is 改为 are。 2. 第一句 control 前加 to。3. 第二句 with 改为 for。4. 第四句 say 改为 saying。 5. 第 五句 remark 改为 remarks。 6. 第七句 And 改为 But。 7. 第七句 pushes 改为 pushed。 8. 第八句 eventual 改 为 eventually。 9. 第九句 us 改为 ourselves。 10. 第十句去掉 the。 【21】 Of all my teachers, Mr. Smith is the one who impresses me most. Because he is 54, he looks very young at his age. And he is one of a most popular teachers in our school. Compared with other teacher, Mr. Smith pays more attention to his way of teaching. He tries various ways to make his class lively and interestingly. In his opinion, we should not only know “what”, but also understand “why”. So, instead of give us answers immediately, he encourages us to think by themselves whenever he puts forward questions. With his help, we have learned how analyze and settle down problems. What a wonderful world of “why” he leads us to! He is so a learned person that we all admire him very much. 1. 第二句 Because 改为 Although/Though。 2. 第二句 at 改为 for。 3. 第三句 a 改为 the。 4. 第四句 teacher 改为 teachers。 5. 第五句 interestingly 改为 interesting。 6. 第七句 give 改为 giving。 7. 第七句 themselves 改为 ourselves。 8. 第八句 analyze 前加 to。 9. 第八句去掉 down。 10. 第十句 so 改为 such。 【22】 We took part in a voluntary activity organizing by our school last Sunday. We gather at the culture Square, passing leaflets to passerby from which they can learn what the earthquake is and how to protect themselves against 29 the earthquake. The leaflets drew the attention of public to the damage that an earthquake can cause or told them to take action in a right and effective way. Some made a public speech, telling people about the good place they can hide when an earthquake occurs. We have learned many from the voluntary activity, that offers us an opportunity to contribute to society. We told the public about the situation because of we thought everyone should be concerning about each other and take responsibility for promoting a public cause. 1. 第一句 organizing 改为 organized。 2. 第二句 gather 改为 gathered。 3. 第二句 passerby 改为 passersby。 4. 第三句 public 前加 the。 5. 第三句 or 改为 and。 6. 第四句 good 改为 best。 7. 第五句 many 改为 much。 8. 第五句 that 改为 which。 9. 第六句去掉 of。 10. 第六句 concerning 改为 concerned。 【23】 Dear Li Hua, I’m familiar to your situation. As computers become more and more popular, some students cannot help play online games and chatting. It is not only a problem of wasting time, but serious problem for their future! What you should do at first is to find out what make her addicted to computer games. Lack of love from parents? Poor score? Then have a heart-to-heart talk with her. Secondly, you should help herself with her study to build up her confidence and make her interesting in it. Thirdly, finding something else for her to do instead of computer games. Your efforts will certain help change her life. 1. 第一句 to 改为 with。 2. 第二句 play 改为 playing。 3. 第三句 serious 前加 a。 4. 第四句去掉 at。 5. 第 四句 make 改为 makes。 6. 第六句 score 改为 scores。 7. 第八句 herself 改为 her。 8. 第八句 interesting 改为 interested。 9. 第九句 finding 改为 find。 10. 第十句 certain 改为 certainly。 【24】 Dear Sir or Madam, I’m glad that the 2016 International Horticultural Exposition will held in Tangshan. I’m writing to apply to be a volunteer. On my opinion, I meet all the requirement. To begin with, I have the good command of English and can speak English fluent. So there is no doubt that I have no difficulty communicate with foreigners. In addition to, I’m outgoing, warm-hearted, and quick in mind, that I think is basic for a volunteer. Above all, as a native of Tangshan, I know this city or its culture very well. So I’m sure that the visitors will appreciate my work and enjoy theirs stay in our city. Looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 1. 第一句 held 前加 be。 2. 第三句 On 改为 In。 3. 第三句 requirement 改为 requirements。 4. 第四句 the 改 为 a。 5. 第四句 fluent 改为 fluently。 6. 第五句 communicate 改为 communicating。 7. 第六句去掉 to。 8. 第 六句 that 改为 which。 9. 第七句 or 改为 and。 10. 第八句 theirs 改为 their。 【25】 Dear Manger, I’m one of your customer. The day before yesterday I bought a walkman in yours shop. Before I left, I do check 30 it carefully and everything was all right. When I got home, therefore, I found a fault with it. The problem is what the “Play” doesn’t work at all. Probable it’s not your fault and nor is mine. Anyhow, I can’t solve the problem on person. You see, a walkman is of great use for me to learn the English and I cannot wait too long before this problem is solved. I hope you can deal with the walkman without delay when you accept my letter. I hope hear from you in the earliest possible time! Yours sincerely, Li Hua 1. 第一句 customer 改为 customers。 2. 第二句 yours 改为 your。 3. 第三句 do 改为 did。 4. 第四句 therefore 改为 however。 5. 第五句 what 改为 that。 6. 第六句 Probable 改为 Probably。 7. 第七句 on 改为 in。 8. 第 八句去掉 the。 9. 第九句 accept 改为 receive。 10. 第十句 hear 前加 to。 【26】 As is known, that it is interesting to teach children to swim while they are still babies. Most large town in Florida and California have already run particularly lessons for babies. The idea has quickly spread to Europe which, in several countries, special courses were now offered to children who are from 7 to 24 months old. The first step is to have child get rid in the fear of water. Next, he is teaching to float in water. Once he can do that naturally and can swim with fear, the child can master the technique and push him forward through water. 1. 第一句去掉 that。 2. 第二句 town 改为 towns。 3. 第二句 particularly 改为 particular。 4. 第三句 which 改 为 where。 5. 第三句 were 改为 are。 6. 第四句 child 前加 a。 7. 第四句 in 改为 of。 8. 第五句 teaching 改 为 taught。 9. 第六句 with 改为 without。 10. 第六句 him 改为 himself。 【27】 Dear Mr. Black, I’m very thank to you for inviting me to stay with you in the come summer vacation. I have been dreamed of seeing you again so that I can get help from you in my English learning. And I’m afraid I cannot go to your place at this summer. I’ve promised my grandmother, she lives in the country, to spend this summer with her. She misses me too much that I find difficult to refuse her request. I’m busy prepare for my examinations at present. I planned to visit you in winter if it’s convenient to you. Best wish. Yours truly, Li Ying 1. 第一句 thank 个 thankful。 2. 第一句 come 改为 coming。 3. 第二句 dreamed 改为 dreaming。 4. 第三句 And 改为 But。 5. 第三句去掉 at。 6. 第四句 she 改为 who。 7. 第五句 too 改为 so。 8. 第五句 find 后加 it。 9. 第六句 prepare 改为 preparing。 10. 第八句 wish 改为 wishes。 【28】 One year ago, I was in a great trouble. I worked hard at English and devote all my spare time to practice it. But I failed to pass the mid-term examination, which made me great disappointed. So I asked my grandpa for advices when I got home. Hearing that I told him, he said, “Examination results are sometime unexpected by your study level. You can’t judge your progress by one examination.” He encouraged myself to work hard for a long time to check my 31 results. I took my grandpa’s advice. Now I realize that the process of learning is much more important and my English is good than before. From my experience, I feel that we should listen opinions from old people. 1. 第一句去掉 a。 2. 第二句 devote 改为 devoted。 3. 第二句 practice 改为 practicing。 4. 第三句 great 改为 greatly。 5. 第四句 advices 改为 advice。6. 第五句 that 改为 what。 7. 第五句 sometime 改为 sometimes。8. 第 七句 myself 改为 me。9. 第九句 good 改为 better。10. 第十句 listen 后加 to。 【29】 A man was driving on the road. Suddenly his cars stopped. He got out of the car, tried to find out the trouble. “It’s the motor,” said the voice behind him. He was surprising and turned around. But he only saw an old horse. “Did you say anything?” he asked. “I said you should check yours motor,” the horse replied. The man rushed to the nearest house. With a very excited voice, he told the farmer had happened. The farmer, therefore, showed no sign of excitement. He explained, “He didn’t know anything about cars. He can only repeat that what I often say.” 1. 第二句 cars 改为 car。 2. 第三句 tried 改为 trying。3. 第四句第二个 the 改为 a。 4. 第五句 surprising 改为 surprised。5. 第八句 yours 改为 your。6. 第十句 With 改为 In。7. 第十句 had 前加 what。8. 第十一句 therefore 改为 however。 9. 第十二句 didn’t 改为 doesn’t。 10. 第十三句去掉 that。 【30】 I can’t swim so I have a strong fear of water. Look back at my childhood. I think that three reasons might explain fear. Firstly, I was not allowed to go to near the water when I was a child, as your mother had an unreasonable fear of it. Therefore, I was teaching to see the water as something danger. Secondly, I became shortsighted when I was five. If I took off my glass in the water, I couldn’t see anything, and that increased my fear. What’s worse, as a child I once see a neighbor who died of drowning. Since then I have been more frightening. 1. 第一句 so 改为 because。 2. 第二句 Look 改为 Looking。 3. 第二句 fear 前加 the。 4. 第三句去掉第二个 to。 5. 第三句 your 改为 my。 6. 第四句 teaching 改为 taught。 7. 第四句 danger 改为 dangerous。 8. 第六 句 glass 改为 glasses。 9. 第七句 see 改为 saw。 10. 第八句 frightening 改为 frightened。 