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蓟州区⒛18~⒛ 19学 年度第-学期质量调查 得 分 评阅人 A。 在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的A、 B、 C三 幅图画。找 出与你所听句子内容相匹配的图画。 )1. ( )2。 ( )3. 第I卷 l。 听力理解(本 大题共⒛小题,每小题1分 ,共 ⒛分) B。 九年级英语 第1页 (共 九年级英语 题 号 IV V VI VII VIII IX 总 分 得 分 ◆ A。 褰 B。 ⌒灬≡≡〓 {丨 l!茸 宵丨l丨 I:∶ 0∶ 宫言言言ii: A。 属 B。 B。 C。 ( )4 12页 ) B。 下面你将听到十组对话,每 组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从 每组所给的A、 B、 C三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。 ( )5.WheⅡ wⅡIthe plaⅡ e take oⅡ? A。 At10:20。 B。 At10:40。 c。 At20:10。 ( )6.What wasthe boy’ s Father doing? A。 He was readimg newspapers。 B。 He was wor】 k1∶ Ⅱg。 C。 He was watchiⅡ g⒒ ( )7.HOw much money hasthe p1η 刂ect got? A。 MOre than500,o00yuam。 B。 More than15,500,000yuaⅡ 。 C。 More than50,150,000yuan。 ( )8.What are they talⅡ Ⅱg abou` A。 The morniⅡ g。 B。 Reading。 c。 LearⅡ iⅡ g EⅡ gl、 h。 ( )9.What can we learm From the dialogue? A。 The man talked to a v、 itorJust now。 B。 The womaⅡ tOId the visitor the way to the bus stop。 C。 The wO111an didn’ t how the way to the busstop。 ( )10.What would the woman Ⅱke? A。 An apple。 B。 An oraⅡ ge。 C。 A baⅡ ana。 ( )I1.What wiⅡ the man do? , A。 smoke again。 B。 stop smoⅡ ng。 C。 Go臼 shiog。 ( )12。 Who has brown hair? A。 Anna。 B。 Anna、 fatheL C。 Anna’ s【 mothe⒒ ( )13。 Why doesn’ tthe man waⅡ t more cakes? A。 Because he is hIl。 B。 Because he doesm’ t Ⅱke cakes。 C。 Because he wants to eat some bread。 ( )14。 Where wi"the beach party be? A。 By the trees。 B。 By the boats。 C。 At the comee sh。 p. 九年级英语 第2页 (共 12页 ) C。 听下面长对话或独白。每段长对话或独白后都有几个问题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C三 个选项中选出最佳选项。 听下面一段材料,回 答第15至 第17题 。 ( )15.VVhy is John so excited? A。 Because he wil1go For a trip next Friday。 B。 Because he wi"go to dinner with his Friends next week C。 Because he wiⅡ go to see his parents Ⅱext week。 ( )16.Whereis John going next week? A。 Hong Kong。 B。 The UsA。 C。 England。 ( )17.When is John going to Ieave? A。 On June29。 B。 On July29。 C。 On Ju】y19。 听下面一段材料,回 答第18至 第20题 。 ( )18.What doesthe game help you to do? A。 Tolearn Eng】 ish。 B。 Todo my h① 口neWork C。 To answer questions。 ( )19.What does the game begin with? A。 A Ⅱtt】 e boy playing computer games。 B。 A Ⅱttle girl sitting in the classroom。 C。 A Ⅱttle boy dreaⅡ ling on the grass。 ( )20.Where can we getthe game? A。 In a history book。 B。 Atthe po】 ice stationP C。 Om the111arket。 . 得 分 评阅人 H.单项填空(本 大题共⒛小题,每 小题1分 ,共 ⒛分)从 下 列每小题所给的A、 B、 C、 D四 个选项中,选 出可以填入空白 处的最佳选项。 ( ) 21. The kitchen is always most crowded room in our house. A。 the B。 a C。 不填 D。 an ( ) Z2.'tile often do physics ----- in the science museum. A. rnachines li. gr"ound C. experiments D. environment 九年级英语 第 3页 (共 12页 ) ( )23.I don’ t Ⅱ ke_____bike。 I like_____。 A。 me;your B。 my;your C。 me;yours D。 my;yours ( )24.-Jac△ can you swim_____— the Ⅱ ver? ˉˉ I don’ t think I can。 It’ s too Wide。 A。 betweeⅡ B。 through C。 across D。 