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外研版(2019)选修二 unit 6 starting out and understanding ideas 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号: ___________ 一、单词拼写 1.After recovery, the contents of the _____(太空舱) are to be moved to Japan for analysis. 2.Neil Armstrong is the first _____(宇航员) to walk on the moon. 3.There's _____(灰尘) under the furniture. Please clean it as soon as possible. 4.I _____(推断) from what she said that you had not been well. 5.We had to hire maids through a(n) _____(中介). 6.In 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first satellite to _____(环绕……运行) the earth. 7.At no time will China be the first to use _____(核武器的) weapons. 8.They dug up some old toys from the bottom of the _____(树干). 9.Many small plants in that country closed down for lack of _____(燃料). 10.An American _____(徒步旅行者) was freed from jail. 11.Apart from the _____(每月一次的) salary, you'll be given an additional $2,000 per year. 12.Teenage smoking increased from 16% to 20%. Total tobacco _____(消耗量) is now increasing. 13.The _____(洞穴) echoed with voices and footsteps. 14.To be honest, I'm not _____(乐观的) that we will pass the exam. 15.It is as bad to encourage violence as it is to _____(犯) it. 16.It is up to you to _____(限制) access to confidential information. 17.The income of _____(城市的) and rural residents has gone up steadily. 18.I _____(感谢) your time and consideration of my request, and I look forward to talking with you. 19.Flies and other insects may transport diseases and the _____(垃圾) becomes a source of possible diseases that can attack man. 20.He lives in the _____(郊区) of Beijing and works in the city. 21.They consider it almost a _____(罪行) to expose children to violence and sex on TV. 22.He was a _____(贪婪的) man and loved gold better than anything else in the world. 二、翻译题 23.要过一个小时警察才(能)到。 It will be an hour _____ _____ _____ _____. 24.当你外出时务必戴上防护口罩, 避免接触病毒。 When you go out, do wear protective masks to avoid _____ _____ _____ the virus. 25.我上由我的老师提供的在线课程。 I had online courses _____ by my teachers. 26.我读了一些著名作家写的经典作品。 I read some classics _____ by famous writers. 27.我坚持学习。 I _____ _____ studying. 28.我通过看新闻或者上网来密切关注疫情。 I _____ _____ _____ _____ the epidemic situation through watching news or surfing the Internet. 29.他们认为, 两者都会对创造性表现产生影响。 They thought that both would _____ _____ _____ _____ the creative performance. 30.科学家正在想办法来降低这种风险。 Scientists are thinking of ways _____ _____ _____ _____. 31.我知道你将要买的那本书比其他同班同学的更有价值。 I know that the book you will buy is more valuable _____ _____ _____ _____ _____. 32.一个人总能设法做更多的事情, 无论他生活中的日程安排得多满。 One can always manage to do more things, _____ _____ _____ full his schedule is in life. 33.不管什么时候我不高兴, 总是我的朋友们使我振作起来。 _____ _____ _____, it is my friends who cheer me up./ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____, it is my friends who cheer me up. 34.是我的两个姐妹最了解她。 _____ _____ my two sisters _____ knew her best. 35.只有那时我才明白她的意思。 _____ _____ _____ _____ understand what she meant. 36.我们别无选择, 只能诉诸仲裁。 We _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ resort to arbitration. 37.所有的工作完成了, 他们急忙回家吃午饭。 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____, they hurried back home for lunch. 38.直到那时,他才意识到自己的车被偷了。(only + 状语) _________________________________ that his car had been stolen. 三、阅读理解 The local government killed more than 34,000 stray dogs(流浪狗) several months ago because those officials were afraid that the dogs would spread rabies(狂犬病 ). This caused a debate across the country. Some people said that it was very cruel to dogs. There might be a better way to prevent the disease. In the future, killing stray dogs might be seen as a crime. Last month, the Chinese government published a draft of animal rights laws. It says that a person who kills a stray dog without one good reason will be put in prison. The draft also says that animal abuse and abandoning animals will be considered crimes under the criminal law. The government published the draft so that the public could read it and discuss their thoughts. People have different reactions. Some think the law is good. They say other countries like Britain and Japan have similar laws. They say we will do better at protecting animals if there is one. But others say it's not crucial to fight animal abuse with a new law. Criticism and fines can do the job. Some people also say that the draft doesn't deal with the biggest issues facing the country's development. The country should make progress to give all people equal rights, they say, before turning attention to animals. Another part of the draft is causing discussion. It says that people should not force animals to do something dangerous, like jumping through a ring of fire. But many people enjoy watching this kind of performance at the circus, especially kids. They say that if the animal does it properly, it will not get hurt. 1.Why did the local government kill many dogs? A.The dogs were dirty. B.Those officials wanted to prevent rabies. C.The dogs were homeless. D.Those officials wanted to eat the dogs. 2.Which of the following is acceptable according to the draft of animal rights laws? A.Killing a dog with rabies. B.Beating an animal for fun. C.Abandoning a blind pet dog. D.Forcing a cat to jump through a ring of fire. 3.What can we tell from the text? A.All people agree with the law. B.Criticism and fines can protect animals. C.Protecting animals is the biggest issue in China. D.People have different opinions on the law. 4.What will happen if the law takes effect? A.People can't kill stray dogs any longer. B.The country won't have human right problems. C.Kids may not be able to watch animals' performances in a circus. D.Animals will not be killed. 