【31】 Dear Joe, Thanks for you mail. I’m glad to know you are interesting in the Winter Camp. It will be held from January 27 to February 13, during that time you will get the wonderful experience. You will have chances to improve your speaking English in the courses provided. Also, activities arranged for you to spend weekends together with your host family, so you can learn American English in authentic situations. Beside, a trip to the local Disneyland will certain add to the fun of the camp. Join in the camp and you will know more about American culture and life. You are sure to benefit to it. Yours truly, Li Hua 1. 第一句 you 改为 your。 2. 第二句 interesting 改为 interested。 3. 第三句 that 改为 which。 4. 第三句 the 改为 a。 5. 第四句 speaking 改为 spoken。 6. 第五句 arranged 前加 are。 7. 第六句 Beside 改为 Besides。 8. 第六句 certain 改为 certainly。 9. 第七句去掉 in。 10. 第八句第二个 to 改为 from。 【32】 32 My neighbor Jack is always consideration towards others. One day, I was about to deliver a speech at an institute while I found my car couldn’t get started. I rushed to the street to take taxi. Just at that time I come across Jack. He was hurried going to attend to his sick mother in hospital. Furthermore, when he learned about my problems, he didn’t hesitate to give me a lift. I arrived in the lecture hall in time, when the audience had been present. I owe my great thanks to my neighbor Jack, who is a person ready to help the others at any time. 1. 第一句 consideration 改为 considerate。2. 第二句 while 改为 when。3. 第三句 taxi 前加 a。4. 第四句 come 改为 came。 5. 第五句 hurried 改为 hurriedly。 6. 第六句 Furthermore 改为 However。 7. 第六句 problems 改 为 problem。 8. 第七句第一个 in 改为 at。 9. 第七句 when 改为 where。 10. 第八句去掉 the。 【33】 Li Hua and Wang Hai are two students of Senior Three. Both of them work hard but they have the different learning methods. Li Hua listens to her teachers attentively, trying to catch everything that the teachers say in class and consults her teachers as often as possible unless she has some problems. Because this, she spends less time doing her homework, so it is certainly that she can go to bed earlier and she always keeps energetic in the day. Therefore, Wang Hai has quite a different way of learning. He liked to sit up late at night doing his homework, so he often feels sleepy in class. As a result, he misses lots of key point and it usually takes him more time to finish his homework, that makes it difficult for him to concentrate on what he is doing. In my opinion, Li Hua learns more efficient in class and has more free time to enjoy herself. So I prefer her learning method. 1. 第二句去掉 the。 2. 第三句 trying 改为 tries。 3. 第三句 unless 改为 if/when。 4. 第四句 Because 后加 of。 5. 第四句 certainly 改为 certain。 6. 第五句 Therefore 改为 However。 7. 第六句 liked 改为 likes。 8. 第七句 point 改为 points。 9. 第七句 that 改为 which。 10. 第八句 efficient 改为 efficiently。 【34】 Nowadays, some students would not like to live in a dormitory. Instead, they rented houses outside the school. There are advantages for them all. Living in a dormitory can increase friendship and cooperation among classmates, but of course it is safer. Besides, a dormitory is more like a society, where enables students to learn to get along with each other, thus preparing the social life later. As for renting houses to live lonely, it’s better for your study as you can feel free in your own room without being interrupting by others. As a result of, you can have plenty of time to devote yourself to review your lessons whole-heartedly. But there may appear a few safety problem as you live outside the school. Anyhow, as a student, I prefer living in a dormitory. 1. 第二句 rented 改为 rent。 2. 第三句 all 改为 both。 3. 第四句 but 改为 and。 4. 第五句 where 改为 which。 5. 第五句 preparing 后加 for。 6. 第六句 lonely 改为 alone。 7. 第六句 interrupting 改为 interrupted。 8. 第七 句去掉第一个 of. 9. 第七句 review 改为 reviewing。 10. 第八句 problem 改为 problems。 【35】 As students, all of us will be faced a problem after passed the College Entrance Examination. Should we choose a good major and a good university first? Here are some different ideas. Some prefer to choose a major at first so they 33 can learn that they are interested in. In this way they can put their hearts into study and got their favorite jobs in the future. Other believe that the environment is important to one’s develop and that graduates from key universities are more likely to find good jobs. As long as I’m concerned, the best choice is the good university if we can’t obtain both. 1. 第一句 faced 后加 with。 2. 第一句 passed 改为 passing。 3. 第二句 and 改为 or。 4. 第四句去掉 at。 5. 第 四句 that 改为 what。6. 第五句 got改为get。7. 第六句Other改为Others。8. 第六句 develop改为development。 9. 第七句 long 改为 far。 10. 第七句第二个 the 改为 a。 【36】 I have been planning to join in our college basketball team next year. Now I’m spending as more time as I can with other people who likes to play. They are teaching themselves the important rules and techniques of the game, but I’m getting better all the time. We have a neighborhood teams that plays against other teams in the area. One of my neighbors is helping rest of us improved our skills. Tonight we are playing for one of the best teams in the city, and I think we can beat them if we won’t make any mistakes. 1. 第一句去掉 in。 2. 第二句 more 改为 much。 3. 第二句 likes 改为 like。 4. 第三句 themselves 改为 me。 5. 第三句 but 改为 and。 6. 第四句第一个 teams 改为 team。 7. 第五句 rest 前加 the。 8. 第五句 improved 改为 improve。 9. 第六句 for 改为 against。 10. 第六句 won’t 改为 don’t。 【37】 One afternoon, while I was doing my homework, then suddenly I heard someone knocking at the door. I raise my head, looking out of the window to see who it was. A man of about 50 of broad shoulders and glasses were standing on the door steps. He was tall, wearing in an old army coat. He wore a wild beard. A big black hat was pulling forward over his eyes so that it was hard to see her face clearly. His shoes were old but worn out. It was a big hole in one of his shoes. He had a black box with him in one hand. Only after I took a few much closer look at him I recognize that he was my neighbor ten years ago. 1. 第一句去掉 then。 2. 第二句 raise 改为 raised。 3. 第三句第二个 of 改为 with。 4. 第三句 were 改为 was。 5. 第四句去掉 in。 6. 第六句 pulling 改为 pulled。 7. 第六句 her 改为 his。 8. 第七句 but 改为 and。 9. 第 八句 It 改为 There。 10. 第十句 him 后加 did。 【38】 Last Sunday my father and I went fish along a river. We found the water very dirty that we could hardly catch any fish in it. A lot of factories along the river always poured their waste water and rubbish straight into the river, which made the river polluting. In this way most of the fish in the river was killed. Unless the rivers all over the country are polluted like this, no living things will be exist in the water. What we all know, environmental pollution does great harm to living things. Now more and more people have realized that serious this problem is. Our government is doing her best to take measure to fight against pollution. We expect that water in every river will be made cleaner and cleaner before long. 1. 第一句 fish 改为 fishing。 2. 第二句 very 改为 so。 3. 第三句 polluting 改为 polluted。 4. 第四句 was 改为 were。 5. 第五句 Unless 改为 If。 6. 第五句去掉 be。 7. 第六句 What 改为 As。 8. 第七句 that 改为 how。 34 9. 第八句 measure 改为 measures。 10. 第九句 water 前加 the。 【39】 The other day I had unusual experience. I was walking along a street when I saw a lady knocking down by a car. But the driver just drives away. Immediately I rushed across the street to help him. I put her on my back and that carried her to a hospital nearby. On reaching the hospital, however, she started to say I was to blame for her injury and demanded I paid the hospital bills. That really surprised me! Unless I tried to explain, she insisted that I was the very person who was responsible to the accident. I was total confused. Is it right or wrong to help other? 1. 第一句 had 后加 an。 2. 第二句 knocking 改为 knocked。 3. 第三句 drives 改为 drove。 4. 第四句 him 改 为 her。 5. 第五句去掉 that。 6. 第六句 paid 改为 pay。 7. 第八句 Unless 改为 Although/Though。 8. 第八 句第二个 to 改为 for。 9. 第九句 total 改为 totally。 10. 第十句 other 改为 others。 【40】 With popularity of the Internet, more and more people prefer to going shopping online because of its advantages. Online shopping save us a lot of valuable time. What’s more, there are a wide variety of goods for us to choose from, which may be cheaper than that in shops. Though it is convenient to go shopping online, the problems it caused can’t be ignored. Since we can’t see the actual goods on the Internet, so the quality cannot be ensured. Beside, lots of advertisements on the Internet are untrustworthy, so sometimes, the customers are easily cheating. In my opinion, we should be carefully while we are enjoying the convenient of online shopping. 1. 第一句 popularity 前加 the。2. 第一句 going 改为 go。3. 第二句 save 改为 saves。4. 第三句 that 改为 those。 5. 第四句 caused 改为 causes。 6. 第五句去掉 so。 7. 第六句 Beside 改为 Besides。 8. 第六句 cheating 改为 cheated。 9. 第七句 carefully 改为 careful。 10. 第七句 convenint 改为 conenience。 