over ( )25.We~_ˉ ~ˉ ~the Festiva】 since the Ⅱ rst pioneers arriˇ ed in America。 A。 celebrate B。 ceIebrated C。 have celebrated D。 to celebrate ( )26.NormaⅡ Bethune~ˉ ˉ ~ˉ __Chinese peopIe iⅡ the World War II。 A。 d℃d oF B。 d℃d for C。 FeⅡ away D。 on buJness ( )27.一 Could I invite my FrieⅡ ds to the pa“ y? ˉˉ Yes,oF course you~___。 A。 Ⅱ eed B。 could C。 must D。 can ( )28.PIease~your home work beFore the secoⅡ d class。 A。 compare with B。 try in C。 hand iⅡ D。 try out ( )29.-ˉ You didn’ t answer1ny phoⅡ e yesterday。 ˉ -oh,I~ˉ ˉ ~ˉ ˉ ~cloth0s at that ti1ne。 A。 wash B。 washed C。 is washing D。 was washing ( )30.Now,everybody,p】 ease turn to Page~____— —— and look atthe~____— —— picture。 A。 FiFth;Ⅱve B。 Five;Ⅱ Fth C。 FiFth;ⅡFth D。 Five;臼 ve ( )31.-ˉ We’ ll go for a picⅡ ic iFit___ˉ ~ˉ this sunday。 ˉ ˉ Wish you a lovely weekend。 A。 rain B。 doesn’ t rain C。 won’ t raiⅡ D。 rains ( )m。 whatever she does,she n£ er___。 A。 on business B。 oⅡ ce again C。 gives up D。 Fa】 Is away ( )33.We ate rice and Ⅱsh yesterday and we ate noodIes 。 A。 as Far as B。 as soon as C。 asIong as D。 as weIl ( )34.No shoutiⅡ g,p】 ease!It’ s~ˉ ~ˉ ~the ruIes。 A。 with B。 without C。 against D。 by ( )35.At that time,there were Few doctors,~___he had to work very hard on his own。 A。 beCause B。 so C。 though D。 but ( )36.He came to China~____the Chinese people and died For them。 A。 to help B。 help C。 heIping D。 he】 ps 九年级英语 第4页 (共 12页 ) ) 37. Mr. Li is A. very ) 38, Have you heard of the story? It A。 Iooks B. tastes ) 39. - Could you tell me - Talking about festivals. A. what are they doing C. where they are going A. I agree with you C. That's OK taller than my father. B. much C. too D。 so funny and interesting. C. smells D. sounds B. what they are doing D. where are they going B. It doesn't matter D. It's Yery kind of you ) 40. - Do you think teachers are one of the most hard-working persons in the world? 得 分 评阅人 lH.完 形填空 (本 大题共10小题,每 小题1分 ,共 10分 ) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Welcome to the most frhndIy museum h LoⅡ don。 In most museums,there、 no 41 aⅡ d no ΓunⅡimg,aⅡ d you must not touch 42 。It is noisy!People talk about what they can see and do here,aⅡ d there are some very noky Illachines 43 。IF you want answers to aⅡ your questions about scieⅡ Ce,this is the right place 44 vou。 YOu can learn about coⅡ ⅡmuniCations and the envimnmeⅡ t as wel1as math,physics and Chemistry。 For exampIe,you can ⅡⅡd out how peop】 e dig coald某 )From the 45 aⅡ d use it to create emergy。 AⅡ d in`Ⅱ e ro° Ⅱl they eveⅡ exp】 ain how Xˉ rays let you see inside 46 body。 The Launchpad 47 the third noor is the most popuIar ro① m。 For example, 48 you wantto Ⅱ】l a bag with sand,you have to contro1 49 Ⅱnd oFtruck(卡 车)on wheeIs and Ⅱmove it iⅡto the correct place,You caⅡ also Ⅱ nd out 50 people travelinto spaCe and back aga1n。 ( ) 41. A. shout ( ) 42.A. anything ( ) 43. A. of course ( ) 44.A.to ( ) 45. A. space B。 to shout B。 