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中学初二英语导学案 Unit 7 Topic 1 Section B ( 1a,1b) 设计者: 审核人: 学习目标:1. 学会使用宾语从句 2. 学会谈论美食节各国的食物. 学习重点:宾语从句以及本课的单词短语 学习疑点:What’s more 。 学习方法:自主学习,合作探究 预习: 英汉互译。 1. 喜欢吃甜食 2. 考虑___________________ ___ 3. western food 4.计划做某事 5. 印度咖哩 _________________ _ 6. fried rice 7. be easy to do sth. 8. What’s more. __________ __ 9. South African ___________ __ 10. That’s good enough. 教学步骤: 一. 展示目标. 听 1a 录音, 回答下列问题: (1)DoesMichael have a sweet tooth?___________________________________ . (2)What does Jane plan to do?________________________________________ . (3) What does Kangkang think is OK?__________________________________ . 二. 学生自学,教师循导: 1. Read the new words of 1a and remember the expressions . 2. do 1b by themselves . 四. 学生展示,教师精导: 1. Read the new words and write down the expressions. 2. Display 1a in groups. 教师精导: 1. I have a sweet tooth. = I like eating sweet food. 我喜欢吃甜食. 2. “What’s more, + 句子” “而且” “更有甚者” “更重要的是” 做插入语 。 He refused to say sorry to her. What’s more, he beat her again. 他拒绝向她道歉,更有甚者,他又把她打了一顿。 3. I’m sure that fried rice and dumplings will be popular. ( 1 )be sure ”确信“ 后面接宾语从句。如: I’m sure that he is From Australia. 我确信他来自澳大利亚。 (2 能接宾语从句的动词(vt.)和形容词有: say(说),think(认为,想),know (知道), tell sb.(告诉某人), hope(希望),hear(听说), believe(相信), believe (相信),ask sb.(询问), be sure(肯定,确信)be afraid(恐怕);be sorry (很抱歉….) 。 边练边清,巩固提升 一﹑单项选择: ( )1. I’m not sure ________ he will come or not. A. if B. whether C. that ( )2. Lucy plans ________noodles this evening. A. cook B. cooking C. to cook ( )3. I think Chinese noodles_______ easy ________________. A. are, cook B. are , to cook C. is , to cook ( )4. ____________________ is good for our health. A. Get up early B. Getting up early C. Get up late D. Getting up late ( )5.He was late for class.____________________, he didn’t say sorry. A. What’s more B. For example C. You bet D. Instead ( )6. --I’m ___________ to eat a horse now! --Really? But I don’t have _____________for you. It’s a great pity! A. hungry enough, food enough B. enough hungry, enough food C. hungry enough, food enough D. hungry enough, enough food 7.Maria likes having something sweet.(同义句) Maria a sweet . 教学反思:

资料: 3.2万