【41】 Friendship is very importance. Everyone needed friendship. In all our lives we can’t live without friendship just as we can’t live without the air or water. Friendship makes us getting on well with one another to go ahead under different kind of difficulties in front of us. And real friendship is not easy to come by. True friendship must be sincere and be based on understand each other but not on benefits of each other. A good friend can always be a good teacher to them. By this piece of advice we are persuaded go the right way. However, the more friends we have, the better we can improve ourselves. 1. 第一句 importance 改为 important。2. 第二句 needed 改为 needs。3. 第三句去掉 the。 4. 第四句 getting 改 为 get。 5. 第四句 kind 改为 kinds。6. 第五句 And 改为 But。 7. 第六句 understand 改为 understanding。 8. 第 七句 them 改为 us。 9. 第八句 persuaded 后加 to。 10. 第九句 However 改为 Therefore。 【42】 Ladies and gentlemen, may I have you attention? Welcome to the city zoo. Now I’d like to explain the three activities we have for you at this afternoon. The first activity will be elephant show at two o’clock in the elephant land on the center of the zoo. You’ll certainly be delighting to see the elephants’ funny performances. The next activity is feeding the monkeys. It begins at 3:20 in the monkey garden in the west of the zoo. Please don’t feed the 35 monkeys with something you may have brought with you. You can of course use the specially providing food to feed them. The last activity begin at 4:30 in the bird area. Dr. Smith will be with you as your guide. He’ll introduce you more than 30 kind of birds from Central and South America. The bird area is in the southeast of the zoo. I sincere hope you’ll enjoy your time. Thank you. 1. 第一句 you 改为 your。2. 第三句去掉 at。3. 第四句 be 后加 an。4. 第四句 on 改为 in。5. 第五句 delighting 改为 delighted。 6. 第八句 something 改为 anything。 7. 第九句 providing 改为 provided。 8. 第十句 begin 前 加 will。 9. 第二句 kind 改为 kinds。 10. 第十四句 sincere 改为 sincerely。 【43】 Dear Tom, How time flies! It has been about one month since I enter high school. Now I’d like to tell you anything about my school and my study. Our school is the very beautiful one, and it’s a key senior school. The teachers here are very excellent but their lessons are very interesting. I like them and I enjoy with their teaching styles. I have made much new friends here. Sally, a lovely girl, my best friend now. We share many interests and we can express our thoughts and feelings after classes, that helps me a lot, because I sometimes feel upset especially when I am confusing about some difficult lessons. Let’s focus our mind on what we are learning and continuing studying hard for the College Entrance Examination in three years. 1. 第二句 enter 改为 entered。 2. 第三句 anything 改为 something。 3. 第四句 the 改为 a。 4. 第五句 but 改 为 and。5. 第六句去掉 with。6. 第七句 much 改为 many。7. 第八句 my 前加 is。8. 第九句 that 改为 which。 9. 第九句 confusing 改为 confused。 10. 第十句 continuing 改为 continue。 【44】 Dear Tom, I’m so happy to write to tell you something about my new English teacher calling Miss Lin, who has been teaching us for about two month. She is beautiful and seems be energetic all the time. She is also kind and patiently. She explains everything very clearly that all of us can understand her. However, she is a bit strict. In the fact, no one dare speak in her class unless she tells us to. But after class, she often communicates with us, asks about our studies, our families and so on. Both of us enjoy talking with her. Can you tell me something about my school and teachers? Looking forward to your earlier reply. 1. 第一句 calling 改为 called。 2. 第一句 month 改为 months。 3. 第二句 seems 后加 to。 4. 第三句 patiently 改为 patient。 5. 第四句 very 改为 so。 6. 第六句去掉 the。 7. 第七句 asks 改为 asking。 8. 第八句 Both 改 为 All。 9. 第九句 my 改为 your。 10. 第十句 earlier 改为 early。 【45】 Jane and I had been friends since we are in kindergarten, but things were changed when we entered senior high school. Jane began to treat me in a unfriendly way, but she was very closely to some other girls. I kept wonder what was wrong with me. Then suddenly she started acting like my best friends again. Half of me wanted her back, and the 36 other half said, “ No, look at how she has done to you!” I decided have a talk with her and tell her how I felt. She said sorry for me, and now we are best friends again. 1. 第一句 are 改为 were。 2. 第一句去掉 were。 3. 第二句 a 改为 an。 4. 第二句 closely 改为 close。 5. 第 三句 wonder 改为 wondering。 6. 第四句 friends 改为 friend。 7. 第五句 and 改为 but。 8. 第五句 how 改为 what。 9. 第六句 decided 后加 to。 10. 第七句 for 改为 to。 【46】 I ever worked as tour guide. One day I see an advertisement in the newspaper. I rang up the company, and I was given the job immediate. They asked myself to take a tour around the city the next morning. The manager just told me to say anything I could think out about the city. My first tour were terrible. The old bus was not air-conditioned and it was the middle of summer, but it was uncomfortable in the bus. The tourist soon became very angry. I had a very hard time. I satyed here for a few weeks, and then I left and joined in a better company. 1. 第一句 as 后加 a。 2. 第二句 see 改为 saw。 3. 第三句 immediate 改为 immediately。 4. 第四句 myself 改 为 me。5. 第五句 out 改为 of。6. 第六句 were 改为 was。7. 第七句 but 改为 so。8. 第八句 tourist 改为 tourists。 9. 第十句 here 改为 there。 10. 第十句去掉 in。 【47】 The journey was long and tired. We left London at five o’clock in the evening and spend hours in the train. We had been traveled for 3 hours after someone appeared selling food and drinks. It was darkness all the time when we were crossing Wales, but we could see nothing through the windows. When we finally arrived in Holyhead, nearly everyone was slept. As soon as the train stopped, everybody came to the life, grabbing their suitcases and rushing onto the platform. While we were getting off the train there had an announcement that the train had not arrived Ireland yet and there had been a delay. 1. 第一句 tired 改为 tiring。 2. 第二句 spend 改为 spent。 3. 第三句去掉 been。 4. 第三句 after 改为 before。 5. 第四句 darkness 改为 dark。 6. 第四句 but 改为 so。 7. 第五句 slept 改为 sleeping。 8. 第六句去掉第二个 the。 9. 第七句第一个 had 改为 was。 10. 第七句 arrived 后加 in。 【48】 After I finished the school this year, I began to look for work. Several month later, I still hadn’t found the job that I was interested. Last Sunday morning I received a phone call from a man calling him Mr Smith. He said to me on the phone, “I hear you do very well in your studies, but I may have a job for you.” I entered his office with a beaten heart. How I hoped that I will go through the job hunting talk today and he would take me on as a lab assistant. But to my surprised, what he said was disappointed. He only needs a model. 1. 第一句去掉 the。2. 第二句 month 改为 months。 3. 第二句 interested 后加 in。 4. 第三句 him 改为 himself. 5. 第四句 but 改为 and。 6. 第五句 beaten 改为 beating。 7. 第六句 will 改为 would。 8. 第七句 surprised 改 为 surpeise。 9. 第七句 disappointed 改为 disappointing。 10. 第八句 needs 改为 needed。 【49】 Sandy is seventeen years old, and she is much busy. She never has enough time for that she wants to do. Like many other girls of her age, she spends hours on telephone, talks to her friends. She often goes out on weekends, and 37 she looks after the children for other families to get some money. But, of course, during the school years she has a lot homework to do. During the football season, Sandy is busy that usual. She and other pretty girl are cheer leaders. They jump up and own together, cheering when the team have played well. When the team is not playing so well, the girls try theirs best to encourage the players. 1. 第一句 much 改为 very。 2. 第二句 that 改为 what。 3. 第三句 talks 改为 talking。 4. 第四句去掉 the。 5. 第五句 But 改为 And。 6. 第五句 lot 后加 of。 7. 第六句 busy 改为 busier。 8. 第七句 girl 改为 girls。 9. 第 八句 have 改为 has。 10. 第九句 theirs 改为 their。 【50】 Sue and Ann often meet at a cheaper restaurant to eat and talking about life and school after their morning classes. Sometime, instead of talking, they play a game that they call it “people watching”. They start the game in observing and listening people around them carefully and make guesses about their lives such as ages, jobs, likes, dislikes and so on. Of course, they never really knew whether they are right and wrong. Therefore they usually have good reasons for thinking what they are. “The game is a fun,” they often say. 1. 第一句 cheaper 改为 cheap。 2. 第一句 talking 改为 talk。 3. 第二句 Sometime 改为 Sometimes。 4. 第二 句去掉 it。 5. 第三句 in 改为 by。 6. 第三句 listening 后加 to。 7. 第四句 knew 改为 know。 8. 第四句 and 改为 or。 9. 第五句 Therefore 改为 But。 10. 第六句去掉 a。 【51】 Recently, the students of Senior Three in our school have had the discussion about whether we should have class during holidays. Some held the view that we should have classes during holidays so the College Entrance Examination is around the corner. Students should make fully use of free time to review which they have learned and strengthen where they are weak under the guidance of the teachers. The rest are against the idea, believing that sharpening delays no cutting. Have classes on holidays allows them no time relax their bodies and spirits and will hasten their feeling of tiredness. What’s worst, it adds to the financial burden of the parents. 