nothing B。 pIeⅡ ty oF B。 For B。 pIace 九年级英语 第5页 C. shouting C. something C. as well as C. between C. ground (-rt 12 m) D. shouted D. anybody D. as well D. at D. museum ( ) 46. A. you B. yourself C. yours D. your ( ) 47. A. on B. at C. in D. for ( ) 48. A. if B. or C. after D. though ( )49.4.a B.the C. I D.an ( ) 50. A. where B. how C. what D. who 得 分 评阅人 lV。 阅读理解(本大题共15小 题;51~ω 小题,每 小题2分 :61~ “小题,每 小题1分;共 zs分 ) 阅读下面的材料,从每小题所给的A、 B、 C、 D四 个选项中选出最佳选项。 A PeopIe are busy wor】 ‖1img eVery day,so they do not have enough ti1me to do exercise。 As a result,maⅡ y people become too Fat or too thiⅡ 。To keep our bodies healthy,we have to do exerc1ses every day。 There are maⅡ y ⅡⅡds oFexeroses。 Bending(弯 腰 )and stretching(伸 展 )helps us move easⅡ y。 BeFore we play ba"games or swiⅡ l,it is better For us to do bemding and stretchiⅡ g exercises Ⅱrst。 This lond of exercise is something ca"ed warmˉ up exercise。 Running is also a good exercise。 IF we cannot run Fas△ we can Jog。 Jogging means ruⅡ ming slowly。 AgaiⅡ ,beFore we ruⅡ orjog,We must do warmoup exercise。 Also,we shouId mot run orJog iⅡ busy streets。 The air there is oFten dirty。 some people like weight liFting because it can make their bodies strong。 Also, we need to do warmˉ up exercise beFore 户 weight ⅡFting。 、 ( )51。 ~___ˉ — — — IⅡ akes lnamy people too fat or too thin。 · A。 Doing more exercise B。 Reading at home C。 HaviⅡ g mo thme to d① exercise D。 EatiⅡ g or drinⅡ ng too1nuch ( )52.BeFore we play ball games,we must~ Ⅱrst。 A。 sw1m B。 ruⅡ C,jog D。 do warmˉ up exercise ( )53.~沁 called warmˉ up exercise。 A。 Bending and stretchimg B。 PIaying baⅡ games C。 Weight ⅡFtiⅡg D。 swi■mn1ing 九年级英语 第6页 (共 12页 ) )54.Which oFthe FoⅡ owing sentencesis HGHT according to the passage? A。 Jogging1neans runniⅡ g quickly。 B。 Weight ⅡFtiⅡg can help us l11ove easⅡ y。 C。 Busy streets are Ⅱot good places fbr running。 D。 There are Four londs oF exercise iⅡ the passage。 ∶ )55· Why do so■ me peop】e like weight ⅡFting? A。 Because it can【 uake them thin。 B。 Because it CaⅡ :Ⅱake their bodies strong。 C。 Becauseit can make them work welI。 D。 Because they doⅡ ’t like other exercises。 B LOng,Iomg ago there was a very FooⅡ sh thie∴ Do you kⅡ ow what he did one day? VVheⅡ he waⅡ ted to steal(偷 )the beⅡ on his Ⅱeighbour’ s door,he walked up to the door, took hold oFthe bel1and puⅡ ed hard。 The be1II△ ade a very loud noise。 The thieF was afraid and weⅡ t home。 TheⅡ he sat dowⅡ to thiⅡ △ “I1Ⅱ ust do somethiⅡ g about the noise`’ he said。 He thought and thought。 AtIast he had aⅡ idea。 “Ah,I’ ll put some Cotton in my ears。 It is saFe For1Ⅱ e, and I woⅡ ’t be able to hear the noise。 ” ∶rhe next day he went to the door oF his neighbour, and took hold oF the beⅡ 。This ti:me he puⅡ ed even harde⒒ The beⅡ rang loudly,but the thieF did not hear anything。 With another hard puⅡ he got the beⅡ out。 Just theⅡ the neighbour came running out。 “steal my be"?I△ 1te犭rh you a Iesson`’ the aⅡ gry:nan shouted。 And he hit the thief on the nose。 The FooⅡsh thief did Ⅱot know how the neighbour FouⅡ d out he was steaⅡ ng the be11。 Why did he come outjustthen?” he wondered。 ( ) 56. The thief was trYing to get A. his neighbour C. some cotton B. his neighbour's doorbell D. a door with a bell on it ) 57. The thief put some cotton in to steal the doorbell. his ears. He thought it would be B。 diⅢ cult C。 dangerous 九年级英语 第7页 (共 12页 ) A. safe D. easy For him ( )58· The meighbour raⅡ out probabIy because 。 A。 he kⅡ ew his doorbe11was beimg stolen B。 he thought sO111eone was eager(犭 盎 )to visit hhm C。 he reaⅡzed something straⅡ ge happened D。 BOth B and C ( )59.The Ⅱeighbour hit the thiefto 。 A。 give hi1Ⅱ lessoⅡs B。 praise hiIⅡ For steaⅡ Ⅱg C。 help hi1n with the beⅡ D。 be his teacher ( )60· Which oFthe FollowiⅡ g、 TRUE? A。 The thieF understood why he was hit on the nose。 B。 The thieF kⅡ ew why the neighbour came out。 C。 The thieFthought the Ⅱeighbour couldⅡ ’t hear the Ⅱoise the beⅡ ■made。 D。 The thieF didⅡ ’t waⅡ tto kⅡ ow why the Ⅱeighbour ram out。 C Jim was a write⒒ He liked to grow Ⅱowers in h、 garden when he was Free。 Ome sunday morⅡ iⅡg aFter breakfast,he put oⅡ his old Clothes aⅡ d begaⅡ diggiⅡ g(挖 )in his gardeⅡ at8。 He dug and dug。 Half an hour Iater,he suddeⅡ ly1ouⅡ d a CoiⅡ Ⅱear his£ oot。 He was very glad。 He put it iⅡ his right pocket。 A Fe、〃 ⅡⅡnutes Iater,he FouⅡ d aⅡ other one。 He picked it up and putitiⅡ the same pocket。 The same thing happened1or the third ti:me,the Fou“h and the ⅡFth ti1me。 ¨He was very happy aⅡ d told his wⅡ ℃about it。 she was very happy,too。 she said,‘ sA thieF took away a Iot oF coins From a shjp a Few days ago。 The poⅡ ce caught hi1m butthey didⅡ ’tr1Ⅱd any Coins。 ” Then Jim weⅡ t om digging some more coins,but Just when he begaⅡ to dig,he FeⅡ something cdd h his tmusers。 It宀 m dowⅡ one of"s℃ gs。 He put h、 hand down q“ cⅡ y and the coin came into his haⅡ d。 Now he knew there was a holein his pocket。 ( )61.What did Jim Ⅱke to do when he was free? A。 growiⅡ g Ⅱowers B。 d廴聂歹ng coins C。 taⅡong with his Ⅵ'ife D。 p:anging trees ( )62.When did JilⅡ Ⅱnd a coiⅡ in his garden? A。 At8:00。 B.Between8:30amd9:00。 C。 At9:30。 D.At about10:00。 ( )63.“ He toId h“ wiFe about it。 ”‘‘ it’ ’refers to 。 A。 the poⅡ cemaⅡ caught a th∶ eF B。 he found money in his garden C,the coiⅡ s of shop D。 the hole in h∶ s trousers 九年级英语 第8页 (共 12页 ) 第Ⅱ卷 注意事项: 1。 用黑色字迹的签字笔将答案写在“答题卡”上。 2.本 卷共四大题,共 佣分。 得 分 评阅人 V丨 .完 成句子(本 大题共5小题,每 小题2分 ,共 10分 ) 根据所给中文意思完成句子,每 空限填一词。 71.孩 子们昨天在博物馆玩的非常高兴! Children in the Ⅱmuseum last night。 ”。我已准备好,随 时为人民而献身。 I’ Ⅱl ready to____— — pe。 p】 e at any thne。 ,s。 在你回家之前,记 得给我发一条短信。 Remember to send lne a beFore you go home。 "。 我把零花钱交给妈妈保管。 I gave lny__ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ -ˉ — t° Imy mum。 石。在博物馆里,你 可以尝试自己的新想法。 In thc lmuseunl,you can _your new ideas。 得 分 评阅人 Vll.