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中考英语语音用法分类详解 同学们,最近两年的第一,二道题都是考语音的,所以我们必须要牢固掌握好语音的相关知识,同时, 学好语音为我们记忆单词也能打下很好的基础,语音是不是很重要啊?那现在就让我们来一一学习吧 一、考点解读 观察近几年中考题第一二题是语音题,这给我们的复习指明了方向,今后要重视语音教学,包括音标以 及发音规则的教学. 同时, 良好的语音基础及正确的发音习惯对听力有着很大的影响, 语音不好的学生通常 听力都会有问题。此外,语音基础也是词汇拼写记忆的非常重要的基础 二、中考语音复习点清单: 1. a, e, i, o, u 五个元音字母的发音(在开音节及闭音节的读音,及弱读音节发音规则) 2 48 个国际音标的认读 3. 常见元音字母组合和辅音字母组合的读音; 4. 不符合读音规则的常用词的读音。 5. 划分音节的知识 三 元音字母在开音节及闭音节中的读音 1 开音节有两种: A 绝对开音节 在重读音节中元音字母之后没有辅音字母,元音字母一律读它的字母音 如:go no me paper baby B 相对开音节。(元+辅+e) 在元音字母之后有一个辅音字母(r 除外),而后面又跟上一个不发音的元音字母 e 如:home, name , face, bike, cute, these, 在重读开音节中,元音字母一律读它的字母音,即长音。 1.字母 a 在开音节中 发/ei/ 相对开音节 face,lake, take, strange, change ,waste ,escape 绝对开音节 baby, David, flavor 2.字母 e, 绝对开音节 he, me , she 相对开音节 these, compete 3 字母 i 发 /ai/ 绝对开音节 hi, bicycle 相对开音节 bike , time , rise, license , provide 4 字母 O 发 / əu/ 绝对开音节 no, go, local ,do-nate 相对开音节 home, broke, pronoun , spoken , 5. 字母 u 发/ u: /或/ ju:/ use, cute, duty, crucial , blue., costume 尝试读读下面的单词 : Lane, pace , mute, duke, pose, bone, compete, hike, tide, dime 2 闭音节及特殊情况的读音 以一个或几个辅音字母结尾(r 除外),而中间只有一个元音字母的音节叫闭音节。在重读闭音节 中,元音字母一律读它的短音。最常见的情况,两个元音夹一个辅音。 如 , bag, bed, pig, hot, cut , spring 1.字母 a A 在闭音节固定发 短音 / æ / 如 : ant , and, bag, pat, map, 等单音节词 另外在双音节及多音节中,也要让学生学会划分出闭音节 如 flashcard , grammar 的第一部分. matter A 在其他情况下的发音情况 1 发/a:/ class can't father after 2 发/ ɔ / 字母 a 在/w/后常发短音/ ɔ/,也就是在字母 w 及 wh 后, 如 wash, what, want, swan 但 water 一词中,a 发长音 / ɔ :/。 3 发/ e / any many anything 中考语音题 A.black B.fat C.change D.stand 中考语音题 A.candle B.panda C.danger D.apple 2.字母 e 闭音节中发 /e/ 如 bed, red, smell, press, plenty, shelf, suggest fetch , century ,mess 其他特殊情况 发/i/ England English relay 这个单词,/ri:/这个音节是重读开音节,所以 e 发/i:/ 应属规则情况。 另外 ever even eve 这三个单词中 e 的发音分别为/ e/ /i:/ /i:/ 3 字母 i 闭音节 发 / i/ big , silly , picnic ,lift , risk ,fix, stick 特殊情况 发/i:/ policeman , machine 4 字母 O 闭音节 发 / ɔ/ dog, box, soft , belong 特殊情况 /u/ woman /i/ women 发/ ʌ/ come son love does mother 即 o 在 m,n,v,th 前发/ ʌ / 中考题 A. alone B. whole C. love D. motor 中考题 A.luck B.jump C.rush D.business 5.字母 u 闭音节 发/ ʌ/ bus, but, public, frustrate, 特殊情况 发/ u/ push ,pull ,put , 发/i/ busy 不发音 build(built)、 找出下列元音字母发音不同的 1.A.cover B.month C.drop D.monkey 2.A.life B.film C.children D.strict 3.A.hurry B.duck C.subject D.pull 4.A.cage B.travel C.lazy D.hate 5.A.hundred B.empty C.medicine D.sentence 6.A.long B.doll C.so D.shop 7.A.ride B.fridge C.twice D.smile 8.A.useful B.pupil C.lucky D.duty 9.A.capital B.travel C.jacket D.angry 10.A.neck B.several C.invent D.eve 三 元音字母在非重读音节中的发音 一 音节的概念 1. 元音可以自成一个音节 如 I 2. 