1. 第一句第二个the改为 a。2. 第一句 class改为classes。3. 第二句held改为hold。4. 第二句so 改为because。 5. 第三句 fully 改为 full。 6. 第三句 which 改为 what。 7. 第四句去掉 of。 8. 第五句 Have 改为 Having。 9. 【52】 Nowadays a lot of schools kept their students in school all day long. Students have different opinion about it. Some of the students think they enjoy less freedom but have little chance to get in touch with society. They are not able to full develop their interests and hobbies. Therefore, they have less interest in their studies. Others think school is a best place to get knowledge so they should put their heart into their lessons. Some students lack of the ability to control themselves. Once out of school, they may lose control of themselves and do something which will affect their studies. 38 Personally, it is necessarily to keep students at school. But at the same time schools should organize various activities so that students can enjoy our school life. I don’t agree to keep students at school all day. Schools should offer students more free time develop their personal interests. 1. 第一句 kept 改为 keep。2. 第二句 opimion 改为 opinion。3. 第三句 but 改为 and。4. 第四句 full 改为 fully。 5. 第六句 a 改为 the。 6. 第七句去掉 of。 7. 第八句 which 改为 that. 8. 第九句 necessarily 改为 necessary。 9. 第十句 our 改为 their。 10. 第十二句 develop 前加 to。 【53】 Dear Bill, Thank you very much for your letter. I am pleasing to hear about your holiday and people you met in Rome. It sounded great fun and how I wish I could have been with you. Thank you also for the stamps you sent them to me for my collection. Most of them were those I had been expecting for long. You said by your letter that you wished to having some photos of me. Sorry to tell you, I have little photos good enough to send to others. Yet I will send you a photo of your family. Please write soon and tell me what you are getting on with your college lives. Best wishes! Yours, Jason 1. 第二句 pleasing 改为 pleased。 2. 第二句 people 前加 the。 3. 第三句 sounded 改为 sounds。 4. 第四句去 掉 them。 5. 第六句 by 改为 in。 6. 第六句 having 改为 have。 7. 第七句 little 改为 few。 8. 第八句 your 改为 my。 9. 第九句 what 改为 how。 10. 第九句 lives 改为 life。 【54】 Some of us think that it is good to see the film than to read the book in the original. The reason is because that it takes less time to understand the whole story. Besides, the film is usually more interesting, and it is easier to follow. Others had just the opposite opinion. They think that they can get more detail information from the original. Meanwhile, the language in the book is possible more lively and beautiful. In my opinion, I agree to the second view. Actually I have more reason for it. I think I can stay at home, read quietly in a situation of my own, and what’s more, I am able to better understand the author’s ideas. In the word, to read the original work is better than see the film based on it. 1. 第一句 good 改为 better。2. 第二句去掉 because。3. 第四句 had 改为 have。4. 第五句 detail 改为 detailed。 5. 第六句 possible 改为 possibly。 6. 第七句 to 改为 with。 7. 第八句 reason 改为 reasons。 8. 第九句 readd 改为 reading。 9. 第十句第一个 the 改为 a。 10. 第十句 see 前加 to。 【55】 Welcome to the Polynesian Cultural Center! You are entering a world of funs! My name is called Tera, a Polynesian name which mean “the sun”. I’m a very gladly you can come today and learn about some of the amazed Polynesian ways. As you can see, here behind myself is one of their boats. To build the boat like this, you need a very tall, straight tree. You first cut down the tree and remove the branches. Then you cut the tree half so you have two long pieces of wood. You use one piece to make the boat. Removing the inside for a person to sit it. Take the bark off 39 the boat but put oil on it so it will easily go through the sea. 1. 第二句 funs 改为 fun。 2. 第三句去掉 called。 3. 第三句 mean 改为 means。 4. 第四句 gladly 改为 glad。 5. 第四句 amazed 改为 amazing。 6, 第五句 myself 改为 me。 7. 第六句 the 改为 a。 8. 第八句 half 前加 in。 9. 第十句 Removing 改为 Remove。 10. 第十一句 but 改为 and。 【56】 In my view, the Internet is helpful. It is known to all, the Internet is playing important part in our daily life. On the Internet, we can read news home and abroad and got as much information as we can. We can also attend to the net school and read many books. We can even do the shoppings online. Besides, your ability to operate the computer can be improved great. But we should not be addicted to the Internet, and we’ll get our life and study destroying. In addition, we should keep off the harm websites. Anyhow, this doesn’t prevent the Internet from becoming our friend. 1. 第二句 It 改为 As。 2. 第二句 important 前加 an。 3. 第三句 got 改为 get。 4. 第四句去掉 to。 5. 第五句 shoppings 改为 shooping。 6. 第六句 your 改为 our。 7. 第六句 great 改为 greatly。 8. 第七句第一个 and 改 为 or。 9. 第七句 destroying 改为 destroyed。 10. 第八句 harm 改为 harmful。 【57】 Students in big cities and students in rural areas have different ideas on if they would be a teacher or not the future. In the opinion of the students in big cities, parents paid a lot of attention to his children’s education and respecting teachers. Besides, schools in big cities are equipped with advance facilities, and which teachers there can often get the high-paid job with short working hours. Therefore, the students in rural areas think, being less developed in all aspects, rural areas have insufficient educational facilities and teachers there are often less valued with long working hours and lower income. As far as I’m concerning, the government should invest more in rural education and make every effort to improve the rural teachers’ working and living condition. 1. 第一句 if 改为 whether。 2. 第一句 not 后加 in。 3. 第二句 paid 改为 pay。 4. 第二句 his 改为 their。 5. 第 三句去掉 which。 6. 第三句 the 改为 a。 7. 第四句 Therefore 改为 However。 8. 第四句 long 改为 longer。 9. 第五句 concerning 改为 concerned。 10. 第五句 condition 改为 conditions。 【58】 Dear Jack, How have you been recently? I know that you have gotten such addicted to video games that you often stay up late and ignore your studies. As your best friend, I believe that I have the responsibility give you some advices. As you might have discovered, video games can have quite a few negative impacts to your life. First, lacking sleep, you may often nod off in class. Therefore, you may not be able to concentrate on that the teacher is saying. You may have found yourself falling behind and having a hard time catch up with your studies. In the addition, it seems that you have become a mouse potato and forget the benefits of playing sports. I real miss the happy time with you on the basketball court, and you do need some exercise. How about meeting in the park this Sunday? I look forward to you reply! 40 Yours, John 1. 第二句 such 改为 so。 2. 第三句 give 前加 to。 3. 第三句 advices 改为 advice。 4. 第四句 to 改为 on/upon。 5. 第六句 that 改为 what。 6. 第七句 catch 改为 catching。 7. 第八句去掉第一个 the。 8. 第八句 forget 改为 forgotten。 9. 第九句 real 改为 really。 10. 第十一句 you 改为 your。 【59】 As middle school students, not only should we acquire knowledge but also we should have good qualities. I think expressing our gratitude to people who helped them is one of the good quality we must possess. Two years ago, my classmate, Wang Wei run into difficulty because his father was diagnosed with lung cancer. His father’s illness added to his family’s trouble, since Wang Wei was in danger dropping out of school. After learning about his bad situation, our head teacher gave him timely help by allowed him to continue his schooling without any tuition. With the help of the teacher and classmates, Wang Wei has finished school. Just before this important exam he wrote us a letter expressing his sincere thanks of what we have done. We were deep moved by his letter. Being grateful to people who helped and supported us is that we are supposed to keep in the mind forever. 1. 第二句 them 改为 us。 2. 第二句 qualit 改为 qualities。 3. 第三句 run 改为 ran。 4. 第四句 since 改为 so。 5. 第四句 danger 后加 of。6. 第五句 allowed 改为 allowing。7. 第七句 of 改为 for。8. 第八句 deep 改为 deeply。 9. 第九句 that 改为 what。 10. 第九句去掉 the。 【60】 A survey basing on 1,000 students found that 80% of senior students sleep less than nine hours every night. One main reason lies at students’ bad habits. Too much homework is given by school teachers is other main cause. Some students are absent-minded while doing their homework, and some wasting their after-class time. The third cause is that some students have to get up earlier on weekdays to get to school what is far away from home. Experts think the amount of homework for the students should cut down. Besides, teachers should encourage their students to make better use of their spare time. Only in this way can the students improve our study efficiency. 1. 第一句 basing 改为 based。 2. 第二句 at 改为 in。 3. 第三句去掉第一个 is。 4. 第三句 other 改为 another。 5. 第四句 wasting 改为 waste。 6. 第五句 earlier 改为 early。 7, 第五句 what 改为 that/which。 