任 务型阅读 (本 大题共5小题,每 小题1分 ,共 5分 ) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成句子。 Florence№ ghtiⅡga】 e(南 丁格尔)was born in1taˇ on May12th,1820。 she was from a rich fall】 ily。 WheⅡ she was24,she toId her parents she wanted to be a nurse。 But they didn’ tlike that Ⅱea。 Nurses were not wel】 respected(尊 重)atthat Ⅱme。 The Family had lots of【noney,so they thought it1″ ould bc better iF she didn’ t work。 But Nightingale\went0血 with her dream。 she weⅡ t to Germany to learn to be a nurse。 There were no nursing schooIs at that ti1ne。 she had to learn by practicing。 D1Iring a warin I854,NightingaIe and a teaⅡ l of38nurses fr· om Eng】 and wentto care 九年级英语 第10页 (共 12页 ) ) 64. There was a hole in A. his pockets C. his right pocket A. Five. C. No coins at all. B. his left pocket D. the wall of the garden 得 分 评阅人 ) 65. How many coins did Jim dig from the garden? B. Many coins. D. Only one V.补 全对话 (本 大题共5小题,每 小题1分 ,共 5分 ) 根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。(选项中有两项是多余的 ) A. But how do I deal with the words I don't understand? B. Ihopelcan. C. I'rn having trouble learning English. D. I failed my maths test. E. Well, be patient. It takes tirne. F. What's your problem? G. But I'm a very slow reader. W: You look worried, David. What's wrong? M: 66 W: You said you liked English. 67 M: I find it difficult to do English reading, especially reading a longer passage. W: That doesn't sound too bad.2 M: 68 What shouId I do? 11`;厂 :Just read quickIy to get the lnain idea at Ⅱrst。 Don’ tread word by word。 Read word groups。 M: 69 W: To guess a word's meaning by reading the sentences before and after it. you probabl.y understand more than you thinlc M: That sounds difficult. W: 70 You can improve your English reading by more practice. The more you read, the faster you'll be. M: I'll try. Thank you, Mrs Black 九年级英语 第 9页 (共 12页 ) For so】 d℃ rs near△ rkey(土 ∶ =旁 志)。 she w① rked hard day and night。 The soldiers】 oved her very much。 In1860,aFter the war,she opened the「 1rst nursing school。 she also worked to make hospitaIs better aⅡ d lnake ru∶ es for nurses。 she died∶ n1910in】 London,EngIand。 Her birthday became ⅠnternationaI Nurses Day in1974。 根据上面短文内容填空。 76.Florence Nightingale was born iⅡ Italy on May12th,~___ˉ ~· 77.she told her parents she waⅡ ted to be a nurse at the age oF~~ˉ ~~_。 78。 she wentto to】 earn to be a nurse。 79. Because she worked hard day and night, the soldiers - her very much. 80. In 1860, after the war, she opened the first -.得 分 评阅人 VI H.综合填空(本 大题共10小题,每 小题1分 ,共 10分 ) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填 写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。 our new neighbors are the Browns。 They have two c__~__— —— (:1),a boy and a g:rl。 The boy is Jack and the girIis AⅡ ce。 Jack is11,and he is one year o____~_(82)than me。 AⅡ ce amd n1y sister NaⅡ cy are8years OId。 At weekeⅡ ds,Namcy and I like to go to pIay with AⅡ ce and Jack Both Jack and I really e刂 oy p_____rsω computer games。 