也可以和一个或数个辅音构成一个音节;me,it, his, spring, 3 辅音只起辅助作用,不能自成音节,只有极少数可以成为一个音节 具体来说,就是一个辅音加上 l,m,n,结尾构成一个音节,如,apple, seven ,little, possible 因 此,在一个单词中,有几个元音(包括双元音),就有几个音节。 二 重读与非重读音节 1 重读音节:一个单词中只有一个读得最响亮的音节,叫做重读音节。 2 非重读音节: 在双音节或者多音节词中,除了重读音节读得最响亮,其他的音节要读得相对较弱,叫 做非重读音节或弱读音节。如 panda, 第一个音节 pan 重读,第二个音节 da 弱读,gram-mar ,第一个 部分重读,后面弱读发 / ə / 三 五个元音字母在非重读音节中的发音 五个元音字母在非重读音节中 弱读 成 / ə /, 或者 / i / 这个规则适合所有的单词 如 about , panda, repeat,vocabulary, spoken,focus,confident 让学生把握这个规律,对记忆单词很有好处 四 划分音节 1 单音节词无须划分音节。 2 两元音之间只有一个辅音时,这个辅音通常要划归后面的元音构成音节 (也有例外的情况)。 如 pa-per ,ba-by ,lo-cal 如一个元音前无辅音时,这个元音可单独成为一个音节。 如 pronunciation 3 划分音节时,双元音作一个元音处理;含有元音的辅音组作一个辅音对待。 如:dia-ry ,ta-ble 4. 两个元音之间有两个或两个以上辅音时,最后一个辅音划归后面的元音构成音节,其余的辅音划归前面的 元音,如: Gram-mar, frus-trate, pic-nic , 5 爆破辅音 b, p, d, t, th, c, k, ch , g 及 f, ph 等后面连有 l 或 r,形成 bl, br, pl, pr, tr,chl,chr 等,以及 sp,st,ps,在划 分音节时,不能分开,都划归后面的元音。如: Cele-brate, ele-phant 6 字母组合构成的辅音组划分音节时,均不能分开。如: question , friendship 7 划分音节的几个步骤 1. 看组合。 有字母组合的优先按组合读音,而不按其他读音 。如 park , high, coat 2 看重读音节和非重读音节 一个单词只有一个重读音节,其他一般都按弱读规则发音, 找准重音和弱读音节,按照前面所讲的规则 去发音, 如 local , 划分为 lo- cal ,第一个音节为开音节,o 读字母音əu,第二个音节为弱读音节,a 弱 读成ə 典型例子: a-loud 重读音节是 loud,字母组合 ou,第一个音节 a 是弱读音节 im-press 重读音节是 press, 按典型闭音节读音,第一个音节 im 是弱读音节 com-plete 重读音节是 plete,典型相对开音节,第一个音节 com 是弱读音节,按弱读规则发音 can-dy 重读音节是 can,第二个音节 dy 是弱读音节 练习划分音节 : 1. pronunciation 2 congratulation 3 confident 4 remind 5 achieve 6 plenty 7 crucial 8 pretend 9 church 10 advertisement 1. 尝试读出下列单词的发音 1. Bake 2 tame 3 data 3 pat 4 eve 5 theme 6 jet 7 pepper 8 pose 9 dose 10 ox 11 blog 12 spot 13 pipe 14 tide 15 dig 16 pin 17 cute, 18 a-buse 19 duke 20 mug 21 bug 22 dusk 23 paste 2 尝试划分下列单词的音节及朗读这些单词 1. Insect 2 attention 3 concentrate 4 succeed 5 pimple 6 confident 7establish 10 commitment 11 donate 12 produce 13 invent 14 embrassing 15 suggest 同学们,今天我们来学习语音中的元音字母组合和辅音字母组合的发音,这些都是中考也常涉及到的 元音字母组合的发音 元 音 字 母组合 位置 读 音 例词 例外 ar 重读 [a:] mark carve article party market March farm hard 在 W 后 [:] warm warn reward war 非重读 [ə] Grammar,popular 重读 [ə:] Service certain serve er 非重读 [ə] worker farmer teacher or 重读 [:] form important corner horse 在 W 后 [ə:] work word world worth 非重读 [ə] mirror doctor forbid forget ur 重读 [ə:] church Thursday nurse turn return 非重读 [ə] surprise surround murmur ir 重读 [ə:] thirsty dirty first girl a ai 重读音节 [ei] tailor remain grain sail praise raise brain said [e] 非重读音节 [i] captain [ə] certain au [:] cause aunt [a:] al [:] walk ball all talk half [a:] alms [a:][:l] always almost already although aw [:] draw dawn saw air [eə] fair affair hair upstairs are [eə] dare glare share compare