仁爱英语七年级下册 仁爱英语七年级下册短语总汇教案

仁爱英语七年级下册 仁爱英语七年级下册短语总汇教案





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仁爱英语七年级下册 仁 爱英语七年级下册短语总 汇 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“仁爱英语七年级下册 短语总汇”的资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对 92to.com 的支持! 64. A smart girl 65. She is great! 66. Can`t fly a kite 67. Work along 68. Grammar focus 69. Useful expressions 70. Project 71. Work in groups 72. Check the answers 一个聪明的女孩 她太棒了! 不能放风筝 独立练习 语 法重点 习惯用语 课题探究 分组活动 检查答案 Topic 3 We had a wonderful party 1. How was Kangkang`s birthday party?康康的生 日聚会怎么样? 2. It was very fine 非常好 3. Sing a song at the party 在聚会上唱歌了吗? 4. A Chinese song 一首中文歌曲 5. An English song 一首英语歌曲 6. You speak Chinese very well 你的汉语非常好 7. Recite a Chinese poem 朗读汉语诗了吗? 8. Performed magic tricks 表演魔术 9. Did Kangkang enjoy himself? 康康玩得高兴 吗? 10. Played the piano 弹钢琴 11. Danced the disco 跳迪斯科 12. Recited a Chinese poem 朗诵汉语诗 13. Performed magic tricks 表演魔术 14. Performed kung fu 表演功夫 15. Sang a song 唱一首歌 16. Magic playing 魔术表演 17. Japanese song 日本歌曲 18. It`s your turn 现在轮到你了 19. What`s the matter? 怎么啦? 20. Missed the chair 没坐到椅子 21. Fell down 摔倒了 22. Poor Michael 可怜的迈克尔 23. Did you hurt yourself? 你摔伤了吗? 24. Hurt oneself 伤着某人自己 25. I`m OK 我还好 26. Look at your hands 看你的手 27. Go and wash them at once 马上去洗一洗 28. Where is the washroom? 洗手间在哪里? 29. This way, please 请走这边 30. Fell down 摔倒 31. Washed his hands 洗手 32. Hurt himself 伤了他自己 33. Missed the chair 没坐到椅子 34. Couldn`d stand up 不能站起来 35. Was OK 还好 36. Played a game 玩游戏 37. What time 什么时间 38. Come back 回来,回到 39. Come back home 回家来 40. Come back to school 回到学校 41. At about half past ten 大约十点半 42. You were not at home 你不在家 43. At that time 那时 44. Play video games 玩电子游戏 45. Go to the movies = see a movie 到电影院去,去看电 影 46. Lie to sb = tell a lie to sb 对某人撒谎 47. It was wonderful 电影非常精彩 48. Tell me the truth 跟我说实话 49. Went to Alice`s home 去了艾丽斯家里 50. Talk about 谈论 51. Musical Chairs 抢椅子 52. Had a birthday party for Kangkang 为康康举办了 生日聚会 53. Last Tuesday 上个星期二 54. Bought a lot of food and drinks 买了许多食物和饮 料 55. Each of us 我们每个人 56. Gave Kangkang a birthday 给了康康一张生日贺卡 57. Made the card by hand 手工制作贺卡 58. A big birthday cake 一块大生日蛋糕 59. Sit around 坐在--- --- 周围 60. Sat around the cake 围坐在蛋糕旁 61. Make a silent wish 默默许个心愿 62. Blow the candles out = blow out the candles 吹灭蜡 烛 63. In one breath 一口气 64. Everyone had a good time 大家都玩得很高兴 65. Some other friends 一些其他的朋友 66. The music was good 音乐非常好听 67. The food was delicious 食物也非常可口 68. Thank you for your birthday 谢谢你的生日卡片 69. Had a wonder party 举行了一次精彩的聚会 70. Best wishes 最美好的祝愿 71. Have a big dinner 吃一次大餐 72. What special food did you eat? 你吃过什么对特别 的食物? 73. What presents did you get? 你收到了什么礼物? 74. Happy Birthday 生日快乐

资料: 1.1万


