2022届高考英语一轮复习第二部分高考题型组合练组合练一阅读理解 阅读七选五含解析新人教版
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word 文档 - 1 - / 11 第二部分高考题型组合练 组合练(一) 阅读理解+阅读七选五 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A (2021·八省市联考模拟卷) Non-Credit Courses The Pre - College Program offers non - credit courses. Students will experience college-level courses given by some of our college's leading experts and will receive written feedback (反馈) on their work at the end of the course. Pre-College students will also receive a grade of Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory and a certificate of pletion at the conclusion of the program. All non-credit courses meet from 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. daily and may have additional requirements in the afternoons or evenings. COURSE:Case Studies in Neuroscience ·June 11-July 2 ·Leah Roesch Using student-centered, active-learning methods and real-world examples, this course is designed to provide a fuller understanding of how the human brain works. COURSE:Psychology of Creativity ·June 15-June 28 ·Marshall Duke Why are certain people so creative? Is it genetic (遗传的), or a result of childhood experience? Are they different from everyone else? This popular psychology course highlights the different theories of creativity. COURSE:Creative Storytelling ·June 21-July 3 ·Edith Freni This college-level course in creative storytelling functions as an introduction to a variety of storytelling techniques that appear in different forms of creative writing, word 文档 - 2 - / 11 such as short fiction and playwriting. COURSE:Sports Economics ·July 19-August 1 ·Christina DePasquale In this course we will analyze many interesting aspects of the sports industry: sports leagues, ticket pricing, salary negotiations, discrimination, and NCAA policies to name a few. [语篇解读] 本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了大学预科项目提供的四个非学分课程。 1.Who is the text intended for? A.The general public.B.College freshmen. C.Educational experts. D.High school students. 解析:推理判断题。根据第一段第一句“The Pre-College Program offers non-credit courses. ” 和 最 后 一 句 “ Pre - College students will also receive a grade of Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory and a certificate of pletion at the conclusion of the program.”可知,这篇文章是写给大学预科生的,即高中生。本题的关键是理解 Pre-College 的意思,前缀 pre-的意思是“在……前;先于”,由此可以推出答案为 D 项。 答案:D 2.Which course can you take if you are free only in June? A.Sports Economics. B.Creative Storytelling. C.Psychology of Creativity. D.Case Studies in Neuroscience. 解析:细节理解题。对比四个课程的时间,授课时间全部在六月的只有 June 15-June 28, 其所对应的课程是 Psychology of Creativity。故选 C。 答案:C 3.Whose course should you choose if you are interested in creative writing? A.Leah Roesch's. B.Edith Freni's. C.Marshall Duke's. D.Christina DePasquale's. 解析:细节理解题。COURSE:Creative Storytelling 中有 creative writing 的原词复现,由 此可知,如果你对创意写作感兴趣,你应该选择 Creative Storytelling,该课程的授课人是 word 文档 - 3 - / 11 Edith Freni。故选 B。 答案:B B (2021·某某名校联盟联考) One day,I was taking a nap in the red chair in my office when I heard the sound of a car crash. I sat up and looked, immediately,out of my window. Across the street,in a parking lot, a car had just backed into a chain-link fence. The car must have been moving fast, because it was in bad shape:Its hood (引 擎盖) had popped up. The fence was damaged, bent out in exactly the shape of the car's back end. I watched the driver get out of the car. He was strong with a shaved head; he wore cargo shorts and a flannel (法兰绒) shirt unbuttoned to expose his chest. I disliked him immediately. After a few seconds of assessing the damage, he attempted to pull the ruined fence back into place,but it wouldn't move. He tried to push the fallen piece of bumper (保险杠) back onto his car,but that only made the rest of his bumper fall off too. I sat in my red chair, looking out of my window, silently cheering.I think I laughed out loud. This was a ridiculous masterpiece. He climbed out from under the collapsed fence and struggled back to the apartment building above the lot, rubbing his elbow.The man—that disgusting man—was going to leave all the chaos behind for someone else to clean up. But the man appeared a few minutes later with some tools. He got to work immediately, removing one of the fence's bent support bars and hammering it straight on the asphalt (沥青). For the next hour,I