8, 第六句 should 后加 be。 9. 第七句 better 改为 good。 10. 第八句 our 改为 their。 【61】 Recently we have made an investigation on if the test paper for Senior Three students should be difficult or not. Opinions are different on this matter. Some students are in favor with a difficult exam. On one hand, they think a difficult exam is just like a challenge — the hard, the better. On the other hand, it can help students finding out where they are weak in studies and improve their learning approaches. Therefore, others disagree. For one thing, if it is too difficult, the students may become discouraging and feel afraid of the coming College Entrance Examination. For another, with an easy exam, they can get high marks and gain confidences. 41 As for me, I prefer them to be neither too difficult nor too easy. If it is too easy, teachers will not know where we are. But if it is too difficult, we may lose our heart. 1. 第一句 if 改为 whether。 2. 第三句 with 改为 of。 3. 第四句 one 前加 the。 4. 第四句 hard 改为 harder。 5. 第五句 finding 改为 find。6. 第六句 Therefore 改为 However。7. 第七句 discouraging 改为 discouraged。8. 第 八句 confidences 改为 confidence。 9. 第九句 them 改为 it。 10. 第十一句去掉 our。 【62】 Yesterday afternoon, we hold a class meeting discussing how to spend money our whole class earned by recycling and selling newspapers and plastic bottles after class. Three fifths of the students suggested buying stationery in our own use because it can let us to experience the enjoyment of harvest. Meanwhile, it is an approach of encouraging our classmate to continue this action. Therefore, two fifths of the students believed that the money should be donated to the people in the earthquake stricken areas because they need the money more urgent than us. More importantly, it is meaningless to spend the money earning by ourselves in helping others. 1. 第一句 hold 改为 held。 2. 第一句 money 前加 the。 3. 第二句 in 改为 for。 4. 第二句去掉 to。 5. 第三 句 of 改为 to。 6. 第三句初 classmate 改为 classmates。 7. 第四句 Therefore 改为 However。 8. 第四句 urgent 改为 urgently。 9. 第五句 meaningless 改为 meaningful。 10. 第五句 earning 改为 earned。 【63】 One day when I passed a bus station, I saw a little girl crying. I went up and asked her what. She told me she was lost and can’t find her mother. When I asked where her mother was, she shook her head but kept crying. Then I took her to the station office for a help. “Anyone who’s lost a child, please come to the waiting room…” was soon hearing again and again. Minutes before, a worried mother came and the girl ran to her happily, tear still in her eyes. The mother thankful and asked what my name was. With a smile, she answered, “I’m a League member. I have just done that a League member should do. It’s my duty.” 1. 第二句 what 改为 why。 2. 第三句 can’t 改为 couldn’t。 3. 第四句 but 改为 and。 4. 第五句去掉 a。 5. 第 六句 hearing 改为 heard。6. 第七句 before 改为 later。7. 第七句 tear 改为 tears。8. 第八句 thankful 前加 was。 9. 第九句 she 改为 I。 10. 第十句 that 改为 what。 【64】 Yesterday my husband received a letter from a lady who had been her student in middle school. She wrote it so she wanted to thank him for the greatly influence he had on her life. She wrote, “You were the teacher who helped me discovering my talent for maths. Before you taught me, I had never thought I will love it. To my surprise, you magically showed the beauty of maths for me. Gradually my interest in it was increased. Thanks to your teaching, I made continuous progresses in maths, and finally made my mind to study it as my major in university. Now I am an accountant of the big company. You played an important part. Thank you!” 1. 第一句 her 改为 his。 2. 第二句 so 改为 because/as。 3. 第二句 greatly 改为 great。 4. 第三句 discovering 改为 discover。 5. 第四句 will 改为 would。 6. 第五句 for 改为 to。 7. 第六句去掉 was 或 increased 改为 42 increasing。 8. 第七句 progresses 改为 progress。 9. 第七句第二个 made 后加 up。 10. 第八句 the 改为 a。 【65】 Dear Jack, I’m middle school student. I’m writing to tell you my problem with my mother. She is a doctor, who worked every hard. She is strict in me, but she is so busy with her work that she finds few time to talk to me. I love her and I do well in her studies, but I still feel a little of afraid of her because she loses her temper easily. I don’t know how to communicating with her. Maybe that’s why we have seldom sat down and exchanged our feeling and thoughts. I hope we can know more about each other and understand each other well. I do hope we’ll be closer. What can I do? Looking forward to your reply. Best wishes! Yours sincerely, Tom 1. 第一句 middle 前加 a。 2. 第三句 worked 改为 works。 3. 第四句 in 改为 with。 4. 第四句 few 改为 little。 5. 第五句第二个 her 改为 my。 6. 第五句去掉第一个 of。 7. 第六句 communicating 改为 communicate。 8. 第 七句 why 改为 because。 9. 第七句 feeling 改为 feelings。 10. 第八句 well 改为 better。 【66】 Human beings can rebuild nature, but when people face nature disasters such as hurricane, drought, flood and volcano, people are very frightening. Now many scientists concentrate to environmental protection. The film naming The Day After Tomorrow shows the effect of global warming. It is terrible and shocking everyone. Although the film is imaginary, but nobody can guarantee that we won’t face the same thing some day. The film warns us we must take care of environment. If we can live in a safe and stable world, we can enjoy scenery, learn knowledge, and shared the love and warmth. I strongly suggest that people should try our best to live with nature peacefully. 1. 第一句第二个 nature 改为 natural。 2. 第一句 frightening 改为 frightened。 3. 第二句 to 改为 on. 4. 第三句 naming 改为 named。 5. 第三句 effect 改为 effects。 6. 第四句 shocking 改为 shocks。 7. 第五句去掉 but。 8. 第六句 environment 前加 the。 9. 第七句 shared 改为 share。 10. 第八句 our 改为 their。 【67】 Now, in the baths of some universities, students are charging for the amount of time in a shower. People think different about it. Some support it. They think this measure can save many water, money and time. Besides, baths will not be so crowded. However, the others don’t think so. We think if they are charged for time, inconvenience will be brought. What’s worse, not knowing how long they will finish their showers, some students will anxious. What’s worst, some students may be embarrassing if their time is up and they’re still covered in soap. In my opinion, this measure can save time, money and water and developing the sense of doing so, however, convenience is also important. If possible, let student pay after the shower. 1. 第一句 charging 改为 charged。 2. 第二句 different 改为 differently。 3. 第四句 many 改为 much。 4. 第六 43 句去掉 the。 5. 第七句 We 改为 They。 6. 第八句 long 改为 soon。 7. 第八句 anxious 前加 be/feel/become/get。 8. 第九句 embarrassing 改为 embarrassed。 9. 第十句 developing 改为 develop。 10. 第十二句 student 改为 students。 【68】 I am travelling back with my parents from seeing my grandparents then it started to snow. At first, I thought it was fun and everything looked beautifully. I was looking forward to make a snowman in the playground at school the next day when the car slid violently off the road and into channel. My father called the emergency services, but they said that would be a long time before they could reach us. However, we sang songs and told stories to pass the time. Several hour later, the rescue team pulled their car out of the channel. At last, we managed to drive very slowly to home. I would never forget this experience. 1. 第一句 am 改为 was。 2. 第一句 then 改为 when。 3. 第二句 beautifully 改为 beautiful。4. 第三句 make 改 为 making。 5. 第三句 channel 前加 a。 6. 第四句 that 改为 it。 7. 第五句 However 改为 Therefore。 8. 第六 句 hour 改为 hours。 9. 第六句 their 改为 our。 10. 第七句去掉第二个 to 或 home 前加 our。 【69】 Last year my school planned to set up the football team. I was excited about the news though I was a football fan. I entered for it, only to be told that I was too fat. However, they said there will be a test three months later. If I could lose weight successful, I would be admitted. So I decided get up early every morning to do exercise. That was difficult of me to get up early, especially in winter. I made a great effort to get up on the first few day, but I did not get up the follow days. As last I failed in. How I regret now! If I had continued with my exercise, I would achieved my goal and become a member of our school team now. 1. 第一句 the 改为 a。 2. 第二句 though 改为 because。 3. 第四句 will 改为 would。 4. 第五句 successful 改 为 successfully。 5. 第六句 dcieded 后加 to。 6. 第七句 That 改为 It。 7. 第八句 day 改为 days。 8. 第八句 follow 改为 following。 9. 第九句去掉 in。 10. 第十一句 achieved 前加 have。 【70】 When I am a child, I always wished to become an adult so that I could do that I liked. I wanted to have more space where I was able to follow my own heart without follow my parents’ instructions. As time went by, I have grown up gradual, but I find things are quite differently from what I expected. I do have the free to do more things alone. Moreover, I have to take on much responsibilities. I have to take the charge of my life and face challenges bravely. Now I am determined to work hard and go to college that I can have a bright future. 1. 