careful are[a:] aug h [:] taught caught daughter naughty laugh[a:f] ay 重读音节 [ei] delay play say way today says [e] 非重读音节 [i] Sunday Monday ea [i:] repeat leaf lead peace disease cream [e] sweater thread headache heavy breakfast 特殊 [ei] great greatly break [iə] real idea theatre ee [i:] sleep freely weed steel degree e ear [iə] appear clear near hear dear ear heart [a:] [ə:] heard learn earn early search [eə] wear bear swear pear ei [i] receive seize ceiling ew [ju:] few new news sew[əu]在[l],[r]后 [u:] blew flew threw drew ere [eə] there where here [iə] ey 重读音节 [ei] grey hey obey key [i:]非重读音节 [i] monkey donkey eigh [ei] weight eight eighty i ie [i:] piece thief field chief diet[aiə] quiet[aiə][ai] lie tie die ire [aiə] wire inspire hire tire igh [ai] right fight night high bright light oa [əu] loaf road soap coat boat broad[:] abroad[:] oi [i] voice noise point choice oy [i] toy boy joy joyful oo 在 其 他 字 母 前 [u:] roof choose school shoot wool[u] foot[u] 在 k,t,d 前 [u] took look cook stood wood good food[u:] flood [] blood [] oor [:] floor door poor[uə] [au] pound rouse mountain trousers ground thousand o ou shoulder[əu ] soul[əu] [] couple cousin double country touch trouble [u:] route group routine soup [u] could should would oug h [:] fought bought brought thought though[əu] plough [au] cough [f] through[u:] thorough[ə] enough [f] ow [au] down brown flower knowledge[ ] [əu] bowl sow window row owner low show throw grow u ure 重读音节 [uə] sure surely 非重读音节 [ə:] pleasure 单词辨音练习 1.A.paid B.said C.afraid D.rain 2.A.break B.breakfast C.bread D.dead 3.A.talk B.walk C.chalk D.salt 4.A.speak B.real C.seat D.easy 5.A.start B.warm C.harvest D.pardon 6.A.touch B.round C.loud D.shout 7.A.enough B.laugh C.daughter D.enough 8.A.eighth B.both C.thought D.through 9.A.choose B.cool C.tooth D.cook 10.A.hear B.near C.early D.dear 11.A.while B.whom C.when D.white 12.A.lie B.die C.quiet D.tie 13.A.catch B.chalk C.Christmas D.each 14.A.change B.exam C.famous D.strange 15.A.eleven B.retell C.eve D.relay 16.A.mirror B.history C.bridge D.beautiful 17.A.smoke B.chose C.none D.motor 18.A.push B.luck C.sugar D.pull 19.A.horse B.order C.corner D.worse 20.A.season B.feather C.pleasure D.instead 21.A.sound B.mountain C.country D.shout 22.A.choose B.football C.noodle D.school 23.A.saved B.rushed C.kicked D.danced 二、 辅音字母及组合的发音 辅音字 母及组 合 读音 例词 备注 b /b/ book ,big , bag, box ble [bl] 'able,'table,'possible, c /k/ cat cake cup clock car 在 a,o,u 前 /s/ Face nice pencil bicycle 在 I,e,y 前 d /d/ Desk doll dog dad f /f/ fine friend fly foot fan g /ɡ/ goose , glass , egg , girl ge /dʒ/ Age, orange , village , message h /h/ hat ,he , house , hand j /dʒ/ jeep , jacket, juice, Jim k /k/ kite cake black thank l /l/ Leg left ruler flag lamp /l/ Apple, bowl, tell ,old 注意本读音在 l 后面没有元音与之相拼读时发 m /m/ Am, map, my, mouth ,milk n /n/ no know new hand ten /ŋ/ Thank think thing uncle , swing, singer n 在 k 前或 ng 组合发音 [ηg] english, england, language, p /p/ Map , jeep, pig, pen, apple q(u) /kw / quiet quilt queen r /r/ red radio brother ride s /s/ sit miss this smile books /z/ nose those rose rulers sure / ʒ / Measure, pleasure t /t/ it sit not that table v /v / five vest very seven w /w/ we window watch want x /ks / box six fox taxi 在词尾,或在清辅音之 前 /ɡz / exam example exact 在两个元音之间,而重 音在后一个元音上时 y / j / yes , yellow,your z / z / zoo , zebra ch /t∫/ Child, chair, catch ,watch, chain, chicken peach 例外 Machine/∫/ / k / school charismas stomach chemistry ck: [k] 'quickly,cock,back,pick. cle [kl] ' uncle,'circle,'bicycle, dge [d3] bridge,judge,'knowledge, ts /ts/ jackets kites gh [f] (在词 尾时) laugh,cough,e'nough 不发音 light,thought,caught gn [n] sign,de'sign,cam'paign, kn [n] know,knife,knee,knit, ph [f] 'photo,'telephone,'physics. ple [pl] 'apple,'people,ex'ample. ds /dz/ birds friends tr /tr/ tree train truck dr /dr/ dress driver th /θ/ thank mouth /ð/ this that with sh [∫] fish,she,wash,sheep, sion [3n] con'clusion,decision ,vision ssion [∫n] ex'pression, dis'cussion, tion [∫n] 'nation,'station,'dictionary /t∫n/ Question wh [w] when,white,wheat,where, [h] 在 o 之前 who,whose,whole,whom, wr /r/ write,wrong,wrist, ture [t∫ə] 'picture, 'nature, 'mixture, tch: [t∫] catch,watch,kitehen, ed / t / looked , hoped ,jumped ,watched 清辅音后,口诀:------- 清读清 / d / cleaned , answered 浊辅音、元音后,浊读 浊,元音也读浊 / id / started ,decided t, d 之后 -s,-es Maps, cakes ,cooks 清辅音后读作/s/ 例外: mouths /'mau ð z/ houses/'hauziz/ months/ mʌnθs/ /z / Bananas, dogs 浊、元音后读 / iz / Classes, bridges, washes,watches 五 音 之 后 ( 五 音 指 /s/、/z/、/ ʃ /、/ dʒ / t∫/ 强化练习 语音练习题 1 . My father read an interesting book last night. The underlined part in the word “read” is pronounced as_______. A. ./rId/ B. /red/ C. /reId/ D. /r i:d/ 2 The underlined part in the word “heard” is pronounced as __________. A. / iə / B. / ə: / C. / ə/ D. / əu / 3 The underlined part in the word “ suggestion” is pronounced as ________ . A./ ʃən / B. / tʃən / C. / tən / D. / tʃə:n / 4 The underlined part in the word “meant” is pronounced as ________. A. /i / B. /i:/ C. /e/ D. /ei/ 5 Which of the following phonetic transcription is right for the word “natural”? A. /ei/ B./e/ C. /3/ D. /æ/ 6 The underlined part in the word “welcome” is