watched out of my window as he doggedly (坚持不懈地) fixed the fence,even improved it. Now the fence would be extra secure, stronger than before and impossible to damage. This strange man was actually a hero. I was the lazy one,with my knee-jerk (未经思 考 做 出 的 ) judgments and my superiority( 优 越 感 ) from three stories up. My ugly assumptions, I realized,were all about myself. I would never have fixed that fence; I would have panicked and run away. Years later, I still look out of my window at that fence almost every day. It still looks word 文档 - 4 - / 11 brand new.It makes me wonder what else that man has improved, and how I can make myself more like him. [语篇解读]本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者目睹了窗外的一个意外——一个外表粗犷 的司机撞坏了停车场的栅栏后没有一走了之,而是把它修葺一新。这引发了作者对关于如何 评判他人的反思——不能以貌取人。 4.Why did the driver leave a bad first impression on the writer? A.Because he badly damaged the fence. B.Because he acted rudely and impolitely. C.Because he escaped and left the mess to others. D.Because he had a strange appearance and dressed casually. 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“He was strong with a shaved head;he wore cargo shorts and...I disliked him immediately.”可知,那位司机很强壮,剃了个光头,穿着工装 短裤,衬衫没系扣子,作者立刻就讨厌他了。由此可知,作者最初对他印象不好的原因是他 怪异的外表和随意的穿着,故 D 项正确。 答案:D 5.Which of the following words can best describe the driver? A.Rude but honest. B.Lazy but strong-minded. C.Impatient but generous. D.Ordinary-looking but responsible. 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中对那位司机的外貌描写“He was strong with a shaved head; he wore cargo shorts and...his chest.”及第四段中的动作描写“he doggedly fixed the fence,even improved it”可推断出,他虽然外表平平、穿着随意,但是极负责任地修 好并加固了栅栏,故 D 项正确。A 项“粗鲁但诚实的”;B 项“懒惰但意志坚强的”;C 项“不 耐烦但慷慨的”,均不符合该人物特征。 答案:D 6.What do the last two paragraphs tell us? A.If the writer were the driver,he thought he would do better. B.The writer gave a quick judgment from his previous experiences. C.The driver acted like a hero and had a great influence on the writer. word 文档 - 5 - / 11 D.The writer looks out of his window often and expects to see the driver again. 解析:段落大意题。根据倒数第二段第一句“This strange man was actually a hero.”及最 后一段最后一句“It makes me wonder what else that man has improved, and how I can make myself more like him.”可知,那位司机把栅栏修葺一新,表现得像一个英雄,作者决 定向他学习。由此可知,这两段主要讲的是那位司机英雄般的行为对作者影响颇深,故 C 项 正确。 答案:C 7.What can be the best title for the text? A.Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover B.One's Thinking Directs One's Actions C.Treat Other People As You Hope They Will Treat You D.The Environment Depends on What You Think in Your Mind 解析:标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了作者目睹了窗外的一个意外——一个外 表粗犷的司机撞坏了停车场的栅栏后没有一走了之,而是把它修葺一新,这引发了作者对关 于如何评判他人的反思——不能以貌取人。A 项“不要以貌取人”为最佳标题。 答案:A C (2021·某某高三教学质量检测)The first thing that Valoy saw when she put on color- blind corrective glasses was green—the vibrancy(生机) of the grass and trees—and later, the brilliance of red in stop signs and flowers. Valoy says it's unbelievable and she has struggled with certain topics, especially the painting class, in school and would even paint the ocean purple before that. Valoy wasn't diagnosed (诊断) with red-green color blindness until the fourth grade, for color blindness is more mon in males than females.“For the past 17 years, I've lived in a ‘black and white movie’,” the recent Louis E. Dieruff High School graduate says. But not anymore. The transformative moment all started with a public speaking class Valoy took. After she made an informative speech about growing up with her color deficiency (缺陷), her teacher, Sandy Kile, was inspired to teach the class a more important life lesson. Kile made a proposal that the class should reach out to panies that produced word 文档 - 6 - / 11 corrective glasses to see if they would donate a pair to Valoy. While Kile encouraged Valoy to write a description of living in a world with mostly shades of grey and brown, her classmates wrote acpanying statements about why she needed the glasses.“I didn't wait much for that,” Valoy says.