第一句 am 改为 was. 2. 第一句第二个 that 改为 what。 3. 第二句第二个 follow 改为 following。 4. 第三句 gradual 改为 gradually。5. 第三句 differently 改为 different。6. 第四句 free 改为 freedom。7. 第五句 Moreover 改为 However。 8. 第五句 much 改为 more。 9. 第六句去掉 the。 10. 第七句 that 前加 so。 【71】 It is a good way for student to learn and communicate by volunteering, and it is very importantly. When I was a junior student, I worked as volunteer for the sports meeting in our city. My major job is helping the students and teachers take part in the competition, some of whom were unfamiliar to the center of our city. I felt pleasing to help 44 them. However, sometimes, faced with a tough problem, I stretched my mind but wasn’t able to offer a solution, but I was upset. Now I still remember the experience what was filled with tears and laughter. I also learn that to be a volunteer will offer a chance to communicate with others and learn much useful things that we can’t learn them at school. 1. 第一句 student 改为 students。 2. 第一句 importantly 改为 important。 3. 第二句 volunteer 前加 a。 4. 第三 句 is 改为 was。 5. 第三句 to 改为 with。 6. 第四句 pleasing 改为 pleased。 7. 第五句第二个 but 改为 so。 8. 第六句 what 改为 which/that。 9. 第七句 much 改为 many。 10. 第七句去掉 them。 【72】 One Saturday afternoon, Li Hua and Wang Ping, members from “Green Eyes”, was having an environmental protection activity near the riverside when they catch sight of a bird on the ground. They picked it up and found it wounded. Thinking it might die without timely help they took it to home. They made the nest for it but fed it with rice and water. Under their treatment and care, the lucky birds got recovered soon. When time came for them fly the bird back to nature, they felt a bit pity but very delighting. I think it’s worthwhile for him to do such a thing. Here I call on the public to show respect to nature. Only by changing the way treat the environment can we get along good with it. 1. 第一句 was 改为 were。 2. 第一句 catch 改为 caught。 3. 第三句去掉 to。 4. 第四句 the 改为 a。 5. 第四 句 but 改为 and。 6. 第五句 birds 改为 bird。 7. 第六句 fly 前加 to。 8. 第六句 delighting 改为 delighted。 9. 第七句 him 改为 them。 10. 第九句 good 改为 well。 【73】 Mark Twain was born in a small town of Horrid. When he is only twelve years old, his father died. Late he became a sailor. Mark Twain was her pen name. During the American Civil War he worked as a reporter but wrote a lot of stories. Gradual he made his works popular. He became one of the best known writer of the 19th century in the US. In his life, Mark Twain wrote the number of stories and novels, of them The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is the most famous one. His works have translated into many other languages now, and they are deeply loved by the readers all over in the world. 1. 第二句 is 改为 was。 2. 第三句 Late 改为 Later。 3. 第四句 her 改为 his。 4. 第五句 but 改为 and。 5. 第 六句 Gradual 改为 Gradually。 6. 第七句 writer 改为 writers。 7. 第八句第一个 the 改为 a。 8. 第八句 them 改为 which。 9. 第九句 translated 前加 been。 10. 第九句去掉 in。 【74】 Dear Jenny, How nice to hear of you! In your letter you asked me how to keep healthy. I would like to give you some advices. As we all know, foods like fish, fresh fruits and vegetables is necessary for our body. And you should not eat too many meat. Instead of studying all the time, your should take physical exercise as regular as possible. For example, you can play basketball or swim after the school. What’s more, having enough sleep was very important. So I advise 45 you have at least eight hours of sleep every day but not to stay up too late. Only in this way can you keep healthy. Yours, Alice 1. 第一句 of 改为 from。 2. 第三句 advices 改为 advice。 3. 第四句 is 改为 are。 4. 第五句 many 改为 much。 5. 第六句 your 改为 you。 6. 第六句 regular 改为 regularly。 7. 第七句去掉 the。 8. 第八句 was 改为 is。 9. 第九句 have 前加 to。 10. 第九句 but 改为 and。 【75】 Today I want to talk about make friends online. Should students make friends online? Some students think the Internet can helps them make many good friends. When chatting online, they can express their feelings and opinions more freely. Others, therefore, think that students should not make friends online. They thought making friends online is waste of time, and that students should spend their time on study. Besides there are even students who get cheat online. It is my opinion whether students should place their study, health and safe before other things. After all, they can find it so many friends on their daily life. 1. 第一句 make 改为 making。2. 第三句 helps 改为 help。3. 第五句 therefore 改为 however。4. 第六句 thought 改为 think。 5. 第六句 waster 前加 a。 6. 第七句 cheat 改为 cheated。 7. 第八句 whether 改为 that。 8. 第八 句 safe 改为 safety。 9. 第九句去掉 it。 10. 第九句 on 改为 in。 【76】 We always take it for granted that receiving is better than giving. And in fact, it’s a good virtue to give. I learn it from my mother. Ten year ago, there was a tough time for my family. One day. There were two apples for my family of three. Known that, my mother announced that I didn’t like eating apples. So she gave two apples to me and my father. As a child, I grasped an apple immediate and ran away. But my mother wore a bright smile when she saw me eat the apple happily. At that time, I just wondered why my mother was so delight, even though she didn’t eat the apple. As time went by, I gradually realized that giving was better than receiving, because of giving can bring more than happiness and love. 1. 第一句 And 改为 But。2. 第四句 year 改为 years。3. 第六句 Known 改为 Knowing。4. 第六句 I 改为 she。 5. 第七句 two 前加 the。 6. 第八句 immediate 改为 immediately。7. 第九句 eat 改为 eating。8. 第十句 delight 改为 delighted。 9. 第十一句 was 改为 is。 10. 第十一句去掉 of。 【77】 Recently I have read the article in a magazine. It was about a mother who was worrying about her son just because of he always kept his hair long. The mother thought that was not right, but the son felt there was nothing unusually about it. Different generations have different opinion on the same thing. That is what is meant by “the generation gap”. We can see them in our daily life. Most of our parents like listening to old songs when young people prefer pop songs. Every time my father finds me listen to rock music, he always shouted, “Shut if off. It’s awful!” How can we deal the generation gap? 46 1. 第一句 the 改为 an。2. 第二句 worrying 改为 worried。3. 第二句去掉 of。4. 第三句 unusually 改为 unusual。 5. 第四句 opinion 改为 opinions。 6. 第六集 them 改为 it。 7. 第七句 when 改为 while. 8. 第八句 listen 改为 listening。 9. 第八句 shouted 改为 shouts。 10. 第十句 deal 后加 with。 【78】 Several days ago, our school decided to preventing students bringing their cell phones to school if they didn’t pass all the exams from the previously semester. Students don’t welcome this decision. They believe the cell phone is one of the greatest invention in the 20th century, that has become an important part of modern life. However, it is also headache for school leaders. Because many students ignored their studies and spend too much time play games, texting and using social networks such as QQ and WeChat. However, the leaders have to deal in the serious problem in this way. They don’t expect that something even worse. 1. 第一句 preventing 改为 prevent。 2. 第一句 previously 改为 previous。 3. 第三句 invention 改为 inventions。 4. 第三句 that 改为 which。 5. 第四句 headache 前加 a。 6. 第五句 ignored 改为 ignore。 7. 第五句 play 改为 playing。 8. 第六句 However 改为 Therefore。 9. 第六句第一个 in 改为 with。 10. 第七句去掉 that。 【79】 Last Tuesday, our class had a heated discussion about “Happy Farm”, a game enjoyed tremendous popularity with people all over the country nowadays. Opinions are divided into two as the follows. Some of my classmates are in favor of it. They argue that they can get relaxing by playing the game, that is helpful to lessen the pressure of their study. Consequent, their study efficiency will be greatly improved. Others, however, held the opposite opinion. Playing is a waste of time. In the other hand, one may get easily addicted. As a result, they will gradually lost interests in study. In my view, the game is beneficial to our daily life. It’s the game that bring me a lot of happiness when I feel alone. But we should be careful not to get addicted it and learn to make good use of time. 1. 第一句 enjoyed 改为 enjoying。 2. 第二句去掉 the。 3. 第四句 relaxing 改为 relaxed。 4. 第四句第二个 that 改为 which。 5. 第五句 Consequent 改为 Consequently。 6. 第六句 held 改为 hold。 7. 第八句 In 改为 On。 8. 第九句 interets 改为 interest。 9. 第十一句 bring 改为 brings。 10. 第十二句 and 前加 it。 【80】 Two years ago, I was in greatly depression. I worked hard at piano learning and devoted all my spare time to practice it. But I failed to pass the Level 2B test, that made me quite disappointed. So I turned to my grandpa on advice when I got home. Hear what I told him, he said, “Test result sometimes cannot show your real ability and level. Thus, your progress should not be judged only by one test.” He encouraged me work hard for the next year’s Level 2B test. I take my grandpa’s advice. Now the certificate of Level 2B is in the front of me, and I’ve realized that the process of learning are much more important. 