专题12 读后续写 2021年英语二轮复习讲 练 测 -测案(教师版)

专题12 读后续写 2021年英语二轮复习讲 练 测 -测案(教师版)


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专题 12 读后续写 读后续写--讲•练•测---测案 时间:45 分钟 满分:50 I.完形填空 [2021·江苏省苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研] 题材: 人生感悟 词数:249 I was born legally blind. Of all the stories of my early childhood, the one about a 1 is my mother’s favorite. I was only two when the 2 occurred. We had just arrived home from a trip. Mom lifted me out of the car and 3 to speak to the driver. I took advantage of my brief 4 to dash across the lawn(草坪) — and hit a large maple tree! I was running so fast that I bounced off the trunk and landed on my backside. Mom 5 me to start crying, but I just sat there for a minute. Then I 6 myself up and kept right on going. Mom loves to use this story as an 7 . It reminds her that children don’t enter life 8 to take risks or unwilling to 9 again when they fall down. She never wanted me to lose that toughness as I grew older. When I 10 my major life decisions, I was still that little girl tearing full-speed across the lawn. I studied abroad and later moved away from my parents’ home to look for a 11 . Through years of 12 , I have become a respected teacher in a school serving high-need students. We are almost certain to get 13 at some point during the process of achieving our goal. When that happens, don’t sit in the grass and 14 . Just get up and keep on going. It will all be worth it 15 .249 1.A.trip B.race C.tree D.driver 2.A.incident B.change C.illness D.problem 3.A.feared B.refused C.forgot D.turned 4.A.delay B.absence C.freedom D.rest 5.A.promised. B.encouraged C.allowed D.expected 6.A.woke B.picked C.warmed D.gave 7.A.answer B.example C.excuse D.order 8.A.afraid B.ashamed C.able D.anxious 9.A.ask B.share C.learn D.try 10.A.regretted B.reviewed C.made D.explained 11.A.job B.friend C.fortune D.house 12.A.memories B.efforts C.research D.experience 13.A.mixed up B.fed up C.knocked down D.settled down 14.A.play B.relax C.dream D.cry 15.A.all at once B.in the end C.in either case D.as a result 【文章大意】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章通过讲述自己小时候由于跑得快撞到树上,没有哭泣而是继续前进 的故事,告诉我们遇到困难不要害怕,要继续前进,通过不懈努力目标最终会实现。 1.C 我生来就是盲人。在我童年早期的所有故事中,关于一棵树的故事是我母亲最喜欢的。A.trip 旅行;B.race 种族,比赛;C.tree 树;D.driver 司机。此处指的是下文提到的 hit a large maple tree 的故事,故选 C。 2.A 事件发生时我只有两岁。A. incident 事件;B. change 变化;C. illness 疾病;D. problem 问题,难题。此处 指下面讲述的作者撞树的事件,故选 A。 3.D 妈妈把我从车里抱出来,然后转身和司机说话。A.feared 害怕,恐惧;B.refused 拒绝;C. forgot 忘记; D.turned 转向,转变。故选 D。 4.C 我利用短暂的自由时间冲过草坪,撞到了一棵大枫树上! A. delay 延期;B. absence 缺乏,缺席;C.freedom 自由;D.rest 休息。此处指作者被妈妈从车上抱下来,可以短暂自由活动了。故选 C。 5.D 妈妈以为我要哭了,但我只是在那里坐了一分钟。A. promised.允诺,许诺;B.encouraged 鼓励;C.allowed 允许;D.expected 预料,期待。作者由于跑得快撞了树,妈妈预料作者会哭。故选 D。 6.B 然后我自己爬起来,继续前进。A.woke 唤醒,激发;B.picked 挑选,拾起;C.warmed 使温暖;D.gave 给 予。根据下文 kept right on going 可推断,此处指作者跌倒后自己爬起来,pick up“使(自己)慢慢站起(或爬起)”。 故选 B。 7.B 妈妈喜欢把这个故事当例子。A.answer 回答;B.example 例子,榜样;C.excuse 借口,理由;D.order 命令。 这件事是妈妈教育孩子的好例子。故选 B。 8.A 它提醒她,孩子进入生活时,不会害怕冒险,也不会在跌倒时不愿再尝试。A. afraid 害怕的;B. ashamed 羞愧的;C. able 有能力的;D. anxious 焦虑的。根据上文讲的作者的故事可推断,此处指孩子刚开始时不怕冒 险,故选 A。 9.D 它提醒她,孩子进入生活时,不会害怕冒险,也不会在跌倒时不愿再尝试。A.ask 问;B.share 分享;C.learn 学习;D.try 尝试,努力。根据上文内容可推断,此处指孩子跌倒后不会因怕再次摔倒而不敢再次尝试。故选 D。 10.C当我做出重大的人生决定时,我仍然是那个在草坪上飞快跑着的小女孩。A. regretted后悔,遗憾;B. reviewed 回顾,复习;C. made 做出,制造;D. explained 解释。“做决定”是 make decisions,故选 C。 11.A 我在国外学习,后来离开父母去寻找工作。A.job 工作;B.friend 朋友;C.fortune 财富,运气;D.house 住宅,房子。根据下句 I have become a respected teacher in a school serving high-need students.可知是找工作,故 选 A。 12.B 经过几年的努力,我在一所为高需求学生服务的学校里成为了一名受人尊敬的教师。A.memories 记忆, 回忆;B.efforts 努力;C.research 研究,调查;D.experience 经历,经验。指作者通过自己的努力找到了不错的 工作,故选 B。 13.C 在实现目标的过程中,我们几乎肯定会在某个时刻被打倒。A.mixed up 混淆;B.fed up 厌烦;C.knocked down 击倒,撞到;D.settled down 安顿下来。此处指人生努力中肯定会遇到困难,会被困难打倒。