四、完形填空 I'm part of the Roots & Shoots programme, founded by Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE. It's all about making 1 changes in the world. As Dr. Goodall says, "What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make," I decided I wanted to do something 2 in the world. In Bulgaria, where I live, stray dogs are everywhere in the urban areas. Although many can turn a blind eye, I struggle to 3 the soulful eyes of a poor street dog. That's why I'm no longer a food waster. When I see plates of 4 food, I see the desperate eyes of a stray animal. I see a 5 dog prowling bin bags, searching for food to fill his empty belly. 6 eating out in a restaurant, I'm not afraid to 7 a food bag with leftovers. When there are living beings out there 8 , it seems selfish to waste food. I'll feed it to the stray cats or dogs. A week ago, I saw a stray dog around the garbage bins. Hours earlier, I'd bagged up a plate of 9 fish. As I unwrapped it, he wagged his tail and sniffed the air. It was 10 in no time. It's sad, isn't it? How we can waste so much food and think 11 of it. These homeless animals have taught me that food is precious and it isn't right to waste it. When your stomach is full, don't throw away the food you've left. 12 it for the stray animal whose stomach isn't full. I can't count the times I've passed a stray animal with eyes asking for 13 . For me, it's something I can't ignore. That is why I 14 end up fetching something from the food store if I don't have anything on me. The next time you see wasted food, 15 it into valuable food for all the starving mouths out there. 1.A.relative B.positive C.great D.possible 2.A.inspirational B.important C.interesting D.useful 3.A.ignore B.notice C.realize D.meet 4.A.untouched B.wasted C.spoiled D.piled 5.A.fierce B.wild C.weak D.angry 6.A.Even if B.As if C.In case D.As well as 7.A.buy B.get C.take D.fill 8.A.running B.starving C.dying D.barking 9.A.leftover B.cooked C.spared D.shared 10.A.swallowed B.swept C.lost D.gone 11.A.much B.little C.well D.badly 12.A.Put B.Wrap C.Save D.Leave 13.A.mercy B.money C.advice D.help 14.A.seldom B.always C.still D.actually 15.A.tum B.break C.cover D.make 参考答案 1.答案:capsule 2.答案:astronaut 3.答案:dust 4.答案:inferred 5.答案:agency 6.答案:orbit 7.答案:nuclear 8.答案:trunk 9.答案:fuel 10.答案:hiker 11.答案:monthly 12.答案:consumption 13.答案:cave 14.答案:optimistic 15.答案:commit 16.答案:restrict 17.答案:urban 18.答案:appreciate 19.答案:garbage 20.答案:suburb 21.答案:crime 22.答案:greedy 23.答案:before; the; police; arrive 24.答案:being; exposed; to 25.答案:given 26.答案:written 27.答案:insisted; on 28.答案:paid; close; attention; to 29.答案:have; an; effect; on 30.答案:to; lower; this; risk 31.答案:than; that; of; other; classmates 32.答案:no; matter; how 33.答案:Whenever; I'm; unhappy; No; matter; when; I'm; unhappy 34.答案:It; was; who/ that 35.答案:Only; then; did; I 36.答案:have; no; choice; but; to 37.答案:With; all; the; work; finished 38.答案:Only then did he realize 解析: "only +状语"位于句首时,句子使用部分倒装,需把助动词/be 动词/情态动词放在主语前面。 根据句意和 had been stolen 可知此处应用助动词 did。 阅读理解答案:1-4 BADC 解析:1.细节理解题。根据文章第一段中"those officials were afraid that the dogs would spread rabies(狂 犬病)"可知应选 B 项。 2.细节理解题。根据文章第四段"The draft also says that animal abuse and abandoning animals will be considered crimes under the criminal law." 可知 B、C 两项不被接受, 最后一段中"It says that people should not force animals to do something dangerous, like jumping through a ring of fire." 可知 D 项也不能 被接受。 3.推理判断题。从文章的后三段来看, 人们对于该草案所持的态度各不相同, 故答案应为 D。 4.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知, 该草案禁止动物进行危险的表演, 所以如果草案得以实施, 可 能就不会再有动物表演杂技了, C 项正确。 完形填空答案:1-5 BDABC 6-10 ADBAD 11-15 BCDBA 解析:1.根据上下文作者对 Jane Goodall 成立的这一组织的介绍可知, 这个组织号召人们去为世界做" 积极的"改变。 2.从下文作者所做的事情可知, 他决定做"有用的"事情。 3.此处作者说明自己很难"忽视"可怜的流浪狗凄婉的眼神。 4.根据上文可知, 作者不再浪费食物, 因此看到"浪费掉的"食物时, 就想起流浪动物极度渴望的眼神。 5.根据语境可知, 流浪狗在垃圾袋中寻找食物, 因此推断它因为饥饿而变得"虚弱"。 6."即使"作者在餐馆里吃饭, 也会带食物给流浪的动物。 7.根据语境可知, 此处表示作者把剩下的食物"装满"食品袋。 8.当有生物在"挨饿"时, 浪费食物是自私的行为。 9.根据语境和常识可知, 作者把一盘"剩余的"鱼装在袋子里。 10.此处表示狗很快把食物吃光了, gone 表示"用完了"。 11.作者强调, 我们怎么能"不假思索"去浪费那么多食物呢? think little of 表示"不假思索"。 12.作者号召我们, 不要把吃剩下的食物扔掉而应该"节省"下来, 给饿肚子的流浪动物吃。 13.根据常识可知, 作者经过流浪动物时总看到"求助的"眼神。 14.作者很同情流浪动物, 因此"总是"带食物给它们。 15.作者最后强调, 下一次你看到浪费掉的食物时, 把它们"变成"有用的食物, 给流浪动物吃。

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