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得 分 评阅人 蓟州区⒛18~⒛19学 年度第一学期质量调查 第I卷 1.听 力理解(共 zO小 题,每小题1分 ,共 ⒛分) A。 在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的A、 B、 C三 幅图画。找出 与你所听句子内容相匹配的图画。 B 八年级英语 第1页 (共 12页 ) ( )1. ( )2. ( )3. '` A C 八年级英语 题 号 I IV V VI VⅡ VIII IX 总 分 得 分 A B C C ( )4. B。 下面你将听到十组对话,每 组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的A、 B、 C三 个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。 ( )5.When is Anna going to the concert? A。 This morning。 B。 This aFternoon。 C。 This evening。 ( )6.What doesthe woman Ⅱke? A。 BasebaⅡ 。 B。 Tennis。 c。 Basketba"。 ( )7.Why was Lily’ s trip not very good? A。 It was windy。 B。 It was hot。 c。 It was rainy。 ( )8.How much should Li Ying pay For her video tapes? A。 10doⅡ ars。 B。 10yuan。 C。 5dollars。 ( )9.How many boys arethereiⅡ MIrs Wh⒒ e’ s cIass? A。 45。 B。 25。 C。 2o。 ( )10.How oFteⅡ does sal】 y eatjunk Food? A。 Neve⒒ B。 Always。 C。 sometimes。 ( )11.What does ROse usuaⅡ y do to spend the weekends? ^ A。 Go shopping。 B。 Do soⅡ 1e cleaning。 C。 Play ga1r1es with friends。 ( )12.Where’ s the1nam goiⅡ g? A。 To the bank B。 To hospital。 C。 To the zoo。 ( )13.Which is the cheapest cinema in the town? A。 Town Cinema。 , B。 Movie Palace。 C。 show“ me Cinellla。 ( )14.What aⅡ hnaIs do the chⅡ dren】 ike best? A。 Monkeys。 B。 Do】 phins。 C。 E】 ephants。 C。 听下面长对话或独白。每段长对话或独白后都有几个问题,从 题中所给的A、 B、 C二 选项中选出最佳选项。 请听下面一段材料,回 答第16至 第17题 。 ( )15.What does sue work For? A。 For the government。 B。 FOr a company。 C。 For hersel∴ 八年级英语 第 2页 (共 12页 ) ( )16· Who’s Peter? A。 Mary’ s class■mate。 B。 Mary’ s brothe⒒ C。 Mary’ s neighbo⒒ ( )Ⅱ 7.Where、 Peter nOw? A。 Im America。 B。 In Europe。 C。 In Asia。 请听下面一段材料,回 答第18至 第zO小 题。 ( )18· Whatis PauPs favor⒒ e sport? A。 TeⅡ ni,;。 B。 VOIIeybal1。 C。 BasketbaⅡ 。 ( )19.Where does Paul oFten go on weekends? A。 To the couⅡ tryside。 B。 To the park C。 To the zoo。 ( )20· When can Paul watch t`/aFter school on schooldays? A。 Right after he plays sports。 B。 AFter he has Ⅱnlshed his ho111eWork C。 BeFore doⅡ ng his homework 得 分 评阅人 H.单项选择(共 ⒛小题,每小题1分 ,共 20分 ) ( )21.They drank tea and watched~ˉ ˉˉ~~opera at the tea house yesterday aFternooⅡ 。 A。 a B。 aⅡ C。 the D。 不填 ( )22.-ˉ Betty is the best studeⅡ t in your class。 ˉˉThat’ s right。 And she does her homework in our class。 A。 more Carelessly B。 口nore CareFully C。 most careFuⅡ y D。 "nost CareIessIy ( )23· It’ sten o’ clock mow。 Everyone goes to sleep~_ˉ ~ˉ ~ˉ ˉ DaVid。 A。 £ro1m B。 Ⅱ ke C。 except D。 without ( )叨 .I have___硫 ney and I can hdp you。 A。 plenty oF B。 plenty C。 a Few D。 Few ( )25.-ˉ LiⅡ da often______to hdp her dass111ates w⒒ h their EngIish。 _How I山 d she is! A。 forgets B。 learns C。 oⅡ ers D。 starts ( )26.Mr Wang told Bi1l¨ _____— —ˉⅡre。 It’ s dangerous。 A。 play B。 not play C。 to pIay D。 not to pIay ( )27.zhou Yang_______ˉ t° her home town with her parents Ⅱ ve years ago。 A。 returns B。 Ⅵ `iⅡ return C。 is returniⅡ g D。 returⅡ ed ( )28.Alice gets up earIy every:norning~ˉ ˉin the park。 