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外研版(2019)选修二 unit 6 developing ideas and presenting ideas 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单词拼写 1.After recovery, the contents of the _____(太空舱) are to be moved to Japan for analysis. 2.There's _____(灰尘) under the furniture. Please clean it as soon as possible. 3.Neil Armstrong is the first _____(宇航员) to walk on the moon. 4.I _____(推断) from what she said that you had not been well. 5.We had to hire maids through a(n) _____(中介). 6.In 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first satellite to _____(环绕……运行) the earth. 7.At no time will China be the first to use _____(核武器的) weapons. 8.They dug up some old toys from the bottom of the _____(树干). 二、翻译题 9.要过一个小时警察才(能)到。 It will be an hour _____ _____ _____ _____. 10.当你外出时务必戴上防护口罩, 避免接触病毒。 When you go out, do wear protective masks to avoid _____ _____ _____ the virus. 11.我上由我的老师提供的在线课程。 I had online courses _____ by my teachers. 12.我读了一些著名作家写的经典作品。 I read some classics _____ by famous writers. 13.我坚持学习。 I _____ _____ studying. 14.我通过看新闻或者上网来密切关注疫情。 I _____ _____ _____ _____ the epidemic situation through watching news or surfing the Internet. 15.他们认为, 两者都会对创造性表现产生影响。 They thought that both would _____ _____ _____ _____ the creative performance. 16.科学家正在想办法来降低这种风险。 Scientists are thinking of ways _____ _____ _____ _____. 17.我知道你将要买的那本书比其他同班同学的更有价值。 I know that the book you will buy is more valuable _____ _____ _____ _____ _____. 18.我们的机器人已经探索了火星表面,并且检测土壤,搜寻资源、水和生命迹象。 ① Our robots have explored the Martian surface, _______ the soil and _______ for resources, water and signs of life. (非谓语动词) ② Our robots have explored the Martian surface, _______ tested the soil and searched for resources, water and signs of life. (非限制性定语从句) 三、阅读理解 19. Artemis is NASA's new lunar exploration program. Through the Artemis program, NASA will use new technology to study the Moon in new and better ways, and prepare for human missions to Mars. NASA's new rocket will carry the Orion spacecraft to the lunar orbit. Then, astronauts will dock(对接) Orion at a small spaceship called the Gateway, from which the crew will take trips to the lunar surface in a new human landing system, and then return to the Gateway. The crew will return to Earth aboard Orion. NASA will test the rocket and the spacecraft in flight, and then send a crew for a test flight: • Artemis 1 will be a test flight of the SLS rocket with the Orion spacecraft with no crew. • Artemis 2 will fly SLS and Orion with a crew past the Moon, then circle it and return to Earth. This trip will be the farthest of the trips where any human has gone into space. • Artemis 3 will send a crew with the first woman and the next man to land on the Moon by 2024. The Artemis 3 crew will visit the Moon's South Pole. No one has ever been there. On the Moon, astronauts will; • Search for the Moon's water and use it. • Learn how to live and work on the surface of another celestial body(天体) where astronauts are just three days from home. • Test the technologies we need before sending astronauts on missions to Mars, which can take up to three years round trip. The Moon is a good place to learn new science. NASA will learn more about the Moon, Earth and even the Sun. The Moon is a "test bed" for Mars. The Moon is a place to show that astronauts will one day be able to work away from Earth on Mars for long periods of time. 1.What is the aim of the Artemis program? A.To help astronauts return to Earth. B.To be ready for the landing on Mars. C.To study Mars using new science. D.To test the Moon landing spacecraft, Orion. 