Unit 3 A Healthy Life Language points教案(新人教版选修6)

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Unit ‎3 A Healthy Life Language points Teaching material ‎ NSEFC Book 6 —— Unit 3‎ Teaching Aims To learn some new words and phrases.‎ To master the main idea of each paragraph.‎ To learn some complicated sentence patterns.‎ Teaching Important Point How to help the students to master the usage of some useful words, expressions and sentences.‎ Teaching Difficult Point How to enable the students to grasp and remember the detailed information of the reading material.‎ Teaching Procedure Step1 Revision Match the words and expressions on the left to the explanations on the ‎ right. ‎ a. likes sth very much and wants to spend as much time doing it as possible b. because of ;owing to c. relating to the process of thinking d. machines can do work by themselves instead of people e. at last; in the end f. give up g. use your nose to notice or discover sth.‎ h. to succeed in doing sth.‎ i. be used to be due to ‎ be addicted to be accustomed to mentally automatically eventually manage quit smell Step 2 Language points ‎1. I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live.‎ due to因为;由…引起;由于 accidents due to driving at high speed ‎ Her illness was due to bad food. ‎ Her absence was due to the storm.‎ 知识拓展: 表示因果关系的单词和短语 because of 介词短语“因为” 较口语化 owing to 介词短语“因为” 较正式 thanks to 介词短语“因为”“多亏了”‎ as a result of 介词短语“因为”‎ 5‎ as a result 副词短语“因此”‎ on account of 介词短语 Because 从属连词“因为”表示所叙述的理由是本局的重点 as/since 从属连词“因为”表示理由是已知的, 而理由以外才是叙述的重点for 并列连词,不用于句首,置于第一分句之后,补充理由;第一分句表示推测时,用 for说明推测的依据。‎ therefore 副词 “因此”‎ so 并列连词 “因此”‎ The accident was ____ his careless driving.‎ due to     B. because ‎ C. because of D. Both A and C Key: D ‎2. I became addicted to cigarettes.‎ addict vt. (1)使沉溺; 嗜好(2)使...成瘾, 热衷于 addict oneself to 沉溺于, 醉心于 be addicted to 嗜好, 热衷 He became addicted to the drug. 他上了毒瘾。‎ The children are addicted to computer games. ‎ ‎(喻)孩子们对计算机游戏上了瘾。‎ addict n. (1) 上了瘾的人 ‎ film addict 电影迷 (2)吸毒者 This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed to having ‎ nicotine in it…‎ accustom v. vt. 使习惯于 be /get / become accustomed to 习惯于;适应于 ‎ accustom +n. /oneself +to 使自己习惯/适应于 其中to 为 介词 The boy has become accustomed to speaking English in public.‎ 那孩子已经习惯于在公众面前说英语了。‎ ‎ My eyes soon grew accustomed to the darkness. ‎ 我的眼睛很快适应了黑暗 。‎ They had to accustom themselves to the hot weather. ‎ 他们不得不使自己习惯于炎热的天气。‎ ‎4. I knew it was time to quit smoking.‎ quit 动词,过去式和过去分词均为quit,现在分词为quitting,‎ ‎①接动词-ing形式,“停止做”‎ I wish you’d quit complaining.‎ ‎② 辞职, 离开 His father quit because of ill health.‎ He has to quit school because he can’t afford the education.‎ 知识拓展 只能用动词的 -ing形式做宾语的动词和短语还有 miss, admit, avoid, acknowledge, consider, appreciate, delay, enjoy, escape, deny, fancy, favor, finish, mind, postpone, recall, practice, excuse, imagine, include, ‎ 5‎ keep, mind, resent, resist , suggest, risk, resume, involve, justify, permit, prevent, put ‎ off, cannot stand, can't help, give up, object to, put off, feel like, look forward to, persist in, insist on, depend on, approve of, think about, think of, refrain from ‎5.smell ‎ smell ① “闻起来”, 联系动词, 后接adj. 分词。 The flowers smell sweet. ②闻到,嗅出 常与can,could 连用。‎ I can smell something burning.‎ ‎③ n. 嗅觉,气味,臭味 Taste and smell are closely connected.‎ There’s a smell of cooking.‎ ‎--- What's that smell coming from the kitchen? ‎ ‎----Hmm, it smells like fresh homemade bread. ‎ ‎6. In spite of her wounded leg, she managed to get up the stairs.‎ in spite of /despite 尽管、无视,是介词短语/介词,都可接名词(短语)、动名词(短语)。 ‎ They had a wonderful holiday, despite/in spite of bad weather.