A。 to run B。 run C。 runⅡ ing D。 runs 八年级英语 第3页 (共 12页 ) ( ) 29. Shenzhen was very small about thirty years ago, but it is __ bigger now. A. more B. much C. very D. quite ()30.Theru|erisas-asthatone.[wi||buyoneofthem. A. younger B. young C. longer D. long ( ) 31. The population of Shanghai is than of Tianjin. A. more; that B. more; it C. larger; that D. larger; it ( ) 32. People all over the world love pandas and the panda has become a _ of China. A. symbol B. situation C. baby D. scientist ( ) 33. --, Bob? -It has 5.2 million people. A. Where is your home town B. What's the weather like in the city C. How old is your home town D. What's the population of the city ( ) 34. Playing table tennis is than swimming. A. exciting B. more exciting C. Careful D. more careful ( )35.-ˉ ________is the sCore ofthe basketba"lⅡ atCh? - 22 to 18. A. How B. What C. How much D. How many ( )36.susan Ⅱ kes____ footbaⅡ matches on TⅥ A. watch B. watching C. watches D. to watcht( ) 37. [t's irnportant . English well. Do you think so? A. to learn B. learn C. learning D. learns ( ) 38. You must go now you won't be late. A. so that B. so C. because Il. when ( ) 39. The girls'800-metre race will start in 20 minutes. The students have time to A. get up B. warm up C. hurry up D. stand up ( ) 40.-How was your weekend, Susan? A。 Good idea! B。 Pretty good! C。 sorry。 D。 I’ m 八年级英语 第4页 (共 12页 ) 得 分 评阅人 lH.完 形填空(共 10小题,每 小题1分 ,共 10分 ) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Many students ask For(41)~_ˉ ____about how to improVe their]EngⅡ sh。 Here are three basic questions。 The Ⅱrst question is about understanding EngⅡ sh Ⅱhns and songs。 Lihao From Hubei wrote,‘ ‘Ie■11ioy watching Ⅱl111s aⅡ d Ⅱstening to reaI Eng】 ish songs,but it takes a Iong tillle。 What do you think?” WatChing ⅡlIⅡ s and Ⅱstening to songs (42)~ˉ ˉˉˉˉˉˉˉ great ways to learn EngⅡ sh! Watch and listen severa】 ti:nes,amd guess the meaⅡ ing oF the new words。 Each ti1ne you Ⅵ/i1l learⅡ (43)______ˉ ·I aIso advise you to ta】 k aboutthe Ⅱhms or songs with your Friends。 The second question is about spea⒒ Jng。 、Vang Fan froⅡ l JⅡ in wrote,‘ ‘Our school has a teacher From the Us。 Iam⒁ 0【 and I am afraid to speak to her. What should I do?" You can sayr"Hello! How are you? Do you like China?" These are good questions (45)-aconYersation.Manypeop|eareshywhentheyspeakEng|ish'so(46)- youbegin,YoUshou|dsmi|e(47)-her!Rememberthis:Don'tbeshy.Justtry! The third question is about vocabulary. Zhang Lei from Anhui wrote, I write down new\ryords,butIforgetthem(48)-.HowcanIrememberthem? Don'tworry.(49)-isnatura|toforgetnewwords!Isuggestyouwritefouror fivewordsadayonpiecesofpaperandp|acetheminyourroom.(50)-thewords when you see them, and try to use them. ( ) 41. A. advices B. advice ( ) 42. A. are B. il ( ) 43. A. new something C. anything new ( ) 44. A. worried B. shy ( ) 45. A. start B. to start ( ) 46. A. before B. after ( ) 47.4. to B. at ( ) 48. A. quick B. quickly ( ) 49. A. That B. This ( ) 50. A. Reading B. Read C。 