故选 C。 14.D 当这种情况发生时,不要坐在草地上哭泣。A.play 玩;B.relax 放松;C.dream 梦想;D.cry 哭,哭泣。与 上文 Mom ______ me to start crying 呼应,指摔倒后哭泣。故选 D。 15.B 站起来,继续前进。这一切最终都是值得的。A.all at once 突然;B.in the end 最后,终于;C.in either case 不论发生何种情况;D.as a result 结果。此处指摔倒后不怕困难,继续前进,通过不懈努力目标最终会实现。故 选 B。 II.语法填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。[2021·河北省“五个一名校联盟”2021 届高考二模] A new study, published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, found that communication interactions that included voice, like a phone call or video chat, created stronger social bonds 1. communication through typing, like text messaging or email. In the study, researchers used 2. (vary) experiments to gauge (判断) connectedness. In one, 200 people 3. (ask) to make predictions about 4. it would be like to reconnect with an old friend by email or by phone and then assigned people at random 5. (do) one or the other. Although people anticipated that a phone call would be more awkward, 6. (hear) someone's voice actually made the experience better. "People reported they did form an 7. (obvious) stronger bond with their old friend on the phone versus email, and they did not feel more awkward," study co-author Amit Kumar, 8. assistant professor of marketing at the McCombs School of Business, said in a statement. In another experiment, the researchers had strangers connect with their old friends by either texting, talking over video chat, or talking using only audio. They found that both 9. (form) of voice communication—whether video or audio only— 10. (make) the strangers feel more connected than when they communicated via text. 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了发表在《实验心理学杂志》上的一项新研究发现,包括语音 在内的交流互动,如电话或视频聊天,比打字,如短信或电子邮件,能产生更强的社会联系。介绍了这项研究 开展的过程以及研究发现。 1.than 考查介词。发表在《实验心理学杂志》上的一项新研究发现,包括语音在内的交流互动,如电话或视频 聊天,比打字,如短信或电子邮件,能产生更强的社会联系。根据上文 stronger,结合句意表示“比……更”应用 than。故填 than。 2.various 考查词形转换。在这项研究中,研究人员使用了各种实验来衡量连通性。修饰后文名词 experiments, 应用形容词 various,作定语。故填 various。 3.were asked 考查动词时态语态。在一项实验中,200 人被要求预测通过电子邮件或电话与老朋友重新联系是 什么感觉,然后随机分配这些人选择其中一种方式。此处为主句谓语动词,句子描述过去发生的事情应用一般 过去时,主语与谓语动词构成被动关系,用一般过去时的被动语态。故填 were asked。 4.what 考查宾语从句。在一项实验中,200 人被要求预测通过电子邮件或电话与老朋友重新联系是什么感觉, 然后随机分配这些人选择其中一种方式。此处为宾语从句,从句中缺少宾语,表示“什么”应用连接代词 what。 故填 what。 5.to do 考查非谓语动词。在一项实验中,200 人被要求预测通过电子邮件或电话与老朋友重新联系是什么感觉, 然后随机分配这些人选择其中一种方式。此处“分配某人做某事”用短语 assign sb. to do sth.。故填 to do。 6.hearing 考查非谓语动词。虽然人们认为打电话会更尴尬,但听到别人的声音实际上会让通话感觉更好。此 处 hear 在句中用非谓语动词形式,作主句的主语,应用动名词形式。故填 hearing。 7.obviously 考查副词。该研究的合著者之一、麦库姆斯商学院市场营销学助理教授 Amit Kumar 在一份声明中 表示:“与电子邮件相比,人们在电话中与老朋友的联系明显更紧密,而且他们也不会感到更尴尬。”修饰后文 形容词 stronger,应用副词 obviously,作状语。故填 obviously。 8.an 考查冠词。该研究的合著者之一、麦库姆斯商学院市场营销学助理教授 Amit Kumar 在一份声明中表示: “与电子邮件相比,人们在电话中与老朋友的联系明显更紧密,而且他们也不会感到更尴尬。”此处为 Amit Kumar 的同位语,意为“一个助理教授”,professor 为可数名词,应用不定冠词,且 assistant 是发音以元音音素开头的 单词,应用 an。故填 an。 9.forms 考查名词的数。他们发现,两种形式的语音交流——无论是视频交流还是音频交流——都比通过文字 交流让陌生人感觉更亲密。此处应用名词作宾语从句的主语,form 为可数名词,根据上文 both 可知应用复数。 故填 forms。 10.made 考查时态。他们发现,两种形式的语音交流——无论是视频交流还是音频交流——都比通过文字交流 让陌生人感觉更亲密。根据上文“They found that”可知主句为一般过去时,宾语从句也应用过去的某种时态,此 处应用一般过去时。故填 made。 III.书面表达 读后续写【山东省菏泽市 2021 届高三下学期 3 月一模】 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 After a long day, Zhang Tian finally got back to his small room, feeling tired. He had started working at seven in the morning, and it was eight in the evening now. He had to prepare his lessons for the following day. This is a typical day for Zhang Tian. Coming to Guizhou Province to teach has been quite an experience for him. Zhang Tian graduated from university and got a teacher's certificate last year. His parents, like most, hoped he would go to a big city to find a teaching job. Likewise, his friends all left his hometown for work in Shanghai or Beijing. Zhang Tian felt differently, however. He