1. 第一句 greatly 改为 great。 2. 第二句 practice 改为 practicing。 3. 第三句 that 改为 which。 4. 第四句 on 改为 for。 5. 第五句 Hear 改为 Hearing。 6. 第五句 result 改为 results。 7. 第七句 work 前加 to。 8. 第八句 take 改为 took。 9. 第九句去掉第二个 the。 10. 第九句 are 改为 is。 【81】 Dear Jim, 47 I’d like to tell you something about our school sports meet. It took the place on October 6th, that was a fine day. There was over 1,000 students and teachers attend it. Wang Bin, a student from my class, win the 100-metre race. He finished the race in 12.6 seconds but broke the school record. The sports meet was real a success. That was because we were all trying our best to do it. Because I was not one of the winner, I was proud of what we had done. I’m looking forward receiving your letter. Yours, Li Hua 1. 第二句去掉 the。 2. 第二句 that 改为 which。3. 第三句 was 改为 were。 4. 第三句 attend 改为 attending。 5. 第四句 win 改为 won。 6. 第五句 but 改为 and。 7. 第六句 real 改为 really。 8. 第八句 Because 改为 Althoug/Though。 9. 第八句 winner 改为 winners。 10. 第九句 forward 后加 to。 【82】 Some students think a difficult exam is just like challenge. And the more difficult it is, the best it will be. They say a difficult exam can help students find out what they are weak in their studies and improving their learning methods. Though, others are against a difficult exam. In their opinions, if it is very difficult, they may become discouraging and feel terrible about their studies. I prefer an exam neither too difficult or too easy. A very easy exam was not good for teachers to learn how we are getting on with our studies, and a too difficult exam will make us lose our heart. 1. 第一句 challenge 前加 a。 2. 第二句 best 改为 better. 3. 第三句 what 改为 where。 4. 第三句 improving 改 为 improve。 5. 第四句 Though 改为 However。 6. 第五句 opinions 改为 opinion。 7. 第五句 discouraging 改 为 discouraged。 8. 第六句 or 改为 nor。 9. 第七句 was 改为 is。 10. 第七句去掉第二个 our。 【83】 John is a tall man weighed as much as 100 kilogram. Though he is large, but he fears dogs. One day he was taking a walk when the dog suddenly appeared. He became so nervously that he ran as fast as he could. The dog kept run after him and it was getting closer. In the dangerous situation, John decided climb a tree to avoid the dog. Unfortunate, it was not an easy job. He hadn’t climbed very high when the dog stood right above the tree. The dog jumped up and bit into his bottom. John fell right onto the dog’s head, that killed it immediately. 1. 第一句 weighed 改为 weighing。 2. 第一句 kilogram 改为 kilograms。 3. 第二句去掉 but 或 but 改为 yet。 4. 第三句 the 改为 a。 5. 第四句 nervously 改为 nervous。 6. 第五句 run 改为 running. 7. 第六句 decided 后加 to。 8. 第七句 Unfortunate 改为 Unfortunately。 9. 第八句 above 改为 under. 10. 第十句 that 改为 which。 【84】 Nothing is impossible! If you have a dream, your dream will be come true as long as you work hard. To tell you truth, I want to be a doctor. There was a time that I was in hospital. I saw with my own eye that a doctor fought all night to save a baby’s life. I was deeply touched by the kindly behavior of the doctor. I think doctors are the greatest. We can make patients recover from a disease. However, I am determined to be a doctor to help whoever suffers on 48 illness. At the same time, I will devote myself to treat patients. In a word, if I become a doctor in the future, I will try my best to help each patient. From now on, I will spare no effort to study every subjects so that I can go to a key university for further study. 1. 第二句去掉 be。 2. 第三句 truth 前加 the。 3. 第四句 that 改为 when。 4. 第五句 eye 改为 eyes。 5. 第六 句 kindly 改为 kind。 6. 第八句 We 改为 They。 7. 第九句 However 改为 Therefore。 8. 第九句 on 改为 from。 9. 第十句 treat 改为 treating。 10. 第十二句 subjects 改为 subject。 【85】 What makes smart learners? Smart learners think every minute importantly and make full use of them. In class, they always play the active role and listen to teachers carefully in order not miss any key information. After class, they keep the habit of review their lessons and doing their homework careful. Besides, smart learners like discussing about study problems with both teachers and friends such that they can solve them. I hoped all of us will find a suitable learning method and have a lot of funs learning. 1. 第二句 importantly 改为 important。 2. 第二句 them 改为 it。 3. 第三句 the 改为 an。 4. 第三句 not 后加 to。 5. 第四句 review 改为 reviewing。 6. 第四句 careful 改为 carefully。 7. 第五句去掉 about。 8. 第五句 such 改为 so。 9. 第六句 hoped 改为 hope。 10. 第六句 funs 改为 fun。 【86】 Travel is very good activity. When you’re tiring with your work or studies and when you’re free, you can go to a beautifully place to enjoy the beauty of nature. You can breathe fresh air and made new friends. But sometimes, travelling will cause some problem. The weather changes quick. You may be caught in the rain and may catch a cold while traveled. Therefore, you should prepare myself carefully before a trip. You should listen to the weather forecast and prepare for the bad weather. You’d better to find a companion so that you can help each other but may avoid accidents. 1. 第一句 very 前加 a。 2. 第二句 tiring 改为 tired。 3. 第二句 beautifully 改为 beautiful。 4. 第三句 made 改 为 make。5. 第四句 problem 改为 problems。6. 第五句 quick 改为 quickly。7. 第六句 traveled 改为 traveling。 8. 第七句 myself 改为 yourself。 9. 第九句去掉 to。 10. 第九句 but 改为 and。 【87】 A topic of my speech today is whether middle school students should take cell phones to school. As we all know, cell phones can bring us many convenience. For example, we can keep in touch friends and parents through a cell phone. Besides, with its help, we can surf the Internet to search for usefully information. However, every coin has two sides. Some students spend too much time send and receiving messages or playing games. What’s worse, the ring of cell phones can disturb teachers and other students in class. In addition to, using cell phones do harm to our health. In my opinion, as students, we should devote most of our time to my studies. And we’d better not take cell 49 phones to school unless it’s absolute necessary to do so. 1. 第一句 A 改为 The。2. 第二句 many 改为 much。3. 第三句 touch 后加 with。4. 第四句 usefully 改为 useful。 5. 第六句 send 改为 sending。6. 第七句 ring 改为 rings. 7. 第八句去掉第一个 to。8. 第八句 do 改为 does。9. 第九句第二个 my 改为 our。 10. 第十句 absolute 改为 absolutely。 【88】 People always said that time is money. So I think time is more value than money. If you lose money, you can earn some through your efforts. But if what you have lost are time, you can never regain. Many students tell me that they don’t have enough time to study for, it’s because they have spent too much time play games, watching TV or doing other useless thing. Now, as a teenager, you should make a best of time and devote you to your studies. 1. 第一句 said 改为 say。 2. 第二句 So 改为 But。 3. 第二句 value 改为 valuyable。 4. 第四句 are 改为 is。 5. 第四句 regain 后加 it。 6. 第五句去掉 for。 7. 第六句 play 改为 playing。 8. 第六句 thing 改为 things。 9. 第 七句第二个 a 改为 the。 10. 第七句第二个 you 改为 yourself。 【89】 With a development of science and technology, we have come into the Age of Big Data. The free WIFI cover the city of Guiyang can help us get materials conveniently from the Internet but transfer information freely. It will also benefit for the economic development of Guiyang. But we can also see more people concentrate on play their smart phones or pads in the streets, which could be dangerous to those cross the streets. To addition, more students will be addicted to the Internet. I think that we should use it proper. For one thing, we should make full use of the relevantly information. For another, we should have the sense of safe because it is the base of doing everything well. 1. 第一句 a 改为 the。 2. 第二句 cover 改为 covering。 3. 第二句 but 改为 and。 4. 第三句去掉 for。 5. 第 四句 play 改为 playing。 6. 第四句 cross 前加 who。 7. 第五句 To 改为 In。 8. 第六句 proper 改为 properly。 9. 第七句 relevantly 改为 relevant。 10. 第八句 safe 改为 safety。 【90】 As it is known to us, fewer and fewer students do sports regular, which makes them weak and easily tired. There are many reason for this. First of all, some of the students complained that they have too much homework, result in less time to take exercise. Beside, some of them think that it is very difficulty for them to keep doing exercise, because it is a very hard thing. Because lack of physical activities, many students are in poor health. I suggest that our school takes measures to encourage more students to take part in sports. For us students, no matter what busy we are, it is necessary to spare some time to do exercise. 1. 第一句去掉 it。 2. 第一句 regular 改为 regularly。 3. 第二句 reason 改为 reasons。 4. 第三句 complained 改为 complain。 5. 第三句 result 改为 resulting。 6. 第四句 Beside 改为 Besides。 7. 第四句 difficulty 改为 difficult。 8. 第五句 Because 后加 of。 9. 第六句 takes 改为 take。 10. 第七句 what 改为 how。 【91】 I didn’t realize the importance of working in groups since I was chosen to be monitor of my class in high school. 