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石埠子小学六年级英语试题 一、听音,选出句子中出现的单词或词组,将其选项填入括号内。 ( )1. A. pencil B. pen friend ( )2. A. pleased B. please ( )3. A. French B. from( )4. A. different B. difficult ( )5. A. China B. Chinese 二、听音,判断下列句子是否与你听到的内容相符, “√”, “×”。 ( )1. Li Lei is watching a new DVD. ( )2.The tiger is eating. ( )3.He doesn’t like fish. ( )4.I always play computer games. ( )5.I never play basketball. 三、听音,根据录音内容选词填空。 Pandas can _____ (A. swim B. dance). They eat bamboo, flowers, grass and ____ (A. small B. big)animals. They eat for_____ (A.11 B.12)hours a day. Pandas don’t _____ (A. sleep B. sleeping)all day in winter. In summer, they go _____ (A. up B. down) the mountains. 四、听音,选出你听到的句子。 ( )1. A. I want to visit China. B. She wants to visit Canada. ( )2. A. It’s got a beautiful lake. B. It’s a beautiful lake. ( )3. A. Open you book. B. Open the door. ( )4. A. Don’t turn right here! B. Don’t ride your bike here! ( )5. A. Go! It’s green. B. Stop! Don’t cross. 五、听音,找出与录音内容相符的图片,并将图片选项填入括号内。 六、听音,根据录音内容给下面的图片排序。 七、听音,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的划“√”,不相符 的划“×”。 ( )1.Tony is twelve years old. ( )2. He lives in the US. ( )3. He likes collecting stamps. ( )4.Fangfang is from China, and she can speak some English. ( )5. She likes singing and dancing. 基础知识题 一、找出每组单词中与其他三个不同类的一项,将编号写在括号中。 ( )1. A. sing B. reading C. drawing D. playing ( )2. A. American B. Chinese C. Japanese D. Canada ( )3. A. elephant B. snake C. sheep D. winter ( )4. A. often B. clean C. always D. never ( )5. A. show B. give C. visit D. city 二、根据首字母或汉语写出单词,使句子完整, 答对 4 个即可。 1. Do you often c________(打扫) your room? 2. I n play football. I don’t like it. 3. Collecting dolls is my h . I like dolls. 4.The snake can use its b__________(身体) to dance. 5. Don’t talk in the library. Please be q ! 三、根据汉语提示,写出短语,完成句子, 答对 4 个即可。 1. There are flags from the world (世界各地) . 2. Please stand _______ ________(排队). 3. It’s beautiful, I want to (照一些相). 4. Can you help me? (没问题). 5 (看) the pandas! They love bamboo. 四、将句子的序号填在对应图片的下面。 A. Don’t turn right here. B. Elephants like water. C. Shanghai is very big and very famous. D. I’ve got a knife and fork. E. You’re cleaning your classroom. 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 五、单项选择,答对 5 个即可。 ( )1. I haven’t got a football, ______ I’ve got a basketball. A. and B. but C. too ( )2. Don’t _____late for school. A. is B. be C. are ( )3. I want _______ the UN building. A. visit B. visits C. to visit ( )4. Many countries give presents _______ the UN. A. of B. for C. to ( )5. _______ like to sleep in winter. A. Bear B. A bear C. Bears ( )6.I like ________stories at the weekends. A. reading B. read C. reads 六、从方框中选出恰当的答语,将代号写在括号中。 ( )1.Have you got a book about China? ( )2.Do you want to see my photos? ( )3.Where are we going? ( )4.Can you be my Chinese pen friend? ( )5.What are those? 七、 连词成句,答对 2 个即可。w W w . 1. don’t, I, it, believe ,(!) __________________________________ 2. building, what, big, a (!)______________________________ 3. five, the, closes, library, at (.) 综合能力题 八、阅读理解。 根据短文内容,选择合适的答案,将序号填在题前括号中。 A I’m Sam. I like sports. I always play basketball in summer. And in winter I often go skating with my family. I always ride my bike to school, But sometimes I go by bus. After school, I sometimes write stories in Chinese. I like Chinese very much, but It’s very difficult for me! I never eat fast food. I don’t like it. ( )1. Sam always in summer. A. play basketball B. play football C. goes swimming A. Yes, of course. B. These are stamps from Canada. C. Yes, I’d love to. D. No, I haven’t. E. To the park. ( )2. He often goes with his family in winter. A. swimming B. to school C. skating ( )3.He always goes to school . A. by bus B. by bike C. by car ( )4. Does he like Chinese? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. We don’t know. B Hello, everyone! My name is Peter. I study in Xinhua Primary School. I like reading books and doing sports. I often read books after supper. And I like reading story books and picture books. At the weekend I often go swimming with my friend. And I often play football with my friend in the park. But sometimes I stay at home and help my mum clean the room. ( )1. Peter studies in _____ Primary School. A. Xinhua B. Yuren C. Qianjin ( )2. He likes reading story books and ______ A. Animal books. B. picture books C. Science books ( )3. Sometimes he stays at home and _______. A. cleans the room B. watches TV C. plays football ( )4. He often plays football with his friend _______ A. in the school B. in the room C. in the park 九、写作。 请你写一写你和你的家人在假期里想去哪里,并介绍那个地方的特 点以及名胜古迹。 要求:1.语义连贯,句子通顺,表达清楚,注意信的格式和动词的正确 形式。 2.要注意大小写和标点符号,句子至少 10 个,单词至少 50 个。 提示:可能用到的词汇:want to; there are; big and famous; beautiful city; north; lakes; mountains

资料: 4.5万