“Professor Kile truly believed it was going to happen but we were all not secure.” It wasn't mind-blowing when the first pany turned down their request. Then, the class received a reply from the founder of Pilestone Inc., offering Valoy and six other munity members his glasses for free. “I started this business by trying to make some difference to people,”founder Ben Zhuang says. Valoy is grateful to Kile and her classmates for their efforts. But Kile says that she is very glad the students have the chance to realize the significance of lending a hand to those in need, and that being able to aid Valoy in changing her life is something that she will never forget for the rest of her life. [语篇解读] 本文是一篇记叙文。一个色盲的女生 Valoy 在一次班级演讲中讲述了自己的苦恼 后,教授发动班级学生去帮助她获得了一副矫正眼镜,最终 Valoy 看到了多彩的世界。 8.Why does the author mention Valoy's painting class? A.To appeal for attention to color blindness. B.To stress Valoy's serious attitude to study. C.To prove the importance of colors in painting. D.To give an example of her sufferings. 解析:推理判断题。由第一段中的“she has struggled with certain topics, especially the painting class,in school and would even paint the ocean purple before that”可知, 因为色盲,Valoy 在绘画课上会把海洋的颜色涂成紫色,这表明色盲给她带来了不便和苦恼。 答案:D 9.It can be learnt in paragraph 2 that . A.color blindness occurs in women less than men B.color blindness is hard to detect in the early stage C.Valoy didn't know her problem until she was 17 D.Valoy could only enjoy black and white movies 解析:细节理解题。由第二段中的“for color blindness is more mon in males than word 文档 - 7 - / 11 females”可知,女性患色盲的比例比男性低。 答案:A 10.How did Valoy feel when Kile made the proposal? A.Discouraged. B.Uncertain. C.Surprised. D.Hopeful. 解析:细节理解题。由第三段中的“‘I didn't wait much for that,’ Valoy says.‘Professor Kile truly believed it was going to happen but we were all not secure.’”可知,她没有 抱太多希望,只有 Kile 教授坚信他们能成功,学生们都没有把握。secure 意为“安心的,有 把握的”。 答案:B 11.What did Kile try to teach the class? A.The power of joint efforts. B.The struggle of color blindness sufferers. C.The value of offering help. D.The benefit of modern technology. 解析:推理判断题。第二段讲到“her teacher, Sandy Kile,was inspired to teach the class a more important life lesson”,然后下文讲 Kile 教授号召大家帮助 Valoy 获得了矫正眼镜, 使她能够分清颜色,再结合最后一段中的“Kile says that she is very glad the students have the chance to realize the significance of lending a hand to those in need”可知,Kile 教授想通过这件事教给学生帮助别人的价值。 答案:C D (2021·某某、枣庄模拟)Middle school is challenging for so many reasons—academic subjects bee more difficult, schedules fill up with activities, and, in what might be the most challenging area for kids and parents alike, friendships change. Friendships change over time, not just because our children evolve, but because the very nature of friendship evolves with them. The best parents should learn to let go so that their children can succeed in their tween friendships. Early in childhood, our children's friendships arise out of closeness and habit. We throw our kids into the sandbox with our friends' kids, and this arrangement works word 文档 - 8 - / 11 for everyone. As kids get older,however, they begin to build emotional connections with friends based on similarity. Their shared interests, dreams, and goals begin to edge out mere convenience. When they bee tweens, friendships bee much more plex, and for good reason. Tweens use friendships as a way to try on an identity. They begin to build friendships based on new priorities. All too often, the shifting sands of tween friendshipresult in broken hearts. Tweens feel abandoned and betrayed as friends move back and forth between fortable old relationships and exciting new ones. As any parent knows, our own personal heartache hurts, but the second-hand heartbreak we experience through our children is much more painful, mainly because it's out of control. The urge to meddle (干涉), to save and heal, is powerful, and while meddling around in tween social contact may make us feel better, we must stay out of it. Tweens move from one relationship to another, adopting this detail of a friend's personality, abandoning that characteristic of another, until they have collected the essential elements of their identity. Some relationships will survive this process, and some will not, but everyone is an important phase of the journey. We may not love every outfit our tweens try on, but it's our job to be there when they emerge from the dressing room, when they do a little twirl (转圈) and wait for us to tell them how grown-up they have bee. [语篇解读] 本文是一篇议论文。中学阶段是一个充满挑战的时期,但是对父母和少年来说, 最大的挑战来自友谊的变化。少年易因友谊的变化而受伤害,在这种情况下,父母扮演着重 要的角色,文中给出了父母应该如何做的建议。 