Unit 1 Come with me!(The third period)

Unit 1 Come with me!(The third period)


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 Friends with English,Book5 Unit 1 Come with me!(The third period) Ⅰ. Contents:Activity (Read and write.)Ⅱ.Teaching aims: 1. Language skill: Can introduce their relatives or friends. 2. Aims on the knowledge:1) Can read and understand the reading passages, finish doing the exercises by themselves.2) Can write a short composition to introduce their relatives or friends.3. Aims on the emotion:Students can be aware of the importance of our relationship with family and friends.4.Teaching key points: Reading comprehension and writing.5.Teaching difficult points: Write a passage to introduce their relatives or friends.6. Teaching Aids: CAI, PPT, a photo of a person7.Teaching methods:Practice Teaching Approach, Demonstration Teaching Approach and the Group Teaching Approach, etc.Ⅲ.Teaching procedures and purposes of my designing:  Free talk              Reading             Demonstrationcomprehension              and                         guidance                         Group               work                  Writing              Summary                                               Homework Step1 Free talkTalk with some pupils:1. How old are you?2. How old is your mother?3. What do you do?4. What does your uncle do?5. What do you want to be?6. How many children does your aunt have?7. What do you like doing?8. What does your cousin like doing? Purpose: Review the key structures of this unit, make preparation for the reading and writing lesson. Step2 Reading comprehension1. Have the pupils read the passage1 and the questions together,and  finish the exercises, then check the answers.2. Have the pupils read the passage2 and the questions together, and  finish the exercises, then check the answers.3.Introduce some reading skills to them.Purpose: Teach students some reading skills, so that they can learn more easily and happily.Step3 Demonstration and guidance  1.The teacher make models: introduce her “sister, cousin, grandmother and  friend”.(show the passage on the screen)2.Make a conclusion: how to introduce a person.Purpose: The teacher demonstrate first, enable the  students to understand how to introduce the characters of the basic steps, and can distinguish the use of the pronoun “he\she ” and the adjective owner pronoun “his\her ”, for the writing and lay a solid foundation.Step4 Group work1. Have the pupils try to introduce a person with a photo in groups.2. Invite some pupils to introduce a person.Purpose: Writing is based on speaking, therefore, let the students in the group to express, in order to pave the way for the writing process, so that they can write easily .Step5 Writing1.Have the pupils writing a passage.2. Invite some pupils to show their writings to the class. 3.Share their writings in groups.Purpose: The several links in the full training, students can conduct independent writing. In group to share their work, they found the problem, can promote each other mutually modifying, learn from each other.Step6 SummaryThe teacher will make a conclusion with the pupils.(Show the PPT again: how to introduce a person.)Purpose: Summary of the lessons learned knowledge, to further consolidate their.Step7 Homework Finish writing and draw a picture about the writing. Blackboard design: Unit1 Come with me!                  My  sister                 This is my…                Her name’s…                She’s …years old.                She’s a/an…                She likes…                   … 1、《学习辅导》Exercise8:read an write.2. 通过检查学生的作业了解学生的对阅读材料的理解和对语言的综合运用情况。 附课堂练习五年级写作练习:Class:          Name:        My        This is my              .(Her/His)      name is         .(She’s/He’s)           years old.(She’s/He’s)       a         .(She/He)      likes           .                              .                            . Draw the picture:

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