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1.morning [ˈmɔːnɪŋ] n.早晨;上午;开端 例句: Good morning. 用法: 1. this morning 今天早上 Did you really feel ill this morning? 今天早晨你真的感到身体不适吗? 2. on cold morning 在寒冷的早晨 He is loath to get out of bed on cold morning. 在寒冷的早晨他讨厌起床。 3. from morning till night 从早到晚 The people next door play their radio from morning till night. 邻居从早到晚开着收音机。 练习:英译汉 1.It was five o'clock in the morning. 2.She may have gone out now, so I will telephone her in the morning. 3.He is busy from morning till night 答案: 1.那是在早上五点钟。 2.她现在可能已经出去了,我明天早晨再给她打电话。 3.他从早忙到晚。 2.nice 英[naɪs]美[naɪs] adj.好的;美妙的;友好的;令人愉快的;精细的 例句: Nice to meet you. 用法: 1.用作定语~+ n. We're thinking of moving and we looked over a couple of nice houses at the weekend. 我们想换个地方住,周末我们去看了几栋漂亮的房子。 It was the third nice and long lecture that he delivered this week. 这是他本周作的第三次冗长的演讲了。 2.用作表语 S+be+~ I really don't know which to choose, because they are both very nice. 我真不知道该选哪一个,因为两个都很漂亮。 The bathroom would look much nicer if the pipes were boxed in. 如果把这些管子嵌入墙内,浴室就会好看多了。 练习:英译汉 1.It's a nice day today. 2.I brought her a very nice present from Soochow. 答案: 1.今天天气很好。 2.我从苏州给她带来一件美妙的礼物。 3.you [ju] pron.你;你们;(泛指)任何人 例句: Nice to meet you. 用法: 1.作主语或者宾语 Can you tell me the nearest way to the station? 你能告诉我去火车站最近的路吗? I thought she told you. 我以为她告诉你了。 It was absurd of you to do such a thing. 你做那样的事是愚蠢的。 2.固定搭配 you name it 凡你能说得出的... if you please 随你便(如果你高兴的... 练习:英译汉 1.Do you speak English? 2.I shall await you at seven-thirty or thereabouts. 3.You must all listen carefully. 4.Do you have a room available? 答案: 1.你会说英语吗? 2.我将在 7 点 30 分左右等着你。 3.你们都必须仔细听着。 4.你们有空房间吗? 4. meet [miːt] v.遇见;满足 n.运动会;集会 adj.合适的 例句: Nice to meet you. 用法: 1.~+名词 meet an old friend 遇见一位老朋友 meet bill 付账 meet danger 遇到危险 meet need 满足需要 meet obligations 尽义务 meet problem 解决问题 meet qualifications 合格 meet sb's eye 与某人的目光相遇 meet sb's train 到火车站去接某人 meet situation 应付局面 meet specification 合乎规格 meet the emergency 应付紧急情况 2.~+副词 meet again 再次遇见 meet halfway 过早地担忧,半路迎接 meet accidentally 偶然遇见 meet bravely 临危不惧 meet casually 碰巧遇见 meet coincidentally 碰巧相遇 meet convivially 欢乐地聚会 meet fraternally 兄弟般地迎接 meet joyfully 高兴地迎接 meet solemnly 隆重地迎接 meet surreptitiously 秘密会谈 meet temperately 适当地迎接 meet traditionally 传统地相会 meet up 偶然碰到 3.~+介词 meet as strangers 像陌生人一样相见 meet at 在…见面 1.They could hardly make both ends meet and their debts were piling up. 他们很难收支相抵,因而债台高筑。 2.The Debating Society meets every Friday at 8 pm. 辩论会每周的星期五下午 8 时开会。 3.Have you met him? 你见到他了没有? 4.If we go this way, we shall probably meet him. 如果我们从这条路去,我们也许会遇到他。 练习:英译汉 1.We write regularly but seldom meet. 2.Their hands met. 3.Congress will meet next month. 4.The whole school met to hear the speech. 5.I met one of my friends in the street yesterday. 答案: 1.我们经常通信,却很少见面。 2.他们的手相触。 3.国会将于下月开会。 4.全校师生集合听演讲。 5.昨天,我在街上遇见一个朋友。 5.her [hə(r)] pron.她(宾格) adj.她的 abbr.纹章术;纹章学(=heraldry) 例句: What’s her name? 用法: 1.作宾语 He was able to be cold about her now. 他现在对她可能有些冷淡。 Give her the book. 把书给她。 2.做形容词性物主代词 I accepted her view without any reservations. 我毫无保留地同意她的看法。 练习:英译汉 1.That's her book. 2.Give her the book. 答案:1.那是她的书。2.把这本书给她。 6.first [fɜːst] adj.第一的;最初的 adv.首先;第一 n.最初;(序数词)第一 例句: My first name is Jim. 用法: 1.~+名词 first aid 急救 first importance 头等重要 first light 天刚亮时 first name 名字 first person〔place, time〕 第一人称〔名,次〕 first principles 基本原理 2.动词+~ stand first in the class 在班上名列第一 1.I'm the first in our village to go to university. 我是我们村第一个上大学的。 2.When we first lived here there were no buses. 我们最初住在这里的时候,没有公共汽车。 练习:英译汉 1.The first is better than the second. 2.This second event was contemporary with the first. 3.First, let me deal with the most important difficulty. 4.Modern music was first developed in Italy. 答案: 1.第一个比第二个好。 2.第二个事件和第一个事件发生在同一时代。 3.首先,让我来处理最为重要的问题。 4.现代音乐最初是在意大利发展起来的。

资料: 1207


