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必修四 第三单元 第 1页 | 共 10 页 单元测试卷 必修四 第三单元 第 2页 | 共 10 页 单元测试卷 必修四单元测评三 Unit 3 A Taste of English Humor 第 I 卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小 题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Where is the woman? A. In a kindergarten. B. At a theatre. C. In her house. 2. How did the man break his leg? A. He had a fall at the pool. B. He had an accident while skating. C. He fell jumping over a tennis net. 3. How much should the woman pay for the books? A. Ten yuan. B. Twenty yuan. C. Thirty yuan. 4. In which way is the Internet very helpful according to the woman? A. Writing emails. B. Searching for information. C. Getting information and communication. 5. Why won’t Diana go to the party? A. She doesn’t dance well. B. She dislikes dancing. C. Perhaps she is not feeling well. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中 选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白听两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 小题。 6. What does the man suggest preparing for Santa Claus at first? A. Oranges. B. Cookies. C. Banana. 7. What time does the girl plan to go to bed? A. At seven. B. At eight. C. At nine. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 小题。 8. Where might Mrs. Brown be? A. At a gym. B. At home. C. At her office. 9. What will the man do tonight? A. Go to a meeting. B. Prepare some papers. C. Call Mrs. Brown again. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 小题。 10. What day is it today? A. Thursday. B. Friday. C. Saturday. 11. What do we know about the man? A. He used to go shopping with his father. B. He always does his shopping on Saturdays. C. He probably likes video games. 12. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The man didn’t accept the woman’s invitation at last. B. There is a sale in the new shopping centre. C. The man has been to the new shopping center before. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 小题。 13. What is the big lion doing now? A. Sleeping. B. Making loud noises. C. Moving back and forth. 14. How many times a day are lions fed? A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. 15. What is different for lions in the wild? A. They eat more often. B. Their food might last a week. C. They only eat during the day. 16. How does the man feel about what lions eat? A. Excited. B. Uninterested. C. Disgusted(厌恶地). 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 小题。 17. When did Hawaii become part of the US? A. In 1921. B. In 1959. C. In 1975. 18. How many main Islands are there in Hawaii? A. Eight. B. Seven. C. Five. 19. How long is the Hawaii coastline? A. Around 750 miles. B. Around 1,500 miles. C. Around 3,000 miles. 20. Which is true about Hawaii? A. Its capital is on the “Big Island”. B. Its volcanoes are no longer active. C. It is the only state not located in the Americas. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 A One night at a high school dance, a voice came to my ears: “That girl, what a pity she is blind.” Blind! Ugly word expressed everything dark, blank, and helpless. Quickly I turned, calling out, “Please don’t feel sorry for me. I’m having lots of fun.” But the fun was not to last. After entering the college, in order to earn a living, I spent part time teaching the piano, and sometimes taking part in concerts and lectures. Compared with the time and hard work, the pay was disheartening. I lost my confidence, especially when I saw my sisters and friends go off to exciting dates. Then one day, I met a wonderful girl, an army nurse. Later, we became close friends. She realized I 必修四 第三单元 第 3页 | 共 10 页 单元测试卷 必修四 第三单元 第 4页 | 共 10 页 单元测试卷 was not so happy actually. She said, “Stop knocking on closed doors. Keep up your beautiful music. I know your chance will come. You’re trying too hard. Why don’t you relax and try to enjoy your life in your own way?” The idea was strange to me. It sounded too simple. Somehow, I had always thought that if you wanted something in this world, you had to go out and get it for yourself. I wondered the purpose for which I came to this world. In the following years, the answers began to arrive, clear and satisfying. One of the answers was Enchanted Hills, where my nurse friend and I have honor(荣幸) of seeing blind children come alive. Others are the never-ending sources of pleasure and comfort(安慰) I have found in friendship and in great music. 21. What can we learn from the passage about the author? A. She always likes dancing. B. Her life was usually helpless. C. She often went out with her friends. D. Her life was full of fun once. 22. Why did the nurse advise the author to try to enjoy her life in her own way? A. Because the author knocked on closed doors. B. Because the author didn’t know how to relax. C. Because the author lived an unhappy life actually. D. Because the author didn’t keep her beautiful music. 23. What can we infer from the last two paragraphs? A. You should get something for yourself by your own. B. The author found the pleasure and meaning of life. C. The nurse wanted to live meaningfully and hopefully. D. The nurse helped the author realize her dream. 