sometim“ the JrlsJo∶ n us,but the games they e刂 oy are d____【 g4)F"油 the。 nes we like。 Thereis a big park near our house。 somethmes,when the weatheris「 1ne,the Four of us wⅡ l go For bike rides there。 We oFten stop at the huge playground to have some fun。 Jack and I】 ~___~— —(:5)to pIay basketbaⅡ ,but the gir】 sp______— (:6)to sing and daⅡ ce。 our faⅡ liⅡ es oFten have dinner t ~(87).On some days,they come over to our house and o~_____(::)the other days,we go overto t~(:9)· Mr BrowⅡ and his w盹 cook reaⅡ y w___ˉ _— — (90). Nancy and I are very glad to have the Browms next doo⒈ It° s great to have Friends living so nea∴ 九年级英语 第 11页 (共 12页 ) 得 分 评阅人 lX.书 面表达 (本 大题共15分 ) 91。 假设你在报社的“答疑解惑”栏目组工作,有 一个学生%m向 你寻求如何学好英语的 建议。请你用以下要点为依据,给他写一封回信。 要点: 1.课 上认真听讲,并经常与老师用英语交流。 2.课下多做练习题,并利用电脑多练习发音。 3。 利用课余时间,到 公园的英语角,找 到一些同学或外国人交谈。 4.不 要怕说错,要 敢于尝试。 提示词:交 流 communicate耐 th。 ¨ 练习发音 practise speaⅡ ng 课余时间spare time 外国人 Foreigner 英语角Eng】 ish Corner 要求: (1)词 数 :80~IO0个 。 (2)开 头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 (3)要 点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。 Dear ToⅡ l,I’ 1m glad to hear FroⅡ 1you。 You asked1me how to Iearn lEngⅡ sh weⅡ 。Here is some adv■ ce。 九年级英语 第 12页 (共 12页 ) 1 蓟州区 2018-2019 学年度第一学期期中考试 九年级英语参考答案 一、听力理解(本大题共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分) 01—05 ABABA 06—10 ABCCB 11—15 BCAAA 16—20 CBACC 二、单项填空(本大题共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分) 21—25 ACDCC 26—30 BDCDB 31—35 BCDCB 36—40 ABDBA 三、完形填空(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 41-45 CADBC 46-50 DAAAB 四、阅读理解(本大题共 15 小题;51~60 小题,每小题 2 分;61~65 小题,每小题 1 分;共 25 分) 51~55CDACB 56-60BADAC 61—65 ABBCD 五、补全对话(本大题共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 66~70 CFGAE 六、完成句子(本大题共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 71. had fun/ enjoyed themselves 72. die for 73.text message 74. pocket money 75. try out 七、任务型阅读(本大题共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 76. 1820 77. 24 78. Germany 79.loved 80. nursing school 八、综合填空(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 81. children 82. older 83. playing 84. different 85. like 86. prefer 87. together 88. on 89. theirs 90. Well/wonderfully 九、书面表达(本大题共 15 分)(One possible version) Dear Tom, I’m glad to hear from you. You asked me how to learn English well. Here is some advice. First, you should listen to the teacher carefully in class, and communicate with your teacher as often as possible. Second, I advise you to do more exercise after class, and practice your pronunciation with the help of the computer; furthermore, you can go to the English Corner, and chat with foreigners. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, because no one can make it perfect without practicing. All in all, It’s better to practice English whenever you can.

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