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1 四川省成都市青羊区 2019-2021 年三年中考二诊英语试题精选汇编- 完形填空专题 2021 届成都市青羊区九年级下英语二诊 七、完形填空:分别通读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填 入空白处 的最佳答案。(共 15 小题;计 20 分) A Polar bears are ready to welcome you! China's first Polar Bear Hotel opened in Harbin on March 12. You can get a close look at polar bears at this ___46____ hotel. The hotel has over 20 rooms. Each has a ___47____theme. Some of the rooms are painted blue and white. Others have walls that look like glaciers (冰山). The rooms have windows and floors made ___48____ strong and thick glass. You can get a clear look at the polar bears. ___49____you are eating in the hotel’s dining hall, polar bears are playing with each other right under your feet! When you are resting in your room, polar bears are swimming or resting just next to you on the other side of the window. You can even feed these big guys from a safe distance (距离). Polar bears are right here waiting for you. Come and be ___50____ with them! 46. A. scary B. normal C. special 47. A. ice and fire B. snow and ice C. snow and forest 48. A. of B. from C. by 49. A. Until B. While C. Unless 50. A. keepers B. waiters C. neighbors B “Of Lushan Mountain we cannot make out the true face, for we are lost in the heart of the very place.'' This is a line from a ___51____ by Su Shi. I like it very much because it reminds us to look___52____things from different perspectives (视角)and keep an open mind. My little brother was playing with his Legos one day. Since he was too ___53____ to put the blocks in the right place, I decided to help him. But I knocked over some of his blocks ___54____. . He got angry and shouted at me, “Don't touch my Legos!” I got angry too. "Why are you shouting at me? I was just trying to help you!” I said. However, he didn't believed me at all. "I don't need your help. Go away!" he shouted. "I won't help you anymore! You stupid! ” I turned around and went away___55____ . 2 In my room, I realized that he was angry because I disturbed (打扰)him without his permission ___51__ it was not a nice thing for my little brother to shout at me, I should not have knocked over his blocks because of my carelessness. So I said sorry to him and he ___57____ . We made peace again. We___58____ and built a wonderful Legos house. Sometimes, we do things according to our own thoughts and don't know other people's ___59____ . However, if you choose to see things from___60____ side, your life might be improved and you will be happier. 51. A. story B. poem C. fairy 52. A. at B. for C. over 53. A. old B. young C. tall 54. A. by the way B. by hand C. by accident 55. A. angrily B. quietly C. softly 56. A. But B. Although C. So 57. A. received B. refused C. accepted 58. A. pulled together B. checked out C. made our way 59. A. advice B. feelings C. efforts 60. A. your own B. the same C. another 51-60 BABCA BCABC 2020 届成都市青羊区九年级下英语二诊 七、完形填空。阅读下面两篇短文, 根据短文内容,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答 案。(共 15 小题, 计分 20 分。A 篇每小题 2 分, 计 10 分; B 篇每小题 1 分, 计 10 分) A A young couple decided to go camping in the mountains to celebrate their first year of marriage. They 46._______ with them all the things they would need to go camping—warm clothes, food and a tent. They went up to the mountains and found the perfect place to 47._______ their tent. After that, they built a fire and cooked dinner. Finally, it was time to go to sleep. 48._______ in the middle of the night, the wife woke her husband up and said: “Look up at the sky. What do you see?” Her husband answered, “I see millions of stars.” His wife said: “That’s right. What does that mean to you?” The husband said: “Well, if there are so many stars out there, that means there 49._______ be a planet just like ours. And if that’s true, then there could be life on one of those planets. That’s kind of exciting. His wife said: “You are wrong. It means that someone has stolen our 50._______!” 46. A. took B. brought , C. carried 47. A. give up B. put up C. hand up 48. A. Sometimes B. Sometime C. Some times 49. A. might B. must C. should 50. A. clothes B. food C. tent B 3 When I was little child, I often felt upset. I was really 51._______ other kids. I couldn’t change no matter what I did. In fact, there is something wrong with my 52._______. I can’t see things around me clearly. When my classmates play games happily outside. I have to stay in my empty house and look out of the window 53._______. For a long tune, I felt hopeless. 