pronounced as ______. A. ∕ ʌ ∕ B. ∕ əu ∕ C. ∕ ɔ ∕ D. ∕ ə ∕ 7 The underlined part in the word “Monday” is pronounced as______. A./ei/ B. /i/ C./e/ D. /i:/ 8 The underlined part in the word “watches” is pronounced as ______. A. ∕z∕ B. ∕s∕ C. ∕iz∕ D. ∕is∕ 9 Which of the underlined part that pronounces differently from the other three? A. sail B. remain C. said D. raise 10 The underlined part in the word “written” is pronounced as_______. A. /aI/ B. /I/ C./e/ D./ eI/ 11 The underlined part in the word “physics” is pronounced as . A. /ziks/ B. /siks/ C. /ziks/ D. /sikz/ 12 The underlined part in the word “fitted” is pronounced as _______. A./ d/ B./ Id/ C. /t / D. /t Id/ 13 The underlined part of the word “passed” is pronounced as . A. /t/ B. /d/ C. /id/ D. /it/ 14 The underline part in the word “photograph” is pronounced as ____. A. / f / B. /p/ C. / h/ D. / 15 The underlined part in the word“escapes” is pronounced as . A. /s/ B. /z/ C. /is/ D /iz/ 16 The underlined part in the word “fisherman” is pronounced as_________. A. /ə/ B. /æ/ C. /e/ D. / ʌ/ 17 The underlined part of ______ has a different pronunciation from the others. A. secret B. biscuit C. court D. exciting 18 Which underlined part is different from the others in pronounciation? A. below B. throw C. allow D. follow 19 The phonetic transcription(音标) of the word “dresses” is __________ . A. /dresz/ B. /dresis/ C. /dresiz/ D. /drisiz/ 20 The underlined part in the word “comfortable” is pronounced as ______. A. ∕ ʌ ∕ B. ∕ əu ∕ C. ∕ ɔ ∕ D. ∕ ə ∕ 21 The underlined part in the word "clothes" is pronounced as . A./zis/ B./sis/ C./θs/ D./ðz/ 22 The underlined part in the word “fell” is pronounced as ______. A. ∕e∕ B. ∕æ∕ C. ∕ ∕ D. ∕ei∕ 23 The underlined part in the word “English” is pronounced as ______. A./ng / B./ n / C./ ŋ/ D./ŋg/ 24 The underline part in the word “southern” is pronounced as ______. A. /au/ B. /ʌ/ C. /æ/ D. /Ə/ 25 The underlined part in the word “breathe” is pronounced as ______. A. /e/ B. /eɪ/ C. /æ/ D. /i:/ 26 The underlined part of the word “capital” is pronounced as______. A. | ī | B. | ei | C. | ə | D. | ai | 27 The underlined part in the word “kites” is pronounced as ______. A. ∕ts∕ B. ∕z∕ C. ∕s∕ D. ∕iz∕ 28 The phrase “the cup” is pronounced as ____. A. /ðI kʌp / B. /ðə kʌp / C. /θI kIp / D. /θə kIp/ 29 Now I’m going to my teacher’s party. The underlined part is pronounced as_____? A. /θ/ B. /z/ C. /s/ D. /ð/ 30 Which underlined “o ” has the same pronunciation as “front”? A. bother B. from C. some D. hotel

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