24. We can learn from the passage that __________. A. a blind girl changed the author’s life B. the author is good at playing the piano C. the author considered herself very unlucky D. Enchanted Hills is a place where the nurse lived B I have heard having a good sense of humour often helps in breaking the ice. Also people remember you because of your humour. But I think I don’t have a very good sense of humour. Could you suggest how to build on this? —Radha Karnik This is a great question that is unfortunately difficult to answer. I can only give you my views on this topic, which may or may not be correct. I know that my sense of humour developed over time. When I was younger I was not funny at all; now I can easily make people laugh. At the same time, sometimes I say things that I think are very funny but others do not. Improving humour, I believe, is an ongoing process. Now, there are various forms of humour and everyone has their own style. Overall, I believe being fluent in a language is very important for being funny. The way we play around with words adds the “funny” tag to a normal sentence. Also, seeing irony(讽刺) is very important. I think humour is often the link between two unrelated things. In my experience, laughing frequently and appreciating other people’s jokes are very important. Within these, finding humor in everyday normal situations is the key. I often notice what is going on around me and say funny things in my head and laugh to myself. That serves almost as practice for when I am in a group. I watch comedy shows and movies and I am sure that has some effect on helping me improve my sense of humour. And last, having confidence that you are funny is important. There will always be someone funnier than you, which is fine. Just work on building your own style. Remember, if you are trying to be funny in order to break the ice at a business function, be careful. In those situations, humour has to be mild and politically correct. Yours, Brad 25. What’s RAdha Karnik’s problem? A. He doesn’t have friends. B. He doesn’t know the functions of humour. C. He doesn’t understand others’ humour. D. He doesn’t have a good sense of humour. 26. By telling his own experience, Brad tried to make Radha Karnik believe that __________. A. laughter is the best medicine B. laughter and humour go hand in hand C. a sense of humour can be developed D. a sense of humour helps imipress others 27. Which of the following would Brad agree with? A. Everyone knows how to appreciate others’ jokes. B. Everyone has their own style of humour. C. Everyone is as funny as others. D. Everyone needs to laugh to themselves each day. C An artistic student from a school near Rochester, New York decided to get down to a photography project of a different kind. Each day, Chaz Rorick from Rush-Henrietta High School decided to upload an Instagram photo of himself imitating(模仿) a US president alongside a photo of the actual president. Many would agree the impressions are quite familiar. Rorick’s project started when he realized the set of clothes he wore looked like that of President Harry Truman while watching a documentary. He took a photo of himself, placed it next to one of Truman, and posted it on Instagram. He had an instant fan: his father. “The next day I did Roosevelt for fun, but by the third picture I did one a day, no matter how busy I was. My friends enthusiastically encouraged me to carry on with such strange and unusual things,” the high school junior told Mashable. According to Rochester Homepage.net, Rorick said of his project, “It was not too much work, maybe half an hour a night doing it, except for the ones with wigs(假发) and mustaches. I cut out paper for it. I taped cotton to my head.” “It was fun though,” he added. “All my friends supported it. My parents supported it. History teachers are crazy about it.” Some people hold the view that Rorick’s photos are creative, entertaining and educational. However, others think everyone can dress up, too, but they have to admit that with all the things out 必修四 第三单元 第 5页 | 共 10 页 单元测试卷 必修四 第三单元 第 6页 | 共 10 页 单元测试卷 there that Rorick could do in his spare time, there’ s nothing wrong with this. 28. When did he have the idea of a photography project? A. When he was watching a documentary. B. When he was choosing his clothes. C. When he played with his father. D. When he was uploading something. 29. Which of the following can be used to describe Rorick? A. Artistic and lonely. B. Artistic and creative. C. Creative but unpopular. D. Popular and wealthy. 30. What does Rorick think of the photography project? A. It takes up too much of his time. B. It won’t attract him any more. C. It is easy to do. D. It has been done by other. 