suggestion C。 was B。 sO111ething new D。 new anythiⅡg C。 happy C。 starting C。 when C。 with C。 Fast C。 It C。 To read 第5页 (共 12页 ) D. suggest D. were D。 po】 ite D。 started D。 untⅡ D。 For D。 s】 ow D。 They D。 Reads 八年级英语 得 分 评阅人 lV.阅 读 理 解 。 (本 大 题 共 15`J、 题 ;51~sO`J、 题 ,每 小 题 2分 ; 61~ss`J、 题 ,每 小 题 1分 ;共 25分 ) 阅读下面的材料,从每小题所给的A、 B、 C、 D四 个选项中选出最佳选项。 A 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 ( )51.When does PauI play badⅡ liⅡ ton? A。 Every Ⅱmorning。 B。 Every aFternoon。 D。 On the weekend。C。 Every even【 ng。 ( )52.Where does PhⅡ come From。 , D。 The Us。nd∶ C。 Thailand。A。 China。 B。 Engla ( )53.How does Toby stay healthy? B。 By pIaying footbaⅡ 。A。 By swⅡ mm1ng。 D。 By pIaying tab】 e teⅡ n【 s。C。 By doing1martiaI arts。 ( )54.Who Iikes tO watch swimming? D。 Paul。C。 △bby.B。 Ph"。A。 Pete⒒ ( )55.Which oFthe Fo】 Iowing is TRUE according to the materiaI(利 |冰斗)? A。 Toby began to】 earn table teⅡ nis、vhen he was a young boy。 B。 Peter doesn’ t Ⅱke ta"ong about sports with his n· iends。 C。 PhⅡ and Peter come From the same country。 D。 Pau】 ’s Favourite sport is basketbaⅡ 。 八年级英语 第6页 (共 12页 ) I'm Paul. I come from the US. for about thirty minutes eYery is funnv. My favourite sport is badminton(*I€I*). I play badrnintorr evening. My favourite sport to watch is basketball. I think it My name is Phil. I'm from England. My favourite sport is football. I am a very big fan of a small team in England. I go to watch them play every weekend. I'rn Toby. I come from China. My favourite sport is martial arts(fr^). I began to learn martial arts when I was a little boy. Now it is still my way to stay healthy. I usually do martial arts in the morning. And my favourite sport to watch is table tennis. I enjoy watching it a lot. My Ⅱame is Pete⒒ I’ 1n from ThaⅡ and。 I don’ t like sports。 I don’ t like FootbaⅡ 。I don’ t like basketball。 I don’ t lke tenⅡ 、or basebaIl(弗 奉珂t)。 I Feel bored when my饣 iends talk about sports。 IF I say,‘ ‘Come on。 YOu don’ !want to do anything else?’ ’ they wⅡ l always answer, ‘6No,We on】 y want to talk about spo"s。 ”lBut:my favourite sport to watch is swiⅡ Ⅱming。 I love to watCh swiⅡ "niⅡ g on TV。 B In the class, Mrs Johnson asked the students to colour a Ⅱon, but Jon thought ‘‘Co】 ouring is not1Ⅱ y favourite thiⅡ g to do`’ thought JoⅡ 。 “I want to draw something, not colour something'’ thought Jon。 Jon was a good artistf画 易勋 。He Ⅱked drawing and he drew very wdl。 . Most ofthe Iods e刂 oyed this,amd they coloured the lion happⅡ y。 ‘‘Maybe Ican draw a tiger Ⅱrst,” thought Jon。 “aⅡd theⅡ I can cOIour the lioⅡ when I Ⅱnish it。 ” 】He turned his paper over and started to draw the tige⒒ Mrs JohⅡ soⅡ Walked around the cIassroom。 Jon heard her get c】 oser to his desk and theⅡ stop。 He Iooked up at her slowly and expeCted(J明 盼 )an angry Iook Jon usually followed dⅡ ection《 指历向。