2.Which will be the achievement of the Artemis series? A.Going to the Moon's South Pole. B.Making the first trip into space. C.Sending the first man to the Moon. D.Flying to the Moon with four persons. 3.What will Artemis astronauts do on the Moon? A.Send astronauts to Mars. B.Run a three-year-long test. C.Find and make use of water. D.Learn to live not far from home. 4.What can we conclude from the text? A.It is possible to live on another planet now. B.The crew will reach the lunar surface from Orion. C.NASA has sent the first woman astronaut to the Moon. D.The Artemis program is of great help in Mars exploring. 四、七选五 20.How to keep yourself safe from the new virus? After a new-type coronavirus was detected in viral pneumonia cases in Central China's Wuhan a few months ago, more cases have been reported in recent days. ①_____: 1.Wear a mask outdoors. • Wearing a mask is one of the most effective ways to protect you from getting infected. • Be sure to wear it properly. • ②_____, a mask is also needed to prevent you from spreading germs to others. 2.Cover your coughs and sneezes with tissues. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, or you can cough or sneeze into your sleeve, but avoid covering your coughs and sneezes with your hands directly. 3.③_____. Wash your hands with soap and running water thoroughly for at least 15 seconds. • before eating and after using the toilet • after returning home • after touching trash or garbage • after contacting animals or handling animal wastes 4.Strengthen your immune system and exercise regularly. • Regular exercise is one of the most important ways to help you stay away from catching any infections. • Make sure that shared spaces have good air flow and avoid going to crowded places such as hospitals, railway stations and airports. ④_____. • Seek prompt medical attention if you have symptoms of fever and respiratory infection. • Avoid close contact with people who have flu or cold-like symptoms. • ⑤_____. Avoid contact with wild animals or farmed livestock without any protection. A.If your hands are not visibly dirty B.Eat thoroughly cooked meat and eggs C.Wash your hands frequently and properly D.Protect yourself and others from getting sick E.Wear a mask if transport or movement is necessary F.If you're not feeling well or have symptoms of fever G.To prevent catching the infection, here's what you can do 参考答案 1.答案:capsule 解析: 2.答案:dust 解析: 3.答案:astronaut 解析: 4.答案:inferred 解析: 5.答案:agency 解析: 6.答案:orbit 解析: 7.答案:nuclear 解析: 8.答案:trunk 解析: 9.答案:before; the; police; arrive 解析: 10.答案:being; exposed; to 解析: 11.答案:given 解析: 12.答案:written 解析: 13.答案:insisted; on 解析 14.答案:paid; close; attention; to 解析: 15.答案:have; an; effect; on 解析: 16.答案:to; lower; this; risk 解析: 17.答案:than; that; of; other; classmates 解析: 18.答案:①testing, searching ②which 解析:①非谓语动词作伴随状语。 ②which 引导非限制性定语从句。 19.答案:1-4.BACD 解析:1.细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知, Artemis 是 NASA 新的月球探索计划。通过 Artemis 计 划, NASA 将使用新技术以新的和更好的方式研究月球, 并为人类前往火星的任务做准备, 故选 B。 2.细节理解题。根据文中的 The Artemis 3 crew will visit the Moon's South Pole. 可知选 A。 3.细节理解题。根据文中的 Search for the Moon's water and use it. 可知选 C。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知, 月球是学习新科学的好地方。NASA 将更多地了解月球、 地球, 甚至太阳。月球是火星的"试验台"。月球是一个表明宇航员有朝一日能够远离地球在火星上 工作很长一段时间的地方。由此可推断出 Artemis 计划对火星探索有很大帮助。故选 D。 20.答案:①-⑤ GFCEB 解析:①该空的作用是承上启下, 根据下文列举的预防方法, G 项符合逻辑, 是一个过渡句。 ②根据设空处后面的结构和意思可以判断, 此空应该是一个从句, 根据设空处后面的意思并结合该 句所在的部分(这部分与口罩有关), 可以看出答案为 F 项。 ③由该空所在的位置可以判断, 此处应该是一个主题句。且其后项目都是有关洗手的, 所以答案是 C。 ④结合该空所在的段落可以看出, 其与公共场合如医院、火车站和飞机场等有关, 在这些公共场合 应该戴口罩, 因此答案为 E。 ⑤由文章的结构判断, 此处应该是祈使句, 并与家禽、家畜等有关, 因此答案为 B。

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