31. Which of the following is TRUE about Rorick’s history teacher? A. He likes his photography project very much. B. He thinks little of his photography project. C. He is strong against him. D. He thinks he is crazy. D A lot of us lose life’s tough battles by starting a frontal(正面的) attack—when a touch of homour might well enable us to win. Consider the case of a young friend of mine, who hit a traffic jam on his way to work shortly after receiving a warning of being late on the job. Although there was a good reason for Sam’s being late— serious illness at home— he decided that this by-now-familiar excuse wouldn’t work any longer. His manager was probably already walking up and down preparing a dismissal(解雇) speech. Yes, the boss was. Sam entered the office at 9:35. The place was as quiet as a locker room(更衣 室); everyone was hard at work. Sam’s manager came up to him. Suddenly, Sam forced a smile and reached out his hand. “How do you do!” he said. “I’m Sam Maynard. I’m applying for a job, which, I understand, became available just 35 minutes ago. Does the early bird get the worm?” The room exploded in laughter. The manager clamped off a smile and walked back to his office. Sam Maynard had saved his job— with the only tool that could win, a laugh. Humour is a most effective, yet frequently ignored, means of dealing with the difficult situations in our lives. It can be used for patching up(弥补) differences, apologizing, saying “no”, criticizing, getting the other fellow to do what you want without his losing face. For some jobs, it’s the only tool that can succeed. It is a way to discuss topics so sensitive that serious dialog may start a quarrel. For example, many believe that comedians(喜剧演员) on television are doing more today for racial(种族的) and religious problems than people in any other field. 32. Why was Sam late for his job? A. Because he was ill. B. Because he got up late. C. Because he was caught in a traffic jam. D. Because he was busy applying for a new job. 33. What’s the main idea of this passage? A. Sam Maynard saved his job with humour. B. Humour is important in our lives. C. The early bird gets the worm. D. Humour can solve racial discrimination. 34. The phrase “clamped off” in Paragraph 3 means __________. A. tried to hold back B. tried to set C. charged D. gave out 35. Which of the following statements can we infer from the passage? A. Many lose life’s battles because they don’t have a sense of humour. B. It wasn’t the first time that Sam came late for his work. C. Sam was supposed to come to his office at 8:30. D. Humour is the most effective way of solving problems. 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Today, most countries celebrate the Christmas holidays from December 25 until January 6. Christmas is mostly about celebrations, gift-giving, merry-making and church-attending. 36 In many countries magical figures like Santa Claus of Father Christmas being children their gifts. Decorating the house is an old custom that comes from pagan(异教的) times. In northern Europe branches from evergreen trees were brought into the house to show that spring would return soon. Our traditional Christmas tree also comes from northern Europe. 37 As time went on more and more objects were added: candles, cookies and other things. German settlers brought the Christmas tree to America. Today families decorate their trees with ornaments, candy cane and electric lights. 38 . Christmas cards started to become popular in the middle of the 19th century. Today, billions of cards are sent all over the world. In medieval Europe Christmas was a celebration of feasting and dancing. 39 Turkey, goose, duck, fish and roast beef are some of the many dishes that you can find on dinner tables around the world. Housewives bake cakes and cookies. Christmas is also a time of singing carols, songs that come from folk songs and ballads. Most of the carols we sing today were written in the 1900s. Silent Night, Holy Night is the most popular songs. 40 A. It is sung all over the world. B. Giving presents is a special part of Christmas. C. Nowadays many families enjoy special meals. D. Many people may go to church on Christmas Day. E. Some churches will hand out small gifts to children. F. Some people even put up trees outdoors in their gardens. G. In the Middle Ages people set up trees and hung apples on them. 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在 41~60 题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可 以填入空白处的最佳选项。 If you intend to use humour in your talk to make people smile, you must know how to identify(鉴 别)shared experiences and problems. Your humour must have 41 with the audience and should help to show them that you are one of them or that you 42 their situation and have the same point of view as them. 43 on whom you are speaking to, the problems will be 44 . If you are talking to a group of 45 , you may refer to the foolish methods of their secretaries; if you are 必修四 第三单元 第 7页 | 共 10 页 单元测试卷 必修四 第三单元 第 8页 | 共 10 页 单元测试卷 speaking to secretaries, you may want to comment on their foolish 46 . Here is an example, which I heard at a nurses’ meeting, of a story 47 works well because the audience all 48 the same view of doctors. A man arrives in 49 and is being shown around by St. Peter. He sees 50 accommodations( 膳 宿 ), beautiful gardens, sunny weather, and so on. Everyone is very 51 , polite and friendly until, 52 in a line for lunch, the new arrival is suddenly pushed aside by a man in a white coat, who rushes to the head of the 53 , takes his food and walks over a table by himself. “Who is that?” the new arrival asked 54 . “Oh, that’s God,” came the reply, “but sometimes he thinks he’s a 55 .” If you are 56 of the group who you are speaking to, you will be able to know the experiences and problems which are 57 to all of you and it’ll be 58 for you to comment on the terrible canteen(食堂) food or the 59 bad taste in ties. With other audiences you mustn’t try to cut in with humour as they will hate an outsider making bad 60 on their canteen or their chairman. 