He was worried wheⅡ she looked at h、 pape⒒ “Jon,what is this?” asked Mrs Johnson。 “It’ s a picture oF a tiger,” answerα I JoⅡ 。 Jon tried to think oF what to teⅡ 。But Mrs Johnson took Jon’ s paper and said,“ C)lass, please stop what you are doiⅡ g`’ “she is going to teⅡ the class I didn’ t FoⅡ ow directions`’ thought Jon。 “JoⅡ has a very iⅡ terestiⅡ g picture`’ Mrs Johnson said exCitedly。 ‘‘It’ s oF a tige⒒ ” To Jon,she said,“ Jon,I didn’ t know you were such a great artist。 This is wonderfuⅡ ” Mrs JohⅡ son humg(茔 圭)the picture oF the tiger oⅡ the WaⅡ ,and Jon FeIt happy and relaxed。 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 ( )56.Mrs Johnson asked the students t① ~ in the C】 ass。 A。 hang a picture , :· c° lour a】 ioⅡ C。 draw aⅡ anhna】 、 D。 Ⅱsten to her careFully ( )57.Jon decided to~_______ˉ Ⅱrstin Mrs Johnson’ s class。 A。 draw a tiger B。 Ⅱnish his homework C。 talk with the teacher D。 share his ideas with his CIass1mates ( )58· When Mrs Johnson looked atJon’ s paper,he was worried because he didn’ t A。 draw weIl B.give it to her C。 Ⅱnish it on ti1ne D。 follow her directions ( )59.Mrs Johnson was~______ˉ when she showed Jon’ s picture to the cIass。 A。 bored B。 tired C。 excited D。 reIaxed 八年级英语 第7页 (共 12页 ) ( )60.Whkh oFthe folIowing is TRUE according to the passage? A。 Mrs Johnson put Jon’ s picture on his desk in the end。 B。 Mrs JohnsoⅡ thought Jon’ s picture was interesting。 C。 Jon was famous for his pictures at sChool, D。 Jon】 iked colouring better than drawing。 C owls(猫 头鹰)live“ almost every country in the world。 Most oWIs don’ t deep at night。 When they Ⅱy,you can hardly hear them。 They are very qu№ t。 Owls are good at hunting(猎 食)。 They eat a lot oFthiⅡ gs such as mke,sⅡ akes,smaII birds and even Ⅱsh。 Owls have very good heariⅡ g。 That helps theI11to hunt WeⅡ iⅡ dark places。 Their eyes are specia】 。BOth oF their eyes Face Front。 They can see very Far away。 There are FaciaI dsks(面 盘)around their eyes。 These Facial disks can heIp with their hearing。 OWIs Can turn their heads270° 。That he】 ps the111see what’ s going on aⅡ around them。 Maybe because owls look a】 ittle direrent and have special ⅡFe habits(习 惯 ),there are a lot oF stories about them。 some cu】 tures beⅡ eve that owIs are very cIever and some cu"ures thiⅡ k owls1Ⅱ ay bring bad luck to people。 HOweVer,owls are reaⅡ y good Friends oF people。 They eat lots of1nice every yea⒒ That helps save a lot of food For people。 However, the number oF owIs in the wor】 d is becoⅡ ling smaⅡ er and smaⅡ er because oF peop】 e’ s activities。 Now owls are protected by Iaw(受 法律保护)in many places oF the world。 For example,in some places,people can’ t keep an owlas a pet(宠 物 )时 home. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 ( )⒍ ·We can℃ arn that~__TeNoT° wls’ food From the passage。 A. mice B。 snakes C。 Ⅱsh D. cats ( )62.Owls’ FaciaI d、 ks hdp them____。 A。 see far away C。 