54._______ my mother always said, “You are the precious (珍贵的) baby in our family,” it didn’t work. I asked God, “Why did you give me a pair of useless eyes when you gave me life?” Of course, there was no 55._______. I turned to books for help. Books are my only friends. When I am sad and unhappy, they 56._______; when I feel happy and excited, they share my feelings. They can take me to 57._______ world, there I can see everything clearly and free my heart through joy. I began to write down my thoughts and keep them 58._______ a secret. And nobody knew it, When I studied at a middle school, I had a good teacher. Who is the 59._______ one in the world. He read all of my poems and said, “Well done!” He always praise me in class. He kept helping me. Now I am full of energy and confidence(自 信). I can do things like other kids. So please believe in 60._______. Everyone is unique (独一无二的) 51. A. similar to B. different from C. hard on 52. A. eyes B. ears C. legs 53. A. lonely B. happily C. alone 54. A. Since B. Because C. Although 55. A. repeat. B. reply C. report 56. A. cheer me up B. put me up C. call me up 57. A. other B. the other C. another 58. A. to B. as C. for 59. A. understanding B. more understanding C. most understanding 60. A. yourself B. others C. teachers 【答案】 46-50 ABBAC 51-55 BACCB 56-60 ACBCA 2019 届成都市青羊区九年级下英语二诊 七、完形填空。分别通读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最 佳答案。(共 15 小题;计 20 分。A 篇每小题 2 分;B 篇每小题 1 分) A Many Chinese teenagers dream of studying in Singapore. They think teenagers there enjoy pop music and Singapore movies. Is that true? As for schooling, are there any differences or similarities 46_____ the two Asian countries? In Singapore, many middle school students spend much time on their schoolwork. After all, good schooling is the best way to 47_____ in their future. So, students have to do much homework every day to get good grades. Sometimes, some of them have to go to extra classes after school. It's not easy for teenager students there to 48_____ volunteering like community service. Maybe it's not their pleasure, However ,49_____ their hard schoolwork, they have to do that. Such things are regarded as symbols of 4 their rich experiences before starting working. As you can see, the life as a teenager student in Singapore seems to be enjoyable, but it is 50_____ at the same time. ()46. A. of B. among C. between ()47. A. success B. independence C. confidence ()48. A. continue B. refuse C. avoid ()49. A. besides B. instead of C. except ()50. A. colorful B. difficult C. meaningful B As a reporter, I have had this job for over twenty years. My work is sometimes difficult because I have to face 51_____and death, but most of the time it is amazing and inspiring. In India. I visited a lonely and poor city, I found there were many 52_____ children living in the street. 53_____ food, they had to be in trouble of hunger. But a warm-hearted woman named Emily set up a home for them. In a year, she 54_____ looking after five hundred kids, feeding them, teaching them and giving them hope. 55_____ time I met a young girl with a serious illness. After seven operations, she had to have thirteen more in hospital. 56_____,when I met her, she was still smiling. In 2011, I was in Japan after the terrible earthquake of March 11th. I found a lady whose house fell down and her son was missing. Many people around her said it was impossible that her son was 57_____. But the lady did not 58_____ hope. For the following five days, she kept moving the heavy stones with her hands by herself. She did not stop 59 _____she found her son He was alive! Now I always remember the courage of those people when I face 60 _____in my life. ()51. A. hope B. excitement C. hunger ()52. A. happy B. homeless C. independent ()53. A. Without B. With C. Out of ()54. A. refused B. stopped C. kept ()55. A. Next B. Another C. Every ()56. A. Whatever B. Though C. However ()57. A. alive B. dead C. healthy ()58. A. take up B. look for C. give up ()59. A. while B. until C. since ()60. A. challenges B. happiness C. luck 【答案】CACAB CBACB CACBA

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