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矮 纸 斜 行 闲 作 草 , 晴 窗 细 乳 戏 分 茶 。 小 楼 一 夜 听 春 雨 深 巷 明 朝 卖 杏 花 Unit 4 Why don’ t you talk to your parents? Grammar Focus 重 点 句 型 知 识 点 学 习 课 上 练 习 家 庭 作 业 1. 你看上去很疲劳,怎么了? You ____ tired. What’s ___ _______? 2. 昨晚,我一直学习到午夜,因此我没有睡足觉。 I studied _____ _________ last night so I didn’t ____ ______ sleep. 3. 我应该做什么? _____ _______I do? 4. 你为什么不忘掉此事呢?尽管她错了,但那不是一件大事。 _____ ____ you forget about it? _________ she’s wrong, it’s not ____ ___ _____. 根据课本内容,完成下列句子。 until midnight look the matter get enough What should Why don’t Although a big deal 根据课本内容,完成下列句子。 5. 他应当如何做? _____ _______ he do? 6. 他应当和他的朋友谈一下,以便他能向他道歉。 He ______ _____ ___ his friend ____ ____ he can say he’s sorry. 7. 或许你应当去他家。 _______ you ______ go to his house. 8. 我猜我可以,但是我不想让他吃惊。 I guess I _______, but I don’t want to _______ _______. What should should talk to so that Maybe could could surprise him Give advice Why don't you do? -Why don't you call him up? Why not do? -Why not call him up? You should do. -You should call him up. You could do. -You could call him up. What/How about doing? What/How about calling him up? 去散步怎么样?go for a walk英语中有几种表达? Why don't you go for a walk? Why not go for a walk? You could go for a walk. You should go for a walk. What/ How about going for a walk? 4a. Fill in the blanks with although, so that or until. 1. A: What’s wrong? B: My sister borrows my clothes without asking. What should I do? A: Well, you could tell her that this makes you angry _______ she’ll ask you next time.so that so that 意为“以便,为了”,引导目的状语从句 +can/could/will/would/must/need等情态动词 so that 意为“因此,所以”,引导结果状语从句 I get up early so that I can get to school on time. 我早早起床,以便我能准时到校。 I get up ealry so that I get to school on time. 我早早起床,所以我准时到校。 For example 4a. Fill in the blanks with although, so that or until. 2. A: I don’t have any friends at my new school. What should I do? B: ________ you don’t have any now, you’ll soon make some. Although 点拨:although 意为“尽管”but意为“但是”, 两者不能同时出现。句意“尽管你现在没有朋友, 但不久你就会有朋友的。” Although he is a little boy, he knows a lot. =He is a little boy, but he knows a lot. 尽管他是个小男孩,但是他懂得很多。 For example 4a. Fill in the blanks with although, so that or until. 3. A: I’m worried about my school grades. What’s your advice? B: You shouldn’t wait _____ the last minute to study for a test. until until: 肯定句 直到...为止 否定句 直到...才 你不应该等到最后一分钟才为考试而学习。 I will wait until he comes back.(主将从先) 我一直等到他回来为止。 I did't leave until he came back. 直到他回来我才离开。 For example 4a. Fill in the blanks with although, so that or until. 4. A: Mike is my best friend, but he always copies my homework. What should I do? B: ________ he’s your best friend, you should still tell him that copying others’ homework is wrong. Although 点拨:although 意为“尽管”but意为“但是”,两 者不能同时出现。句意“尽管他是你最好的朋友, 但是你仍然应该告诉他抄袭别人的左右是不对的。” 4b. Write one piece of advice for each problem. Then compare your advice with your partner’s and decide whether the advice is good or bad. 1. I’m very shy. Advice: __________________________________ _________________________________________ 2. My sister and I fight all the time. Advice: __________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Why don’t you join a club at school and make more friends? You could try to do more fun things with her so that you will like each other better and not fight so often. 4b. Write one piece of advice for each problem. Then compare your advice with your partner’s and decide whether the advice is good or bad. 3. My sister spends all evening on the phone. Advice: _________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Maybe you could encourage her to do other things, such as go to a movie with you. If you need to use the phone, maybe you could tell her nicely and say that you need to use the phone for a short while. 4b. Write one piece of advice for each problem. Then compare your advice with your partner’s and decide whether the advice is good or bad. 4. My cousin borrows my things without returning them. Advice: _________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Maybe you should tell him nicely how you feel about it and ask him if you could have your things back when he doesn’t need them anymore. 4b. Write one piece of advice for each problem. Then compare your advice with your partner’s and decide whether the advice is good or bad. 5. My parents won’t let me have a pet. Advice: _________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Perhaps they don’t think you will look after the pet yourself. Why don’t you try convincing them that you will be responsible and take care of the pet yourself? 4c. Choose one of the problems and ask your classmates for advice. Decide which classmate has the best advice. Problems You left your homework at home. Your best friend is more popular than you. You speaking in front of people. Your best friend does not trust you any more. You parents always argue. 4c. Choose one of the problems and ask your classmates for advice. Decide which classmate has the best advice. A: My best friend is more popular than me. I want to be like him. What should I do? B: You could try to be friendlier. C: You should just be yourself.

资料: 3.2万