Ⅱy quhtly B. hear clearly D. turn their heads around ( ) 63. Why are there many stories about owls ' A. Because they look different and have special habits. B. Because they may bring bad luck to people' C. Because they are cleverer than other birds' D. Because they are protected by law. 八年级英语 第 8页 (共 12页 ) ( ) 64. Owls are friends of people because A. they protect people's home at night R. they can help save food for people C. they like to live close to people D. they are pets in many families ( ) 65. You may read this passage in a magazine of A. history B. art C. animals D. sports 得 分 评阅人 V。 补全对话。(本 大题共5小题,每小题1分 ,共 5分 ) 根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。(选 项中有两项是多余的) A:Hi,Du Lin。 “6) 。 B:I aⅡ l goiⅡg tO Hainan with my friends。 But I’ 1m motsure hoW to go there。 A:(67) It、 the Fastest way。 B:You are right。 But I think a plane trip is boring。 (68) . A:Then you can take a coach。 It is cheap,aⅡ d you can see cities and countries through the windows。 B: A coach ride wiⅡ be iⅡ teresting。 But you know, Hainan isn’ t c】 ose to our city。 (69) . A:WcDuⅡ you Ⅱke to go by t'h?It、 relaxing a11d comFortabh。 (TO,~M叩 be you’ l11nake some Friends。 B:That’ s really a good idea。 Thank you。 A. Shall we go on a trip to Hainan? B. Where are you going for the summer holidays? C. And the plane ticket is expensive. D. It will take too much time. E. You can walk and buy food and drinks on a train. F. Why not take a plane? G. I don't know how much a bus ticket is. 八年级英语 第 9页 (共 12页 ) 得 分 评阅人 第H卷 Vl。 完成句子 (本 大题共5小题,每 小题2分 ,共 10分 ) 根据所给中文意思完成句子,每 空限填一词。 71.在 错题的旁边写下正确答案是一个很好的办法。 It is a good idea to the correct answer next to the mistakes. 9z。 为了保护野生大熊猫,政府正在建造自然公园。 In order to protect pandasin the wⅡ d, the governmentis setting up~~ˉ ˉ¨—ˉ—— Ts。 我们都需要帮助动物们和平的住在一起。 Vˇ e aⅡ need to help aⅡ i1nals Iive together 90。 村应和农场不断扩大的同时也在带走动物们居住的土地和森林。 Villages and farms are growing bigger and are animals'land aⅡ d1orests。 9s。 粉丝们大声的为我们喝彩,我们更有信心赢得这场比赛。 The Fans us 】oudly and we Feel more conⅡ dentto win the game 得 分 评阅人 VH.任 务型阅读 (本 大题共5小题,每 小题1分 ,共 5分 ) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容和所给的提示信·息完成后面的表格。 Music is an art that ahnost everyone enJoys。 Everyone c予 n make sounds by siⅡ ging。 AⅡ over the world,many Ⅱ Ⅱds oF music developed(发 展 )as people Found out how to make sounds in diFferemt ways。 There are so■ many Ⅱ nds oFlnusic to hear that you can soon ⅡⅡd a Ⅱ nd that you like。 PeopIe can get aⅡ Ⅱnds oF FeeⅡ ngs by hearing:nusic。 【、刁【usic can Inake you march or dance,and it can make you FeeI happy or sad。 n汀ore than other arts,1nusic caⅡ arectu彩 :响 )your FeeliⅡ gs。 This、 why mu⒍ c、 so popuIa⒒ Every country has its own Ⅱ nd oFlnusic and many people Iike music。 But there are aIso people who e刂 oy classica】 lnusic and pop music。 With the help of the recorders and radios, the muJc沁 to spread(传 播)al】 c|verthe woHd。 八年级英语 第 10页 (共 12页 ) However, there are still great differences between the music of the west and that of the east. Many of the instruments are very different. 