wanted to start a new lifestyle. He had met wonderful teachers from small villages during his early school years and he was inspired by them to go and teach where he was needed the most. For that reason he applied for and became a volunteer teacher in a village school. Bringing with him lots of books, clothes, and two pairs of trainers, Zhang Tian travelled to the village with an eager heart. He imagined all sorts of exciting things about living independently and teaching in a village. However, not everything lived up to Zhang Tian's hopes. The school had just three teachers and Zhang Tian was the only English teacher. The other two local teachers were responsible for maths and Chinese. The school was much smaller than he had expected, with only three classrooms. In front of the classrooms, there was a playground which got dusty on windy days and muddy on rainy days. Living in the village was also more challenging than he had thought. The power and water supplies were unstable, so he could only shower every three or four days, and he had to learn how to cook. 注意.开头已给出;2.所写词数应为 150 左右。 Paragraph 1 : The thought of leaving once flashed through his mind. Paragraph 2: Zhang Tian's first service year is almost over. 【答案】The thought of leaving once flashed through his mind. If he returned to big cities ,he would live comfortably and get highly paid and his parents would be happy.But he gave it up and managed to find ways to deal with the challenges. To make schcool life colorful for his students , Zhang Tian introduced more interesting subjects such as music, arts ,geography. Tough as life is ,he has enjoyed with the children.What makes him most satisfied is that his students are able to read speak and write in English and become confident in learning the language.The villagers treats him as one of them. Zhang Tian's first service year is almost over.What should he do next? He can choose to return to big cities where he can achieve his value. However, looking at the eyes of the children and thinking the poor life of the villagers, he decides to do something more. He is content that he can make a difference to their life. He has been thinking to contact charity organizations for help. And he will teach villagers how to sell local products online so that they can improve their living conditions, which he thinks will be of benefit to children's life. After a long consideration, he chooses to stay for another year. At least now, he wants to stay. Maybe next year he will choose to leave .Who knows? 【解析】 本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了大学毕业生张天在贵州一所乡村小学支教的情况,生活工作条件都很差,以及 他决定留下来之后的工作。 1.段落续写: ①由第一段首句内容“离开的想法也曾经在脑海中闪现。”可知,第一段可描写张天的思想斗争及最后的决定。 由下一段首句“Zhang Tian's first service year is almost over”可知,他留下来了,可以继续写他留下来之后所做的 努力。 ②由第二段首句内容“张天的第一年志愿者支教工作就要结束了。”可知,第二段可描写他又要重新面临是走还 是留的选择以及他的决定。 2.续写线索:生活工作都很艰苦—决定留下来—努力改善-成绩—支教结束-又一次决定 3.词汇激活行为类 ①决定:decide to stay/determine to remain ②努力:improve studying conditions/introduce interesting subjects. ③成果:enjoy learning 情绪类 ①.感谢:showing his appreciation/show his gratitude/be grateful ②.积极:positive attitude/act positively/make a difference 【点睛】 [高分句型 1] If he returned to big cities ,he would live comfortably and get highly paid and his parents would be happy.(虚拟语气) [高分句型 2]. Tough as life is ,he has enjoyed with the children.(as 引导让步状语从句,部分倒装) [高分句型 3]. What makes him most satisfied is that his students are able to read speak and write in English and become confident in learning the language.(what 引导主语从句;that 引导表语从句) [高分句型 4]. And he will teach villagers how to sell local products online so that they can improve their living conditions, which he thinks will be of benefit to children's life..(which 引导非限制性定语从句)

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