12.What's the main idea of the second paragraph? A.Friendship bees plex in every period of time. B.Reasons for friendship building vary in different phases. C.Tweens begin to build friendships based on the new priorities. D.Important elements of friendship are needed in children's life. 解析:段落大意题。 第二段从童年早期一直到青少年时期分别分析了建立友谊的原因,由此 可知,本段主要讲了在不同的年龄阶段,建立友谊的原因是不同的。 答案:B word 文档 - 9 - / 11 13.What does the underlined words in paragraph 3 mean? A.Friendships are out of control. B.Tweens feel abandoned and betrayed. C.Friends move to exciting new relationships. D.Friendships change from one to another among tweens. 解析:词义猜测题。结合第二段中的“We throw our kids into the sandbox with our friends' kids, and this arrangement works for everyone.”和第三段中的“...as friends move back and forth between fortable old relationships and exciting new ones”可知,sands 在此代指朋友,画线部分表示少年时期朋友的转变,即友谊的转变,故 D 项能解释画线部分。 答案:D 14.What should parents do when tweens feel pain about their social contact? A.They should blame them. B.They should help to bring their children under control. C.They should be there and support them. D.They should meddle around in tween social contact. 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“and while meddling around in tween social contact may make us feel better, we must stay out of it”和最后一段中的“We may not love every outfit our tweens try on, but it's our job to be there when they emerge from the dressing room, when they do a little twirl and wait for us to tell them how grown-up they have bee.”可知,当孩子因为社交而难过时,父母的正确做法是不干涉,在他们身边 支持他们。 答案:C 15.Which is the best title for the passage? A.Change of relationships among tweens. B.Parenting in friendships among tweens. C.How to build friendships among tweens. D.The nature of friendships among tweens. 解析:标题归纳题。通读全文内容可知,文章首先介绍了中学时期少年之间友谊的微妙变化 以及这一变化对他们的影响,接着给出了在这种情况下父母应该如何做的建议,故 B 项概括 了文章的主要内容,适合用作标题。 word 文档 - 10 - / 11 答案:B Ⅱ.阅读七选五 (2021·枣庄高三模拟) Tips on improving your ability to handle stress Stress isn't always bad. When working properly, it can help motivate you to do your best. But if your mind and body constantly run in emergency mode, it's time to take action to bring your nervous system back into balance. Connect with others. The simple act of talking face-to-face with another human can relieve stress when you're feeling insecure. 16 If you don't have any close relationships, or your relationships are the cause of your stress, make it a priority to build stronger and more satisfying connections. 17 You can't pletely remove stress from your life, but you can control how much it affects you. Activities such as jogging, tai chi, yoga, and deep breathing can help you loosen up. When practiced regularly, these activities can reduce your everyday stress levels and increase feelings of joy. 18 Concentrate on your senses. Another fast way to relieve stress is concentrating on one or more of your senses — sight, sound, taste, smell, touch, or movement. 19 Does listening to an uplifting song make you feel calm? Or smelling ground coffee? Or maybe petting an animal helps to make you feel centered quickly? Get your rest.20 At the same time, lasting stress can break your regular sleep. Whether you're having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at night, there are plenty of ways to improve your sleep so you feel less stressed and more productive and emotionally balanced. A.Get moving. B.Learn to relax. C.Your lifestyle affects your stress tolerance level a lot. D.The key is to find the sensory input that works for you. E.It's advisable to spend time with people who improve your mood. F. Feeling tired increases stress by causing you to think unreasonably. G.Your ability to stay calm and collected can also get improved during the process. word 文档 - 11 - / 11 [语篇解读] 本文是一篇说明文。文章就如何提高处理压力的能力给出了几点建议。 16 解析:本段主旨句是“Connect with others.”,所以空处所填内容应与人有关,空后提到 了“your relationships are the cause of your stress”,故 E 项“与能改善你情绪的人共度 时光是可取的”符合语境。 答案:E 17.解析:本空所填内容为本段的主旨句,根据下文的“You can't pletely remove stress from your life, but you can control how much it affects you.”“can help you loosen up” 可知,该段主要讲了放松的技巧,故 B 项和本段主题契合。 答案:B 18 解析:空前讲到如果定期进行练习,这些活动可以减轻你的日常压力并增加愉悦感,空处 的内容应与放松活动的影响有关,G 项是对活动好处的进一步阐释,承接上文,选项中的副词 also 也是提示。 答案:G 19.解析:本段主要讲通过感官来放松,联系上下文可知,减轻压力的一大妙招是多感官并 用。空后是运用各种感官的例子,故 D 项“关键是找到对你有效的感官讯息”符合语境。 答案:D 20 解析:本空是段中句,结合主旨句“Get your rest.”和空后一句得知,疲劳会让人思维不 够理性,这也是产生压力的一大诱因,因此要学会休息调整。 答案:F

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