得 分 评阅人 VI H。 综合填空(本 大题共10小题,每小题1分 ,共 10分 ) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填 写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。 O。 Henry was a famous AmeHcan wHter oF short stories。 0。 Henry was Just a pen name。 H____【 81)reaI name was、 VⅡ Ⅱ am sydney Porte⒒ When he was a young boy,he didn9t go to s~ˉ ___ˉ ~(82) for 】ong because oF his poor faⅡ lily。 However, he tried to t (83)hi1nselF everythiⅡ g he needed to know。 W~⒅ 4)he was a乩 ut⒛ years oⅡ ,0。 Henry w ent to Austin,Texas。 There he tried d~_____ˉ ~ˉ(:5)jobs.He「 1rst worked For a ne巾 spaper,and then he had a job in a b~(:6)· Later he met some trouble(麻 烦)。 some money was missing(丢 失的)From the bank。 PeopIe thought o。 Henry take the money,s____(87)he was sent into prison(被 9之 羽生 业⒊犭犬 )。 D~ˉ _____— ˉ-(:8)the three years in prison,he learned to wr∶ te short stories。 AFter he got out of prison,he wemtto New York and went oⅡ w~ (89).MOst oF o。 Henry’ s stories are about New York and the Ⅱ fe oFthe poor there。 Peop】 el~____(90) his sto"es because most ofthem end with(以 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 结 尾 )iⅡteresσ ng changes。 Th:s makes the readers surpr1sed。 (76)_ is an art that almost eYeryone enjoys many knds oF musk devdoped(发 展 )as peop℃ Found out hoW to make(77,~iⅡ direrent ways。 The role of music It can make you march or dance, and it can make you feel (78)_or sad. The reason of being popular Music can a"ect(影 响)people’ s(79)_____ Spreading ways Recorders and (80)_ can help music to get evervwhere in the world. 八年级英语 第 11页 (共 12页 ) 得 分 评阅人 丨X.书 面表达(本 大题共15分 ) 91.上 周六你与朋友一起去长城游玩,请 以A Ⅵsitto The Great W创 】为题写一篇 日记。 I)你 的家乡是蓟州。 2)蓟 州区以长城而闻名。 3)上 周六,你 与朋友一起去了长城。 4)长 城古老而漂亮,但 是你看见一个男同学在城墙上写自己的名字。 5)你认为那样做是不对的,于 是跟那位男孩说,“ 不要那样做”那位男孩立刻停下来。 6)长城是文明古迹,我 们应该⋯⋯ 参考词汇: 蓟州区:Ji zhou Ⅱstrict 城墙∶waⅡ 立刻:at once 文明古迹:a pIace oF hterest 要 求 :(1)词 数 :gO~IO0个 。 (2)要 点齐全,行 文连贯,可适当发挥。 八年级英语 第 12页 (共 12页 ) 1 蓟州区 2018~2019 学年度第一学期期中练习题 八年级英语参考答案 01—05 BBACC 06—10 BCABA 11—15 BACAA 16—20 BCCAB 21—25 BCCAC 26—30 DDABD 31—35 CADBB 36—40 DAABB 41—45 BABBB 46—50 ABBCB 51—55 CBCAB 56—60 BADCB 61—65 DBABC 66—70 BFCDE 71. write down 72. nature parks 73. in peace 74. taking away 75. cheer on 76. music 77. sounds 78. happy 79. feeling 80. radios 81. His 82. school 83. teach 84. When 85. different 86. bank 87. so 88. During 89. writing 90. love/like 91.书面表达参考范文 My hometown is JiZhou District. It is famous for the Great Wall. I went to The Great Wall with my friends last Saturday. It is not only old but also very beautiful. But I saw a boy writing his name on the wall.I think It is not right to do that. So I said to the boy, “ Don’t do that!” The boy stops writing at once. As we all know,the Great Wall is a place of interest , it is our duty to protect it. We should try our best to make our hometown more and more beautiful.

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