50 At first, I did most of the duties myself while another students cared little about class activities. As result, I was tired out and depressing. Then I turned for my teacher and he gave me some advices on how to cooperate well with others. Thus I began to realize the strengths of my classmates and have everyone to do his part in the class. From my experience, I strong feel that it is working in teams instead of on my own that have freed me from trouble and makes me work more efficiently. Therefore, we needed the teamwork spirit in our life. 1. 第一句 since 改为 until/till。 2. 第二句 another 改为 other。 3. 第三句 result 前加 a。 4. 第三句 depressing 改为 depressed。 5. 第四句 for 改为 to。 6. 第四句 advices 改为 advice。 7. 第五句去掉第二个 to。 8. 第六 句 strong 改为 strongly。 9. 第六句 have 改为 has。 10. 第七句 needed 改为 need。 【92】 On Friday afternoon we held the grown-up ceremony for our coming 18-year-old birthday. First we made an oath which we should have a sense of duty for our society as grown-up from now on. Then we showed our thanks to our parents who had gone through hardships to bring us up but teachers who had been educating us patient. And one of the representatives of the parents who attended in the ceremony gave a speech to congratulate us on become proud citizens of the country. Finally, we put on wonderfully performances, singing and dancing. We learn a lot from the activity. I made up my mind to work hard at my lessons fulfill my dream so that I can be more competent and better shoulder my responsibility for my family as well as my country. 1. 第一句 the 改为 a。 2. 第二句 which 改为 that。 3. 第二句 grown-up 改为 grown-ups。 4. 第三句 but 改为 and。 5. 第三句 patient 改为 patiently。 6. 第四句去掉 in。 7. 第四句 become 改为 becoming。 8. 第五句 wonderfully 改为 wonderful。 9. 第六句 learn 改为 learned。 10. 第七句 fulfill 前加 to。 【93】 Trying to come to a decision complete on your own can be risky. Some decisions are such important that they shouldn’t be made without talking to others first. There are several advantages if you consult the persons you trust. For one thing, they can give you valuable advices and they may point out some things you may have been overlooked. For another, friends may stop you make big mistakes. When consulting others about importantly decisions, you should keep two things in mind. The first one is that you need to find someone whom you respected enough to trust their judgment. The second thing to consider is how to do if you disagree with this person. Maybe turning to a third or fourth person is the best option. In word, making any big decision alone can lead to problems. Talking to friends or family members first are always a good idea. 1. 第一句 complete 改为 completely。 2. 第二句 such 改为 so。 3. 第四句 advices 改为 advice。 4. 第四句去 掉been。5. 第五句 make改为making。6. 第六句 importantly 改为 important。7. 第七句respected 改为 resptect。 8. 第八句 how 改为 what。 9. 第十句 word 前加 a。 10. 第十一句 are 改为 is。 【94】 On the first day when I went to high school, I felt exciting. After 9 years’ study, I felt I was so closely to university. During the first year, I make many friends. I got to know all of my classmates. Because the schoolwork 51 was tough, I shared happiness and sorrow for my friends. When second year came, I was arranged to another class. I was worried that no one could talk to me, but I made new friends quick. Now it is the last year of my high school life, and I’m determined to study more harder and make greater progresses. High school life is challenging for us, but I won’t give in. 1. 第一句 exciting 改为 excited。2. 第二句 closely 改为 close。3. 第三句 make 改为 made。4. 第五句 Because 改为 Though/Although。 5. 第五句 for 改为 with。 6. 第六句 second 前加 the。 7. 第七句 quick 改为 quickly。 8. 第八句去掉 more。 9. 第八句 progresses 改为 progress。 10. 第九句 us 改为 me。 【95】 Dear Madam, After carefully consideration and investigation, I think your college is the ideal place for my college education, where I want to major in English literature. I’m sure I can get along well with it because English is my most favorite subject in high school, that will be helpful for my further study in college. As to my hobby, I’m a keen basketball fan but I play a lot of it at school. What’s more, I’m crazy in rock music and my dream is to founding a rock band. I hope my dream come true in college. I am looking forward of receive your early reply. Yours faithfully, Li Hua 1. 第一句 carefully 改为 careful。 2. 第一句 the 改为 an。 3. 第二句去掉 most。 4. 第二句 that 改为 which。 5. 第三句 hobby 改为 hobbies。 6. 第三句 but 改为 and/so。 7. 第四句 in 改为 about。 8. 第四句 founding 改 为 found。 9. 第五句 come 前加 will。 10. 第六句 receive 改为 receiving。 【96】 The Big Bang Theory, one of popular American comedy, tell stories about four male scientists and a beautiful waitress. These scientists are smart in their fields, especially Sheldon. He has a real high IQ in physics and he is very bad at getting along with others. Fortunately, his roommate Leonard was very tolerant and always forgives him at every time Sheldon makes a mistake. The waitress, naming Penny, is a very easy-going and nice girl whom has a dream of becoming an actress. The comedy has gained popularity among people aged from 18 to 49. Its special and funny stories make people falling in love with it in short time. 1. 第一句 comedy 改为 comedies。 2. 第一句 tell 改为 tells。 3. 第三句 real 改为 really。 4. 第三句 and 改为 but。5. 第四句 was 改为 is。 6. 第四句去掉 at。 7. 第五句 naming 改为 named。 8. 第五句 whom 改为 who。 9. 第七句 falling 改为 fall。 10. 第七句 short 前加 a。 【97】 When I was eight years old and was spending a weekend visit my Aunt Libby at her home, a man dropped in one evening. At that time, I happened be excited about boats. The visitor discuss the subject in a way that seemed particular interesting to me. Before he left, I said, “What a man! And he is so interested in boats!” My aunt told me that he was the businessman and that he had no interests in the subject. “But why did he talk about boats?” I asked. 52 “Because he saw you were interested in boats, so he talked about the things to please you. At the same time, he made him agreeable, too.” I still remember that my aunt said. 1. 第一句 visit 改为 visiting。2. 第二句 happened 后加 to。3. 第三句 discuss 改为 discussed。4. 第三句 particular 改为 particularly。5. 第四句 Before 改为 After。6. 第六句第一个 the 改为 a。7. 第六句 interests 改为 interest。 8. 第八句去掉 so。 9. 第九句 him 改为 himself。 10. 第十句 that 改为 what。 【98】 Dear Mr. Smith, I’m very interesting in this position. I’m 17 years old and had just finished my first year at a high school. I’m available to work from the beginning of June to the end of August. I have no problem work evenings and weekends. I lived in London for a year when I was young, and I’m fluently in English. I’m an outgoing person, but I’m confident I’d get on well in visitors to this region. I’ve traveled in this part of the country mostly with your parents when I was young, and I’m familiar with a number of place that would be of interest to visitors. In a conclusion, I’d welcome the opportunity of meeting you in person to discuss this. I look forward your reply. Yours faithfully, Li Hua 1. 第一句 interesting 改为 interested。2. 第二句 had 改为 have. 3. 第四句 work 改为 working。4. 第五句 fluently 改为 fluent。 5. 第六句 but 改为 and。 6. 第六句 in 改为 with。 7. 第七句 your 改为 my。 8. 第七句 place 改为 places。 9. 第八句去掉 a。 10. 第九句 forward 后加 to。 【99】 On June of 1940, my mother, brother and I boarded ship for America. About a week late, we waved to our first greeter— the Statue of Liberty. My mother takes this brave step because she wanted that all immigrant families have wanted for their children — a better life in America. We found them. This country has been generously to us. Never did my mother imagine that her daughter would become governor of a state calling Vermont or that she would return to the Switzerland years later as the American ambassador. The best way for me to express my gratitudes to this country is to make sure that our doors remain open and the American Dream stays alive. 1. 第一句 On 改为 In。 2. 第一句 ship 前加 a。 3. 第二句 late 改为 later。 4. 第三句 takes 改为 took。 5. 第 三句 that 改为 what。 6. 第四句 them 改为 it。 7. 第五句 generously 改为 generous。 8. 第六句 calling 改为 called。 9. 第六句去掉第一个 the。 10. 第七句 gratitudes 改为 gratitude。 【100】 John, a heavy smoker, once felt bad-tempered. Because his hands started shaking and he coughed a lot, so he hurriedly went to his doctor for help. “Quit smoke.” The doctor advised. Finding the advice reasonably from several points such as money and healthy, John decided to give up smoking. Therefore, for several hours without a cigarette, John was nervous and had difficulty concentrating, that made him hungrier for a cigarette. He said himself, “One more, and I will quit it tomorrow. Tomorrow will be the suitable day for me to break away from the bad habit …” 53 Then he picked up a cigarette that made him relaxing. Again and again John made up his mind to doing it “tomorrow”. 1. 第二句去掉 so。 2. 第三句 smoke 改为 smoking。 3. 第四句 reasonably 改为 reasonable。 4. 第五句 healthy 改为 healty。 5. 第五句 Therefore 改为 However。 6. 第五句 that 改为 which。 7. 第六句 himself 前加 to。 8. 第七句第一个 the 改为 a。 9. 第八句 relaxing 改为 relaxed。 10. 第九句 doing 改为 do。

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