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Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part B Read and write (5) Let’s sing My new pen pal My new pen pal , my new pen pal. He likes to sing. He can sing so loud. My new pen pal, my new pen pal. He likes to play football. He really likes to play. I really want his to come here some day. Let’s learn Good morning! Good morning! Let’s learn read story—reading stories Let’s learn listen to music—listening to music Let’s learn plant trees—planting trees Let’s learn swim---swimming Let’s learn read a book---reading a book Let’s learn write an email—writing an email Let’s learn draw a picture—drawing a picture Let’s try do kung fu → doing kung fu A: What are your hobbies? B: He likes doing kung fu. Let’s try sing a song—singing a song B: She likes singing a song. A: What are her hobbies? Let’s try dance---dancing A: What are her hobbies? B: She likes dancing. Let’s learn goal 射门 Let’s learn club 俱乐部 Let’s write Your hobbies I like singing. I like dancing. I like playing football. … Let’s learnYour partner ’s hobbiesHe likes reading books. She likes planting trees. She likes writing stories.… Let’s learn Shall we dance? There is a dance class on Sunday at 1 p.m. I like dancing, and I need a partner. Call Amy:334 5567 Goal! Goal! Goal! What do you do on Sundays? Join our football club! See you on the playground! John@pep.com.cn L et’s read together! What is your hobby? Do you like reading? I have great books. We can share! Call Mike: 443 5678 Science Club, YOUR club Do you want to learn about robots? Come to the science room! Meet Robin. He teaches students to make robots. robin@ pep.com.cn shall将要,shall适用于第一人称做主语. NOTICE BOARD Let’s readRead, answer and write. 1. Do the four people in the text want pen pal? 2. How many hobbies can you find in the text? Write them down. Yes, they do. Let’s read Amy likes ___________________________ John _________________________________ Mike __________________________________ Robin ____________________________________ dancing. likes playing football. likes reading books. likes making robots. Let’s cook! Do you like food? Do you want to cook? Join us! Different people in our club teach different things. Mandy ______ (talk/ talks) about chocolates. Wang Tang ________(cook/cooks) rice and noodles. Cao Jia ________(make/makes) salad. Who ______(do/does) the dishes? Don’t worry. We all do them together. We meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock in the dining hall. See you there! talks cooks makes does Let’s learn Finish this ad for a cooking club . Let’s read Tips for pronunciation Listen and repeat. 1. We can share. 2.I like dancing. 3. He lives on a farm. 4.What are Peter’s hobbies? Let’s learn He likes reading books and drawing pictures.What are his hobbies? Let’s learn What are their hobbies? They like playing football. Let’s learn What are her hobbies?She likes dancing and singing. Let’s talk假如你有一个俱乐部 , 邀请你的 小伙伴参加你的俱乐部吧! Practice 汉译英 1. 一堂舞蹈课 2. 在星期日 3. 足球俱乐部 4. 做机器人 a dancing class on Sundays football club make robots Practice 句型转换 1. We shall dance. (改为一般疑问句) 2. We like dancing and singing. (对划线部分提问)_ 3.Do you want to cook?(做肯定回答) Shall we dance? What are your hobbies? Yes, I do. Summary Homework 1.把自己的爱好写一写. 2.谈谈你的好朋友的爱好. 祝你学习进步! t h a n k y o u

资料: 3.2万