41. A. custom B. habit C. connection D. effect 42. A. change B. understand C. stay D. rid 43. A. Depended B. To depend C. Depending D. To be depended 44. A. different B. similar C. same D. difficult 45. A. nurses B. secretaries C. doctors D. managers 46. A. computers B. bosses C. workmates D. friends 47. A. which B. who C. where D. what 48. A. refused B. agreed C. experienced D. shared 49. A. universe B. hospital C. earth D. heaven 50. A. terrible B. disturbing C. wonderful D. pleased 51. A. peaceful B. violent C. depressed D. drunk 52. A. waited B. waiting C. waits D. to wait 53. A. garden B. line C. audience D. nurse 54. A. God B. a nurse C. St. Peter D. friends 55. A. boss B. manger C. nurse D. doctor 56. A. arrival B. none C. part D. nobody 57. A. common B. normal C. usual D. general 58. A. unfit B. suitable C. modest D. foolish 59. A. boss B. manager C. doctor D. chairman’s 60. A. comments B. preparations C. struggles D. gestures 第 II 卷 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 The task of being accepted in a university begins early for some students. Long before they graduate from high school, these students take special courses to prepare for (61)___________ (advance) study. They may also take one or more examinations that test (62) ___________ well prepared they are for the university. In the final year of high school, they complete (63) ___________ (apply) and send them to the universities (64) ___________ interest them most. Some high school students may be required to have (65) ___________ interview with people from the university. (66) ___________(neat) dressed and a little bit frightened, they are determined to show that they have a good attitude and the ability to succeed. If the new students (67) ___________(accept), many universities will offer an instruction program for them to get to know the procedures for students advising, university rules, the use of the library and all the other major (68) ___________(serve) of the university. Beginning a new life in a new place can be very (69) ___________(puzzle). The more knowledge students have about the school, the (70) ___________(easy) it will be for them to adapt to the new environment. However, it takes time to get used to college life. 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下面画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。 2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。 ①After watching the program Where Are We Going, Dad? ②I can’t help think of my parents. ③ There’re also many unforgettable memory between us. ④One Sunday ten years before, my dad and I went camping. ⑤He prepared all the equipment and taught me how to put up a tent, that for a boy of seven wasn’t easy. ⑥He guided me patient and thanked me for my work, making me to feel I was very helpful. ⑦ That was what my pride and confidence came. ⑧ As the program told us, parents play important role in the growth of children. ⑨ I’m grateful to my parents for their devotion of accompanying me. 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分) 假如你校要举办一次主题为“How to communicate with parents”的英文演讲比赛。请你用英 语写一篇演讲稿。 要点如下: 1.尊重并信任父母。 2.常与父母聊天。 3.换位思考问题。 注意: 1.词数 100 左右。 2.参考词汇:换位思考 put oneself in one’s shoes 3.开头已给出,不计入总词数。 How to communicate with parents Hello, everyone! 必修四 第三单元 第 9页 | 共 10 页 单元测试卷 必修四 第三单元 第 10页 | 共 10 页 单元测试卷 必修四 第三单元 单元测评 听力理解 1—5 CBCCC 6—10 BAABB 11—15 CBCAB 16—20 CBAAC 阅读理解 21—24 DCBB 25—27 DCB 28—31 ABCA 32—35 CBAB 36—40 BGFCA 完形填空 41—45 CBCAD 46—50 BADDC 51—55 ABBCD 56—60 CABDA 语法填空 61. advanced 62. how 63. applications 64. that/which 65. an 66. Neatly 67. are accepted 68. services 69. puzzling 70. easier 短文改错 1. 第二句 think—thinking 2.第三句 memory—memories 3.第四句 before—ago 4.第五句 that—which 5.第六句 patient—patiently 6. 第六句 to 去掉 7.第七句 what—where 8.第八句 told—tells 9.第八句 play 后加 an 10.第九句 of—to 书面表达 How to communicate with parents Hello, everyone! I’d like to share my ideas with you about this topic. Parents are the people who love us most, so it’s necessary to keep a good relationship with them. Here are my ideas on how to make it easier to communicate with parents. First, we should respect and trust our parents. Don’t be rude to them if they have done something wrong. Second, if we often talk with them about our life and experience, we will know each other better. Third, if sometimes we don’t agree with our parents’ decision, we should try to put ourselves into their shoe and we will soon understand them. Thank you for listening.

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