‎ 尽管天气不好,他们的假日还是过得极为愉快。‎ Despite the cold weather, she still wears short sleeves. ‎ In spite of the cold weather, she still wears short sleeves. ‎ In spite of the cold weather, she still wears short sleeves. ‎ manage Vt.‎ & vi. 1) control 控制,经营 He couldn’t manage this horse, and it threw him to the ground. The boy is so naughty that his parents cannot manage him. Mr. Brown manages a large company in the town. 2) succeed, be able to do sth. 设法完成, 应付 Though I have a lot of difficulties, I can manage to get everything ready. I shan’t be able to manage without help. If I can’t borrow the money, I’ll have to manage without.‎ manage 和 try 的区别 manage : do then succeed 设法做成了某事 try 表示尽量做,但不一定成功 He tried to pass the exam, but he failed. He managed to pass the exam, and the teacher praised him.‎ ‎7. Still others just get into the habit of smoking.‎ get into the habit of 养成/染上某习惯 知识拓展 fall into the habit of 养成/染上某习惯 form a habit of 养成/染上某习惯 from habit 出于习惯 by habit 出于习惯 get out of a habit 改掉某种习惯 break off the habit of 改掉...的习惯 get into trouble 惹上麻烦 get into debt 负债累累 5‎ get into a temper 大发脾气 get into deep water 陷于困境 get into one’s head 有某种看法 get into the way of 习惯于、学会 ‎8. feel like ‎“ feel like ”意为“感到想要”。具体用法如下:‎ ‎1. 后面接名词、代词或动词- ing 形式,表示“想要”某物或“想要做”某事。例如:‎ I feel like a drink. ‎ I don't feel like eating. ‎ ‎2. “ feel like ”还有“感到像……,摸起来像……”的意思。例如:‎ They made me feel like one of the family. ‎ 他们使我感到我像是这个家庭中的一个成员。‎ This feels like silk. ‎ 知识拓展would like would like ”意为“想要”,其语气比用 like 婉转些。具体用法如下: ‎ ‎1. 后面接名词或代词,表示“具体要”某样东西。例如: ‎ I'd like two sweaters for my daughters.    ‎ Would you like one of these moon cakes? ‎ ‎2. 后面接动词不定式,表示“愿望,喜爱”,常用于有礼貌地提出邀请、请求或建议。例如: ‎ I would like to drop maths. ‎ Would you like to come to supper? ‎ would like ”后面可以用动词不定式作宾语补足语。例如: ‎ What would you like me to do? ‎ ‎ I'd like you to meet my parents, too.‎ Step 3 Quiz Complete the sentences with words and phases from the text.‎ ‎1. Rice production has increased greatly in China over the last few years, largely _____ super hybrid rice.‎ ‎2. Having lived in Hawaii all his life, he was not __________ to the cold of Northern Europe.‎ ‎3. In spite of her wounded leg, she ________to get up the stairs.‎ ‎4. He told me the same story __________ until I felt like screaming.‎ ‎5. When I __________ playing sport I become very fat and unhealthy.‎ ‎6. The doctor told him to ______ the bad habit of smoking. ‎ ‎7. One can become physically and __________ addicted to nicotine. ‎ ‎8. He tried many times but he gave it up______________. ‎ ‎9. This kind of flower ________so good.‎ ‎10. He was _________of his body so he decided to go on a diet and do more exercise.‎ ‎11. With exams only a week away, I am under a lot of ______.‎ ‎12. ___________often take more risks than adults.‎ ‎13. Now that I am __________ I eat a good diet because I want my baby to be born healthy.‎ ‎14. She can’t see very well in spite of her glasses.‎ ‎15. When young he was ________ ___ watching cartoons and playing games online.‎ ‎16. He was_____ ____________ having a walk alone in the garden after dinner.‎ 5‎ ‎17. The girl has got into the habit of playing with her hair while reading.‎ ‎18. It’s so hot today. I feel like going swimming.‎ Keys: 1. due to 2. accustomed 3. managed 4. automatically 5. quit/quitted ‎ ‎6. quit 7. mentally 8. eventually 9. smells 10. ashamed 11. stress ‎ ‎12. Adolescents 13. pregnant 14. in spite of 15. addicted to 16. accustomed to ‎17. got into 18. feel like Step 4 Homework ‎1. Master and go over the use of the words and phrases above.‎ ‎2. Pre-view the use of it on page 21.‎ 5‎

资料: 10.8万


